

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I just returned from dropping 2 of my 3 girls off at school. Hubby took 1 girl for me. Now the little guy and I need to get ourselves ready for our day. I try to work with him everyday. Yesterday we were working on holding a pencil. I do NOT know if he is right or left handed. He switches off, but seems to favor the left. I have NO idea, if I should encourage one hand or the other. Maybe some of you teachers can give me a suggestion. Anyways, he fought me so hard on the issue and I mean he got really defiant about it. Momma, said Listen here I am in charge and we are going to write with a pencil today. I figured if I sit down 1 hour a day and build to 2 hours, he will start getting ready for Kinder which is 4 hours. He is just not ready right now. I do not make him just sit at a table and do 1 hour of work. We read a book, we sing a song, we practice our letter recognition, we go over flash cards, we dance, ect... Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!

    Back to weight loss mode. Even though I stayed under my cals yesterday they were lousy calories. I felt it last night too. Today I am off to a healthy start. Thanks for listening sometimes I just need to vent a little then I feel better:smile:

    Momma2four: I think what you are doing is great, you talking about your son and what you are describing “the use of using his right/left hand” that is called “ambidextrous” it is a gift of using/processing things using both his left and right side of the brain. When my son was in preschool…9 years ago…he was doing the same thing. He would switch the pencil, crayons, and even the scissors from one right to left or vice-versa.

    I am not sure if this might be any help…I am studying to be a teacher ( all that is missing is my certification)..and during this process I did my share of observing classroom(s) for some required courses. I did observe an Autistic (ABA) classroom and a lot of other "normal classrooms." the ABA classroom focuses more of a one-on-one lesson. The instructor would do small increments of a lesson. If she was working on shapes..she would only do about 2 – 3 shapes at a time…not to overwhelm the student with the lesson..and to make it more fun and engaging she would use reinforcement ( fruit snacks, a toy, tickles, or a game) things the student liked and how to maximize the learning for a short period of time. Because this is all new for the student, she did not want to do too much all at once. I think she would sit with the student for 30 minutes…give him a break (5-10 minutes) and then back to work for another 30 minutes…the students needs time to process all this new information. A lot of preschool teachers use this model...breaking up the lesson to sute the student(s) once the information is process it is time to move on but review previous lessons to make connections wiht the new lesson..or the other way around.

    Like I said I am not sure if my advice might help but I do use this with my four year old son…he can’t sit doing something for a long period of time…he gets bored very easily.

    I wish you the best. It is, and it takes, hard work - keep it up what you are doing - you are on the right path..hopefully, you will see positive results…the fruits of you labor…..and on a last note, please have patience…I can’t stress this enough…Good luck!

    I had been wondering if he was ambidextrous. For about a yr or 2 I wondered if that was the case, but because of his delays I also wondered if it was he just wasn't getting it. Thanks for the advice, I truely appreciate it. I am finding that he is teaching me patience each and every day.:laugh:

    Both of my younger children use there right and left hand.My oldest is right handed.and I use both hands but I am mainly right handed.Like I said before, I think you should just let him decide which hand works best for him even if it is both.To me it sounds like your boy is very gifted to be able to use both hands.Not many people can do that.Consider it a gift from God Momma that he can use both hands.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    You gals are the best. You always make me feel better. I should clear up that I do not work with him (table work) on the weekends. We work on using full sentences when asking for things and that is about it on the weekends. You all have such good advice and I know that a lot of you have children and I appreciate advice from you!!!!

    awestfall, I am so glad I met you. You are such a nice friend who always encourages me!

    lildeb, I will be praying for you. Little ones can be so determined to do things their way.

    Rororosie, weighing in is NOT a requirement to be in our group. If you are more comfortable weighing in 1x a month than do it. No one will be upset. We want everyone to succeed and if that is how you need to do it. Then that is what we want:flowerforyou:

    hajohnson24, Oh to be a size 12, I am quite envious of you.:love: I hope you win the inches contest!

    lstpaul, as a mother to 3 girls I am finding that this youngest child of mine is sooooo much different than they were. I knew they said boys were different, well they weren't joking. I am always joking that I feel like raising a boy is spending your days making sure they do not kill themselves.:laugh:
    By the way I am glad I met you too.I think you are an amazing lady and you bring out the best in everyone.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Here is the new thread girls:
    By the way has anyone tried the SixWeekBodyMakeover and if so did it work for you.I saw a commercisl about it but I am sort of skeptical.Any input would be great!!!

    I did the challenge a few years ago, it was pretty low calorie, but I did lose a lot of weight on it. You can ask me for any specifics if you like :)

    I would love to be part of your group, you all seem really supportive.

    Do you remember what types of foods you had to eat?What types of exercise you did? I was wondering if it really did work.How much weight did you lose on it if you don't mind me asking? And sure you are welcome to join our group.Weigh ins are Fridays and are challenges are picked by the biggest loser for that week.We post everyday calories,water,exercise and something we are proud of for that day.Welcome and thanks for the info.

    Hi, well as for the foods, it was lower carb and very low fat and low in cals. A lot of chicken and fish and vegetables and some fruit. It wasn't too bad because I really wanted to succeed. They have 5 different body types that have 5 different menus (one for each body type) you have to fill out this questionair to figure out what type you are. The program comes with exercises that your are to do depending on your body type. For myself, I was going to the gym and working with a personal trainer because I was in a competition at the gym. But the exercises that the program provides are pretty easy. I think on one day I caluclated the calories to be around 800. There is a cookbook/menu planner that has many different choices I was just lazy and short on time so I went with the basic (boring) menu.

    As for the weight loss, it's hard to say how much of it was due to the "makeover" because I was working out so much for the gym competition. But I started at about 270 ish and after 2 months I was at 222. About 48 lbs lost in 2 months. It was too much to lose in such a short time. Too low of calories for the amount of exercising. About 3 months later I lost a lot of hair. I should have been taking vitamins. I think it is a good program if you follow just that program and dont exercise like a mad woman. He only has you walking and doing some strength training. Nothing crazy I don't think you would even get out of breath doing them. I should really do it again. You get audio cds with it and there are a lot of interesting things that he explains. Plus you got these thermogenic pills to help boost your metabolism. I felt that these helped a lot.

    you also get this little booklet that tells you what to eat if you want to lose a size in 6 days. It's low carb/cal, but it works if you are willing to let it.

    lemme know if you want me to email you a sample of the diet. Hope this helps :)
    If its not too much trouble I would love to see a sample diet.Thanks for the information.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    so..i already checked in today, but as i went back to see how bad i did ( i had a piece of chocolate) i realized that i might just have a problem....im getting less than 1000 calories a day...today was only 400. I feel like i eat too much, but then i go back and realize how little i actually ate. I really dont know...is this healthy? what should i do? For breakfast i always grab something little like an apple...and lunch is something like an orange and water .... and then supper is a meal usually (tonight was popcorn chicken) and some water. ...im just wondering if this is healthy...some of my friends say it is alright...and then some say im starving my body from what it needs. ....just any advice????
    Sweetie this is not enough calories for you.My 15 old daughter is on this website (although she doesn't use it anymore)but it says for her to eat 1400 calories a day in order to lose weight and she weighs 151.I will double check this for you and let you know exactly what you should be eating.So 400 calories is way low for you.What does MFP recommend you eat in a day?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh my, has this been the longest day ever or what?

    I feel kind of like crud today. I'm super irritable and my neck & head hurt. I'm hoping it's PMS (what a weird thing to say! :laugh:). I'll be welcoming TOM with open arms this month because I've got a little paranoia (with essentially no basis) going on that I'm pregnant (but I'm sooooo not, I think I just like to freak myself out about it every couple of years :huh: ).

    I STILL do that and I'm 41!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    so..i already checked in today, but as i went back to see how bad i did ( i had a piece of chocolate) i realized that i might just have a problem....im getting less than 1000 calories a day...today was only 400. I feel like i eat too much, but then i go back and realize how little i actually ate. I really dont know...is this healthy? what should i do? For breakfast i always grab something little like an apple...and lunch is something like an orange and water .... and then supper is a meal usually (tonight was popcorn chicken) and some water. ...im just wondering if this is healthy...some of my friends say it is alright...and then some say im starving my body from what it needs. ....just any advice????
    Sweetie I checked for you and MFP says you should at least be eating 1430 calories a day to lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks.So try to meet at least that or you are in for some serious health problems.I hope this helps and feel free to ask any of us any questions that your not sure about.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    The bad news is that yesterday my cousin came by and we played rummy up to 4 in the morning and felt soooo hungry that we ate fish and chips and we drank a bottle of red wine and than a chocolate and now I feel awfully guilty but there isn't much l can do now is it?

    I just want to know where you get fish and chips at 4 in the morning???
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well gals I got done at the doctors yesterday.I have an upper respiratory infection and a terrible sinus infection.No wonder I felt like I couldn't breath.The doctor told me no exercise for at least a week so that my body could heal.As far as the weight loss goes he told me to slow down.He said to eat 1200- 1400 calories a day but to slowly switch out bad habits and replace it with good habits.Exercise he said to do as much as my body is able to do without making it impossible for me to get out of bed the next morning.He said if your to sore to get out of bed you did too much but he did say you should be a bit sore so I think now I have figured out that I was overtraining because it seems now my body is finally letting go of some of the weight.2 pounds lost so far this week.I hope I can get back to exercising really soon but until then I will just watch my calories .I am going to the grocery store this week so my husband and I are slowly switching our foods completely over to healthy.He wasn't eating healthy and I have been and he decided to start about a month ago and he has lost 24 pounds in one month.AMAZING right!!! But also frustrating for me because I am over here killing myself to lose a pound and he does absolutely nothing but eat right and loses 24 pounds in a month.COME ON!!!Well I will stop rambling now.Just wanted to let you gals no my status and I will still be here fighting to lose this weight everyday.Doc says I will probably still feel bad for another week thats why he doesn't want me to exercise he wants me to rest and fill up on fluids.Hope you gals are doing well today.
    Bluenote I hope you get rid of that stupid Pneumonia.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh my, has this been the longest day ever or what?

    I feel kind of like crud today. I'm super irritable and my neck & head hurt. I'm hoping it's PMS (what a weird thing to say! :laugh:). I'll be welcoming TOM with open arms this month because I've got a little paranoia (with essentially no basis) going on that I'm pregnant (but I'm sooooo not, I think I just like to freak myself out about it every couple of years :huh: ).

    I STILL do that and I'm 41!
    I ditto this comment!! I think we all do that to a certain age.I still do!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well gals I got done at the doctors yesterday.I have an upper respiratory infection and a terrible sinus infection.No wonder I felt like I couldn't breath.The doctor told me no exercise for at least a week so that my body could heal.As far as the weight loss goes he told me to slow down.He said to eat 1200- 1400 calories a day but to slowly switch out bad habits and replace it with good habits.Exercise he said to do as much as my body is able to do without making it impossible for me to get out of bed the next morning.He said if your to sore to get out of bed you did too much but he did say you should be a bit sore so I think now I have figured out that I was overtraining because it seems now my body is finally letting go of some of the weight.2 pounds lost so far this week.I hope I can get back to exercising really soon but until then I will just watch my calories .I am going to the grocery store this week so my husband and I are slowly switching our foods completely over to healthy.He wasn't eating healthy and I have been and he decided to start about a month ago and he has lost 24 pounds in one month.AMAZING right!!! But also frustrating for me because I am over here killing myself to lose a pound and he does absolutely nothing but eat right and loses 24 pounds in a month.COME ON!!!Well I will stop rambling now.Just wanted to let you gals no my status and I will still be here fighting to lose this weight everyday.Doc says I will probably still feel bad for another week thats why he doesn't want me to exercise he wants me to rest and fill up on fluids.Hope you gals are doing well today.
    Bluenote I hope you get rid of that stupid Pneumonia.

    Awestfall -Glad you went to the doctor. Take it easy and let your body heal.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    proud - I bought a pair of size 16 jeans today! They are a little snug still, but I plan on them being too big in no time!

    Whoooo hoooo!!!!! Congrats!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Check in from yesterday:

    Calories - I keep eating all my exercise calories, today I will not!
    Exercise - walked the dog for 30 and then BodyAttack at the gym (400 cals burned / hour)
    Water - yes (finally)
    Proud - I don't know if this is a proud statement or more of an accomplishment, but I can put my bra on without getting a cramp in my arms now :)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in from yesterday:

    calories: bad, bad bad AGAIN ... I don't know why I can't get my head back into a good place with what I am eating, I know I am never going to lose weight if I don't get back to making healthier choices like I was in the summer. :angry: I had over 1000 calories just in snacks yesterday. I am in kind of an 'I don't care' mood whenever I'm eating ... but I do care, I just have to keep that thought in the front of my mind, not in the back.
    exercise: good, went to the Y for an hour in the morning for step
    water: bad, by 4pm I hadn't even finished the 24 oz bottle that I brought to my morning workout, I did have some at night to end with about 40 oz ... but not enough - especially on a workout day
    proud: still here... still tracking...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    proud - I bought a pair of size 16 jeans today! They are a little snug still, but I plan on them being too big in no time!

    That's so awesome! Size 16 jeans are so like a size 14 everything else!

    Now to toot my own horn.
    I've been taking my measurements but I haven't really been paying attention to them in comparision to each other, just comparing them to the previous measurement of the same part of my body. I looked at them together this morning and va va va voom! :tongue: 46"-35"-47" (I wish I looked as good as that looks on paper to me :laugh:). I started at 48"-42*-54". Toot toot!

    Awestfall- I hope you feel better soon. :frown: Once I had sinus infection & a respiratory infection at the same time and I swear it's the sickest I've ever been in my entire life. I was so sick I couldn't move. I had a fever of 104 (I normally run about 96!). My mommy drove 100 miles to pick me up & take me to the doctor (I was in college). :heart: I took some mighty antibiotics and felt better for about a week and then it all came back (but with less of a vengeance) & I had to take another round.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. Maybe i will get up tomorrow and have a bowl of cereal. That would probably help. :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I weighed in for our department's 'The Biggest Loser' today and I'm back up a pound to 198. I'm actually pretty happy with this because I thought I'd be up more. I just started exercising the first of the month and I'm sure I'm building a little muscle :smile:

    Plus I took my measurements this morning and my neck is the same but my waist is an inch smaller! Whoot!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I brought in lunch for everyone at work today - black bean lettuce wraps with brown rice and low-fat cheese. I made curry black beans and taco black beans and I have cabbage leaves and lettuce leaves as well as wheat wraps...

    My cubical smells yummy!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. Maybe i will get up tomorrow and have a bowl of cereal. That would probably help. :)

    You need to add some PROTEIN, you know, the stuff that your muscles need to exist (your heart's a muscle, by the way! :smile:).
    Add 2 tbs of peanut butter to that apple & drink 8 ounces of milk. That'll add 300 calories to breakfast (and you'll feel so much better all day because of it).
    Eat 4 ounces of (not breaded or deep fried) chicken breast along with that orange (another 100 calories).

    Then add some vegetables to dinner and throw in 4 ounces of yogurt and and ounce of (unsalted) nuts as a snack and there you go -- that would be a much more decently well balanced low calorie meal plan.

    Did you know if you eat too few calories (and by too few, I mean anything under 1000 for SURE and you should probably be eating several hundred more than 1000 as the other girls have suggested), your body will start conserving all your fat and you could actually GAIN weight? And at that point, your body would start eating your muscles and your major organs would be damaged and you may screw up your metabolism to the point that you will have hormone and weight issues for the rest of your life. Of course, neither you nor I want that to happen to you, so please please please eat more QUALITY food (and, in general, most cereal is not "quality" food).
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    proud - I bought a pair of size 16 jeans today! They are a little snug still, but I plan on them being too big in no time!

    That's so awesome! Size 16 jeans are so like a size 14 everything else!

    Now to toot my own horn.
    I've been taking my measurements but I haven't really been paying attention to them in comparision to each other, just comparing them to the previous measurement of the same part of my body. I looked at them together this morning and va va va voom! :tongue: 46"-35"-47" (I wish I looked as good as that looks on paper to me :laugh:). I started at 48"-42*-54". Toot toot!

    Awestfall- I hope you feel better soon. :frown: Once I had sinus infection & a respiratory infection at the same time and I swear it's the sickest I've ever been in my entire life. I was so sick I couldn't move. I had a fever of 104 (I normally run about 96!). My mommy drove 100 miles to pick me up & take me to the doctor (I was in college). :heart: I took some mighty antibiotics and felt better for about a week and then it all came back (but with less of a vengeance) & I had to take another round.
    Thanks Jbl!! I have been fighting this same sinus infection and respiratory infection for about three weeks without meds and my doctor explain thats why I haven't lost any weight because my body was holding on to the stored fat to help fight off the infection because I was draining all my energy out by exercising like a crazy lady.I hope I feel better soon too.Thanks again!!:heart:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. Maybe i will get up tomorrow and have a bowl of cereal. That would probably help. :)

    You need to add some PROTEIN, you know, the stuff that your muscles need to exist (your heart's a muscle, by the way! :smile:).
    Add 2 tbs of peanut butter to that apple & drink 8 ounces of milk. That'll add 300 calories to breakfast (and you'll feel so much better all day because of it).
    Eat 4 ounces of (not breaded or deep fried) chicken breast along with that orange (another 100 calories).

    Then add some vegetables to dinner and throw in 4 ounces of yogurt and and ounce of (unsalted) nuts as a snack and there you go -- that would be a much more decently well balanced low calorie meal plan.

    Did you know if you eat too few calories (and by too few, I mean anything under 1000 for SURE and you should probably be eating several hundred more than 1000 as the other girls have suggested), your body will start conserving all your fat and you could actually GAIN weight? And at that point, your body would start eating your muscles and your major organs would be damaged and you may screw up your metabolism to the point that you will have hormone and weight issues for the rest of your life. Of course, neither you nor I want that to happen to you, so please please please eat more QUALITY food (and, in general, most cereal is not "quality" food).
    I agree with Jbl on this one too!~!~ Maybe try eating some whole grain oatmeal with fruit in it.Thats what I have for breakfast and its heavenly.I have whole grain oatmeal with 1 cup of blueberries added to it.You can buy instant whole grain oatmeal too they are good as well.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning all!
    I just finished my exercise (which i have not been doing for about a week - me being lazy and making the treadmill extention an excuse). I did one hour on the elliptical..burned 600 calories...yah me :)

    then i ate my breakfast: 1 cup of lowfat plain yogurt ( i made homemade yogurt yesterday) 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 small banana, and 1/4 cup granola mix...

    Has anyone notices becasue this week is NO sugar challenge and since we can eat sugar...i stopped craving junkie foods...chips, candy, cookies, chocolate...that is so weird ..but i love it.

    i weighted myself today...( my Tom is almost ending) and i am the same weight...as i was when i started my cycle...those 5 pounds are still here...ugh!! I am hoping by friday i will be back down to my original weight..crossing my fingers.

    Good luck girls...

    Check in 1/13.10
    calories: yup, i did not eat my exercise calories...so i ate 1310 calories
    exercise: yup, my lazy butt got it done first thing in the morning...60 minutes on the elliptical
    water: almost...but it's only morning by the end of the day i will have it all down..lol
    proud: i got back to my exercise routine...now i have to get back to c25k...week 7

    my new slogan is "just do it" ya i borrowed it from Nike...:laugh: