I hate gyms and health clubs



  • NaughtyForties
    Am I alone in not liking gyms and health groups?

    I have tried fitness clubs, Salsa, bootcamps, etc. They are all the same. I find gyms really intimidating: loads of complicated machinery; loud repetitive music; the feeling that people are watching you. Even though my figure is OK I feel like Mrs Blobby as soon as I walk through the door. I know it is completely irrational but I can feel the trainers sneering at me. I do not need to be shouted at like I was a squaddie. They should be there to help and encourage people not to show off to their mates.

    When it comes to Salsa, Zumba or any of the dance type groups, I am so uncoordinated that my timing is all wrong. My arms up when everybody else’s are down; I turn left when everybody else turns right.

    A friend recommended Bootcamp because the groups are smaller. The instructors were OK but the other girls were an unfriendly clique who clearly resented the male instructor even talking to me.

    I hate exercising in front of other people. I am sure that there are loads of people like me out there. I prefer to exercise outdoors but the evenings are getting darker and I feel a bit vulnerable.

    What do other gymphobics do?

    I do both workout at home and in the gym.

    I prefer at home for convenience but sometimes I can lack the necessary motivation to get myself going. I have a few gym partners, to ensure on those rainy days I have someone to kick my *kitten* into gear and ensure I don't make excuses.

    I swap between strength training and cardio mostly squash and have as many partners as possible. Having different partners for different activities adds extra motivation and fun. I'm not a million miles from you so i know there's at least three gyms locally.

    I acknowledge you dislike gyms but if you haven't tried a gym partner, give it a go and see if it helps. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it'll work for you but it's definitely worth a try if you haven't tried a gym partner already. In any case good luck with whatever approach you take, truth be told it doesn't matter where you exercise just as long as you do :o)
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    I absolutely love love love my boot camp. The workouts, the instructor, the small group, the variety... literally everything about it.

    I was worried about starting and being intimidated, but I haven't been. Everyone has been really welcoming and it's a very supportive group. There are some super fit people, some newbies like me and some that are somewhere in between. The workouts are SO HARD, even for those who have been going for a long time, but we all definitely have a camraderie an support each other in getting through that one last set of bleepin' burpees.

    Obviously, it's totally going to depend on the group and the instructor. I'd recommend trying some different ones to see if you can find one that works for you. Most around here seem to offer a free session to test it out.

    The gym I go to, eh, don't love it like boot camp, but it's fine. I just go and do my thing and leave. I really couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me there. If they think the best use of their time at the gym is judging other people, that's their loss. I'm getting fit for me, not them. I really don't concern myself with what petty, shallow people think of me.

    Also, generally speaking, people are not paying nearly as much attention to any of us as it may feel like ;) The feeling like people are staring or making fun is usually a product of our own insecurities.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    If you don't like it and don't want to go, then don't. Simple as that. Millions of people will never step foot inside a gym.

    But, don't think of all of them as being too loud, or unsupportive, or smelly, or whatever. Not all of them are. I walked into my gym this past June at 370lbs. No muscle. No self esteem. I was miserable and full of health issues. The most incredible man did my orientation. He led me through a workout that left me energized and, more importantly, full of hope. The people at my gym are awesome. After a session with my trainer, it's not uncommon for one or two people to come up to me and tell me how well I did. There is a little old man there who gives me a hug every time he sees me and tells me how proud he is of me. Two people are constantly cleaning. There are wall dispensers of hand sanitizer all over. Trainers are walking around ready to give you a hand if you look lost on a machine. No one is intimidating. I love my gym.

    The funny part is that I was at this same gym 2 years ago and it was quite the opposite of this [except for the cleaners and the hand sanitizer]. I wasn't comfortable there at all. I'm starting to think it was MY attitude that made my gym, the very same one I go to now, a place I wasn't happy at. Maybe it's your attitude as well?

    It doesn't really matter though. There are loads of workout videos you can do, and equipment you can buy, so you can work out in your own home. And walking in the park is always free. :) Good luck with whatever you do!