

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Overcast Wednesday,

    Janehadji-Congrats on that loss and a new low:drinker:

    jb-enjoy that time with your Mom:flowerforyou:

    Glenda- so you already are getting snow...yuck:grumble: they are saying we should have a bit tomorrow morning which means my commute to work will be awful...everyone forgets how to drive every year when we have the first few snow days:wink:

    Cheryl-you look great...that clown looks scary:noway: If that was what my #3 son when he was younger no wonder he was always afraid of clowns

    Tigress-that's a lot of audio books, but I understand about wanting to keep your hands busy too:flowerforyou:

    Robin-so sorry that you are having issues with Ritter. Whenever Peanut gets mad at us we usually find a wet spot somewhere too:ohwell: but we love him just the same...I'm just glad he's not doing it on our bed.

    texasgal- so being a year older...you must have had a Birthday...hope it was a happy day:flowerforyou:

    jane-I love when I have grandma days and it sounds like you do too.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-hoping the "magic" returns for you on Friday:flowerforyou:

    Jen-already thinking about your November goals...Wow now that's planning ahead:drinker:

    Michele-what part of the store do you find the shirataki noodles? Would it be better if I looked for them at our health food store Sprouts? :huh: I'm thinking if they are low in carbs it would be something hubby could have too.

    Mary- I know that Barbie says that book really made a difference for her, hope it does the same for you.:flowerforyou:

    Jolene-sorry about your mom's broken foot, hope it heals quickly...nothing like a dead car when you need it to be in working order:grumble: Hoping you have a better day today.

    Liz-I think that one of the biggest problems all of us have is portion control...it's truly shocking what a serving size is according to the labels on the food we eat...that's been one of the hardest things to get under control. I bought these serving spoons from Avon (yes the make up company) that scoop a serving size and it really has helped me get that under control.:drinker:

    Lila-rest your voice, hoping you are totally back to healthy soon:flowerforyou:

    Linda-Congrats on your loss:flowerforyou: #35 loss is heading you in the right direction.

    Amanda- do we say have a good time at the Dr? having the boob squish isn't something we really enjoy but it's so neccesary glad you are taking care of yourself:drinker:

    Carolyn- how caring of you to get the kitten ready for a new home, I'm sure it's hard to nuture one and then pass it on to a good home:flowerforyou:

    Nancy- I've seen those rope exercises on the Biggest Loser and they do look hard, but I'm sure they give great results to your arms:wink:

    M-I love chowder and sour dough bread. There was a resturant in Oregon that hubby and I used to go to that had a chowder cheese bowl, which was The chowder in a sour dough bread bowl with cheddar cheese on the side...they discontinued it:sad: and I still miss it. If I could find a way to make my chowder lower in fat & calories I'd make it more but alas haven't found a way to fix it. Maybe once hubby can have more carbs we may give it a go again:huh:

    Hubby works tonight so I can do my exercises no matter what time I get home. Last night we did do any and I really missed it so will make up for that loss tonight.

    Hoping my work day goes better than yesterday, I'm so far behind that I am afraid I'll never get caught up.

    Everyone have a great day, logging is key....eat it log it....drink the water log it....doing your exercise log it...Here's to our success:drinker:

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everyone

    I have a few pages of the thread to catch up on, but I have been busy for the last few days, scraping, rubbing down and painting the sun porch on the back of my house. I'm disappointed because I can't find anything for scraping, painting, decorating etc in the exercise section. So, I had no exercise to log today, even though I spent 2 hours of work on the porch.

    I'm back to the weight I was 2 weeks ago, so I guess that is some kind of progress. Aquafit again tomorrow morning. I spoke to the instructor after Monday's class and told her (she is the normal Wednesday coach, but was filling in on Monday) that several people had said that they didn't think the work out was rigourous enough as they hadn't been increasing their heart rate. I told her that I felt that Monday's work out was good and some of the things we did could/should be done on Wednesday. My personal beef was that she changes the exercise, but then changes again before everyone has caught up. I don't think 4 repeats are enough and she thanked me for my comments. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

    Good night.

    FITDAY says a person 136 pounds would burn 202 calories per hour doing this type work. Hope that helps.:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Hi everyone
    I have been busy for the last few days, scraping, rubbing down and painting the sun porch on the back of my house. I'm disappointed because I can't find anything for scraping, painting, decorating etc in the exercise section. So, I had no exercise to log today, even though I spent 2 hours of work on the porch.

    :flowerforyou: There are three solutions to this
    use the entry for vigorous housecleaning or compare the effort with the effort for an exercise you usually do and create your own entry in the exercise database or decide to get a heart rate monitor so you can find out how many calories you burn with all your exercise.and enter your own numbers instead of using the MFP numbers
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning!

    I don't have time to answer everyone today, but would like to say congrats to Linda on hitting the 35 lb. mark -- wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    We're due for some snow tomorrow, and hubby actually remembered about my car without my having to remind him. Amazing. He's getting himself something else to drive and returning mine to me tomorrow. I've missed it over the last 3 months.

    I had an MRI done on my foot yesterday. I had bunion surgery last January, and it's never been right since. It seems to me that it must be from the surgery, but they think maybe I've broken a bunch of little bones in the bottom called sezmoids (sp?). I can't think how I would do that, as I certainly haven't been jumping around post-surgery. It hurts, though, so I'm hoping that the test shows something fixable. Mom did find some shoes -- DSW has so many to choose from! I tried on one flat, sensible boot and couldn't walk in it without pain. I miss having cute shoes! :angry: I live in Birkenstocks and Dansko Professionals. (They both look awful with dresses -- hubby says that everyone who sees me can tell I'm from Montana!). :wink:

    I also have a Kindle, which I find great for traveling and taking places. I find that I can often get books cheaper in their real versions than their electronic ones, which doesn't make a lot of sense. I do worry about what would happen to all of my e-books if I decide to try a new reader from another company.

    Got to run -- hope you all have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Sorry, not a lot of time once again. I spent a couple of hours with a friend this morning. They unexpectedly lost their new puppy last night. He was about 8 months old, Pomeranian, and something happened and he *crashed* at the emergency pet hospital. She is devastated.

    Another topic altogether----Shirataki noodles. I've tried several different brands and the only ones I can stand to eat are NoOodle. I have purchased them through a Groupon offer as well as on QVC. I don't believe the local grocery stores here have them. Web site is www.nooodle.com

    They are made from yam flour and each serving has 1g of carbs, no grams of fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugar and protein. And no calories. Each package that I've purchased have 5 servings.

    The thing is DO NOT SKIP THESE TIPS:
    * After draining the product (and trust me they will smell icky), put them in a colander and run cold water through them for at least FIVE minutes. Don't do a quick rinse, really, really, really rinse them well.

    * Then dry fry the noodles. Yes, put them in a no stick fry pan, no oil, nothing, just dry in a pan, put the heat on low-medium and stir them until all the water/moisture is gone.

    * Then add flavorings or add them to any dish you are making. They do absorb some flavor at that point. I usually have them with tomatoes and mushrooms.

    DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT skip the rinsing or dry fry. You will be disappointed with the taste.

    That is my 2 cents worth on the topic. You may not like them. Everyone has different tastes. They do not taste like a normal pasta.

    Later. Wishing everyone health and happiness.


  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    I am thinking about purchasing either a Kindle or a Nook. The computer store on campus carries Nook and I can get it cheaper through them. So does anyone have a Nook or have information either way on which is a better device before I purchase?


  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    JaneH, I just had to mention that when DSD and I go shoe shopping, we always spend a moment at the door of DSW pretending we've been swept up and just landed in Oz. It's like fairyland to us :smile:.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I am thinking about purchasing either a Kindle or a Nook. The computer store on campus carries Nook and I can get it cheaper through them. So does anyone have a Nook or have information either way on which is a better device before I purchase?



    Nook is the Borders product, I think. Borders has gone out of business in Denver and closed all of it's stores, so if this continues nationally you could end up with a product that is no longer supported.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    I am thinking about purchasing either a Kindle or a Nook. The computer store on campus carries Nook and I can get it cheaper through them. So does anyone have a Nook or have information either way on which is a better device before I purchase?



    Nook is the Borders product, I think. Borders has gone out of business in Denver and closed all of it's stores, so if this continues nationally you could end up with a product that is no longer supported.

    The last time I was in Barnes & Noble I was assaulted by their salesperson who was pushing the Nook. It is sold by them, heavily promoted and there's a huge library of books available. I have friends with a Nook and they like it.

    I have an old Kindle and a Kindle Fire. Love them both!! I am a total Amazon junkie.......


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies.

    So DH confessed that he didn't let Ritter out the last time he asked to go out on that infamous night because he was getting frustrated with the "in one minute - out one minite - in one minute" routine and it was really raining. So Ritter thought he would show us.

    He is better now and no longer allowed on the bed. He took the news pretty well this morning when I told him to get "OFF". He cuddled up with Bodi and went to sleep.

    I do think he is in his terrible twos of doggy hood.

    On the subject of e-books I aboslutely love my Kindle. It fits in my purse so I have a book with me at all times. I also love the fact that I can make the print large enough I don't need my reading glasses.

    Work is hectic as always. Just a quick fly by during my lunch. Take care all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi to all. Wow what a crazy start to the week. Yesterday was a 10 hour clinical day. I come home so wiped out it’s all I can do to get home. Today is class for 8 hours…we have to make up class time from yesterday. One of our student’s finances committed suicide so the entire day yesterday was funeral stuff. It has been very hard on the students and tiring for me.

    I weighed in today and gained nearly 2 pounds…I’m ok with that considering the long anniversary weekend, my Philly trip, and eating out twice since I got home. I’m back on the wagon today and feel very motivated to stay on track now. I actually do pretty well over the holidays, so I’m not worried about those coming up. So I’m pretty confident I can stay on the wagon the rest of the year. Two more nights of eating out this week are coming up, but tomorrow is a steak house and it’s easy to be good there, and Friday is Indian food and I can always get tandoori chicken and veggies or something vegetarian. I did have 2 people tell me today how much better I am looking; one former student wasn’t sure it was me! So I feel pretty darn good!

    I see I have about 3 pages of posts to catch up on and shall do my best to be encouraging to all!

    Kate: good for you on wearing a smaller pants size!!!

    Janie: hope your uncle is recovering well and has a good prognosis.

    Texasgirl: I love the feeling of print in my hands. I do get the convenience though!

    Lila; I had already thought that in 3 years when we do this planning meeting again that I would give them plenty of feedback.
    LOL They will get sick of me!

    Laura: so you have lost an entire dog? It’s funny how having something concrete to compare with really makes this real!

    Michele: so glad your pool/spa is nearly done. When can I come over?

    Liz: good choices with the pizza!

    Linda: the deep cleaning actually never ends, it’s just one room nearly every month so that it is not overwhelming. Right now the kids like doing it because I pay them $10 a room. So I get out of it!

    Sally: I know what you mean. My entire schedule changes every 8 weeks. It has for years, so I can’t figure out why I can’t anticipate it and plan ahead, but my exercise really suffers from it.

    M: I would love to get back to Philly. I did miss the rain; it was just starting as we took off.

    Janehadji: at least all that shopping was good for some exercise! Good job on the weight loss!

    DeeDee: great news on the weight loss! Too bad that salmon was naughty! I thought in an earlier post you had lost weight! Did I mix you up with someone else?

    Dar: Thank goodness for your son being ok!@ What a relief!

    Kathy what a nice pic!

    Barbie: love the kitty! I also love your positive affirmation to be Barbie…great!!

    Lin: what a horrible thing for that physician to say without any explanation of what they are going to do to keep your dad from being one of those statistics. That was very unkind. I’ll keep you and dad in my thoughts!

    Glenda: snow! AUGHHHHHHHHHHh I am not ready for that, so you just keep it up there!

    Wessecg: you look great!!!

    Robin: why is Ritter mad at you? That IS a lot of pee!!!

    Jolene: what a crummy day. I hope today is better!

    OK well my resolution of getting to everyone has gone POOF because now I need to get back to work. I’m sorry to those I missed! Stay strong and take care, Meg
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Mwheatcraft54 -- LOL! DSW is an amazing store, I agree. If you can't find shoes there, you probably can't find them anywhere! :smile:

    Lin & Joelene -- I'd forgotten that Barnes & Noble bought out Borders! I'm sure that the Nook is fine, in that case. :blushing:

    DISCLAIMER: This post has nothing to do with weight loss! Since we're all of an age, you might be able to relate. My husband has been depressing me for the last year by saying that we're "in our last phase of life," or "final years" and we need to decide what we want to do with the time we have left. He might be correct, but I don't like thinking of it in that way (I'm 53 and he's 51, both in good health). My reply is that I want to travel.

    Today he popped out with a serious suggestion that has gotten me really excited, although I don't think we can do it because of my parents. He watched some show where a couple liquidated their assets, packed a couple of suitcases and started traveling! They stay in each place for two months, renting a small furnished condo, then move on the the next place. I would SO love to do a variation of that for 4-5 years. The kids don't need us right now, there are no grandchildren expected for several years, we're still in good enough physical condition, we could support it financially... it's just my parents. I moved them here last year and had them buy a house. (Many reasons why they would be miserable in a senior complex). I don't see how I could just leave, especially when they need my help in so many ways. I can see my dad deteriorating physically and my mom losing her mental capacities. They're going to have to stop driving within the next six months, maybe sooner. They've always been good to me, and I don't think I can leave them to hired help in what really are their "final years." If I wait until they don't need me, the other things will have kicked in -- the grandchildren, health issues, etc. I have one sibling in Hawaii, but his wife and my mother totally dislike each other, so they really aren't an option.

    I know that many of you are helping care for aging parents, as well. It's a hard position to be in, between dealing with the kids and the parents both. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts/plans for the future, if you'd care to share. This is a very introspective age, and I spend a lot of time thinking about what's important and what life means. I don't know if I'm alone in this, as most of my friends are either much younger or much older than me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member


  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good afternoon all, well I am just having a snack before I go out. I swam today and worked on some earrings. I stayed on track, too.

    I read in one of the posts about the shirataki noodles and had to try them. I got some tofu ones at Kroger with 3 carbs per serving. I rinsed and had spagetti sauce and sausage with cheese for lunch. They were ok and more like spagetti than bean sprouts. I will use them for spagetti and for my garlic shrimp pasta dish.

    Lin- my Mom is here in GA and the rest of the kids live in CA, so it all falls on me. Now my brother does send money, but my sister does nothing. Yes my Mom does drive me crazy.

    Borders never sold the Nook, it was always Barnes and Noble, I used to work there. One of my many second jobs. Borders waited to long to get one and it was made by sanyo I think. This is why they are out of business. That and telling all customers that they could buy that book, that they didn't have on line. Where Barnes and Noble will order it for you and you can pick it up at the store.

  • goodlife1206
    goodlife1206 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow! Such a great group of lively, supportive women here. I would like to join you in keeping my health and losing weight. I am sure that it will take some time to get a grip on who is who.

    I am 57 years jold and an empty nester. I am married and work as a paralegal. I have always had to watch my weight and have been more successful at some times than others. I had lost a considerable amount last year on a low carb plan, but gained about half of it back. I was doing weight watchers, but the cost and trying to get to a meeting was difficult.

    I enjoy a very active lifestyle and exercise 4-5 times a week. You'd think I would be thinner with all the activity. I always say if there is a famine -- I will be the last alive!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: I am so far behind in reading the posts (blame it on the exercise bike) so today I’ll read and not respond to everything that excites me and just post a few words. I taught one dance at the morning intermediate line dance class and then drove straight to the afternoon class that I taught for two and half hours and when I got home the dogs were asking for their special afternoon walk that we like to take together.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, this morning I didn’t understand that Brandy was desperate to go out and I took Sasha first and while we were out, Brandy pooped a big pile in the office next to Jake’s computer……Jake was not happy when he found it :mad: :mad: and Brandy was sad :sad: :sad: that she had disappointed us…..and I felt terrible that I’d missed the signs that she needed to go…..so Brandy sends her love to Ritter and says that she understands how these things happen…..Sasha asked me to tell Ritter that when she was a puppy she chewed up a $27.00 library book that was on the bed:laugh: .

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I’m glad to hear that you’re back at the gym with your weight training…..you are my inspiration and I’ve just started back on my at home weight workouts.

    :bigsmile: Jake just bought a Kindle….it arrived today from Amazon. I have shared all the things all of you have shared about your Kindles and he appreciates all the help.\

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Tomorrow is another day for tests and drs appointment. Hope they figure this out quickly! I'm finding it challenging to come up with work to leave for my classes. Our subs are great with the kids, but not always big fans of teaching math.

    Didn't get any real exercise in today, but did lots of stairs. Tomorrow, between appointments, I will either go to the gym or do a walk tape at home. Feel the need to move!

    Nancy- What weight training program are you following? I have one set up for me by my personal trainer, but haven't been doing it lately- waiting for okay from doctor. I really miss lifting. It makes you feel very strong and in control! I am only 5'2" and in the low 140s. I know I could lose more if I can go back to the more consistent, strenuous workouts that I was doing before I injured my foot. My foot is okay, but now I need to wait for the verdict on this other issue. Meanwhile, I will continue the cardio. Love your picture and the stories about your students. I teach middle school math.

    To all who are losing- congrats!! One pound at a time- We will all get there!

    Have a peaceful evening.
    Deb A
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    wessecg - the pic is great. You look so lovely

    jolene - so sorry you had such a horrible day. The one good thing about having a horrible day is that it can only get better....:)

    liz - are you going to use a mini muffin tin when you make the tarts? If so, let me know how that works out. Like I said, the hardest part was having them stand upright.

    Linda Sundance - that's just wonderful that you want to exercise. I think in a sense I'm addicted to it.

    Someone (and I honestly don't remember who) on here has a son (or someone) who is a chef. Can you please ask them this for me, or if anyone else knows the answer, please pop in to tell me. Anyway, many times I made a cheesecake. The last time I made it in a 9 x 13 pan, this lady cut it into really neat (clean I mean) edged squares. How do you do that? Should you cut it when the cake or whatever is slightly frozen?

    Deb - one of our cats had a very interesting way of telling Vince that he'd slept enough. The cat would put his paw on Vince's face.

    carolyn - I feel your pain. A few years ago Jessica trained a service dog. You're supposed to take the service dog in training to you place of work, but at the time she worked in the canine unit of New Bolton Center where there were some sick dogs. Of course, she couldn't take Piper there, so I'd watch him while Jessica worked. You should have seen me crying the day we had to give him to the person he would be helping. I kept telling myself over and over that the only reason he would be able to help the person was because of the love I gave him. Even tho I only saw him on weekends (she had to take him to school and to all her classes), I still cried and cried. But know that the kitten is going to a good home where he/she/it will be loved.

    Was going to go to deep water, but decided to go swim some laps since I could go earlier. Unfortunately, I missed yoga. But oh well.... It's surprising how fast that hour went by! Came home and Vince and I put the other pole on the other half of the solar cover so it can be wound up. Don't really understand why he wanted to start so early, we needed to wait for the sun to dry out some of the hay anyway. So far I have 14,000 steps on the pedometer, but it did fall off a few times so I probably have more. Didn't go to senior bowling but I asked a lady to get some buttermilk for me at a store near her (they're the only one who sells it in smaller containers, and I really don't need 8 cups, I just get 4 cups, and freeze them), then had to run to WalMart to get pumpkins for Jessica who'll be here tomorrow night. We then installed a few more of the landscape lights. Poor Vince - he's really bushed. Honestly, I wish he had more stamina because I'd like to get more done tomorrow since Loki has a vet appointment Fri so that'll chew up a good portion of the day.

    bk2france - welcome! What's the significance to your name? You'll get lots of encouragement here!

    wessecg - Yea on the pants!

    Laura - I usually find the shirataki noodles in a cool place, usually on the perimeter of the store near the veges. It's usually where you'll find vegetarian cheese slices, etc.

    I really need to measure things out. For some reason, I don't use a scale to weigh things, but my measuring cups aren't far away, that's for sure!

    Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love Ripped to the Core DVD.

    Lin - how very great for you to be there for your friend. Thanks for those hints about really washing and dry frying the shirataki noodles. I don't think I wash them enough

    jolene - Vince has the Nook. The reason he went with that one is because it can also connect to the internet. He did get a cover for it, one that has a magnet on the back so you can open it fully. Vince got his at Barnes and Noble. I remember that he was able to take one home for something like 2 weeks and try it out to see if he'd like it. And he did.

    Meg - you're ALWAYS encouraging!

    welcome goodlife!

    Well, I need to read the newspaper (no, I haven't gotten to it yet).

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good evening:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I haven't been around! I started my temp job with Muscular Dystrophy back up on Tuesday so haven't been on much but I am keeping up with logging my food! I like the job a lot -great group of people and very relaxed atmosphere! I'm also going to physical therapy for my calf strain and love the pool therapy!:smile: The scale finally budged 1.5 pounds today after a two week stall!:bigsmile: Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and support! Thanks to MFP and all of you for the continued motivation! NSV-noticing less knee pain and both my DD and DH noticed that I was moving quicker this past weekend!:happy:

    Hope you all have a great rest of the week!:flowerforyou:

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello lovely ladies--

    Just want to pop in to let you know I'm back. There's no way I can catch up with all the posts for 2 1/2 weeks, so I'll just start going forward.

    I've tried a couple of times to log in but kept getting a message that MFP was down for maintenance.

    Work has been crazy since I got back. Several deadlines to meet and work has piled up (no one does my job when I'm gone).

    Still suffering from jet lag, :yawn: :yawn: waking up at all hours and getting leg cramps in both legs multiples times during the night. :grumble: :grumble: Hopefully I can get caught up on my sleep this weekend.

    I will be back this weekend and tell you about my trip.

    I hope you are all doing well and are accomplishing your goals.
