Craziest thing you ever ate.



  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    chicken heart!
  • missmuse06
    At a super bowel party one year I ate bbq goat, deer and bear amongst some other weird things. They actually did not taste bad. I tried them because my uncles dared me. I have also had fried pickles at a fair. Which is good for me because I am not a pickle fan.

    no one noticed it was a super "bowel" party? Like.... super poops?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Born and raised on a farm in rural South Africa... I've eaten many strange and delicious things.

    A random sampling:

    Mopani worms - fried and crispy mmmm baby!
    Meerkat - although after having watched the show on Animal Planet I don't think I could eat it again, they're just too cute
    Various kinds of snakes

    ... the list goes on.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    mine might not be crazy for some but in South Africa I tried crocodile and bone marrow croquettes. Both were actually really good.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    It's not that crazy but it is for me.

    Bear meat!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    skin flute?
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    My son made me a sandwich on Mother's Day when he was 5 (he's almost 21 now). He toasted the bread, spread raspberry jam on one side, tuna on the other, and in the middle he placed leftover pasta bake from the night before. It was laid out on the prettiest piece of fabric he could find, with flowers all around it, and the proud and excited expression on his face as he watched me eat every mouthful was too priceless to ruin by gagging.

    I have kept the recipe to give to his kids for Fathers Day sometime in the future.


    Thats so adorable lol . The price a mother pays
  • jsky55
    jsky55 Posts: 5
    I had Scorpion and cicada on a stick when I visited china
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    i recently ate crocodile, it was meat from the tail tasted like chicken lol but smelt like fish a bit weird, wouldnt have it again.

    I agree. Had it once and it couldn't decide if it tasted like chicken that had been eating fish all its life, or a fish that had eaten chicken all its life, lol.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    i recently ate crocodile, it was meat from the tail tasted like chicken lol but smelt like fish a bit weird, wouldnt have it again.

    I agree. Had it once and it couldn't decide if it tasted like chicken that had been eating fish all its life, or a fish that had eaten chicken all its life, lol.

    weird, I actually thought when I had it, that it tasted more like extra salty ham...maybe it depends on how it is prepared
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I've had fair food.. like deep fried twinkies... Oh yes you need to walk miles before you go to the fair, burn those calories off.... lol

    I eat peanut butter with cottage cheese.... and I've had peanut butter and ham/cheese sandwichs before (no mayo, just nut butter... I like it, the taste... im weird.)

    My sister has made popcorn with chocolate chips and marshmellows before... she will make random pop corn mixes.

    I can't think of any really weird food combinations... but I heard pregnant people eat weird things. (LIKE pickles and ice cream! Gag lol) I hope I don't have that weird of food choices if I ever have kids later in life...

    I have dunked cheetos in miracle whip before... it's good.... Might sound disgusting

    Also one more thing, I know people who eat BUTTER on their POP TARTS (eww)... .that thought grosses me out, but I have put peanut butter on a chocolate pop tart before... I like peanut butter on them.

    Yes, it's a lot of sweet food ... high in calories... thats why I am fat lol.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    Frogs. Before going vegetarian.
    It's very common where I live, but I know it feels super weird in most parts of the World (and I perfectly understand why XD ).
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Hmm... it's pretty much a tie between baked sheep brains (served as an appetizer at the Shah's palace in Iran) or fried rattlesnake (served at a saloon in Arizona). Take your pick.
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    Kangaroo. I was in St. Thomas Virgin Islands. It's actually quite good! (Similar to filet mignon.)

    I've also had snails, foie gras, and mullet. I would not recommend mullet unless you like extremely fishy fish!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Growing up in Oklahoma, my uncle caught a beaver in a trap and he barbecued was very greasy; I didn't like it.

    My brothers used to catch frogs, clean them, then I'd fry them (the legs)

    Once my brothers caught a rabbit and my mom made rabbit stew but the boys kept joking about how it was jumping in their stomach that us girls all cried and my mom told them don't ever bother bringing that home again she wouldn't cook it.

    Our neighbor served us a bison roast once (I didn't like that either)

    My husband tried barbecued monkey meat when he was in Algiers and alligator when he was in the bayou (he's also had snake, deer, elk, rabbit, and squirrel)
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    The craziest things I've ever ate were calamari and frog's legs. I guess I don't get out much compared to everyone else!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I visited Kenya once and went to Carnivore's Restaurant in Nairobi. Tried crocodile, elan (a type of gazelle) and zebra. I liked the elan best, with a garlic-ey dipping sauce. I am not usually such a carnivore but had to try because I was there.

    Have also tried duck pate (fois gras) and black caviar. Not a fan of either. Also don't care for octopus, which felt like trying to chew a rubber band, and probably didn't taste much better. Blech.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There are quite a few things listed here that I'd like to try some day! Not sure how odd these are but:

    rabbit - wild (prefered) and farm raised
    deer meat and heart
    moose meat
    wild turkey (not nearly as good as farm raised but I hear it depends what they're eating)
    eel - my fave in maki sushi roll, especially when a bit of the skin is left on
    salmon roe - also good on maki roll
    dog biscuit
    lobster - ok this isn't "crazy" but I know there are a lot of people who don't like it while I on the other hand LOVE lobster

    I'll pretty much try any food once
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Many things, I will try most things.
    Most organs from common animals, including tongue, heart, kidneys, stomach, testicles, brain, sweetbreads, etc.
    A few North American wild ruminants, elk, whitetail, bison, etc.
    I butchered my own chickens several times, and tried to use all edible parts. I made chicken organ, foot and head stews, etc.
    Fried mealworms. Nutty. I raised them. I would do it again.
    Fried grasshopper. Wild caught. Not as good. Like shrimp but with rotten grass flavor.
    All sorts of wild plants. Curly dock leaves and lamb's quarters with butter - nom.
    Shrew, wild caught. Microwaved. Not good.
    Roadkill squirrel. Fresh winter kill, and pretty good.
    City pigeon, I caught, also very good.
    Canned snails. Okay.
    Raw meats. Love raw meats of all vertebrate (and some not) kinds, land or sea, except fowl. Tried raw chicken once, not so nice. Raw pork is great, but I don't unless it's been treated with salt (like prosciutto) because I don't want to get trichina.
    Fermented meats. I made fermented raw salmon and also beef, both with onions, garlic and honey. Delicious.
    Stinky cheese of most kinds. Love stinky cheese, and trying new cheese. Particularly the melty ones like various forms of brie.
    Other fermented foods. Natto, tempeh, etc. Sometimes I'll leave food (like a big pot of stew) out and inoculate it with friendly bacteria from kefir or other ferments and soakings, usually because I don't have room in the fridge at that time. That keeps it safe to eat, and usually tastes as good or better when re-heated. I bet that's "crazy" to a lot of people.
    I also soak all whole grains and beans in ferment-water before cooking to remove antinutrients. That's probably also "crazy" to many.