ADVICE NEEDED--Annoying sister in law

To start with, I didn't invite her and her lazy hubby to live with me. My husband invited her while she was still PREGO because he felt bad for her. I've told him that I don't really care for them living with us anymore, but I don't want their *kitten* to affect my relationship.

1. she is not very clean.
2. he is lazy
3. when i ask them to do something (clean their own *kitten*) she gets upset and says I'm always fighting about something
4. they are awake until 12 am every night and even their 7 month old baby is whining up until that time, which causes me lack of sleep
5. i have to "pick up" after my brother in law in the mornings cuz he's to damn lazy to do it himself
6. i get in fights with my hubby because of these pair of lazy bums
7. they're basically living off our kindness but yet they feel they should have 1/2 of everything we have. ($900 rent and they only pay $350 plus 1/2 of bills)

End rant...


  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Kick them out....
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Kick them out....

    I soooooo want to. But my hubby "feels bad" for his sister cuz they have a small baby and he's the only one working, but that was their decision, not mine. Why do I have to pay for their mistakes? But If I try to have this convo with my hubby he gets upset because it's his sister
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    tell hubby
    :he has 1 month to get a job or you will go live with a friend. 3 months to move out. also that they need to put a curfew on that kid and allow you to sleep. if not, go live iwth a friend tile they're gone.

  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Is it wrong (since they're paying rent too) for me to set a time that everyone has to be "quiet"? Not necessarily sleep but just be quiet. I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if my kids didn't let them sleep.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    ok, he invited them in when she was is 7 months old now....ummm, they have over stayed their welcome. yes, your hubby might get upset but, the situation needs to be resolved. Maybe look for them an affordable place without them knowing and then spring it on them...see what they think. You gotta have your life too.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    When you are both calm, sit down and brainstorm ideas (already have a list of your own that you can show him right away)... Don't say kick them out, say something like "I don't want them on the streets, so can you help enforce these "rules" in OUR home.. clean up after yourself, do groceries, "quiet time" starting at 10pm Sun-Thurs., etc" and tell him if they can stick to this, then there won't be other issues, but it's causing a lot of stress on you as well... and if they can't live up to what you expect at YOUR home, then give them X amount of time to find a place before they need to be out.... approach in a good mood so it doesn't end in arguing and maybe help them find a place...

    hope this helps a bit!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    tell hubby
    :he has 1 month to get a job or you will go live with a friend. 3 months to move out. also that they need to put a curfew on that kid and allow you to sleep. if not, go live iwth a friend tile they're gone.


    This...sometimes the best love is tough love...
  • ewl6850
    ewl6850 Posts: 158 Member
    tell hubby
    :he has 1 month to get a job or you will go live with a friend. 3 months to move out. also that they need to put a curfew on that kid and allow you to sleep. if not, go live iwth a friend tile they're gone.


    She's right. If your husband wont make them leave, then you leave until they do.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I would kick them out. I would never allow my hubby's sister to live with us in the first place. She's a *****. And her kids are a-holes who don't listen to anyone, brats... I wouldn't put up with it. And you know, it's your house too!! I'd sit the hubs down and have a serious chat.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    and if they can't live up to what you expect at YOUR home, then give them X amount of time to find a place before they need to be out....

    True...they got upset most recently because I told them initially what the cleaning days were and they switched it by doing it one day early (which was one day after me doing it). She threatened me by saying that I should find a new babysitter. (she WAS watching them). So maybe I should do the same. Threaten them back to find a new place to live!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I think you've answered your own question. I wouldn't put up with it. That is pure BS. They have their own family and don't need to be intruding on yours. They're both adults and need to take care of themselves!!! I would NOT allow it. Your husband needs to grow a pair and learn how to treat his family too (not that your husband is bad, i'm just stating in this aspect). You have a concern and he is overlooking it.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Yeah, I have answered this question for myself, however this topic always makes me and my hubby argue and leaves me looking like the bad guy. frustrating
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    tell hubby
    :he has 1 month to get a job or you will go live with a friend. 3 months to move out. also that they need to put a curfew on that kid and allow you to sleep. if not, go live iwth a friend tile they're gone.


    i agree with all this....but good luck putting a cerfew on a 7m old. lol
    if your that upset about it, id give the "them or me" ultimatum.
    $350/m rent is F all! theyll coast and mooch off you forever at that price!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    tell hubby
    :he has 1 month to get a job or you will go live with a friend. 3 months to move out. also that they need to put a curfew on that kid and allow you to sleep. if not, go live iwth a friend tile they're gone.


    i agree with all this....but good luck putting a cerfew on a 7m old. lol
    if your that upset about it, id give the "them or me" ultimatum.
    $350/m rent is F all! theyll coast and mooch off you forever at that price!

    I LOL'd at the curfew for the 7mo old too.

    I'd have a hard time flat kicking out family (like 'em or not) w/ a baby. A timeline probably needs to be set.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    You need to set up a game plan for your in-laws. So much time to find job, work/save, and move out. It sounds like they are just lazy and mooching off of you and your husband. It's your house, your rules, regardless how much they are paying. It sucks for your husband to be put in the middle, but your his wife. He needs to stand by you and support you. Also, your in-laws need to realize that your house is not their house, even though they pay rent and 1/2 th bills. They are your guests so to speak and they need to respect the rules that you have in place for them. Period.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What kind of person makes a decision like that without consulting with their spouse?

    Your primary problem is with your husband, Your inlaws are only secondary.
  • ForeverChasingTheSunsets
    I have the same situation with my sis-in-law but thankfully, I don't live with her but my BF does. He is a softy like your hubby but yet likes to rant about the mess in his house, the spoiled 3yr old and the very low rent he charges ($500 a month including utilities).

    If it was up to me, I would draft up a contract, have a sit down with your hubby and talk about it and then sit with the four of you and talk it out. Give them a deadline to save money to find their own place. Tell them that this is affecting you and your husband's relationship and that in order for them to have a future together, they have to work for it. Nothing is free. You are willing to help them out until such a date but then they have to leave. Or else, they will stay forever. At least it gives you hope.

    This is a really tough situation and your husband is very generous for letting them stay.

    I have completely changed my future plans with my BF due to this. I don't need that drama in my life. I own my own house and he owns his. I no longer hope for us to move in together. She knows she has it good and he is not man enough to tell her to get out and find a place of her own. Or even give her a deadline!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I hear ya. I recently joined on my bf's phone plan, since we live together it makes sense to be on the same bill. His older sister and her boyfriend were on his plan also, since they have bad credit. Since I have been on there I see they never pay their portion or if they do it's not in full or on time. His sister just got done with EMT school and can't find a job because she has about 20 piercings on her face/ears. She posted on FB last week that she just added another piercing and is giving up the EMT thing because she wants to keep the piercings and can't find a job.

    I'm fine with that because my BF has big stretched ears...but he also is about to graduate college, has a good job and is paying his bills on time. She cannot afford to take care of her kids, pay bills that are effecting OUR credit, is on welfare, and can't find work but chooses her appearance over her family's well being.. :grumble:

    Like your hubby, my bf is defense because it's his sister but also for the sake of his niece and nephew. He grew up the only man in a house with a single mom and 3 sisters.... So his family is off limits to me when it comes to disagreeing.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Wow! I'm sorry! I'm not married... but If my husband hypothetical Husband invited his sister to live with us I would N-O-T be happy about that... I know I'm going to sound like a monster for saying this... but I would give them a 6 month time frame to get a job and get out... I realize the economy is bad... But I truly believe that if you legitimately spend 40 hrs per week looking for a job, you will have a job within a month... It may just be working at McDonalds... but hey Debt collectors will take McDonald's money just the same as if it came from a CEO of a major corporation... Good luck with your situation.
  • wheresheidi
    What kind of person makes a decision like that without consulting with their spouse?

    Your primary problem is with your husband, Your inlaws are only secondary.

    This is the truth!
    Give them a deadline ( this includes your husband) & options. You locate them a place to rent but be advised if you try to throw them out they have rights & you have to give them a 30 day eviction notice & make it legal. Basically you have to be the bad guy.
    Sucks for you.