The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    My Power 90 arrived yesterday and after reading all the literature and stuff I think I'm going to start next weekend (I'm feeling a little under the weather right now) instead of waiting til October. Hee! :bigsmile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Great idea Clew, you don't have to wait until Oct1st. I am sure you will love it.

    I did the UML from the Master series this morning. I think it is my favorite. A really good workout. I was able to get to my step class last night so my workout schedule this week has been good. My eating has been in check as so with my water. My weigh stayed the same ( all week between 125.00 and 126.00) so I am happy with that.

    Again I am so happy to see so many newbies!!! That is great!!! I am thinking that when I come back from my honeymoon and settle in. (Hopefully won't have gain any or very little ) I will order the power 1/2 hour to stay in maitenance. I figure I will still do it 6 times aweek ( along with my three days at the gym) but only for 1/2 hour. I am not sure - I can always switch around the power 90 and master series too. I just not sure if I want the P90X. - I really liek the result of the power 90 and feel that this is something I can maintain.

    Hope everyone has a happy Healthy day!!!
  • rrebern
    rrebern Posts: 4 Member
    Day 4 last night, cardio/abs workout already getting easier to follow. Calves are sore, sides of my torso sore -- muscles I didn't even know I had are making their presence felt. I feel like this is really going to work for me if I stick with it. Looking forward to the sculpt workout tonight... actually looking forward to a workout :)
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    Day two this afternoon. I found that i can do all the exercises but i have to take a lot of breaks. They aren't hard but i definately don't have the endurance to do either the sculpt or sweat without pushing pause. I felt like i paused so many times but i can defintately tell the difference.

    I wish this was easier for me. I can swim for an entire hour and as long as i keep my breathing (because i have exercise induced asthma) under control i am fine. Why is this so much harder, its not even as long as my swim workout. :( I really hope this gets easier with time. Although i feel great because this is the second day in a row i've done Power 90 and i've been working out all week long. Now i just gotta remember to eat my exercise calories.

    Does anyone know how to log this. I don't have a heart rate monitor but i am curious what would be the most accurate.
  • msmccabe
    msmccabe Posts: 14 Member
    hey guys im doing Power 90 too. I order P90X first and it was good, but i found it hard to find an 1+ a day to work out. So i am doing power 90 instead. So far i am on day 18 and its going good. Ive watched those dvds soo many times i basically have them memorized. But anyways, good luck to everyone and BRING IT.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I just did Sculp 1-2 using 8 lb. weights!!! I didn't think I would be able to do that many moves with them, but I did most of the workout. I guess I didn't know what my body was capable of!! I think it was the last two moves that I went back to 5 lb. I'm so excited! I'm sure I'll be feeling it in a day or so, but I'll enjoy this accomplishment for now!! Woo Hooo!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Saturday marked Day 100 for me!!! Yeah!!! 20 more days to hit 120!!!!
    Did the local boot camp this morning - they can give Tony a run for his money - it was hard. It really pushed me - and this is only week 2!!!!!!!

    It will be core cardio with Power 90 Master series tomorrow!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good and staying on track!!

    Push play!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Had a great week with working out. My boot camp was tough but I did very well. I also did my Power 90 and went to my gym class!! So I feel really strong - pushing it this last couple of weeks. I am on day 106 for the power 90 program (I replace two days a week with boot camp) . I know that I am stronger - I can do a pull up - all by myself. That was a big goal for me.

    My weigh-in is staying right in my range - so I am happy!!! My clothes fit better and I feel better. So now I just have to keep it up until the wedding then maintain it after I come home. That will be another challenge!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Where are all the power 90 people? I haven't check -in either but.... anyway Saturday was the first time in 107 days that I missed a day ;( - I haven't made it up yet. Sunday is usually my rest day - but I missed Saturday and Sunday!!!! I feel so guilty... but I did core cardio this morning and I am doing a pole fitness class tonight. My best friend signed me up - I will let you know!!! Other than that I am doing good. I actually walked a lot on Saturday and Sunday and was super busy from morning to night. Just didn't do a structure exercise.

    Hope everyone is doing good and pushing play!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did UML with Power 90 master series this morning and willgo to my spin/ab class tonight. Last nights pole fitness was very interesting. It was very structure and alot of core stretching. Not quite sure it for me - but they also have a hooping class which may be exactly for me. I am going to look into it. The instructor said she is looking for people to taking the classes and train to be an instructor. So it gives me someting to think about.

    Hope everyone is pushing play!!!! I miss you!!!!
  • rrebern
    rrebern Posts: 4 Member
    I missed a couple days last week, but just picked up where I left off. It doesn't seem like I really lost any ground, and it's nice that P90 is structured in a way that you don't need to start only on Mondays. Haven't done my 2nd weigh-in yet, but I'm hoping for a little bit of weight loss. I definitely feel stronger and a little less winded after each workout. Today is Day 16 for me.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Had a great week and weekend. Still keeping up with everything exercise and food wise. Did my boot camp this morning - there was this one exercise I had trouble with - so I am going to practice so I can do it on Wed. Day 117 tomorrow morning - I think it is core cardio. I can almost do two full pull ups now. That is such a goal for me!!! I know that I will be off schedule for about three weeks with the wedding /honeymoon but I will be right back here after to get back on track!!!

    I hope to here from everyone this week and know how you guys are doing!

    Keep pushing play!!!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Started Power 90 today!
    My boyfriend and I are doing it together, hopefully we can keep each other motivated.

    We are using resistance bands, but I really want to get hold of some dumbbells.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Still pushing play!! :happy: Yesterday was Day 25 for me... feeling great, loving the workout. Resisting the temptation to weigh and measure myself until I complete Day 30. Glad to see you are all still here.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go Kath712!!! 4 more days until your first 30 days!!!!!!! I am so glad you love it - that felling is really great knowing you are getting fitter and stronger!!!!

    My son is impressed with me - so you know I am doing good. Its' funny - he laughs at me but really helps me do better. Once when I was trying really hard to do a pull up he put his hand under me and said just step on it for a minute - if was just enough that I did the pull up. He worked with me until I can finally do it without any help!!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    I can almost do two full pull ups now. That is such a goal for me!!!

    that's so cool! being able to do pull-ups is one of my big goals. right now i'm struggling to get through all the pushups (especially the narrow ones - i can't push myself back up!!!), but it's only day 4 today, so i have lots of time to get stronger with the program.

    do you have any special tips to help with pull-ups?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member

    Doing power 90 really help get stronger. In the begininng I could barely do the narrow push ups (girl style) or the dips (one leg bent). But slowly I could start doing them. About day 60 - I started trying to do the pull ups. I used my step to give be a little boost when I need it or I kinda jumped a little to get all the way up. I did that everyday. I never thought I would be able to do a full one on my own without the jump or step or help. But slowlly I was able to do it. I am almost there on the second one..... but just can't get my chin up over the bar...LOL It's kinda like the narrow push ups. You have to keep trying almost everyday or everyother day to do it. Your muscels will get stronger if you keep using them.

    Also I am sure if where you do the pull-ups - I do my at home with the door frame bar. I am not too sure about how sturdy the bar has to be for this but my friend has the whole workout gym thing. She used the resistance bands - she had one over the bar and would put one foot in the handle and use that to pull up when she needed. She was doing push-ups in no time. She was doing p90X - it has lots of pull ups.

    Hope that helps!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Completed my first week of Power 90! My boyfriend and I are really getting into the idea of getting home from work, doing the workout straight away and then getting on with more fun stuff for the rest of the evening.

    Tomorrow is my rest day, but I'll be running the Tufts 10k... oh well, it's all good for me!
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    I just started Power 90 and finished one week. Pretty tough for me but I plan on making it through. Not sure how many people on this post are just starting it seemed to me like most have been going a while. I just started a new thread under Motivation for P90 and will see if other brand new people jump in. Hope I can stick to it! :) It is wonderful that you have your boyfriend doing it with you..that will keep you motivated!
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    I am so glad that you made this post. I have such a hard time with the push ups too. I guess my arms are super weak. I keep being told that if we stick to it we will get the strength sooner than we think so I am going to plug along!