Selfish/Shallow Reasons for losing weight?



  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I don't think the reasons really matter, you're getting healthy and fit so it's positive for your body and wellbeing, whatever the reasons behind doing it are. That being said I do have a few 'shallow' reasons, the same as most folks, to look more attractive and be more confident and sexy.

    However my family has a terrible history of heart problems (on both sides), so this is actually the main reason why I've changed my lifestyle, I don't want to be come another statistic in my have 11 members in my family either living with heart complications, or having passed away due to them is a very sobering thought.
  • JoAlberts
    I'm going to Florida next year, and I wanna look *kitten* hoTT in it :P. That's my reason for losing weight. I have changed my diet (without the primary goal of losing weight) to get clearer skin.

    Although I shouldn't say this, I would totally swap my body for a skinny persons body even if they are really unhealthy and ate rubbish food....I would still look nice in a bikini!
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    I'm already healthy, I'm trying to get hot lol
  • plus_chocolate
    I mean I do want to be healthy and try to lower my risk of getting different diseases plus I have sleep apnea. However, my main reason for wanting to lose weight is because I know how great my body could look and I want to dress a little sexier without looking nasty.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    HAHAHAA! all might think this is REALLY STRANGE, but...My reason for wanting to firm up is my own fleshly pleasure...I am curious to see if my orgasms will be stronger if I am firmer...firm tummy ect...all those muscles contract when I have an orgasm and if my muscles are stronger will my orgasm be stronger?....we shall see... :D ...curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought her back! :D:D:D ! lol any one have success at getting fit notice a difference? Wait...don't tell me! I want to find out for myself! ;D
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    All of the above.

    Basically i dont want to have to be self concious. I dont want to have to try and breathe in or pull my top down to hide my belly or worry about simple things like my trousers cutting off my circulation when im sitting down for a long time! Its all for vanity and health reasons and just to be able to fit in.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I really do need to lose weight, as both heart disease and Type II Diabetes run in my family. However, I wanna be HOT, dang it!!!!!!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I don't think that those are shallow or selfish reasons.

    Maybe they're not framed in a way that people are used to hearing, but wanting to look good and be desirable is really just a round about way of saying "I want to feel more confident about myself".
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    HAHAHAA! all might think this is REALLY STRANGE, but...My reason for wanting to firm up is my own fleshly pleasure...I am curious to see if my orgasms will be stronger if I am firmer...firm tummy ect...all those muscles contract when I have an orgasm and if they are stronger will my orgasm be stronger?....we shall see... :D ...curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought her back! :D:D:D ! lol any one have success at getting fit notice a difference? Wait...don't tell me! I want to find out for myself! ;D

    haha! thats a very strange but excellent reason!
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I want to be healthy... but I also want to look good ;)
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I.think.anyone who says looks have nothing with it is lying.
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I hear the same thing so I understand. I think your reason is a healthy reason, because feeling good about yourself helps to improve your overall health. Who cares what other people think.
  • emotionalharlequin
    My cheekbones are sexy :wink:
  • ziggy5621
    My weight loss and fitness is all about ME! I want to be the person that when I walk by ppl go...I want to look like that...instead of me saying it about them. Maybe shallow, but to each its own :drinker:
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member
    Losing weight for looking better is absolutely nothing selfish oder shallow - it's the only reason for me :D
    Well yeah, being healthy etc is nice, but I am healthy already, because I've never been sick, it do it ONLY for the outer appearance and all the nice side effects, because it do it for ME.

    When people look at me they don't see my blood pressure or cholesterol level, they see my face and my body. To be honest .... I just want to be hot and make other people (= those I don't like) jealous, we're all just human :D
  • dominikaro
    hahaha my shallow reasons:

    - want ALL the boys to look at me
    - want to look amazing in bikini
    - want to make those two liitle *****y girls jealous when they see me
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    Do what make you happy?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I think if everyone is completely honest, our number one reason to lose weight is to look better! There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, as long as we lose it in a healthy way. I am turning 50 in August. I don't want to hit 50 looking like I'm pregnant. I can't stop the calendar, but I like the old Loreal commercial- "I refuse to grow old gracefully. I'm going to fight it every step of the way!"

    And even tho I am a grandma now, I'm still covering my grey!
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member
    hahaha my shallow reasons:

    - want ALL the boys to look at me
    - want to look amazing in bikini
    - want to make those two liitle *****y girls jealous when they see me

    THIS ^^
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I dont know, I only read a few of these posts but I don't see them as shallow.. Wanting to look nice in a bikini or look hot for your husband is wonderful. The underlying emotion from that is confidence and self esteem. So, that's wonderful.

    Me: And this is pretty shallow and borderline narcissistic but even though I am a super loyal and trustworthy wife, I like the way guys look at me. I like the dirty looks I get from girls too. haha. A lot of times when I have no motivation, I will go to the gym just to be around it. Most of the time I walk around like I own the place because I am there 6 days a week 2-3 hours a day and know most of the people there. I hang out with the staff too. I know, I know...not so healthy sometimes.

    Saying that, when I first started going to the gym I barely looked anyone in the eye - anytime I was in public actually. I had super low self esteem. I finally feel like I am in control of my environment. Maybe that's it.