Do you get along with your inlaws........



  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    I never got to meet my father in law, he passed away a few days before my husband asked me to marry him, but his whole family says we would have been like two peas in a pod. My mother in law is a f**king saint and i love her more than anything! I get along with her more than my own mother, sadly. I dont like my sister in law, that my brother in law is married to, but thats all
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    My late MIL hated me. I had to kick her out of my house one time. Seriously the worst day of my life. She was a crazy lady, but she had a very rough life, so I always tried to be understanding. She also loved her grandchildren, so I did my best to suck it up and make sure she got to see them on a regular basis. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly, and I put all of my resentment for her to rest. If she comes up in a conversation with my husband or children, I say nothing but positive things. My kids never need to know how she treated me. All that matters is that she loved them.

    My husband hates his dad, in part to how his mother died, so we see him hardly ever. Our kids love him, but it's really awkward for me to take them to see him because he just wants to make comments about all the drama. I wish he would just visit with them and shut up about everything else.

    My husband likes and appreciates my mom. He doesn't care for my dad and stepmom so much because they are just irritating, even to me. :)
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    I loved both my in laws as much as my own parents , I only lost my mom in law in August and I miss her so much.
    Guess I have been very lucky:heart:
  • mommyfauc
    mommyfauc Posts: 54 Member
    Not at all. My mil has no personality and can't speak for herself. It is all about her husband, my hubby's step dad. I care for him even less. We stayed with them while we were waiting for the closing on our house, and he had the nerve to hold a family meeting, which was basically ripping me apart as a parent and person. Lost any respect I had for him that day. I am not perfect, but I am a good parent. That much I know. My mil works 2 minutes from where we live, yet never comes and sees the kids. They are just all about each other. It sickens me they don 't show the love for my kids they should. How anyone could not want to be a part of their lives is beyond me.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I hate his mom, sister, and dad. They are the least considerate people I have ever met. They are beyond selfish, emotionally and otherwise.
    His mom is mean, she thinks I am pretty and there is nothing else to me solely because I am quite. She rivals my 17 year old sister in maturity.
    His sister is 2 1/2 years younger than me, and she acts 14. She is 20 years old and just had her mom buy her a brand new Lexus. My husband and I had a baby 1 month ago, and she hasn't even called/text/facebooked to say congrats, hasn't seen the baby, but yet is complaining to her dad about how we have yet to go see her with the baby yet. UM, we have a ONE month old baby and we JUST closed on a home 9/17 and have been busy moving. She has a phone, a new car, and lives 15 minutes away. (I really don't like her, as you can see).
    His dad is just a big child, too.
    I could go on but I feel better now :)
  • kekevela
    kekevela Posts: 83 Member
    I love my inlaws - mom, brother, sister, grandparents, cousins - everyone EXCEPT his dad. My husband's whole family is in Houston. We go down there two or three times a year. After we've driven 14 hours, he can't even drive 30 minutes to my MIL's house to see us. We let our kids spend a month in Houston this summer...he didn't see them once. He's always been all about himself. He didn't come to our wedding, or see my children when they were born. I mostly just pretend he doesn't exit. Oh well, it's his loss because me, my hubby and our boys are AWESOME!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    For financial purposes, my fiance and I live with his mother. She is the devil. She refuses to clean up after herself, so I have to do it or else the house will become more biohazardous than it already is. She talks about me and her son behind our backs all the time and makes up incredible lies. According to her, every couple of months I'm pregnant, her son feeds me drugs to keep me compliant and he beats me apparently.......Mind you, I'm not fat, nor do I act stoned and what bruises I have on my body from just bruising too damn easily are covered because they're always on my legs. My mom and dad recently gave me money to go to school. She thinks I got money because I'm pregnant or to buy drugs with. The woman hates me because I'm not the ex she loved so much and because I don't associate with her due to her crappy behavior.

    So yea, I do not get along with my future in-law......She pretends to be nice to my face, but trashes me behind my back.
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    My boyfriend is from England but is here in New Zealand with me, so I've only met his mother once because she lives in the UK and I love her to bits! She even named her car after me ;) She's quite protective of him, as he's her only son and his father isn't in the picture at all, but we got along really well, for some reason she actually likes my lame sense of humour. She even met and loved my parents!

    And phewf, cause I was PETRIFIED to meet her x