

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today like everyone has been a busy day. Work till about 6pm today than went straight from work to our midweek service at 7. Didn't plan to well forgot to pack a dinner so stop and got a subway wolf that down before church. Just walk in the door like 20minutes ago. So a little tired. Have caught up on the posts.

    @Michelle I am planning on using a mini muffin pan. Will let you know how it turns out.

    @Kathy-- How is the temp job going?

    @Lili your postive workshop sounded interesting.

    That isn't everyone sorry going to try to be in bed early. Tomorrow we are driving out and attempting to do a corn maze. I notice my group for tomorrow is not an easy one. So I will need to be well rested and on my toes.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi again,
    I have just been sort of lurking here all month. I do read everything and feel the pain, laughter, frustration and elation in all the posts.

    Weight loss has been going okay. I am usually down a pound a week...which is fine for me. I'm about 6 pounds from my goal, but I think my bmi is still way too high.

    My Fitbit died today. I will really miss it...for now. I emailed their customer service and they are going to send me a new one. I have heard before that they are a very good company when it comes to making sure the customers are satisfied.

    We are really hoping that my son gets home from Afghanistan next week. Nothing has been said for sure yet. Praying!

    It's going to be a very busy weekend, but I want to make sure I log food and water and read all the posts. And next week it's off to Phoenix for a teachers' conference. And hopefully some shopping. None of my clothes fit.:happy:

    Have a wonderful rest of the week. Eileen
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies

    Today is a damp and mizzly day in London - bring on the frizzy hair! Grrr!
    Yesterday I had my boob squish and will get the results back in a fortnight. At least that part is done.
    Afterwards I went to see my delicious grandtwins and had fun and giggles rolling about the floor with them. In the afternoon I went to visit my good friend who has breast cancer. She is in the middle of chemo and will be having a double mastectomy once that is done. It breaks my heart. She has two children under the age of ten and was due to emigrate to New Zealand after Christmas. They have abandoned that idea now.
    I don't know what is going on with my family - my son was rushed to a&e on Friday night because he was having trouble breathing. He has asthma and had a chest infection so they put him on a nebulizer for a while. Fortunately he is ok and home again. Then, on Saturday my brother in law was rushed into hospital because he was having problems with his heart - he has Atrial fibrillation and had to stay in for a couple of days while they adjusted his meds. In the meantime, his mum who had two heart valves replaced a fortnight ago was rushed back into hospital because her blood pressure had dropped dangerously low and they were seriously worried that she was going to die. She is not out of the woods yet, but we are keeping our fingers crossed.
    My cousin, who has a perforated bowel, has now developed septicaemia and is not doing well at all - he's only 34!
    Tomorrow my 17 year old nephew is having surgery on his knee. Once he's fully recovered from that he has to have surgery on his shoulder.
    Honestly, it's relentless!
    What a cheerful poster I am today! Well, I have to do some work so I will pop a smile on my face and get on with it.
    Catch up with you all soon.
    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don`t have a lot of time this morning, however today shouldn`t be as hetic as yesterday was, and I should be able to come back and to reply to more a bit later!

    Amanda:smile::flowerforyou: I`ll be keeping your family and friend in my prayers:flowerforyou: ! There is sure a lot going on for you righr now!!! Take a nice walk to help relieve some of the stress!!!

    Eileen:smile: Sure hope your son gets to come home soon!!!!!

    Liz:smile: Enjoy the corn maze today, that sounds like a lot of fun, as long as you don`t get lost!!!

    Micki:smile: Welcome home:flowerforyou: !!! Looking forward to hearing about your trip! Jet lag can be a real bear:frown: :yawn: !

    Kathy:smile: Glad the job is going good!!!! Yay for the PT in the pool!!

    Yesterday was so busy!!! My dinner last night was great, we went to a new place here in town and the food was wonderful, I got sesame encrusted salmon and it was served with spaghetti squash with feta cheese YUM! I also had two cocktails:bigsmile: , and they were so good!!!! However I also had two large glasses of water to go with them:laugh: !!! The salmon last night must have had the magic my salmon on Mon. night didn`t have, twice the magic, I`m down almost 2 pounds this morning!!!! Woo hoo!!! I`ve been doing a happy dance, which reminds me, Barbie:smile: I love the happy dance grapic!!! :smile: I must go and get this day started now, will hopefully be back a bit later and reply more!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I became a grandma today at 130.She weighed in at 8lbs 2 oz.
    her name is Princess Alliyah Rose.
    Violet wanted her to be named Rose.
    Can`t wait to meet her.
    Have a great day!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I became a grandma today at 130.She weighed in at 8lbs 2 oz.
    her name is Princess Alliyah Rose.
    Violet wanted her to be named Rose.
    Can`t wait to meet her.
    Have a great day!
    Congratulations! Make sure you get plenty of baby huggles x
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Congratulations!!! At first I thought you were saying you were 130 years old. Then I realized you meant 1:30 a.m. You must be tired. She sounds like a healthy baby girl. Don't forget to post pictures!!

    This morning I did another sneak peak at my scale. OMG. It shows a 2 pound loss for this week. I am soooo crossing my fingers that it says the same thing tomorrow morning. Maybe some exlax, and a haircut . . . .

    DeeDee - sesame encrusted salmon with spaghetti squash with feta cheese - Wow. I am going to have to try making that.

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    congratulations, Jane!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I am new to this thread and somewhat new to this site (joined 5 weeks ago). I am 53 and looking for supportive friends with a good sense of humour. Please add me. Thank you!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member

    Yesterday's circuit training was tough, and fun. :explode: I'm debating about doing my weight lifting routine today, before curling, or tomorrow, after school. I think, just think, my body might appreciate a rest day. We shall see.

    Thursday school day begins with PE, I'll get my heart rate going a bit there too. Two of my very non-athletic girls showed up at the Rec Center gym last week! They were mortified when they saw me there, but kept going anyway, playing with the weight machines and walking on the track. Good for them! I called them "gym rats" at school and they could not decide if they were thrilled or embarrassed. :laugh:

    Wessecg – I’m Canadian, didn’t realize the word “fellow” was a give away!

    Laura, I hope you’re getting caught up at work, the feeling of being buried in jobs is not a good one.

    Janehadji, I hope your foot gets better soon. I love Dansko pros – who cares if you look like you’re from Montana? :ohwell: It’s a great state.

    Shirataki noodles…the more I read the more I wonder. Just might have to try it.

    Robin, glad to hear you solved the Ritter mystery. DH loves his Kindle for the “large font” options too.

    Meg! :happy: “I did have two people tell me today how much better I’m looking and one former students wasn’t sure it was me” That’s an NSV if I ever heard one! :drinker: Can’t think of a better reason to “stay on the wagon”.

    Janehadji, What a challenge. What do your parents say? Do they support the idea of travel for you? Perhaps they’d share your excitement and it would give them a focus to “follow” you as you go.

    I’d suggest taking month long trips – rent an apartment in the city, the country of your choice and dig into the culture. We’ve done that several times in France, Spain and Italy. That way you don’t leave your parents for too long, and you can keep in touch via SKYPE and other amazing techie ways.

    The year my DH and I were 51 and J’boy was 12 we took off for a year of travel. It was the most wonderful experience ever. We went to Bejiing, took the train through Mongolia and across Russia, travelled through Eastern Europe to Turkey and Greece, spent two months in Spain, visited Morocco, Egypt and Jordan, spend six weeks in Sri Lanka and India, then came home via Italy and Germany. We rented apartments whenever we spent more than a week in one place and stayed in lots of great hostels and cheap hotels.

    Our next trip is the summer of 2014 – a month in Ukraine exploring DH’s family roots.

    Deb A: I started out following the New Rules Of Lifting For Women routine, had to stop when I had foot surgery. Started again with New Rules Of Lifting For Life because the routine allows me to choose between exercises so I can avoid things my foot won’t tolerate. Middle school math! Oh my.

    Congratultions, Jane on the new grand-baby.

    Amanda, :flowerforyou: So sorry to hear all your poor health news. Kind thoughts and prayers coming your way.


    October goals:
    Try a different drop-in exercise class at the Rec Centre - Yikes, less than a week to make it happen.
    Re-start New Rules of Lifting for Life - done
    Go for a walk with Buster-the-Dog four days a week - Oh dear
    Stay positive when folks get negative at work, surround myself with positive people. :happy:
    Count my blessings! :love:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Almost the weekend (almost the weekend . . .) – ah. Getting up earlier so I have time to get more done, so this morning completed yoga first thing, then shampooed the carpets. OMG what a mess! DH likes to plop himself into “his” end of the couch, and the floor around *that* area is filthy! Spills, suspicious grimy marks on either side of the footrest where he braces his feet before plopping into his seat . . . grr. My friend who just did her carpets threatened to move her family into camping gear outside – it’s looking more and more tantalizing. Anyway, I removed some of the dirt and grime and hopefully they’ll stay nice for the next couple of months, through the holidays.

    Last night I sat and peeled the apples and made a big pot of applesauce, no sugar. DH LOVES applesauce on everything (a little odd, but I love him anyway :love:). I saved some apples for pie – but now need to try to find a lighter version of apple pie :smile:.

    We’re expecting to get hit or at least sideswiped by Hurricane Sandy, fronted by a storm already in the area. Looks like it’s going to be a cold, rainy weekend and week coming up. Joy. Welcome to the winter!

    BK2france, welcome and come back often.

    Cheryl, isn’t it funny what we’re willing to forgo in favor of what we want? I would much rather live in a small house and have a big yard with gardens and landscaping. Fortunately, there’s not usually something I covet other than living in a place where I can grow lots with few bugs :smile:. Congratulations on your NSV!!!

    Laura, DH and I notice what a difference it makes to our calorie “bank” each day if we exercise or don’t – it’s pretty big incentive to us to try to work it in so we can eat more than the bare minimum! DH frequently insists we go out for our walk so he can have ice cream later lol :smile:.

    JaneH, hooray for DH remembering to do something about the car! Enjoy the snow – I can’t wait. We’ll be out for Thanksgiving, so I’m hoping you have quite a bit. :smile: Aren’t feet tricky? Our family is prone to bunions and a couple members have had them removed. I try to just suffer with mine, but they can cause quite a bit of pain. How frustrating that you had the surgery, and then you get more issues! We have the Dansko headquarters here where I live – they have a great outlet. I get DS’s shoes for cooking (he’s a chef) there. They do look a little dorky, but from what I understand people who are on their feet a lot, like cooks or teachers, swear by them.

    Lin, how sad about your friend’s puppy. I would be crushed. Thanks for the info on the noodles – I already knew they weren’t my fav, so now I know why :wink:.

    Robin, DH better be in the doghouse now! My DH tends to regard animals in the house as lower than anyone or anything else, including his own personal desires, so I could see him refusing to let the dogs out . . . and getting the same result, then getting mad at the dogs. There’s a reason I won’t let him get more animals. Poor doggie. It bugs me when people (like my DH, not yours) gets mad when animals act like animals. Grr.

    Meg, how sad for your student!!! That poor student. I like your attitude about the scale – it’s just a moment, it’s not what you’re doing all the time. Yay for compliments!

    JaneH, I faced a somewhat similar situation – when my mom retired she bought some land and built a house in CO, partly to be near me, partly to be in the mountains. She was still healthy and fairly independent, but since then she’s gotten much older and needs more help – but of course, I moved across the country. She swears she’s not leaving CO, but we’re concerned about how to care for her as she gets older. The one thing I would say is that there might be a compromise – there are a lot of resources available to help your parents for the mundane (transportation to and from doctors’ appts, meals, etc.) plus in-home nursing for any recovery. I can see where it would be difficult to be away all the time though – I’m considering taking extended time in CO when my mother becomes more dependent until we make more permanent decisions. Fortunately I can work from wherever, so my being there would only be a hardship on DH. Are you thinking of traveling out of the country or in or both? Maybe you could do a kind of boomerang travel arrangement where you are away and then back in CO some of the time? Are your parents well enough to travel with you at least part of the time? This probably isn’t helping, just questions or options to consider I guess. It’s a tough spot to be in – and you’re right, it’s one a number of us need to work through.

    Goodlife, welcome! Yes, tracking your calories and exercise will probably help you see what’s causing you to gain weight. One thing I’ve noticed recently: I exercise A LOT – six days a week of P90X and five or six days a week of walk/run for five miles each time. What I’ve seen is the number of calories I’m burning are going down as I become more efficient (and possibly lighter), so I either have to work out more, much harder, or simply eat even less. It sucks, but it might help you to get a gauge on where you’re going off track. I wear a heart rate monitor to figure out my calorie burn.

    DebA, I hope your tests come out OK. Good luck keeping your class from falling behind too much – math is a challenging subject to begin with. Stairs are great exercise!

    Michele, when you cut cheesecake you want to wet the blade. Cutting it while it’s partially frozen may help, but wet the blade after every cut anyway.

    Kathy, I hope you’re enjoying your job. Congratulations on the scale victory!!! I hope your knee continues to improve – I’ve noticed my wrist and elbow are both getting better – it sometimes just takes time.

    Micki, Welcome back! it sounds like you’ll need a lot of water and some potassium (banana!) to help your circulation get back to normal. MFP has been having “issues” lately :smile:.

    Liz, I hope you get caught up after such a busy day!

    Eileen, it sounds like you’re doing well – congratulations on the steady loss and keeping up with your exercise. You may have set your goal for one weight but that doesn’t mean that’s where you need to stop – if you’re doing everything right, your body will let it know when it’s ready to start steadying. I’ll keep your son in my thoughts and hope he comes home soon! Have fun in Phoenix – I’ll be there in a couple of weeks for work (and a little play :smile:).

    Amanda, isn’t it always frizzy-hair weather in London? :wink: How fun to get to play with the grandbabies. Wow – when it rains, it pours! I will be keeping your friend and family in my thoughts – hope they manage to get their health under control.

    DeeDee, your dinner sounds lovely! How did they do the squash – just sautéed with some feta tossed in? It sounds yummy. I can feel your glee from here – celebrate away!

    JaneM, congratulations to you and your lovely new granddaughter!!! I love the name.

    Cheryl, I hope you’re joking about the exlax :smile:. That will be wonderful that your scale is keeping on track with your body. Happy weigh-in!

    JaneCanada, welcome!

    Nancy, look at you being a great role model for your students! Congratulations. How exciting and fabulous your next trip to the Ukraine sounds! Does he still have family that lives there?

    Well, I’m back to trying to get a lot done today. I’m thinking I might take tomorrow off from work so I can get caught up on my housework and get ready for our dinner party (celebrating my niece’s fiance’s birthday). Enjoy your day, everyone!


  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow, you gals write way too fast! Miss a couple of days and a novel has been written!

    Wow, my hamster wheel seems to be going f-f-faster… as we close in on NYC. Getting up in the early hours to swim gives me more daylight hours so I am getting lots more done around the house which is in desperate need of it. However, I tire faster and earlier and I am hungrier. Oh oh!

    Was trying to alter some of my clothing instead of buying and my machine cratered right at the beginning! Augghhh! Was this a sign? Don’t sew, don’t go? Called my girlfriend in a panic, yes, I could borrow her machine so I took my machine in to be serviced fully expecting to leave it there for a week and a half (the wait period according to the gal on the phone). When he had a look at it, he smiled, made a few quick adjustments and voila! It was fixed!! Then he noticed a couple other problems like it had the wrong presser foot which was probably giving me problems. YES. (but it was the one it came with?) He fixed the needle threader, the wire connection so my cord wouldn’t keep falling out, sanded the throat plate… no charge! What a gem! I bought the correct foot from him and a special device for when you are sewing jeans and get to the big hump at the seam, too cool, this tool allows you to easily sew over it, works like a charm! What a relief to bring it home! I have a pile of things all pinned waiting for its magic.

    Working like crazy downstairs trying to get more bookshelves made for our son’s room before we get snowed in like Glenda (it keeps trying), as my hubby pulls his saw table out into the middle of the back patio to work. (the garage is too full of flood boxes still). I am anxious to get unloading the book boxes from the storage room so we can bring more garage boxes inside to sort through.

    Work is going well, new boss is a real lady! Classy and works hard, knows her business! Why did we have to go through all nonsense previous to this, were we being punished? Owner is popping in for visit this weekend, good thing I will miss because I would probably say something I shouldn't!

    Went scuba diving with my girlfriend so she could get used to it again, she is a dry lander who is rather anxious around water even though she is certified; she did it for her boyfriend. Now I am a water baby who is having trouble being comfortable in scuba gear. Wearing all that gear makes me anxious!! But last night I conquered the last of the trials holding me back and I think I am finally comfortable enough to think about getting certified if it looks like we are going to take a trip south to the tropics (my guys scuba). Victory! This is only my ….. 9th?...... time trying in the last 25 years? (Near drowning wrapped in the branches of deadfall when you’re a kid really messes with your mind).

    I won’t even promise to catch up unless I am up all night, we leave in 3 days, hope to be back once at least before then. I have just done a fast read of this page and Congratulations Jane on your new granddaughter!

    Stop and smell the roses every now and then,

    Hugs Kate
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Kate- have a great trip! I need to get to Manhattan to see my son, but there never seems to be enough time in either of our schedules, much less at the time.
    I envy your ability to alter clothes. I have changed sizes so many times in the past year- it would have been a handy skill!

    Enjoy NYC!
    Deb A
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    I became a grandma today at 130.She weighed in at 8lbs 2 oz.
    her name is Princess Alliyah Rose.
    Violet wanted her to be named Rose.
    Can`t wait to meet her.
    Have a great day!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: CONGRATULATIONS! Great news. (I've tried to send my best wishes several times but the site keeps crashing so I hope they fly your way this time.


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    oooh, oooh, oooh Junekatz!!! You made me realized that when I am done with my weight loss my scuba stuff will fit again!!! I haven't even thought of it in years except to realize that the BC I bought for the 135 pound me, wouldn't fit the 185 pound me. I hope it still works. I used to live on Guam and logged over 400 dives in 2 years. I am rescue certified but darn near drowned the first time I tried to dive in fresh water. Left my weight bell at the bottom of Lake Michigan :laugh:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yep it's a snowy day here in Denver, thank goodness the streets are pretty clear.

    Janehadji- hope that it's nothing serious about your foot. I too love cute shoes and my closets reflect that:blushing: The few times that I've been in DSW they didn't have much of a selection for size 5's so I shop at Off Broadway Shoes where they usually have a good selection for me. :happy: About your hubby wanting to sell everything and then travel...well my hubby has had that thought / conversation too. He wants us to buy one of those RV's that are like a house on wheels and just go, maybe be camp hosts so we can stay in a place for a few weeks at a time...I'm just not sure I could do it. When my parents were alive he had started talking about it but now that they are gone I don't have the excuse of if my parents need me I must be able to get to them fast...now I just dig in my heels and say I'd miss my grandsons:ohwell:

    Lin- when I buy my noodles I will follow your instructions to the letter, thanks for all the tips:drinker: Yes, when Mom was alived she did drive me crazy at times, but I think that's what they are supposed to do as I remember when I was in my 30's my Mom saying her Mom was driving her crazy...I think it just goes around and around:laugh:

    Robin-I never thought about it but it gave me a pause to remember when Peanut was getting into trouble if that was during his "terriable twos" time:ohwell: it could have been.

    Meg-I've lost the equalivant of 3 of my Peanut since he weighs about 10lbs, but I do know that there are a lot of dogs that weight 30lbs too:wink:

    Michele-hearing about your experience of helping Jessica with a service dog and then having to give it away...well I guess I wouldn't be a good one to do that as I'd have such a hard time giving the animal away:cry:

    Kathy-Congrats on that scale finally moving 1.5...looks like you are almost to your goal...keep it up it's all within reach:drinker:

    Micki-welcome back:flowerforyou:

    Eileen-I remember when we were waiting for our #1 son to return from Afghanistan and Iraq...it always was with mixed emotions as you just never really KNEW what day it would be...pins and needles of waiting...hoping you get the real call soon:flowerforyou:

    Amanda-sounds like your whole family needs prayers and hugs...know you are all in my thoughts and prayers for strength and healing:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- I love seeing you do the happy dance:laugh:

    DeeDee- Oh happy day when the Salmon is magic:drinker:

    Jane-Congrats on the new Granddaughter:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl- sure do hope the loss is permenant:drinker:

    Nancy- I remember how embarrased I was whenever I saw one of my teachers outside of school...you know they just aren't human:wink:

    M-cleaning the carpets...such a chore and yet so necessary. My hubby cleaned our stairs this week by hand...they look good for all of one day:blushing: I really think they need a professional.

    Kate-glad that your sewing machine only needed a quick no charge tune up. Nothing worse than having a pile of sewing and no machine to do it with:grumble: Sounds like you are almost ready for NYC have a great time:flowerforyou:

    Hubby worked last night so I had a quite night with Peanut, didn't really get anything done just enjoyed the quiet. Beautiful morning outside with blue skies and snow covered trees and grass but they are saying we will be getting round two for tomorrows commute of another 2-3" had to do a bit of zig zagging to get to work this morning once I knew where the accidents were and saw the backups of the traffic only took me an additional 10 min to get to work.

    I have more certified payrolls to get straighted out and I'm sure I will never see the wood of my desk top again:sad: I hate when I get so far behind I just feel overwhelmed and want it to go away...but since it won't I'd best get to it.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Greetings to everyone -- so glad to read so many positive posts today!

    I've got my car back -- hooray! :happy: Just in time for the snow, so it's perfect. I appreciated the thoughtful posts about caring for parents and traveling. I'm going to be giving them a lot of thought.

    Goodlife 1206 -- Welcome to our thread, it's a great group!

    Kathyszoo -- Glad to hear you're enjoying your new job, and congrats on the scale moving as well! That's great that your knees are feeling better, too.

    Eileen -- I'm joining in the prayers for your son's safe return from Afghanistan next week.

    Amanda -- I'm so sorry to hear of all the medical problems in your family (your friend, also) right now. It seems like when it rains, it pours. I hope you have good news to report on all soon!

    DeeDee -- Your dinner sounded amazing, with the sesame salmon and spaghetti squash with feta. I wouldn't know how to begin to make something like that, but it definitely had me drooling! What type of restaurant served that?

    Jane Martin -- Congratulations on the safe arrival of your granddaughter!!!

    Nancy -- Thank you so much for your thoughtful post, I really appreciated what you had to say. Your year trip with your son sounded absolutely amazing. What an incredible experience for all of you! I really liked your idea about doing month-long trips, as that might be far more workable at this point in our lives. I'm going to discuss the idea with hubby tonight. I would love to hear more about your travels -- Ukraine sounds like it will be an adventure.

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Where in Colorado will you be for Thanksgiving? We'll try to oblige with the snow! Do you ski? Thank you for sharing the story of your mom's move here. I imagine that she was a bit younger than my parents at the time you had to move (my parents are 83 and 84). When you're here for a longer visit, it would be great to meet you. I'm jealous about the Dansko outlet you have! They're so expensive, and I still want the burgundy ones. I try to look on eBay.

    Kate -- It is so great that the sewing machine man fixed it for free! There is such a lack of customer service and kindness these days. I've never heard of something for sewing over jean seams before, but I've certainly broken enough needles on them. My husband has been trying to get me to try scuba for many years, but I'm such a poor swimmer that it scares me. I like to be where I can stand up. I'm told that swimming doesn't matter too much in scuba. What do you think?

    Laura80111 -- And you have such cute shoes! I loved the way that they matched your jacket. I always notice things like that, maybe because I can't wear them, or maybe because I just love shoes. We talked about an RV many years ago, but it seemed like it would be so hard not to be able to park anywhere except the RV parks. I think you'd have to tow a car and back-track so that you could see all of the tourist spots along the road. I told the hubby that he should rent one for a few weeks and check it out, but he's never gotten around to it.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    JaneMartin:smile: Congrats on the birth of your new granddaughter:flowerforyou: !!!! How wonderful to have a little newborn to love on:heart: !!!

    Cheryl:smile: Hope the scale will say what it said today tomorrow, or even lower!!!! No exlax:noway: :noway: :noway: !!!! The salmon was great it was encrusted in black and white sesame seeds, so pretty and so yummy, and the spaghetti squash was sauteed with red peppers (mild) and sprinkled with feta, delish!!!! I`m going to do my spaghetti squash that way next time I make it! Wow, you`re a certified rescue diver, Yay, glad you didn`t drown in the fresh water!!!

    JanaCanada:smile: Welcome to the group, please come in often and chat with us! This is a great group of women!!!

    Nancy:smile: How wonderful a couple of your students showed up at the gym, you`re a great influence on them!!! What a fabulous trip you had, and sounds like a fabulous one you`re planning!!!

    M:smile: Wow, cleaning carpets first thing this morning, I`m impressed!!! Hopefully they will stay clean throughout the holidays!!! I have carpet upstairs only, and since I never go up there I pretend they don`t exist:laugh: ,:blushing: they do need to be vacuumed though:grumble: . :grumble: I love homemade applesauce:love: , my mom used to make it and put grated cinnamon in it :love: :love: :love: ! Spaghetti squash was sauteed with red pepper (mild, but it would probably be good with some hot peppers too), with the feta on top, it was soooo good!!!

    Kate:smile: How wonderful your sewing machine only needed adjustments!!! Glad your new boss is finally someone who is boss worthy! My hubby was a certified scuba diver, he loved it, however I have a hard time with anything being over my face, even snorkling I couldn`t do:noway: , I always went and was the photographer on the boat:bigsmile: ! Maybe this 9th time will be the perfect time!!! What are you wearing to the Halloween dance?

    DebA:smile: Wish I could sew too, the smaller I get, the fewer clothes I have, but I`ll take the fewer clothes over the extra pounds!!!

    Lin:smile: I had problems with MFP yesterday, so far today it`s been working!

    Laura80111:smile: You can keep the snow, it`s sunny and 79 here right now, I love it!!! It is supposed to get cool this weekend and then next week downright cold...brrrr.... Oh well, all the seasons are lovely, and I do try to enjoy what they bring! Hope you`ll be able to find the wood on the top of desk soon, that is never a good feeling!

    Janehadji:smile: This restuarant has all kinds of things, from salmon, fried lobster (I tasted it and it was amazing), shrimp, chicken and even burgers, and great cocktails!!!

    Michele:smile: You have inspired me, all the landscaping work you and Vince are doing has made me take a look at my yard, my landscaping lights were horrible, some of them not even working, so today I went to Lowes and bought 3 sets of beautiful copper low voltage landscape lights, my brother is outside right now, putting the finishing touches on them, can`t wait to see them once the sun goes down!!!

    I also decided to do a little work on the inside of the house too, I went to a plumbing store and bought a new faucet for my kitchen, I sure hope I`ll like it, it was expensive...who knew they could cost so much:noway: :frown: , I have a drip in the one I have now and both my brother and SIL tried to fix it and it`s just not fixable:angry: . It will be good not to have an annoying drip for a change!!! Well I should go back outside and see how brother is doing, wish I had some cookies I could give him, see Michele you`ve rubbed off on me!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I`m on cloud nine.Pic is of Alliyah Rose and grandma.
    She is so precious.Didn`t want to leave.
    DIL had a natural birth,coming to hospital 7 cm dilated.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    She is gorgeous!!!! I am soo envious!! I want a grandbaby!