

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hi all. I was MIA yesterday. I had my flu shot Monday and then just didn’t’ feel well yesterday, so I went home right after work. Better today I think it was just a little inflammatory response. Today is gorgeous; I think we will have record crowds for candy tonight. Today was the candy-throwing class. I have a game called “magic words” and when I say certain words, the first person to raise a hand gets a piece of candy thrown at them. It’s pretty silly but you’d be surprised how much college students are like grade school kids!!! :laugh: Since it is Halloween, I also made them say “Trick or treat’ when they raised their hands. So our classroom today was boisterous and noisy! Good thing we are by ourselves in the basement! I am exhausted though. Used to be teaching would really energize me; now it’s about all I can do to get through 4 hours. UGH.

    More good news; I had gained 3.5 pounds in my 2 weeks of being away and eating out, but today I lost 2.5 of those pounds! :happy: So that makes me feel better. Last night when I went home before falling into bed I pulled off my pants and though “Oh crap…those are kind of tight!” When I got up for dinner I hung them up and realized I hadn’t unzipped or unbuttoned them! :bigsmile:

    (I started this post at work and now it’s evening time). The old man (Smokey the cat) looks great according to the vet, no tooth infection, but he does say that root needs to come out, so they took blood and we’ll get the results tomorrow. If all looks good, we’ll get it pulled and his other teeth cleaned while we are in there. Doggie lab came back nearly normal…only 1 value 3 points high, so we get to stop 2 of his meds…victory! They are SO expensive. :laugh:

    Liz: hooray for the weight loss!::happy:

    DeeDee: that is so funny that we keep misreading “cals”!!! I ‘m not really off work, just don’t have clinical for about 3 weeks. Glad your daughter was not at the Walmart.

    Linda: your mid East adventures sound so much fun. I have always been fascinated with that part of the world and wish it were safe to travel there. Your carpal tunnel sounds like it’s causing quite a lot of problems. My friend who has the same job as you (or did til she just retired) has terrible arthritis in her left second finger only. It is weird.

    Lila (and Robin): dog limping! My old dog, long gone kept getting in a landscaped area and trampling everything. So DH was talking to our neighbor over the fence and said to alert him when the dog got on the landscaping. When she did, DH whirled around and threw a piece of mulch at her and hit her right on the right paw. She started howling and limping and holding her right leg up. I got really mad and was yelling because I thought he really hurt her. She watched us for a while, then when we quit arguing, we looked down and she started whining and crying again, this time holding up her LEFT leg. From then on any time she got in trouble, some random leg would come up and she would limp for a day. OMG :laugh:

    Nancy: I’d say your earned your shoes! Good job!

    Laura: sorry you are having some job frustration right now. I hope it gets straightened out soon. :flowerforyou:

    Janehadji: so glad you have learned to control your eating when you are hurt and feeling vulnerable. My first husband was both verbally and physically abusive, so I know how hard that can be sometimes. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope this storm blows over soon for you. :flowerforyou:

    JB: glad you had a good trip, had a nice time with mom, and came home safely. I can’t stand those doctors who only want to medicate everyone.

    Carol: so nice to see you again. I was thinking you had been gone for a while?

    DMom: what a great visual! Thanks for posting that. You are so right.

    Deborah: glad most everything at the cardiologist was normal. The dietician will help you with carbohydrates and tracking here is a good idea too.

    Rose: welcome to our group. BY now I’m sure others have answered your questions. Just keep coming back and hit “reply” to add another post. When we get to about 500 posts, Barbie locks the thread and starts a new one. To find it go to the very end of the old post and click the link.

    Tigress: good for you on your lab work. Keep up the good work!

    Jolene: you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope things work out. A really good site to get medical information for the lay person is mayoclinic.com You can search any disorder there. If you want me to get you some more information, send me an email and I’ll look into it for you. :flowerforyou:

    Well ladies I think I have missed half of you. Now I am being besieged by little hob-globlins trick-or-treating. So I guess I’ll sign off for now. Take care, Meg :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    HELLO!!!! Home again. Oh I love to be at home. Got a lot accomplished in just a few days but.............I'm really so tired I can't think straight.

    See you in November. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Jolene-prayers headed your way, hoping it is the lesser of the evils:heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Jolene:flowerforyou: sending prayers your way!!!!

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i will be praying for you! hope the outcome will be the lesser one, and that all will go well! Remember~ HE always goes before us, so He already knows the outcome; even when we don't know what to ask for or say. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    hang in there, honey~ it WILL work out! :happy:

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went to yoga, then deep water, then bought gas then got Vince' prescription and came home. The guy from the pool co. wasn't going to come until later, so I went to bowling. There were quite a few people out (well, it IS halloween). Usually our team has 4 on it, today we were bowling a team with one player blind (the player wasn't there) and one of our players blind, so I got out quite early. Wish we'd always have only three on a team. I'm going to suggest that because sometimes you wait and wait and wait and it takes almost 4 hours to get thru three games! I've been snacking on the Halloween candy, but really I'm surprising myself how very little of it I want.

    I found this white sweet potato but I couldn't get it past Vince. So I'll finish it. I told him it was a red potato (well, the skin WAS red and it was a potato, I just accidentally on purpose omitted the word "sweet")

    DeeDee - Bryan is in Bordeaux. Vince took me to the shooting range once about a year ago. I had his glock. I consider myself a complete success, I shot the gun and didn't hit the ceiling or the floor. To me, that was a success. We took a sheriff's citizen academy a few years ago and one of the things we got to do was go to the shooting range that the sheriff's get to use. I shot a (was it) MP-4. Now THAT was cool! There wasn't any kickback but it was an automatic weapon. Wish we could get an automatic one, now that would be so so cool. Congrats on the great loss

    My cousin called today to tell me her S(on)IL dropped dead. He was 50, he'd just had a hernia removed and had just come home from the hospital. The visiting nurse said that he was doing so well. The nurse left, my cousin came upstairs and found him slumped over the tub. They're going to do an antopsy, but I would guess that a blood clot broke off.

    Tomorrow I'll do a Bob Harper DVD (weights) then we have a lunch with the Newcomers. Don't know if we'll go because the guy who was to powerwash for the pool was here but has to come back tomorrow to really scrub the concrete. So we might not go.

    Nancy - you make me wish that I were your student! Love to hear of all you do with them. They're so lucky to have you

    Deborah - So far I haven't made my own beef jerky only because I'm concerned that I wouldn't get all the fat off the beef and it would go rancid. I do like the jerky from the Buffalo Guys, doesn't have a lot of "additives". So glad all your lab work was AOK and hope you find out about the insulin resistance or carb intolerance. Sorry you fell but glad you got right back up and nothing happened (other than a bruised ego)

    I've never experienced MFP recalculating my calories, wonder what triggers that? I didn't even know that they did it!

    Rose - welcome! Come back often

    jane - how wonderful your son popped in! You have no idea how crazy I was going worrying about my son. To know that I couldn't even go to see him. Like if Jessica (she's in VA) didn't for whatever reason call us for an extended period of time, I wouldn't at all put it past me to drive to VA. But I couldn't very well fly to France just to see if he was OK. But from what it appears, Vince sent him an email basically telling him that I was really worried, how we've been trying or 6 weeks to get in touch with him, left messages and he's never gotten back to us. He told Jessica that he was busy, but Vince just said "come on, no one is so busy for 6 weeks that they can't spare 10 minutes". When I asked him why we hadn't heard from him, he gave a lame excuse about how his hot water heater wasn't working....right, and that take 6 weeks to fix? I don't think so.....

    Got the results of my bone density scan. Seems I'm A LITTLE (very little) bit better than I was last year. Still have osteoporosis. I usually get the Reclast infusion in Jan or Feb but I remember that last year there was A LOT of insurance red tape so I've started the process now. Watch. Evidentally this MD office is much more efficient, so I probably won't have the problems I had last year with insurance. Plus....I will be able to get the infusion at a place closer to me, I would rather go here than to the hospital, which is where I've had to go for the last 2 years. The parking there is atrocious!

    Tigress - Yippee, horray, yea for the A1C!!!

    jolene - you falling into that bush reminded me of the episode on "Desperate Housewives" where Terri Hatcher fell into the bushes right as the guy she had her eyes on walked by! I will be praying for you. Tell us everything. Especially if you can't tell your family. Get things off your chest, we're here and since we've been exercising, we have extra big shoulders!

    Not been very good this year with the Halloween candy. I did pretty well last year, but not so good this year. I have a feeling that we won't get as many trick or treaters, so I told Vince that any unopened bags of candy, we can return to the store or else I'll give it to the soup kitchen.

    meg - last year I had a horrible reaction to my flu shot. I was so achey, had the chills, etc. Now this year I didn't have any reaction at all except for a bit of soreness at the injection site. Congrats on the fantastic weight loss!

    jolene - another good site for medical info for the lay person is webMD

    I can't believe we have had record low amounts of kids for trick or treat. Well, it's cold outside, the pool made it so that we don't have any decorations up and we usually decorate BIG TIME. Well, the soup kitchen will be getting a big donation tomorrow.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Jolene__praying for you!!!
    jane m
    Hubby did join health club and had a great time with Violet who is 4.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Jolene, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait for your results. I'm sending emotional strength your way...

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I learned about “find it and fix it” dinners from a friend who was a single mom to teenagers….I adapted it for Jake and me…..he has learned to love it….I shop for foods he likes so he can make things that I don’t like and I can make things he doesn’t want to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, welcome to our family. You joined just by posting. Come back every day and read what others have written then write a reply……you can comment on what others have said, ask a question, or just share what’s going on with you…..now that you’ve posted, this thread will show up under “My Topics” so you can find us easily.

    :flowerforyou: Jolene, I’m thinking positive thoughts for you…..we are the family you can share your concerns with….we have big shoulders

    :flowerforyou: We had a Halloween party at line dance today……I wore my pumpkin costume again….we danced a few dances to spooky songs and had snacks during the break…..i got to teach one dance.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: be on the lookout for the link to the November thread....I'll post it soon.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for October (with end of the month comments)
    *yoga once a week----didn’t do it at all
    *walk with hubby three times a week ---I ask but he hasn’t found it convenient
    *say “OK”---be agreeable ----doing well with this
    *stay in the moment ---doing very well
    *Be Barbie----great

  • holylucy
    Hi Ladies - hope you have room for one more! :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi Ladies - hope you have room for one more! :smile:

    welcome....we're happy to have you join our family......be watching for the new thread for November and join us there and tell us about yourself.:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am headed for bed early so I'm posting the new thread for November now.

    It is always so great to get up the first morning of the new month and read all the posts with new goals and new enthusiasm......a new month is a clean page on the calendar and a chance for new beginnings.

    Here is the link

  • holliwood322
    holliwood322 Posts: 92 Member
    :cry: :cry: :cry: your story is sad and touching, but a new beginning. thanks for sharing those intimate thoughts. cleansing in and of itself. congrats to you and your success. and i guess our age after all this didn't help at all in the weight loss story. :sad: :huh: you keep it up, girl~~ proud of ya!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies,

    @Jolene praying for you sending you Hugs! :flowerforyou:

    @Barbie,-- thank you for all that you do keeping this thread going. I am looking forward to November and will be back with my goals for it.

    @Lin welcome back from your travels
    @Meg-- hey we all get busy and at times a little MIA.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Jolene, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to you.

    Will be back later - crazy busy right now!

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Is this going to work? I didn't see a link for the November thread. I had to go search for why everyone was praying for Jolene.
    Jolene - add me as a prayer Warrior. That is such a scary thing to go through? Can't believe you have to wait until Decmeber for more tests. My heart goes out to you!!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all. I am at my daughter's this week with the four grands 24/7 (yes, over Hallowe'en and we even made it out in costume!) but have not had a lot of time to check in or read. I did notice that there are a couple of concerns out there.
    So Jolene, I want you especially to know that my prayers are with you today, and this next month, as you wait for more results. I pray for peace and strength, and if the Great Physician sees fit, healing, and for wisdom for the doctors. Be strong, girl!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    oops, it's not Oct anymore :blushing: copied and pasted into the Nov thread
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    SPECTACULAR garden!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    where are you located? (just curious) :blushing:

    janie :heart: