I got my flu shot today. What about you?



  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    No way. Never ever again! My husband got the shot last week, got the flu a couple days later and gave it to me and the kids >:( We recovered quickly, he is still sick.

    Have you considered that he might have already been exposed to the flu before he got the shot? Perhaps if he had gotten the shot earlier non of you would have fallen ill. The incubation time for influenza is generally 1-4 days.

    Except for some people where they get the flu shot every year, get the symptoms (or the flu) anyway... and then don't get the shot the next and aren't sick... while correlation may not be causation... It would seem some people react differently to the shot. It seems awfully suspect if you get the shot year after year, get sick shortly after year after year... and then don't get the shot and are well... while this is highly anecdotal... this is what happened to my dad every. single. year. until he was allowed to opt out and then he was hardly ever sick.

    I had influenza exactly once (and I didn't get a flu shot back then) and was pretty much death warmed over for 10 days. I've gotten the flu shot ever since, and I've never gotten influenza. I'd postulate that if one is confusing post-vaccination immune response with influenza, one has not actually ever experienced influenza.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    b) came down with a cold or some other virus and confused it with the flu.

    Exactly! I can't tell you how many people I know who say that they "have the flu" for every little sniffle they contract. You don't get over influenza in 3 days or keep going about your business!! If you didn't miss a week or two of work with fever, chills and respiratory issues then it probably was not influenza.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    No way. Never ever again! My husband got the shot last week, got the flu a couple days later and gave it to me and the kids >:( We recovered quickly, he is still sick.

    Have you considered that he might have already been exposed to the flu before he got the shot? Perhaps if he had gotten the shot earlier non of you would have fallen ill. The incubation time for influenza is generally 1-4 days.
    Exactly why I got mine the last week of August. Too many people think the shots gave them the flu (impossible, it's a dead virus) when a) they were probably already incubating the flu virus at the time of the shot or b) came down with a cold or some other virus and confused it with the flu.

    Or maybe there's something in the flu shot that's making them sick. To me, there's just way too big of a concidence that people who never had the flu or gotten that sick before all of a sudden get the flu or get really sick after getting the flu shot. Just seems really fishy to me.
    Conspiracy theories, I love it. What would be the possible benefit of a manufacturer making people sick with a flu shot? None.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    b) came down with a cold or some other virus and confused it with the flu.

    Exactly! I can't tell you how many people I know who say that they "have the flu" for every little sniffle they contract. You don't get over influenza in 3 days or keep going about your business!! If you didn't miss a week or two of work with fever, chills and respiratory issues then it probably was not influenza.
    The year that I had influenza, I had a fever of 103 and was on the couch in flannel pajamas, socks, slippers, a sweatshirt, a bathrobe, and two blankets and was STILL shivering like I was in a snowstorm. Every single inch of my body ached and I needed a nap after walking to the bathroom and back to the couch.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Nope. I never get it and I never get sick.
  • melanie8289
    melanie8289 Posts: 161 Member
    I have the flu jab every year without fail. While its not a guarantee against getting the flu it certainly lessons the chances. I've never had any reaction to the shot and haven't had a bout of flu since I've been having it. Before I started having the jab I was getting flu a couple of times a year!
  • ScumbagSteve
    ScumbagSteve Posts: 103 Member
    I tried but they couldn't find a good vain as I have used them all.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Nope. I never get it and I never get sick.

    This was me until last year lol This year I am getting it! I dont like being in bed for a whole week
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    never had one, won't get one.

    When I worked in assisted living two of us didn't get flu shot, and everyone but us two, got the flu.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    No way. Never ever again! My husband got the shot last week, got the flu a couple days later and gave it to me and the kids >:( We recovered quickly, he is still sick.

    Have you considered that he might have already been exposed to the flu before he got the shot? Perhaps if he had gotten the shot earlier non of you would have fallen ill. The incubation time for influenza is generally 1-4 days.

    Except for some people where they get the flu shot every year, get the symptoms (or the flu) anyway... and then don't get the shot the next and aren't sick... while correlation may not be causation... It would seem some people react differently to the shot. It seems awfully suspect if you get the shot year after year, get sick shortly after year after year... and then don't get the shot and are well... while this is highly anecdotal... this is what happened to my dad every. single. year. until he was allowed to opt out and then he was hardly ever sick.

    I had influenza exactly once (and I didn't get a flu shot back then) and was pretty much death warmed over for 10 days. I've gotten the flu shot ever since, and I've never gotten influenza. I'd postulate that if one is confusing post-vaccination immune response with influenza, one has not actually ever experienced influenza.

    Hence why I said "symptoms" implying that it may not have been the flu... but I'm pretty sure my dad has been out for at least a week after getting the flu shot (like clockwork) again with flu like symptoms... until he stopped getting the actual flu shot... then he stopped experiences "flu like symptoms"... again, that was HIS experience... and I still don't feel it is necessary for ME... as my husband has had the flu (that first bad year of H1N1) and I didn't get it from him either...

    Get the flu shot or don't get the flu shot... like most other vaccines it doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu... it just lessens the likelihood and lessens the symptomes if you do... but if I don't get the flu.... ever (except for once when I was like 9), why would I want to put something in my body that my body doesn't need... I am 30 years old and only had the flu all of one time in my life... I think the chances are pretty darn good at my body being able to fight off the flu during any given flu season. Now again, if I end up having my immune system compromised by something (You know like WNV that's been plaguing the US this year or like I did when I was pregnant (which by the way I did get the vaccine then)), then I will consider it as I do see a benefit sometimes...

    edited to fix html tags... I always forget which brackets to use.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    Hence why I said "symptoms" implying that it may not have been the flu... but I'm pretty sure my dad has been out for at least a week after getting the flu shot (like clockwork) again with flu like symptoms... until he stopped getting the actual flu shot... then he stopped experiences "flu like symptoms"... again, that was HIS experience... and I still don't feel it is necessary for ME... as my husband has had the flu (that first bad year of H1N1) and I didn't get it from him either...

    Get the flu shot or don't get the flu shot... like most other vaccines it doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu... it just lessens the likelihood and lessens the symptomes if you do... but if I don't get the flu.... ever (except for once when I was like 9), why would I want to put something in my body that my body doesn't need... I am 30 years old and only had the flu all of one time in my life... I think the chances are pretty darn good at my body being able to fight off the flu during any given flu season. Now again, if I end up having my immune system compromised by something (You know like WNV that's been plaguing the US this year or like I did when I was pregnant (which by the way I did get the vaccine then)), then I will consider it as I do see a benefit sometimes...

    edited to fix html tags... I always forget which brackets to use.

    I am so with you on this. I've been around people with the flu and never contracted it. I've had the flu and the unvaccinated people around me never got it. I just am not convinced that the flu shot is necessary for me or for those around me.

    I dunno... I suppose if life experience were to teach me something different I would change my mind but the majority of the people I know just don't get the shot and I've never seen the need to get it either.
  • jennbeaudry
    Public clinics open on the 15th and will be taking the whole family either that evening or the next. As an RN it is my professional responsibility to get one and help protect those who can't be immunized or those that don't develop adequate immunity and as a health care worker I have to be a role model to my family as well. My husband is a Paramedic and is exposed to everything so we try to prevent what we can. We have the nasal vaccine this year being offered at our clinics, kids are excited that they don't have to get a needle!
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    n I'm 2/2 getting very ill and the only times in 10 years having anything more than a 2 day chest cold. So I and many other people disagree that you can't get sick as a direct result. I mean the CDC never lies right?

    Who knows or even gives a crap if I got the flu or something else. I got very ill both times I got the shot. Three months I was bed ridden with "flulike" symptoms. I have not gotten sick since and had not gotten that ill before them.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member

    Or maybe there's something in the flu shot that's making them sick. To me, there's just way too big of a concidence that people who never had the flu or gotten that sick before all of a sudden get the flu or get really sick after getting the flu shot. Just seems really fishy to me.
    Conspiracy theories, I love it. What would be the possible benefit of a manufacturer making people sick with a flu shot? None.

    Ahh so by implying something in the shot makes some people violently ill automatically means it is a aluminum foil hat conspiracy to inconvenience the public. OK!
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    No shot for me. Got it once because my doc pushed me into it, but haven't since then. I have never had the flu in my life, not even as a kid. Don't really have any reason not to get it, but don't have a reason to get it either. We push vaccines waaaayyyyy too much, imo.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i wish there was a vaccine for stubbing your toes..lol..
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Hell to the NO will I ever get the flu shot. //end story
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Nope, no plans for it. Free at job, not mandatory thankfully but we have to sign a form to refuse it. Never had one and don't think I've ever had the flu. There are so many different strains out there too, my luck I'll get the shot and catch some foreign strain. Nope, I'll pass again this year
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    Sure did, last week. I used to go to the ER every year because I would get so sick I couldn't breathe. Then I had to get one when I became a foster parent and I have never been sick since. I am a huge believer in getting the shot.