Selfish/Shallow Reasons for losing weight?



  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Mine are all shallow/Selfish................

    Better at Sports
    look good naked
    Stay off meds
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    My reasons are shallow and I don't care...

    to look hot, men, and sex.

    Health is the cherry on top.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    It isn't selfish at all! Who doesn't want to look great! I know that is a big part of the reason i'm on my journey. Of course better health and a longer life is up there too, but I want to live long and look good living longer too!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    * better sex
    * skinny legs
    * smaller boobs
    * want to wear a sexy dress and not look ridiculous
  • serenalesley
    serenalesley Posts: 58 Member
    Yes there are health reasons, but mainly I want to lose the weight because my mental image of myself is still closely matched to the size I was when I was 25 (back when I was considered to be thin and pretty). This leads to fresh disappointment every time I look in the mirror, so I'm slimming down to match my outer-self to my inner-self. Also, I want to restore my body before I get married, so that my wedding photos show what I consider to be the 'real' me. It's not shallow to be losing weight primarily for aesthetic reasons at all. Deciding that you'd rather look a certain way, and doing something positive about it, is a positive choice. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    my shallow reason for wanting to get fitter is just to prove to myself that I can, cause I dont think I can do it alone anymore. I feel like Ive gone as far as I can by myself in my own head and I wont progress without someone by my side. So my selfish reason is to try my damndest to prove myself wrong, even if I have to cry the whole way through.

    Its ok though. Lifting can be therapy and tears are just part of the water cycle- like sweat.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm losing weight so that when the zombie apocalypse comes I can outrun all you suckers.
  • Evey_bee
    Evey_bee Posts: 77 Member
    I want to be fitter and look fitter. I want to look less flabby, but also improve at my sports. My diet is purely for aesthetic reasons, I want to look good in my own eyes. My exercise is for fitness reasons, I want to be a stronger, more flexible and better climber and pole dancer.

    I think it's entirely okay to have 'shallow' goals, in the end it's about what makes you happy.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    So the reason I tell everybody is that I want to be a good example for my kids ..which is true I do. But the real reason Ive lost weight and keep losing weight is I have an amazing figure inder the fat and the more I lose the more I see. I wanna look smokin :smokin: I want to be at my optimal hotness
  • LindsayG34
    LindsayG34 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much, you've all made me feel so much better. I on estoy though was the only one out there that was doing it to look hot and be the girl other girls want to lose weight to look like. :) I can't express how happy you've all made me feel

    You can look at what people wear in the gym and rest assured that you aren't the only one there for vanity. I have my canned responses like "I want to be able to chase after my niece without getting winded" but in all honesty, I want to look awesome. I want to wear those little booty volleyball type shorts like I did in high school ten years ago and see guys checking out my butt, and this time I won't be all shy about it because I worked for it! I want to feel comfortable in a sports bra at the gym. I want people to watch me do a back workout and think the things I'm thinking now about how amazing that person's back looks. And the more weight I lose, the more I find that I really freaking like it when people tell me how good I look and ask what I've been doing (and I respond with my canned answer about my niece, lol).

    I started working out at the gym before work because the crowd was less intimidating. I'm working in more afternoon sessions and there are ton of hot girls in there that look amazing in their tiny clothes. It just motivates me because in 3 or 4 months, I'll be one of those girls!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    hahaha my shallow reasons:

    - want ALL the boys to look at me
    - want to look amazing in bikini
    - want to make those two liitle *****y girls jealous when they see me

    THIS ^^

    this mans looking
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm obsessed with my body fat. I sit and find every flaw. -_- I want to look perfect (and know that will never happen).
  • BRenkwell
    BRenkwell Posts: 30 Member
    Um...I feel super shallow and terrible for this one - so I guess judge away, but I have a belly - I wish I could provide a picture, but it's like my gut is on a shelf. I've got a flat stomach from my hip bones and across, but my belly fat is all gross and stuff above that. Anyway, I'm extremely terrified of being one of those people who's belly gets so big that when they sit, it falls between their legs. I'm scared that since my gut is already the way it is, that I'm predestined to be one of those poor people.

    I'm a terrible person.
  • filming_ghosts
    I think a lot of us would be lying if we said looking good wasn't a big motivator for us haha. But to everyone who thinks that when you lose weight you can just walk in a clothing store and pick anything off the rack and it'll look good, that's not always the case! I wear a size 6 and a small/medium in most things, but clothes won't always be flattering on your shape. Plus smaller sizes sell out quicker...I can't tell you how many times I've found a really cute top but it was way too big for me!
  • Farmerj2000
    Farmerj2000 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm losing weight so that when the zombie apocalypse comes I can outrun all you suckers.

    LOL Not if we are in shape Zombies
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    All of the above and owning it!

    To be honest the health benefits are a nice side effet - my main motivator is to get my mojo back, to get my strut back, to be confident in my body - to get back into my rubber! Love me some latex clothing and it ain't pretty if you're carrying excess baggage.

    I'm 43 in a month and I refuse to believe I can't be hotter in my 40s than I have ever been before - anything is possible and damn, I'm gonna try really hard to get there.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think everyone is going to have some small part of them that says looking good sure would be nice!!!!!! Even if you're doing it for health reasons, I think there's still a part of you that is excited to be that much more attractive. Everyone wants to look good, it's just human nature!
  • Kelsie89
    Kelsie89 Posts: 1 Member
    When it comes to getting healthier I think any motivation is better than no motivation at all. I think that the majority wants to lose weight for shallow reasons. I know that's why I want to! :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    The first three times (once in my 20's, 30's and 40's) I just wanted to look better. This time, it was all about healthy until I woke up a size 8 vs the 10 I was aiming for.. the last 7 pounds I lost was all about vanity! It's great to be a size 8 at age 53! I have have a dress and one pair of jeans in size 6.. but jeez, now I want a long lean ballet I added Barre3 for that reason.

    I am happy to stay in my doctor mandated weight range of 129-139, but shallow vanity pushes me to narrow that range to 129-134!! prefer to stay at 132 or below!
  • solyhhit
    solyhhit Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 35 and still wanna be a superhero. Wait, is that selfish or stupid?