How Honest Are You?



  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'd have paid $50. I can and do pay what I owe, thank God.
  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    I would have done the same as you. Once I was walking to the store, a lady had her purse on the roof of her car and it fell off. I grabbed it, flagged down the next officer I saw since she was long gone. I didn't open her purse at all, just handed it over to a police officer so he could locate her. I didn't want to invade her privacy.
  • SelenisGoesFit
    I would 100% pay the 3p and run. It's a dog eat dog world. And I would not have a bad conscience about it either.

    Actually surprised how many honest people there are answering this.
    THIS! We can't even compare that story with some old lady who lost her purse...

    And, to be honest, i think many people that are here telling "i would do the right thing" would just pay the 3p and run too... ;)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Whenever I use those self-pay stations I am usually in a hurry and not even paying attention...I go on serious autopilot. I might not even have noticed!! and just swiped my card and left. If I had noticed I would have said something. Not just because I am honest like that but because I always use my customer card to to get the savings so the store would have known it was me eventually and got their money anyway.

    Whenever a teller or cashier gives me too much money back I always correct them because I know they'll have to eat the cost, or get written up, or even lose their job. I can see how with a machine it might be tempting to say nothing because a person is not being directly affected by the mistake, but still.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I would 100% pay the 3p and run. It's a dog eat dog world. And I would not have a bad conscience about it either.

    Actually surprised how many honest people there are answering this.
    THIS! We can't even compare that story with some old lady who lost her purse...

    And, to be honest, i think many people that are here telling "i would do the right thing" would just pay the 3p and run too... ;)

    AMEN... Completely different situation ... and they won't fire a cashier ...its the self checkout..

    back in "the day" stores used to have pride in themselves and would advertise that if it scanned at a lower price, NO MATTER WHAT PRICE, you got the item at that price, now they just scramble to change it and they make you wait while they do it, no pride of ownership anymore. I remember when they used to stand by that instead of trying to screw you for every cent just to increase profits.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm situationally honest. I'd pay for the groceries as you did. vending machines are a different beast... those *kitten* are up at least 20 bucks on me if they mischarge or deal out an extra item for free I keep it and grin. :)

    Right! I think EVERYONE does this...even the most honest person grins and keeps that extra quarter, or keeps the extra candy bar :smile:
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    To answer your question, I would make sure I paid what I owed...period.

    I have gotten too much change back, even as little as 4 cents and given it back. I have also been given back over $60 in change (they thought I gave them a $100) and I've given that back.

    I'm not in the business of stealing, whether their mistake or not. It's not mine, therefore I'm not taking it.

    To each their own, though.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,096 Member
    Would you stop a hungry man from stealing bread?
    I would if I caught him. Between charities, food stamps, etc... there are enough ways to get yourself fed that there is no excuse for stealing. There was no indication in the OP's post that poverty was an issue.

    I've had to make the tough choice whether to pay rent or buy groceries a couple of times. I chose rent... and I'm too proud/stupid to go to a food bank or soup kitchen. A day or two of hunger is pretty easy compared to what some folks on this planet face daily.

    Luckily for me, I was blessed by having friends who figured out my predicament (I said nothing) and invited me to supper... then sent me home with "left-overs" enough to feed me for a few days until my next paycheck. I've paid that forward often over the years.

    I understand completely. I've had MANY low points in my life, including those in which my food supply was scarce. Of course there is no excuse for stealing, but the question was only intended to provoke thought. At the end of the day, which of us is greatly impacted by the hungry thief? I say neither really. In my opinion, the only reason he is stealing is because he's been told "no" everywhere else.

    BTW, don't ever be too proud to ask for help!

    But back to my original point. Yes, I would take the groceries for 3 cents.
    Being too proud to ask was a lesson I needed to learn; it took a couple of tries before I "got" it. There is no shame in admitting you're low. Failing to do something about is the real shame.

    Back to the original question, I wouldn't have the groceries if I couldn't afford them... I would have the error corrected.
  • Inebriated
    I would 100% pay the 3p and run. It's a dog eat dog world. And I would not have a bad conscience about it either.

    Actually surprised how many honest people there are answering this.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I would do the honest thing. I was driving away from the local gas station today and saw something on the road. I was in a hurry on my way to a job interview, too, but I quick stopped because it looked like a book. I got out and picked it up, and it was a woman's wallet. It had ID and credit cards and I would guess it had money in, also. I grabbed it and quick drove back to the station and turned it in to them. I know I would be in a panic to find mine back. I walked away much happier than I was before I got my measly $8.00 of gas that I could afford today. :)
    Hope you get a good job! If it's not this one, maybe it will be an even better one.
    Thank you! I am not sure about that job, but I did get a closer job to my home, so I don't have to drive so far all the time.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I would 100% pay the 3p and run. It's a dog eat dog world. And I would not have a bad conscience about it either.

    Actually surprised how many honest people there are answering this.
    THIS! We can't even compare that story with some old lady who lost her purse...

    And, to be honest, i think many people that are here telling "i would do the right thing" would just pay the 3p and run too... ;)

    AMEN... Completely different situation ... and they won't fire a cashier ...its the self checkout..

    back in "the day" stores used to have pride in themselves and would advertise that if it scanned at a lower price, NO MATTER WHAT PRICE, you got the item at that price, now they just scramble to change it and they make you wait while they do it, no pride of ownership anymore. I remember when they used to stand by that instead of trying to screw you for every cent just to increase profits.

    I work at a grocery store, Hy-Vee, where they do honor the if it rings up wrong, it's free. I had a manager do that for a lady last week when I was cashiering. I thought it was cool. I would definitely make sure that I paid the right price for my items. You never know when that ball of karma or whatever you might want to call it will swing the other direction and smack you right in the head.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    So I went grocery shopping and got my typical $50 of groceries. I went thru the self serve line and rang up my order. Swiped my bank card and it said I only owe 0.03 yes 3 cents?

    What would you do?

    1. Swipe your card and go?

    2. Tell someone so they can correct it ?

    My momma raised an honest girl! I told someone and paid my $50.

    I could have just swiped and paid 3 cents. No one was even watching the self service machines.

    So if you have the opporunity to be honest -- are you ?

    i would have left because believe im entitled to free food, education, living, etc because im an american citizen and deserve it...

    Obama 2012
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Yes, honest to a fault. Wouldn't have been able to sleep that night had I not said something. Once gave a $20 at a gas station (in my teens) and the lady gave me back a lot more than I gave her (close to $50). I got in my truck and knew I couldn't drive away. Went in, told her, and I am a better person for it. I hope my kids would do the same.

    You made the right choice :smile:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    So I went grocery shopping and got my typical $50 of groceries. I went thru the self serve line and rang up my order. Swiped my bank card and it said I only owe 0.03 yes 3 cents?

    What would you do?

    1. Swipe your card and go?

    2. Tell someone so they can correct it ?

    My momma raised an honest girl! I told someone and paid my $50.

    I could have just swiped and paid 3 cents. No one was even watching the self service machines.

    So if you have the opporunity to be honest -- are you ?

    i would have left because believe im entitled to free food, education, living, etc because im an american citizen and deserve it...

    Obama 2012

    :laugh: Yep! That sums it up.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have gone through the self serve checkout about 4 times. Every time I have had some kind of issue with something not scanning, so I refuse to go through one again.

    However, to answer the question of would I have paid the 3 cents and left. Probably not. I wouldn't have felt guilty if I had, I just wouldn't want to risk some kind of financial woes over 50 bucks. I have conservatively spent $200K at the grocery store over the last 40 years, I would just consider any error in my favor as a well-deserved rebate.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Id pay the 3 cents and run lol. But I have found cash in the self serve lane at the grocery store and turned it in.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I once lost a purse and although I didn't really have much money in it ($2), it was a pain to have to redo all my ID's, etc. plus I had a sentimental item in the purse. I tried to retrace my steps but I couldn't figure out exactly where I had left it. Over a year later, I get a call from my dad, who lived in another state. It turns out the business contacted my college by using my college ID and had the college contact my next of kin. I had moved to a new state and that was the way they finally tracked me down. The purse was mailed to me. Literally I had only $2 and that day I lost it, it wasn't about the money. I cried though when I saw my baby's first cap (the one from the hospital) still in the purse. It was incredible to me that they went to such lengths for a purse that really held almost nothing that seemed of any value. There are indeed not only honest people, but people who really do reach out and try to do the right thing.

    There is no question what I would do.
  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    You did a great thing, I too would have did the same thing as you. Although the machine was at fault I wouldve felt like I was stealing bc I knew it was wrong. Kudos to you, we need more people in the world like this.
  • DiAnnUh
    I 100% completely believe in karma, so I try to never be dishonest. It always comes back to you worse!