Here is the new thread girls:
By the way has anyone tried the SixWeekBodyMakeover and if so did it work for you.I saw a commercisl about it but I am sort of skeptical.Any input would be great!!!


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning ladies...

    I was a little bit down my weight went back up to today..I know it fluctuates, but still i liked seeing that 285.1..not too bad up to 285.6 but was hoping to be under 285. I didn't drink alot of water this weekend, plus i didn't sleep that good at all last night.

    NOw i am staying home today with my 3 yr old. not sure what is wrong with her, if she just has a cold or a upper resp or sinus infection. She got this like yellowish -green snot coming out and real thick. This morning then she threw up on me, it was just like snot that she threw up all over me. I am thinking of taking her in not sure.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning Gals! :)

    Bump to find for later...i am back :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning!:flowerforyou:

    Good news 55 minutes on the elliptical! Bad news, no where near the calorie burn that MFP estimates - but that's OK it was still a little over 500 :bigsmile:

    I've had my lovely breakfast of light yogurt with Fiber One cereal mixed in - and two bottles of water so I'm moving right along!

    (except that I should have left for work two hours ago:huh: Ahhhh Mondays!)
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Why did we change and add part 2? I'm new to this and just wondering.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh dear, Lildeb. Thanks for that image. It made the oatmeal I'm eating so much more appetizing... :laugh: I've forever been insanely grossed out by snot and vomit but normally I can deal with it.. But snot vomit? I think that's just a little too much for me to handle. :tongue: I'm sorry your little one is sick.
    My weight fluctuated back up this morning, too. Yesterday morning I was all the way down to 223.4 (thanks to an upset digestive system on Saturday night. The whole time I thought, "Well, at least I'm going to weigh a lot less in the morning." :laugh:). I was back up to 225.0 today but that's fine, it's actually less than I expected. 225 is awesome -- it's 5 pounds from 50 pounds lost. :smile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Check in for yesterday (sunday)
    Calories.... slightly under
    exercise yes 1 hr
    water.. did pretty well
    Proud... I am got moving, even though I wanted to just relax

    Good morning ladies...

    I was a little bit down my weight went back up to today..I know it fluctuates, but still i liked seeing that 285.1..not too bad up to 285.6 but was hoping to be under 285. I didn't drink alot of water this weekend, plus i didn't sleep that good at all last night.

    Now i am staying home today with my 3 yr old. not sure what is wrong with her, if she just has a cold or a upper resp or sinus infection. She got this like yellowish -green snot coming out and real thick. This morning then she threw up on me, it was just like snot that she threw up all over me. I am thinking of taking her in not sure.

    definitely take her in.. normally if the mucus is colored IE green or yellow it is a sign of an infection. The sooner you get her cleared up the better.. poor little girl.. Hang in there!

    I am off to the workout room now.. check back in later...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    definitely take her in.. normally if the mucus is colored IE green or yellow it is a sign of an infection. The sooner you get her cleared up the better.. poor little girl.. Hang in there!

    Oh yeah, and I agree with this. I had chronic sinusitus as a kid, so I know all too well that clear to white snot is okay. But yellow & green is no good at all.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    llowry - I think it just gets to be so long, its nice to have a clean new space to chat in :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    :flowerforyou: Ok gals I am back I had a few days off and instead of weighing 236 or 238 this weekend I weighed in this morning at 234 so I am happy that I gave my body the rest it needed.I am counting calories and taking it easy on the exercise this week (only 60 minutes 5 days a week with 2 days off).I think that was my problem that I was doing way to much too fast.My calves still hurt from all of last weeks exercise.I went ahead and posted a new thread so wehad a fresh start for the week.I will post a new one each Sunday if thats ok with everyone else.I am hoping this week I can get back out of the 230's I have to get this weight under control and my first goal is to get back to 215 where I was last summer before I started gaining again and losing control with my food consumption.I am trying really hard to stay focused and I may need some support and inspiration for awhile from you guys to stay on track.I get so disappointed when the scale doesn't budge for me especially when I work so hard.I am off to give my house a "scrub down" today.If guys can just check on me and keep me motivated it would be much appreciated.I will try to return the favor.THanks again for sticking with me gals!!!You all are AWESOME!!!:flowerforyou: Oh I am also going to reset my ticker to reflect what I weigh right now and start over from there losing.So my start weight will be 234 and hopefully my ticker will begin moving fast.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning all!

    Lildebbie: I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. We have had to put 2 cats down in the last few years and I think making that decision is very hard . Better for your dog to go peacefully at home like he/she did. And then to start off the week with a sick kid - you have had a rough few days! Hang in there!

    Checking in for the weekend:
    calories: bad ... didn't track but really struggled with food this weekend, had a ravenous appetite but also upset stomach all weekend - weird, my stomach is still burning today
    exercise: great on Friday & Saturday ... 70 minute walk on Friday and 90 minutes at the Y on Saturday, but nothing on Sunday
    water: didn't track - likely was short
    proud: hmmm ... that I'm still here and back tracking today
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jib - Sorry to gross you out early this morning. Please forgive me :sad: :sad:

    I took her in and they said just has a bad cold. He gave her some decongenst stuff . She is eating now, then i am giving her some and then off to bed she goes.

    In a weird way i am glad she is sick today, not glad she doesn't feel good, but gives me an excuse not to work today. Still sad and didn't sleep but maybe a few hours last night.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I stand corrected on my weight this morning it was 233.So I am hoping by the 15th of February to be 218.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I realized yesterday I have lost my dog. I mean, my dog isn't lost, but I have lost as much as she weighs. When I look at how big she is, it blows my mind! She's not a small dog by any standard -- she's a collie mix!

    Then, I realized that I've lost an entire 5 year old. A FIVE YEAR OLD kid!

    I think all of you need to think about your weight loss in terms like that -- it's mindblowing!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yeah it is amazing to think about loosing things :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jib - Sorry to gross you out early this morning. Please forgive me :sad: :sad:

    Oh, no! I was mostly joking. I ate all my oatmeal anyway. :smile: It takes a lot to really gross me out. Once, my dog vomited poop all over me & I didn't puke - I just proceeded to systematically clean him, take a shower, and shampoo the couch & it was done. I knew then & there I could probably handle all the yuck that comes with motherhood which is something I had always been concerned about. :laugh:
  • BarbG
    BarbG Posts: 12 Member
    New Year, Fresh Start. Here I go again. Looking forward to using this tool to keep myself motivated and successful.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildeb: Sorry to hear about your loss. I am a huge animal lover and I know what you're going through...I've had to go through it with dogs, cats and horses. It never gets easier, but your dog went the best possible way. Hang in there and we're here if you need to talk!

    So here's are the stats for yesterday 1/10/10:
    Calories: Went over because I caved and ate ice cream (245 calories over).
    Exercise: Burned 904 calories snowshoeing for an hour and 26 minutes.
    Water: Close, but not quite there!
    Proud: That I discovered yesterday that I can wear my belt on the last (tightest) hole and will need to move to a smaller belt VERY soon! Woohoo!

    Today I'm switching my protein shakes around to compensate for the boss buying lunch and then having a meeting during my regular dinner time. I've already logged everything except my dinner protein shake because I'm not sure of the exact amount of calories it will have. (I haven't decided on the flavor I want yet).

    Today's weight is 200.4, which is back where I was before all of the holiday junk. It's so frustrating being this close to my first larger goal but not quite being able to teeter over it.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    new week...I like the challenge for this week. so far i am off to a great start. I had some oatmeal (quick cook kind), mixed with water and milk, i had my coffee with 1 teaspoon of creamer, a little milk (2%), and 1/2 a pack of splenda...every time i use splenda...i get a bad headach..and this is something new that is happening to me...anyone else.

    snack: 1/2 a pear and small apple...so far i am not wanting any sugar...and i am a sugar junkie.

    I have a funny story...i had to go take my praxis test on Saturday so my sweet hubby wanted to drop me off..and since my children had religion school around the same time...he would drop me off and take my 2 older children to school..well they decided to stop at Donkin Donuts..and bought a dozen donuts...well they save 2 for me...i can't eat donuts..i gave those up long time ago. my hubby pick me up when my test was done and said here we bought your favorate kind of donut...i said i didn't want it...so he said a bite for me...to please him i took a small bite and boy was it so sweet...and i can taste all the oil...yuk...i am sorry but i can't believe i use to eat that...it felt so heavy on my stomach and it was only a bite.

    I love this new life style...don't get me wrong i do (at times) eat foods that sabitage my food but i am working on it.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey gals. I guess I'll check in for yesterday.


    Calories: Little over
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: Did a bit of walking, but not much really.

    Proud: That I stuck to the no sugar rule and avoided a chocolate malt that my mom and her friend were sharing.

    and speaking of comparing things to your weight loss: since I started at mfp, i've lost the equivalent of an average housecat XD Sounds so funny when you say it that way.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Check in from yesterday.

    Calories: over by 200
    Exercise: 60 minutes walking the dogs (each separately)
    Water: some not all
    Proud: I went to Lowe's and the evil Girl Scouts were there soliciting their little circles of fat and sugar. So even though I bought two boxes, I picked up the kind that my boyfriend likes and that I don't like, that way I won't eat them.