

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good Saturday morning to all of you…
    Today is drizzling, raining- somewhere in between. The leaves are calling my name so I guess I’ll go out and get damp (I plan on having a nice hot shower when I’m finished – something to look forward to).

    Mary – the weight box really is a graphic representation of the weight we carried isn’t it? Have fun on the bike ride. I think mine are over for the season. And I didn’t get enough of them in anyway. It seemed like it wasn’t really exercise, or at least not the vigorous kind that I should have been doing. We have so many hills that it seems like you’re coasting most of the time (except for the last climb home).

    Meg – I hear you on the time crunch and motivation lack. October does seem to be overly busy. Your next couple of months sound very challenging – I know you will dig deep and find the energy – you are a very dynamic woman and I sense you always give your very best. Just remember “and this too shall pass”. :heart:

    Nancy – your blender sounds exciting. Green smoothies, just sounds healthy doesn’t it? Maybe you can start growing your own wheat grass for them. Have you tried wheat grass? I’ve had it a few times when mall shopping, but I don’t think I would get addicted. It does make you feel like you’re doing something healthy and modern at the time though. Yes, it’s fall, I look south over the Beaver Valley and the mountains are totally obscured with cloud and the creek with fog – just a clear strip in the middle.

    Liz – You didn’t record exercise yesterday but it certainly sounds like you had some with all the dancing. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – I kept getting messages this morning that MFP server couldn’t be found. Maybe they were having maintenance or update issues.

    Amanda – index finger on the right hand – hmmm would that be your mouse finger by any chance? Oh my, a piece of wadding left in the bowel, your poor cousin. I am so glad they went back in and found it and I hope he is now on the road to recovery. Way too young to be so ill.

    Time to go, can’t put the yard work off any longer. Had a good solid brunch to get me fueled and am feeling energetic again, so don’t want to waste it. Hope you all have a happy day

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just happened on your thread and am wondering if I could be a part of your group. I'm definitely over 50 (actually I think I'm the oldest person on MFP 73). Love the support and encouragement you have for each other. Just wondering....
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I went to a funeral this morning for an older lady (88) who has been very good to me. When I first moved to Denver, she would invite me over for holidays until I made some friends. We've had an annual lunch together for the past 30 years. Adell was tiny (under 5' by a ways), but a real go-getter. She was a family law attorney who helped to pave the way for women -- the first female member of the Colorado Bar Association. An amazing lady who will be missed. (I skipped the funeral lunch and came home for a turkey sandwich instead -- good for me!).

    Jolene -- I liked your philosophy of "live it like you can look back on it." I need to be able to make choices that I won't regret in the future.

    2youngatheart -- It does sound like you have your plate full! I'm so glad that you're doing something that is important for you. I applaud your decision to go back to school, whatever it takes. Good for you! :smile:

    Glenda -- I've been having a lot of problems with MFP the past few days, as well. Wow! Busy is the word. It sounds like you're going to be running for the next couple of weeks, but I know that you'll make it through with flying colors.

    Barbie -- I loved the Halloween graphic! It was so nice of you to teach the line dancing for your friend. I've gotten the impression that you really enjoyed it, as well -- what could be better than helping a friend, getting exercise and having fun at the same time? :happy:

    Michele -- Golden Corral is my parents' favorite restaurant. My only real problem with buffet restaurants is that I tend to eat too much there, as I need to have "a little taste of this and a little taste of that!" And it's hard to pass on dessert that is included and right under your nose....

    Kate -- What a frightening experience -- I'm not surprised that you want to dive in clear water. Kudos to you for having the strength to go into the water at all. You're such a strong woman in so many ways!

    Lila -- I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, and even up to raking leaves in the drizzle! I always enjoy reading your posts.

    Meg -- I wrote my thoughts on motivation on your wall, so won't repeat them here. It sounds like you've taken on a lot over the next couple of months, but I have confidence that you'll be able to do it all amazingly, and even lose a few pounds along the way! :flowerforyou: My husband is Persian, and came here from Iran when he was 17 years old. I can cook almost all of the Persian foods, which I do quite often. I agree that it's delicious! Which do you like best? I think that the coffee they sometimes serve is Turkish coffee (strong, dark stuff in tiny cups). The Persians, like the English, are known for drinking tea several times a day.

    Nancy -- I've seen the immersion blenders and wondered how well they would work. They remind me of the milkshake blenders in restaurants, so I guess I didn't think they could grind up spinach, etc. I may have to try one now that I know better!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Just happened on your thread and am wondering if I could be a part of your group. I'm definitely over 50 (actually I think I'm the oldest person on MFP 73). Love the support and encouragement you have for each other. Just wondering....

    The group is called "Women Ages 50+" so I guess that means you qualify! Welcome!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat!!
    Baby and mom went home today.Wish they lived closer.It`s a 2hour drive 1 way.So Grandma will have to settle for pics for now.
    Did see her yesterday.Hubby is working all different hours,welcome to retail.So not sure when we will see her.But Tues and Wed I`ll see Violet.
    Still having issues with my back,pt was all about back therapy and treatment.Knee is doing great.
    Hope everyone has a great week-end!!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Janemartin - 2 hours isn't such a long drive for grandbaby hugs!! (when she's older of course)

    Ok, I have to admit it. I am a candy addict. Seriously, I think I am. So, saying that, I have to admit that Halloween is the toughest of all holidays for my eating. Today I had one mini charlston chew, a mini butterfinger and 2 maryjanes. Doesn't sound awful but the kids haven't trick or treated yet. This is what I get for having two mid-life crises children. There have been at least two other times I was in the middle of a successful weight loss and Halloween was the beginning of he end. I will NOT let that happen this year.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Thoughts and prayers to all in the path of the upcoming storm! Stay safe!

    First year ever that all the Halloween candy bought is stuff NONE of us will be tempted to eat!:bigsmile:

    Dropped a top size!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: And another NSV-walked around grocery store without having to lean/hold on to cart for support!:smile:

    Burned a good amount of calories cleaning up leaves and walking but did not eat good today.:frown:

    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Cheryl - right now we live in Newton, NC (about an hour NW of charlotte). Moved from Kennett Square, PA about 5 years ago.

    barbie - those tricep pushups can be real killers -- I hand it to you

    Amanda - so glad they found the cause of your cousin's septicamia. Will keep him in my thoughts

    Liz - so glad you had such a great time at the party. Sounds wonderful!

    Meg - all that we're paying for regarding the pool is complete. Now it's lots and lots of work for Vince and I. It's a little too cool to go swimming right now, but tonight Jessica wants to go into the spa. I don't think I'd go in if she didn't want to. Not with the ambient air temp so cool. But we do have the heater on the spa so hopefully, it'll warm up in the next hour or so.

    Nancy - your smoothies sound very good. I had the Polar F7 (or is it FT7?). One thing I found was that you really couldn't turn it off, so the battery wore down much faster. I will admit, the chest strap was quite comfortable. My Cardiosport that I had previously was one large piece of plastic, and at times it would have a hard time reading if I didn't get it on my chest just right. I also found that Polar isn't real good customer-service-wise. Their manual is on the net, you just get this rinky dink book with your monitor. I'll have to check into yours

    Went to the last farmers market for the season. To my surprise, there was the last bit of red okra, which I bought. I also got the last of the purple potatoes. Someone had this sweet potato but it isn't orange, it's white. I'm going to try cooking it and mashing it up (no skin) to see if I can get it past Vince

    suebdew - welcome, so glad to have ya. Just jump right on in.

    janehadji - so sad abaout your friend. Sounds like you have wonderful memories and she was such a special person. Good for you having that turkey sandwich

    Went to the farmer's market then did an hour of yoga, then went to Lowe's Hardware to get more Ground Clear. All they had at our Lowe's was the ready-to-use (normally I get the concentrate) so I bought that. Vince had me go to Hickory to the other Lowe's where I exchanged them for 6 bottles of the concentrate. He got a bit upset at me for spending all that money, but I just told him that I want to have it in case I needed it and I can always return the unused stuff. Stopped at the Lowe's Food Store just to get his frozen dinners that are on sale and the chicken nuggets that I like. Made brownies for Jessica to take home with her and then a meatloaf that we'll have later in the week. Actually, we had some of it for dinner tonight, I had some corn on the cob and a ptoato which I divided between Jessica and Vince, I had spaghetti squash. I'll finish it yet....lol! I'm thinking that I'll make some of a triple chocolate cheesecake, the guy to do a good clean of the pool is supposed to be here next week and I want to have something for him. I remember that last year I put it in a 9 x 13 pan but can't remember if I needed to adjust the time. If I put it into a pan, I can then just cut it into squares.

    Did an hour of yoga today, tomorrow I'll do an hour of balance games on the Wii. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Just got out of the spa, it's so relaxful. Wonder how I'll get things done next summer? Still haven't read the paper from this a.m.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's been a nice Saturday,

    Hubby and I have had a good day got our workouts in early then did our running around grocery shopping. Both of us reading labels as we go me checking sugar, carbs, sodium and calories and hubby checking carbs. It does take a bit longer to shop but we do come home with the foods we want. Tomorrow I will spend the day cooking and prepping the work weeks meals while hubby is at work.

    Today I started Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shed. I started at Level 1 and am hoping I'm not too sore tomorrow. I will take my starting pictures tomorrow and we will see if it really does change the body the way others have said. I'm hoping.

    So one thing that happened this week that caused me to realize how much I've lost ...one day while pulling up my pants and realized that I had pulled them up without zipping them...being able to pull my pants over my hips with out unzipping :noway: these pants were ones that when I started I couldn't get over my thighs never mind trying to get them over my back side:blushing: It's so much more fun to see what clothes fit each day.

    I have read everyones posts but I'm just about ready for bed so maybe tomorrow if I get out of the kitchen I'll see how you all are doing.

    Night all. Keep up the good fight. Keep logging your food, your exercise and drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • scompton54
    Just checking in after a several month's hiatus. I did write a fairly long post but in the first part of this thread, so it went into cyber space because I posted at the end of the first part of October. Silly me.

    Anyway, I stayed active for a lot of the summer but stopped tracking my food because I was away so much. I travelled a lot this summer and have to say that Newfoundland was wonderful and beautiful but I rather overdid it on trying out all the local cuisine but, it was worth it. I gained about 7 pounds this summer but I did manage to get my kayak 1 certification and bought a used kayak a couple of weeks ago though I will have to wait until the spring to try her out. I also did a lot of cycling but when Labout Day came, and school went back, my fitness program kind of ground to a halt. I got back to the gym this week, finally.

    I also bought my first pair of new skates in nearly 40 years today, and tried them out tonight. Man, the muscles around my shins are killing me, but I did go from hugging the boards to skating semi adequately in the hour we were on the ice. I also sent in cheques to my outdoor's club for all the X country ski trips I want to go on, so I have made that commitment as well.

    Tomorrow, I need to re-start yoga because I am feeling really stiff again and I find it helps a lot if I do it regularly.

    My big problem is finding balance. I've been going to a lot of cultural events (converts, films, theatre, book clubs), and school is really busy, and I have neglected my physical needs.

    I am going to try and check in regularly and will try and read all the posts though I may not respond to all of them.

    Anyway, it feels good to be back on track.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, I hope you enjoy Strong Women Stay Young as much as I do. I read the book in January and got started right away. It was the program I’d been looking for. I’ve modified my original program and add some weight to what I started with. I wish you great success.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, what brand of immersion stick blender do you have? I looked online and there are several brands.

    :flowerforyou: Sarah, it’s great to see you back…..your fitness plans are inspiring

    :bigsmile: another happy day----dog walking----a wonderful event with friends with vegetarian minestrone soup for lunch---weight training---more dog walking----riding the exercise bike while watching TV with Jake :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi my friend,
    I went to my orthopedic Md on Friday. I printed out my exercise and nutrition reports from MFP for him to see. He was very happy and said that he could tell that I lost weight and I looked much happier. So, that was a good visit. Just waiting to lose this weight to get my r knee replaced. I woke up last today. came and read the posts and made myself go to the gym right before work! I went by myself and I am glad that I went. No one is at the gym on the weekend so it was a nice quiet bike ride on the recumbent bike. I hope everyone will have a healthy and happy Sunday! Sending positive thoughts your way! Hugs , Linda:heart:

    Liz- This was the first time that I even thought about getting measured at Victoria secret. I so need bras, and with losing 35lbs I was hopeful I would fit into one. The do sell extenders for the back, which would of worked, but that’s not the issue. Ok, so in another 35lbs lost, I should be able to buy a bra there. My lovely younger DD told me, “Mom, You can’t buy bras at Victoria Secret, you have to buy your bras at Wal-mart” What a little stink bug! Lol Glad that the Halloween party was a success! Glad you danced your feet off, you made some lucky people very happy! God Bless you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Mwheatcraft54- thanks for the info on the carpet cleaner. I see them sold at costco, but storage would the issue for us, but we really need one with all the animals! So, glad that you did not lose your job. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I will think about that medium sized dog next time I am feeling depressed. :laugh: :laugh:

    Wessecg. Congrats on the 1.5lb loss that is great! Halloween candy, just add the calories and don’t make the same mistake as last time. We don’t want to have to come and visit you for the wrong reason! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Lin, that is a lot of hard work that you are doing for you Dads property. I am glad that you have someone to work with. I hope that makes it easier. So, you and I are in the same boat. The boat with no mirrors but a long and bright future! We are in this for the long haul. We will make this journey together with the other lovely ladies on here who want walk aboard! I am with you too on that I am going to keep doing what I am doing and move forward not making the same mistakes! Tally Ho! Onward we go! :bigsmile:

    Laura80111- my daughter got a screaming deal at Victoria Secret. They send out those coupons in the mail. She got one bra, $10.00 off the second bra, a free pair of panties and a free stadium blanket,,,plus a $15.00 gift card. Now, that was a screaming deal. Nice story about you r pants and the zipper. That must have made you feel so good! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Janehadji- I am the same, I feel young so my face doesn’t match the way I feel. I guess that is just called acceptance of aging! The Middle East, well I was in my mid 20’s living in Portland. Oregon. I had moved up there to be closer to by boyfriend who had gotten an anesthesia residency at the teaching hosp in Portland. I can’t remember how long it was into the relationship, but I caught him leaving at night to go sleep with another woman. So, I did not stay around. I had been working in the Emergency room in Portland and a paramedic was sending post cards from his travels in the Middle East. So, I contacted him to find out how he was doing so much traveling. I contacted the American cooperation he was working for in Saudi Arabia. I went to the phoenix office and signed up and went to work In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as a RN. We were given 1 months vacation per year, so this is how I did all of my world traveling. I wanted to travel more, so after 3 years in the emergency room I decided to join their Air Lines and worked as a flight attendant. It was a fun job and a nice break from nursing. I did not make it to Iran. It was one of the greatest things that I did in my life. Jane- you were blessed to have met such a wonderful woman. Hopefully her values will live on in others that she touched in her life. Sorry, for your loss.:flowerforyou:

    Jolene- glad that you r swelling in your toe is better. Being on steroids is not easy, but as long as it is helping then that is good. I was not comparing myself to my daughter, but comparing myself to how I feel on the inside vs what I see on the outside! Thank you for the encouragement. The picture I have posted is from my mid thirtys. So, I do look much younger in that picture. If I can find a picture that I like of me that is the older me I will have to post that one! :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Mary –keep you the strength training and let us know how it goes! :flowerforyou:

    2youngatheart, c ongrats on the weight loss. Your are an amazing woman doing all that you want to do ! You go girl! :drinker: :drinker:

    Glenda- thank you for the words of encouragement too! 2 sacks of flour. Maybe, I need to buy some and put them out when I am feeling discouraged. You are certainly going to be busy as a Bee for the next couple of weeks. Make sure that you are taking of yourself each day! Have fun with you Mother and at the wedding.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy – glad that you love your job and I pray that the next temp job is waiting for you! Having a good physical therapist makes all the difference in the world. Hope you are having a nice weekend! Great news on the NSV and not leaning on the shopping cart. I can relate to the cart thing! :noway: :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Michele – thanks for the info about applesauce and prunes. So, that is just to use instead of oil, is that for butter too! Ok, I would love to be in a spa right now with a glass of chardonnay! Oh, maybe one day we will get a pool and a spa. I will live vicariously through you with the pool and spa! :laugh: :laugh:

    When I first started on MFP I didn't think I'd ever lose the weight.....my first NSV was when my underwear fit better, something only I could tell...one day at a time, putting one foot in front of the other, and checking in with this thread, the pounds came off and thanks to all of you, they are staying off.
    Thank you so much for this information. This helps me stay grounded and on track! Now, where did all these folk in the Pacific North West come from that they are so into line dancing? They must be transplants for else where! I am so glad that they have you to teach them. Do you have any bar in town that has line dancing for fun? :happy: :happy:

    Kate , so sorry to hear about you NYC trip being cancelled. Boo Hoo. I was brave in my twenties and it was always a group of us that would go night diving! Now that is a spookey thought about the arms of the trees reaching out for you! Yikes. Clear warm water is the best. The water was very clear it was just night. We were up against a wall of a coral reef and the open ocean was on the other side, so it felt very safe! I never saw a shark when I dove the red sea! :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :wink:

    Lila- now that is funny about the napkin trick. Kids so far apart but have a universal trick! When I had my bunion done at 18 is was due to a summer job where I wore a work boot that were too small for me in the width. I guess by the end of the summer my bunion was really sore. I don’t know if I could have been treated conservative or it was a money hungry podiatrist? I still have a side bunion on my l foot and 2 on my right foot. When God was handing out feet, he missed my mother and father! Good fun with all the planting of the bulbs. I just bought a bunch of stuff off of a company called Nuts.com. They have a great variety of organic nuts and trail mix etc. My DH takes trail mix when he is off hunting. I bought some organic cashew butter and some organic nuts. Yummy. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Amanda- now that is really scary that they left some dressing material in his abd. I hope that they are aware that is a serious mistake and have made corrections so that doesn’t happen to any other patient. I pray that he will recover, even if it is slow. :flowerforyou:

    Meg, my goal when I hit the second 35lb loss is to go back to Victoria Secret and do some shopping for me. It seems strange, but I did not grown up with the types of lingerie from VS being so in vogue. Who cared about bra’s and underwear! Boy, how times have changed, or society and money hungry marketers have changed what is so cool to wear! How old is DD#1? 19 or so. Maybe she needs to be a inpatient somewhere and get re-evaluated to find out what is really going on with her. I don’t or hope that she would not be that way on purpose? :noway: :noway:

    Nancy- loved your post. 15year olds are they quite lovely. I wrote a note to Jane and I told her what I was doing in the middle east, so just look up a few posts and you will find the story there! Nice description of your window view. Here still warm and windy near 90 degrees. Send some of that weather this way,please! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tigress, sorry to hear about your blood sugar , maybe you are starting to get sick or any infection can increase ones blood sugar? Any new meds, or maybe some hidden sugars or carbohydrates? It could be time for a medication change for you if you are on meds to help control your blood sugars? I am praying for you that all will be better. :flowerforyou:

    Suebdew- welcome, welcome, just jump right in! :wink: :wink:

    Jane-glad your knee is doing better. Now you have to get your back in track for all those grandbabies you get to hold and kiss chubby cheeks! :laugh: :laugh:

    Sarah, brave of you to go ice skating. I would be so afraid of falling that my body would break in half. Not something I can do with artificial joints. Good for you, I loved it as a child! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m wondering when I`m going to have a chance to slow down, this past week and so far this weekend has been totally crazy:grumble: . Got my new faucet installed on Friday, took all day to get it in, and last night I found I have a leak under the sink:sad: , my brother installed it and he`s coming by sometime this morning to check and see what the problem might be. I don`t have time for this...today is the Halloween party for the girls, and I still have so much to do:sad: :sad: :sad: . I just had 2 light bulbs burn out in my kitchen, the recessed lights and I have no extra bulbs, which means I have to go out and find some before the party...I also forgot to buy drinks for the little ones, the oldest wants root beer, the youngest wants milk, and I forgot to buy beer for SIL:frown: , I feel like the gremlins are out and about in my house at the moment:devil: . So....I`m going to try and post this, the last two mornings my posts have disappeared into thin air:huh: .

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    No tiara for me today, I have no time to meet my friends for coffee:sad: . So I will put on my witch hat and maybe scare the gremlins away!!!

    DeeDee....holding my breath this will post
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Spent yesterday helping DH get ready for Hurricane Sandy. We live in Southern MD so we expect heavy rain and winds. We have a generator if we lose power. Today I put a beef stew together in the crockpot, pumpkin custards in the oven and will make some apple crisp later. Wishing all on the east coast a safe time during this storm....

    No weight lost this week. I am not too discouraged as my eating and exercise habits have not been up to par for about two weeks. Hopefully the scale will start going down again soon as I regain focus....

    I took the sweet kitten to his forever home family on Wednesday. I was very sad Tigress...thanks for the love from you and your kitties. I know it will be okay for him but it was still hard...:cry::sad: :brokenheart: DH was supportive throughout the ordeal and sent me the sweetest e-mail with a picture of the kitten! Sorry for your blood sugars being so out of whack... Any extra stress this week? That can wreak havoc on your sugars also... Thinking of you and hoping the A1C will be good!!!

    Great group of ladies here...Thanks for everything and may your journey today and tomorrow find happiness!!

    Take care,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun!!
    Busy day.Church then cooking for our pot luck tonite for the Pastor appreciation dinner.
    Welcome newbies or anyone who has returned.
    Prayers for everyone who is having health issues or other issues.
    Enjoy your day!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    DeeDee- Hope you get the gremlins to leave! Enjoy the party with the girls- sounds like fun.

    All the discussions about VS brings to mind a trip to nyc and having my then not yet future DIL take me to her store for a bra fitting. For the first time in my life I had beautiful bras that fit properly. At first I was embarrassed, but it ended up being a day filled with lots of laughs and a new friendship as well as the most comfortable bras ever. The lady who waited on me was a close friend of Jenn and my son and wanted to work with me to find a way to get them married. She felt they were perfect for each other and she was right! We had a great reunion at my son's wedding last October. Having bras that fit properly changes the way you look and feel. Definitely worth it.

    To all on the east coast- Take care and be safe! At the moment it sounds like we will get winds of 50 to 80 mph (we live up in the hills, so probably close to the 80mph for us) and lots of rain. We are in the area they feel will have flooding, but won't affect our home because we are so high up.We just may not be able to get too far since the area off the hill may flood. We are all stocked up with water, easy to fix HEALTHY foods, candles, and batteries. We don't have a generator, but our gas fireplace will run-without the fan if we lose power. The earlier predictions were worse. Am concerned about family from NC, NYC, and NH.

    Everyone be safe and have a great day.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Good morning.

    Junekattz - NIght diving is the ultimate. We did a lot of it when I lived on Guam. Never say never.

    Laura - I know the experience of pulling my pants up without unzipping - I've been doing it for weeks now because I don't have any pants in the size I am (well, only 2 pair). But it's ok because I'm getting really close to the next size down.

    I decided today that once I get into the 150's I am going to start trying to tone it. I can do floor exercises but can't do anything requiring me to stand on my feet for extended periods. Although I can move on my feet, so maybe I could start doing step aerobics. Just standing in place does me in.

    One of my kids will go trick or treating in another neighborhood today. Time to test m y resolve.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    For those in the path of Sandy, batten down the hatchs and hold on. Praying you all come through well.
    On the blood sugars, I think I am stressing out on the doctors appointment. So I am trying to be a little more calm. and it is helping some. I am also eating smaller portions, and getting up from the design table and walking in place for two or three minutes every pair of earrings. :laugh:

    DH and I went to a halloween party last night and I was good, I stayed away from the wheat items,(crackers, buns, rolls, etc.) It was nice that they had a veggie plate and apple slices. Even though most of the people were way younger than us, it was fun. The hosts were from the prepper network we belong too. No, not like the crazy people from that show.

    Got to clean off my desk, and clean the office today, so I have a break from the studio, and will be in the house, which will make the cats happy. When I am in the studio, Danny sits in the window the whole time and stares at the studio. It's heart breaking:brokenheart:

    I understand the NSV on the underclothes fitting better, that was the first thing I noticed was I could go in a row on my bra snaps, boy I felt great.

    Well this desk is not getting clean by its self. BBL Tigress
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hello, My name is Lenore. I dont know how you keep up with this because I could sit here and read all day but I just wanted to check in. I enjoy reading everyones posts ; LOL about putting spinach in the blender and drinking a weird green smoothie for breakfast. There seems to be alot of camaraderie enjoyed here. I have been with MFP since Sept and really enjoying it with slow but consistent results due to my slow but consistent work! Nothing impressive but I did really well on a cruise that I went on , I think I gained a pound although I find that hard to believe since I thought I might have not gained at all or maybe half a pound but who knows just glad to be back on line and able to concentrate on this fully.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I have a tendency towards being a bit obnoxious (working on that!), and love to annoy my 20 year old son.

    Son: I'm going to a Halloween party tonight.
    Me: I could go with you, if you'd like. I have a costume!
    Son: Mom, you're twice the age of anyone who would be there.
    Me: That just means that I'm twice the fun!
    Son: Yeah. That's what I meant. You'd have to drink shots if you went.
    Me: Could I just sip on a wine shot? I'm sure you don't drink shots, do you?

    I wouldn't really go, of course -- I'd hate to miss my 10:30pm bedtime.

    Kathyszoo -- Nice NSV's!

    Laura80111 -- I can remember having the "pants without zipping" a couple of times in my life, but it's been a while. I look forward to the next incident!

    Linda Sundance -- What an adventure! It sounds like an awesome period in your life. Saudi would have been difficult, as women's rights there were about the worst in the Middle East. Did you have to live in a compound for foreigners? I have a new friend who just became a flight attendant at the age of 56. It would be a great way to travel again.

    DeeDee -- It sounds like Murphy's Law has kicked in for you! Things have a way of coming together, though, if we help them. I hope you have a wonderful party!