Is it just me......Always overbudget



  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Though... gotta say... $150 on a pair of shoes? wtf man? I've never spent more than $60. Do you have champagne taste on a beer budget? :wink:

    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Though... gotta say... $150 on a pair of shoes? wtf man? I've never spent more than $60. Do you have champagne taste on a beer budget? :wink:

    Thats what I was going to say, but not quite like that lol. I needed new sneakers to work out as well...but I found a nice pair of the most comfortable reeboks I have ever owned for $40 dollars! You dont NEED 150 dollar shoes, I think you have trouble distinguishing wants from needs...NEED new shoes yes...but NEED $150 dollar shoes, NO.

    Things are always tight on my end as well, but Im a stay at home mom and we do live on one income with a house and car payment. We live check to check but we make it work because we know needs from wants. Now internet is obviously a want! lol...but gotta have a little something for yourself when everything always goes to bills. And no, we cant put any in savings either its strapped that tight...So our plan from now on is to not even think about our taxes or my hsubands bonus check once a year as our money...every year they are both going in savings!
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!

    Yeaahhh, my first thought was "how many kids do you have?"

    And no, that's a lie about the price of shoes in Canada. I just spent time looking around online for how much shoes cost in Canada. You can easily find good shoes for as little as $30. And for brand-name, which aren't necessary in the first place, like Nike I found starting at $45.

    You need to not confuse "I want expensive things" with "I need expensive things".
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!

    OR leather straps to wrap around your foot and then ankle. Like sandals the greeks wore. BAM!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!

    Yeaahhh, my first thought was "how many kids do you have?"

    And no, that's a lie about the price of shoes in Canada. I just spent time looking around online for how much shoes cost in Canada. You can easily find good shoes for as little as $30. And for brand-name, which aren't necessary in the first place, like Nike I found starting at $45.

    You need to not confuse "I want expensive things" with "I need expensive things".
    [/quoJust to be clear. These are shoes for the workplace. Suits and all. Cannot show up in loafers, or crocks.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!

    Yeaahhh, my first thought was "how many kids do you have?"

    And no, that's a lie about the price of shoes in Canada. I just spent time looking around online for how much shoes cost in Canada. You can easily find good shoes for as little as $30. And for brand-name, which aren't necessary in the first place, like Nike I found starting at $45.

    You need to not confuse "I want expensive things" with "I need expensive things".

    Just to be clear. These are shoes for the workplace. Suits and all. Cannot show up in loafers, or crocks.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't know how families make it anymore! My husband and I go through about $120-140 for groceries about every 10 days (give/take a day). Yikes!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    :noway: Wow, do you guys get paid more than we do in America I wonder?

    Less actually. Thats why we sneak over the border a few times a year.

    You COULD always..dip your foot in molten rubber every morning. Every night just peel it off.

    Or shop online :-D Lots of good deals can be found if you look hard enough!

    Yeaahhh, my first thought was "how many kids do you have?"

    And no, that's a lie about the price of shoes in Canada. I just spent time looking around online for how much shoes cost in Canada. You can easily find good shoes for as little as $30. And for brand-name, which aren't necessary in the first place, like Nike I found starting at $45.

    You need to not confuse "I want expensive things" with "I need expensive things".

    If I wanted to wear plastic rubber faux leather. sure. But i am not talking about online. And thats tax in.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    All of these posts are absolutely scary. I'm going to need a job in January and all I read 'Doom and Gloom!' I really hope I can find something by then.

    Until then I spend as little and save as much as possible.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Thats what I do. But **** keeps piling up.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I'm with you. I can't even seem to break even, much less get ahead. I'm not buying any extras, just the necesseties. We don't eat out, we are not eating high on the hog at home. 3 boys in the house plus me and my husband. Some weeks I don't even buy my food (chicken, tilapia, & frozen veggies). I eat whatever is on sale and watch my portion sizes. It is tough these days.
  • Briteblu
    I hear ya! Struggling single mom here :frown:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I work at circle K and go to university of arizona. I put money into my savings every week. I have debt, yes, I have bills, yep! but I also buy NO fun things, NO vacations, NO outings, NO clothes. it sucks. really bad. but i keep going. and my car broke down a few weeks ago. it was stressful but it was ok, because I had all that money in my savings to pay for it to be fixed.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Sometimes you just gotta say no to things you even NEED. Like food, or cable/internet etc. We didn't have cable and the like for about a year, just got it back. Now we're cutting down on how much food we eat, how often we use the gas in the cars, making sure to keep the electricity off a lot. Little things help. Plus we don't carelessly spend. If I need new clothes/shoes/ something I really NEED, it's gotta be un-useable. It helps we moved into a smaller, cheaper apartment though. No kids, just my fiancee and me.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Though... gotta say... $150 on a pair of shoes? wtf man? I've never spent more than $60. Do you have champagne taste on a beer budget? :wink:

    Those are the cheapest shoes where I live. In canada.

    I live in Canada and $150 for shoes would be TOP of the line. Just curious what area you are in?
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    Learn the trade of couponing you will be surprised at how much you can save. I shop at Publix, and cvs and I spend very little compared to what I spent before I started couponing. I can eat the good stuff not the cheap stuff since I started couponing. It has also allowed me to share with others. I love it

    i don't think this works everywhere. we get our sunday paper and the coupons inside are very rarely for anything i would consider consuming. just very very processed junk. there are coupons for things like deodorant, soap, cleaning supplies, and shampoo but really what good is saving $.0.50 3 or 4 times a year going to do? i've watched these couponing shows on tv. people always have carts full of asprin, toothpaste, frozen junk food, ramen noodles. no meat, poultry, fish, fresh veggies. i know in some places you can save more than the cost of an item so that you can have store credit toward the other things you buy but saving $0.50 on a tube of toothpaste that costs $4 on it's own isn't going to do anyone any good. that may be because food is as expensive as it is here and there is no such thing as "double coupons" here. actually one store i know of does double coupons during the day (i think 10-4) on tuesdays.