

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    oops its 0002 and the day has slipped away from me. Went to Costco and just dropped off 2 rolls of film today and walked all over the store just looking at things. The girls wanted to look at the Christmas decorations and what toys they had. Went then did a run to Wal-Mart to make some keys. Last but not least we went to buy some groceries. Can home and then worked 4 hours. I then had to run to the local drug store to pick up some meds. Tonight was a great night at work. The debate was on , so I guess everyone was watching it. The calls just trickled in, vs non stop. I am going to the gym tomorrow and work my butt off again. I have to see My Orthopedic Md on Friday and I want to have an additional weight loss to tell him.. OH, NSV- :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my size 20w pants felt a little loose on me today and the new work out pant I bought in LG-XL actually fit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I might weigh or wait until Friday when I see my Doctor. :indifferent:
    Hope everyone is sleeping and not having those mid sleep awakening menopausal wake up calls at o dark thirty and cant get to bed until 2 hours past o dark thirty! :sad: :sad: :yawn: :yawn:
    Blessing to all of you
    For all of you,I am extremely grateful!!:heart: Linda

    YardTigress- welcome hack we have missed you!:flowerforyou:

    Janie- I love your attitude! The determination to get moving again. Thank you for that as I am doing that too, but have never thought about the end result with so much determination! You go girl! :drinker: :drinker:

    Jen, sound like you are doing great on your journey to become healthy and change habits and then the weight will fall off. A Very healthy attitude. Enjoy every moment with your DS :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee, congrats on the weight loss. You are doing great with a great attitude, yes the long haul and slow and steady. Thanks for the update on Dixie, Hugs for her and we miss her! You are making me want to go buy some salmon this week,I already have the green beans. Now, that is a nsv craving salmon and green beans. Yummy :smile: :smile:

    Dar- so glad to hear that your DS is ok. That must have been very hard for you to sit and wait for that final phone call. I hope you have a restful night. :bigsmile:

    Kathy- enjoy being back at work tomorrow. Praying for you that it will last longer this time. Your chicken tetrazzini sounds good, and just imagine that it came from a Wal- Mart flyer! Who would have thought!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie- I love the kitty on the bike. I am not sure that I quite understand the quote of the day
    “ The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our grief’s, and our fears.” Samuel Johnson--
    Thank you, for keeping us going on this journey and your wisdom. It was good to hear what you told M about your journey! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Michele- cam I have the secret to your energy level? I am amazed at all that you do in a day! Good for you! You must feel really accomplished at the end of the day! :smile: :bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Dar:smile: I`m glad your son is okay!!!! How scary that phone call was for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jen:smile: So glad your son is coming for a visit!!!!! It will be a great homecoming I`m sure!

    Kathy:smile: Hope your temp job goes well, and lasts much longer!!!!

    Barbie:smile: I think I will try doing a few squats during "sniffing" time, I do sometimes walk in place just because if I`m standing up I`m always moving, and I walk fast, some of my friends have to tell me to slow down so they can keep up, my friend Bill tells me not only do I walk fast, I talk fast too:laugh: . Thanks for the great ideas!!!

    Michele:smile: I love reading your posts in the mornings, they motivate me to get my errands done (not one of my favorite things to do).

    Linda:smile: Woo hoo for the pants being loose and the new workout pants fitting!!!!

    Okay, something happened that hasn`t happened before......I actually gained a pound when I weighed this morning:angry: , what happened to the magic in the salmon:huh: , they must have given me a piece that had the magic sucked out of it:frown: , or maybe it was the Italian dinner catching up:frown: . Oh well, today is another day, drinking more water even though my sodium level wasn`t high either day. My official weigh in day is Halloween, hope I get a treat and not a trick:laugh: !

    Hope all you beauties have a fabulous day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning to all!

    I went to the beach for a girls weekend and had such great fun! Laughter is so therapeutic! Allowed myself to eat out of the "norm" and would get back on track yesterday. Not sure if you remember me talking about the stray kitten a few weeks back, well it took a turn for the worse on Sunday. It is not eating well and not very energetic. I worried about it all day yesterday but got home from work and it ate! Thought I was out of the woods but it did not eat again this morning. I have a vet appt this afternoon but cannot stop worrying about it. Of course the worry and emotion got the better of me and what was a good eating day initially became a sweet attack! Please pray for the kitten, I have an adopter but I don't know what could be wrong with it! Thanks friends! TTYL.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I've got lots to write and no time to do it today! Madly busy in the gallery - people are falling over themselves to spend money for a change! Yippee - more commission for me.

    Will try to be back later.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all! I get to start the day at a more respectable hour(verses 4:45 as usual) due to day off for doctors appointments.

    Dar- Glad your son is okay. When my youngest was 17 I got a call that started with "mommy, it's Kari. We had an accident. Can you come get me?" Problem was I didn't know how to get there and DH wasn't home.Short story- I got there very quickly and injuries were minor, but I think it was the scariest time in my life! You feel so helpless. That must have seemed like an eternity while waiting for news.

    To all who are struggling with the last few pounds- I am right there with you. I think for me part of it is that it would be okay if I don't lose any more. I am in a healthy %fat level, but not where I want to be. I am not trying to get thin, but have come too far to still have so much belly fat. I need to tone. I have been stuck for months. Frustrating!!

    To all who are losing or have other NSVs, keep posting! It is so motivating to read about all of you successes.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Deb A
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, I'm on my second cup of tea and getting ready to walk, I have a 5K coming up on the 3rd. The place I used to work does a 5k walk/10k run every year. They have great shirts too. So every year I buy a shirt and this year I'm doing the 5k walk too. So back to walking in the morning. Now that I can pretty much know the temp, I will be walking tues, thurs, and sat.

    I bought an hour personal training session on the newspapers daily deal and I will see if the guy can teach me to use my bands. If so I will get about 12 of the lessons and do 6 the beginning of November and 6 the end of January to update my workout.

    I still enjoy the swimming 3 times a week, but the parking is awful.

    I have my diabetes appointment on the 29th and I'm excited to see if the A1C will be down.

    Dar- So glad your son is okay.

    Carolyn- Keep us posted about the kitten.

    Amanda- glad people are spending again.

    DeeDee- always believe in the magic of salmon. :wink:

    Well time to get dressed and walk.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Good day - tried to check in yesterday but each time I got to this thread MFP would say it was down for maintenance. :grumble: Okay, we all need some down time right; even web sites? :noway:

    I no longer seem to have time to respond to your wonderful posts. Darn. I do enjoy reading them and what I find so comforting is that there is such a wonderful group of ladies who are committed to living a healthier life. I find it difficult to find the same attitude among my local friends. This is one of the most positive aspects of MFP! YOU!! Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    I am still taking my steps each day and am keeping them at or above 11,000 a day now. This seems sustainable for me so far. I also got my little hand weights and ankle weights out and have started doing a few exercises. I have found that several things that involve the knees are not something I'm going to do at this time. Again, hopefully over time I can add to this little routine.

    Now on to other topics, I believe I found the last of the receipts pertaining to construction of my dad's house (a few things were hiding from me!) so when I get through all of those I should have everything for the cost basis of his house EXCEPT the land value. I haven't tracked that down yet.

    Got the new 2013 medical/dental/vision rates from my former employer and since they'd gone up so much I did call yesterday to drop the vision coverage. Sometimes things just get too expensive to keep. In this case the decision is irrevocable--once you drop a coverage with them you are never allowed to add it again. But I'll still have medical and dental for the upcoming year so that is comforting. :love:

    My dad has had a UTI, a yeast infection around his mouth, and now the c. diff. is back. He's lost about 10 lbs. and he's back on probiotics, more antibiotics, and they've taken all lactose from his diet including the supplement he drinks each day. He's also back in contact isolation. His doctor said something kind of disturbing last week---he said on the way out the door that at my father's age mortality rates after a partial hip replacement within the first 6 months are increased by 50%. Excuse me, what is the purpose of that comment? It was kind of pointless. Then he just breezed out of the room; I sat with my mouth open and my dad didn't hear what he said at all.

    I had coffee with a friend yesterday morning and then we went back to her house to see the kitchen remodel that had just been completed. Lovely new cabinets, quartz countertops, new appliances. All lovely. Her gas stove looks like a chef's stove---so professional looking. Her husband hadn't left for his golf 4-some and he was so proud of everything. He was pointing out features on the new microwave to me. Cute.

    Stopped by Walmart and got the new anti-slip shower mat I'd been looking for. I need the small square type and this is the only place I've ever been able to find them and I was pleased they had them again. Also found the batteries I need for my garage door openers. Stood and waited FOREVER in electronics to see if there was a larger memory card for my smartphone. When it was my turn he wouldn't even try to look it up because I have a clickon case on my phone and I couldn't get it off. He wouldn't touch it and wouldn't look up the phone model (which they still sell and were on display for gosh sakes) and said to come back when I got the case off. Okay, blood pressure back down I moved on!

    I have a bag of books and movies to take to the library today. They run a year-round sale corner with the donations people bring in as well as items they take from circulation. It's a way to make some $$ to add to the collection. Since I'm a heavy library user I always think of them first. And of course I have to look at that corner when I'm in the library---you never know what might be there.

    I found a way to salvage my spicy cauliflower soup. I have some leftover cooked veggies so I put a 1/2 c in a large soup bowl, add the soup and heat it all in the microwave. Fairly yummy that way. Today I'm going to add some cooked lentils.

    Wishing all of you happiness and health. There are lots of things in our mind that can impede happiness.


  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Tuesday, :happy:

    The sirens are screaming outside on the main street, I hope everyone’s OK. There’s snow on the mountain passes, and folks have to remember how to drive in winter conditions.

    I have re-started New Rules of Lifting for Life and me-oh-my-oh it feels good! :explode: I get a kick out of feeling strong and moving into the “big boy” section of the gym. Yesterday was a rest day but I went in anyway and did a 3k walk/run. Can’t believe it’s me, saying that!

    Laura, I love my Kindle. I got a leather cover for it, so it feels like a book. It’s a great advantage when travelling because we don’t have to carry a pile of books. I still read “real” books too, though. One warning about the Kindle (or any e-book reader) it's frighteningly easy to buy books...just log in and push "purchase". I have to be careful :ohwell:

    Janehadji, what an epic car story! Did you get “yours” back?

    CSueB – “One day at a time…one bite at a time” yes. And one kettlebell swing or bench press at a time too.

    Jen, how lovely to have your son home! :love:

    Dar – the dreaded phone call. Yea, so glad your boy is OK.

    Barbie, you said that my life seems to be filled with eating as recreation.

    Hmmmm? I need to think about that. There’s the dinner club, for sure, once a month. And I do love to cook. Does my home life center on the kitchen? That may well be., and is that holding me back? Last night I was busy making chocolate zucchini cake because it’s my turn to bring the b’day cake to work. I counted my sample in my diary. It is more likely the wine & lack of control on weekends that is causing the trouble. :blushing: Careful deliberation and brutally honest self-talk called for here!

    Linda! Congratulations on the weight loss and the exercise gains. :flowerforyou:

    It's my supervision duty day at school, and my turn to clean the staff-room. Also the day I teach math games to the grade 6 class. Farkle, anyone?

    Hasta pronto,


    October goals:
    Try a different drop-in exercise class at the Rec Centre
    Re-start New Rules of Lifting for Life
    Go for a walk with Buster-the-Dog four days a week
    Stay positive when folks get negative at work, surround myself with positive people.
    Count my blessings!
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I love my kindle -- great for commuting by subway because I can use it one-handed while jammed up against my 200 closest friends.

    I borrow ebooks for it from the library, and you can also download public domain books for it from Feedbooks and Project gutenberg - just use the .mobi format.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

    Barbie- I love the kitty on the bike. I am not sure that I quite understand the quote of the day
    “ The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our grief’s, and our fears.” Samuel Johnson--
    ! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    LInda, I can be walking with the dogs in the morning feeling extra happy and suddenly a woman in a beautiful car drives by and my happiness is undermined by my desire for a newer, better, nicer car and enough money to care for it......a few minutes later I think of an upcoming doctor's appointment and begin to worry that he will find some hidden terminal disease.....then I look at my dogs and recall my grief over the loss of the pets that came before.....thus my happiness has been disturbed by my desires, griefs, and fears.......for me, the solution to this is to stay in the moment. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday All,

    Janehadji-did your Mom find some winter shoes? I just love when I change out my closet for the new season, it's always fun to see a new set of clothes:wink: Good luck with your hubby and the car.

    Jolene- yep I say moving furniture and washing walls could be considered a work out....I really need to do some of that too but just can't seem to get into the swing of it:ohwell:

    Linda-I've always been a stuffer, but I can't blame any of it on trying to get the food before siblings as I'm an only child...I just always ate fast and it's been a hard habit to break and sometimes I still find myself eating at a pace that's just wrong:grumble:

    CSueB-keep up the slow and steady and you will finally get those #3 to go:drinker:

    janie-glad to hear that your uncles surgery went well, will continue to pray for his rapid recovery:flowerforyou: I'm sure you are anxious to get your PT to where you aren't in pain, but take it slow so you have no relapses we want you to be walking too:flowerforyou:

    Jen-redoing the kitchen:huh: Oh I would love to do that, but it probably won't happen. A few weeks ago hubby and I went looking at friges and found out that our current one is 3/4" smaller than the new ones they are making and a new one wouldn't fit in the spot we have unless we change out the cupboards very disappointed:sad: I wanted a new frig.

    DeeDee-your dinner with your kids sounded wonderful. Italian food is my downfall. My grandma was Italian and I do miss my pasta and with hubby doing low carb it makes it even harder to justify cooking some noodles just for me...maybe for a special occasion:ohwell: Every now and then my Salmon didn't give me a loss...but next time it was back to it's regular losing self...so just drink the water it does help:drinker:

    Dar-so sorry about your son's accident but glad it wasn't more serious:flowerforyou: If ever you need someone closer for anything I'm here in Denver and my #3 son goes to CU (he's doing a double Master's) so friend me if you'd like.

    Kathy-good job on doing the converting of a receipe, it's always a good thing when you are able to convert a regular one to something that will be better for you with a little tweek here and there most receipes can be made more healthy:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- after all that TV last night I'm sure you rode for miles and miles:wink:

    Michele-now the landscaping begins...we will want to see pictures when you are finally done:drinker:

    Linda- That's great that your new workout pants are fitting:drinker: it's always so encouraging when clothes fit and then get too big...it really keeps us going on this journey:flowerforyou:

    Carolyn-hoping the kitty has nothing seriously wrong with it:happy:

    Deb A- I found that the last #4 were pretty hard in coming off....each 2/10's of a pound came off kicking and screaming as they all just loved their home so much...so keep it up they will come off:drinker:

    Tigress-good for you getting a personal trainer to show you how to use the bands, very smart:drinker:

    Nancy-thanks for the warning about how easy it is to buy books for my kindle...now I just have to take the time to use it:ohwell:

    Yesterday i was able to get all my qtrly sales tax reports done then the boss says look at the budget and adjust it:noway: What I don't have anything to do with that, he's the boss and how in the world am I supposed to drop the numbers by $150,000:grumble: it's his company ...was not happy about that...but I did what I could and then dropped it on his desk.

    Hubby and I had a pretty good evening watched our DVR of Once Upon A Time a little football and then it was time for me to head up to bed. Sure do miss the longer daylight into the evenings and the leaving for work in the dark is so not fun and of course they are saying we should have some snow sometime Thursday, Friday then we will see all those people that don't know how or have forgotten how to drive in the snow:grumble:

    Question - does anyone know about shirataki noodles? I'm wondering what they are, calories, carbs over all nutrients?

    Everyone have a good day let's remember we are in this for the long haul...so log your food, drink your water and get in some exercise:drinker:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    My scale has finally moved and I saw a new "low" weight this morning!! :smile: :smile: This plateau has been going on for nearly two months now, which was getting discouraging.

    Linda -- That's great that your new workout pants now fit! I read your post to Liz about growing up with snacks and really liked what you had to say about our now having the knowledge/power to make changes. That's so true! When I was growing up, we had sweets all the time. My mother had a charge account at the grocery store (it was a small town) and I could just go in anytime I wanted and have a candy bar added to her account. To this day, she prefers sweets to food and often has dessert instead of a meal (she's always been thin and still is).

    Janie -- I'm glad your uncle's surgery went well, and hope he has a full recovery. Cancer is such a scary word.

    Dar -- So glad that your son is okay.... you must have been scared to death! My son is also at CU in Boulder, third year.

    DeeDee -- I'll bet that errant pound is water. It wouldn't dare be anything else! :wink: Our bodies just fluctuate daily, so as long as you are on track it should be fine. It's frustrating to see, though, isn't it?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Haven't had much time to post as I'm preparing for my trip to stay with my mom for a few days, plus working extra hours this week. I leave Thursday morning at 5AM and will be back Monday night.

    Barbie, your saying about staying in the moment helped me a lot this morning, thanks for that. I've been terribly concerned about my mom since she's been having dizzy spells and bouts of confusion. My stomach has been aching from worry, I need to stay in the moment! And go do aerobics! :bigsmile:

    I'll try to check in using the library computers while I'm in San Diego. Mom gave her PC away. :ohwell:

    Off to the garden this morning to pick romaine, carrots and broccoli to pack in my suitcase. :laugh:

    Be good, stay strong. I'll miss ya!

    :smile: jb
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Is anyone having a problem with rs.wallet.com popping up on this site? It prevents me from getting into and staying on the site. It also appears to try to open other tabs.
    Deb A
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Well, the sky has fallen here! Snow all night has resulted in school closures, buses cancelled, flights shut down - a snow day in October?? Unbelievable!! so I am still in jammies with a cup of coffee 'cause it is just that kind of day :drinker: I was hoping to get some exercise in shovelling but it looks like hubby has done it all!:smooched:

    Cheryl - I have found that the good thing about a fall from grace is that it is 'from grace', and grace always allows us to get up and get at it again! I am so thankful for fresh starts, re-do's, and second (and third, and fourth...) chances.

    mwheatcraft - I hear you on the eggs without carbs. They never felt good on my stomach alone - just seemed to need that piece of toast! I have made progress on that lately - especially if it is more in an omelette form.

    Nancy - your posts are always so enjoyable. Be sure to celebrate that 124 and continue on with the rhythm of healthy eating and an acive lifestyle. Those next pounds will come!! And you got to see Lorne Elliot! Isn't he delightful - I so enjoy his intelligent humour - it has been a few years since I have seen or heard him.

    Kate - Swimming before breakfast!?!? You are my new hero!:happy: Congrats on the pound and on the new clothing purchases. wonderful progress:smile:

    texasgal - 15 pounds by Christmas! That is a lofty goal. I was ecstatic when I discovered that I had lost 15 pounds in 9 months! Good luck to you as you pursue the goal:smile:

    Jane - Oh wouldn't a meet-up in Playa be lovely!:happy: We could reIax on that beautiful beach beside that amazing turquoise water and visit with something cool and sweet in hand:drinker: Ah bliss, especially with thee snow outside my window this morning!!! I think, due to school schedules here, my friends are going in April this year and I think they now just assume that I am going with them:laugh:
    (and congrats on a moving scale!)

    Many of you have commented on the value of positive habit change for the sake of health. Deb A, Jen, mwheatcraft and many others. Thank you all for this encouragement. I totally agree that the changes in eating and activity are good for overall health and will result in positive change in how I feel and what I can do, and postive benefits to overall well being. I sometimes get so caught up in the scale (over which I ultimately have no control) and the miniscule movements of fractions of a pound, that I lose sight of the bigger picture. I am not 20 years old anymore and am not trying to look good for someone else - I am doing this for me, for my health and betterment (which does in the long run affect those around me too), and the decisions I make about what to eat and how to be active are things that I CAN control. This is my new lifestyle and I need to be gentle with myself, allowing for life to happen around me and allowing me to participate in it, and extending grace to myself to pick myself up and start again when I stray. Thanks for the reminders, and the encouragement ladies!

    On the Kindle - my kids bought one for me and I found it quite easy to use, and yes, very easy to buy books! :laugh: It is great to have in my purse and be able to pull it out for unexpected moments of reading - in the doctor's office, waiting for someone, spare moments before the next scheduled activity. It is also wonderful for travelling - no weighty books to pack in the luggage! I do need to get one of those covers - I think it would give it a more comfortable feel on my hand.
    On the downside, many books are no cheaper on kindle than in hard copy (really? no shipping, storage handling....) but in fairness, you can also find some real deals! In Canada, kindle has not licensed libraries to lend books, so that option is not available to us Canucks. Also, it is not so easy to share books with friends and that is part of the experience of reading - the sharing of ideas!
    So I do use my kindle and like it, but I sure haven't given up on the hard copy paper version either!:smile:

    Time to start the day! Go well ladies, stay well.
    In grace, Glenda
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks for being so encouraging after my fall from grace. My brother left this morning. I haven't had any time to do anything except log my food. I have to say that it was really nice to be able to be included in pictures and not dread to see myself in them. I am much more photogenic with my 17 pound loss. And for those of you who thought I looked really young in my earlier photos, I thought I'd include a couple we took this weekend so you could see the real me (without the youth producing sun glasses). (Wow. I edited twice and they are still big and one is sideways. Geez. I'll get this straight one day!)


  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    You look fabulous!!
    Deb A
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Been reading about the kindle, I bought one for my Mom, she didn't use it so she gave it back and I gave it to my DH. He likes it, but still prefers hard copy. I have an I pod and over 400 audio books. Since I do a lot with my hands, (cross stitch and jewelry making) I like the audio books. I sometimes feel like I am wasting time reading a magazine, that I could be doing something with my hands.

    Wessecg- that pic shows why I don't like clowns. :noway:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Puppy venting ahead.

    Last night I fell asleep watching TV. I woke up and climbed upsairs and sleepily crawled into bed. I then jolted out of the sleepy state because the bed was soaked. I got up and turned on light to see the bed soaked by bad bad puppy. Ritter is apparently very upset with us.He had jumped up on the bed and peed. He is 75 pounds of puppy so that was a lot of pee. I had to strip the bed and try to douse te mattress with febreeze, pile on a layer of towels and make it with clean sheets.( that I will strip off tonight after work). Then I had to shower. By that time I was wide awake and unable to get back to sleep. I have never had a dog do that before. I was so pissed. I think there is a screw missing in that chocolate boys head.

    Early in the morning before I left for work he chewed thru my brand new backpack strap. I get so mad but I realize he is just a baby. It has been a rough couple of days with the Rit bit.

    Take care all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Beautiful Tuesday - Monday is over; I am dragging and a year older. It just doesn't pay to miss a day on the threads or the calories!
    DH took me out to an early dinner at Red Lobster; I did order off of the Lighthouse menu but those darn biscuits every time :laugh: I did get my a small tablet I ordered online. It's to see if I like having a tablet before I go investing in a more elaborate one.. Maybe I can post from other places besides the desk top where I seem to sit way too much :smile: .

    I haven't read all the posts yet but I do hope all are doing well; eating good and dropping calories. Later ~