First Round P90X-ers



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I third favorite too! It is kick *kitten* but FUN!

    I have an ex currently giving me crap......I think of him and go to town!

    haha....yea it is a great stress reliever! I think it would help if there were a punching bag included!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"

    teehee! that is funny.....I kind of do the same thing! : D
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    hey everyone! sorry i've been away!

    Work has been insane! But i'm back. i've still continued with all my workouts. Today is Phase 2, Week 1. I had a bad time with my diet this last week and I gained back 2lbs that I had lost. But i think part of that is because i had some high sodium foods. BUT, i'm going to get back on track and work really hard this month with eating right.

    I really think i need to cut down on the brewskies (weekends only). B/c i've been seeing a trend of losing 1 or 1.5 lbs by Fri. then on monday i almost always have gained it back. Granted i don't eat the best on the weekends, but i still don't do that bad. so the only thing left to blame is the beers i love to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. evenings. That's going to be a tough one, But i think if I get rid of drinking on Fri. and Sun. nights that would help so much. Then on Sat., exercise twice as much to make up for whatever i want to drink that night. (BTW, i know alcohol is terrible for diets, i've heard all the lectures, but i'm just one of those people that love to drink, and i don't think i could give it up totally.)

    Whew. Well, back to work. hope everyone is doing well!

    I Too have this problem on weekends with the beer! UGH! SO i decided to give it up for a month and just see if it made a difference! The first week I didnt drink and lost 2 lbs....the 2nd week I didnt drink and lost 1 lb.....the third week I drank @ 6 beers and lost 1 lb! Since I didnt make it the full month, I am not sure what the outcome would have been....BUT notice I lost a lb even with having the beer. I had the beer, but tried not to eat a bunch of junk (which is usually what I do when I drink and hang out with friends) and lost 1 maybe it is not the drinking part, but what you eat while you are drinking!!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Anyone mind if I join the thread? I'm in my first round with P90X and just finished week 1 of phase 3. Totally excited. I'm in the best shape since EVER!!!! You guys and gals are inspiring.

    (On a side note, on the bar thing, don't get beer, get something like vodka, soda, lime. Only like 60 calories!)
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    welcome Karna! I would argue that this is one of the best support threads EVER. = )
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Afternoon guys. Welcome Karna!

    I am down 4 pounds this week for weigh-in...whooohooo!! Got to get myself motivated to work out this afternoon. I always seem to have motivational issues on Fridays, even though I weigh in and see good progress!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    nice job t-freak!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Afternoon guys. Welcome Karna!

    I am down 4 pounds this week for weigh-in...whooohooo!! Got to get myself motivated to work out this afternoon. I always seem to have motivational issues on Fridays, even though I weigh in and see good progress!

    WOW...that is great!! 4 lbs in a week! For some strange reason I am moving VERY Slow!! The most I have lost in a week doing p90x is 2 lbs, but mostly I am looking at 1 lb a week average!
    Great Job!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    tatoodfreek: That is freaking awesome! You are doing so well!

    diamonangel: My weight loss is very slow too. It definitely gets frustrating, but I'm sure that most of my problem this week will be those dang Girl Scout cookies... :grumble:

    So, yesterday was a bust...Well, it was a bust if we're talking about P90X, but not if we're just talking working out. The company I work for has a gym and we now have a Runner's Club for beginner and intermediate levels. I decided to join the intermediate since I'm training for a half marathon that's in May. We ended up running 3 miles outside (it was only about 35 here, but sunny) around downtown Cleveland, but it felt AWESOME! It was definitely rough at first since I haven't been running outside since it was nice this past Fall, but my legs and lungs felt strong. I think that I have to give some credit to P90X. I can feel myself getting stronger, and even though I'm not losing very much weight according to my scale, I can see definition where it didn't exist before. It's so much fun! :bigsmile: So, my legs were a little wobbly after my run and I didn't do my P90X Legs and Back/ARX workout :ohwell: Better luck next time!

    I just finished Kenpo and am feeling really energized! I'm sure glad it's Friday! Have a great night everyone!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thank you guys!! I appreciate the support! You guys all have far less to lose than me, so I have no doubt that's why my progress seems faster!

    Sara, isn't running awesome?? You just feel so HEALTHY afterwards. I actually ran today for the first time in probably two years. I used to run distance in HS, so I ran daily 5-7 miles. When I started out today, my goal was just to get through one song on my ipod. I barely made it. I thought, ok, it'll have to be intervals until I get a bit more fit. Well, I rounded a bend in the road and just hit my stride. Ran for a half hour with little problem. I was so proud of myself. I followed that up with 1/2 hour of speed walking. Burned 750 calories. Didn't have it in me to do p90x too, but that's ok. I consider that to be my major accomplishment of the day! I'm sure you will do great with your 1/2M. It's a matter of finding your sweet spot, and then you can run however long you need to. At least, that was always how it used to be for me back in the day.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    tatoodfreek: That is freaking awesome! You are doing so well!

    diamonangel: My weight loss is very slow too. It definitely gets frustrating, but I'm sure that most of my problem this week will be those dang Girl Scout cookies... :grumble:

    So, yesterday was a bust...Well, it was a bust if we're talking about P90X, but not if we're just talking working out. The company I work for has a gym and we now have a Runner's Club for beginner and intermediate levels. I decided to join the intermediate since I'm training for a half marathon that's in May. We ended up running 3 miles outside (it was only about 35 here, but sunny) around downtown Cleveland, but it felt AWESOME! It was definitely rough at first since I haven't been running outside since it was nice this past Fall, but my legs and lungs felt strong. I think that I have to give some credit to P90X. I can feel myself getting stronger, and even though I'm not losing very much weight according to my scale, I can see definition where it didn't exist before. It's so much fun! :bigsmile: So, my legs were a little wobbly after my run and I didn't do my P90X Legs and Back/ARX workout :ohwell: Better luck next time!

    I just finished Kenpo and am feeling really energized! I'm sure glad it's Friday! Have a great night everyone!

    the funny thing is I ordered 7 boxes of girl scout cookies before I started this insane workout plan......well they come in last week and I am PROUD to say I put them in the closet and have not touched them!! WooHoo! My kids have been eating them and I have not even had the urge to sneak one...well maybe a little urge...LOL! but didnt give in!

    I also ran at the gym the last two days, and my legs were sooo tired and weak, I did the legs and back dvd, but struggle with it. This is the first time I have ran since starting p90x, and I can tell a huge difference in running. I was able to run faster and longer! So I know p90x is working even tho my wt loss is slow!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    tatoodfreek: That is freaking awesome! You are doing so well!

    diamonangel: My weight loss is very slow too. It definitely gets frustrating, but I'm sure that most of my problem this week will be those dang Girl Scout cookies... :grumble:

    So, yesterday was a bust...Well, it was a bust if we're talking about P90X, but not if we're just talking working out. The company I work for has a gym and we now have a Runner's Club for beginner and intermediate levels. I decided to join the intermediate since I'm training for a half marathon that's in May. We ended up running 3 miles outside (it was only about 35 here, but sunny) around downtown Cleveland, but it felt AWESOME! It was definitely rough at first since I haven't been running outside since it was nice this past Fall, but my legs and lungs felt strong. I think that I have to give some credit to P90X. I can feel myself getting stronger, and even though I'm not losing very much weight according to my scale, I can see definition where it didn't exist before. It's so much fun! :bigsmile: So, my legs were a little wobbly after my run and I didn't do my P90X Legs and Back/ARX workout :ohwell: Better luck next time!

    I just finished Kenpo and am feeling really energized! I'm sure glad it's Friday! Have a great night everyone!

    I know exactly what you mean Sara, I just did 5 miles the other day to start my half-mile training. 5 miles was my end point last year!!! P90X definitely made a difference for me.

    I did my workout today but I think I bonked a little bit because I had an awful lunch. Running again tomorrow!!!! Time to burn off some goo.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Pretty uneventful weekend. Got a good workout in yesterday and I'm still feeling pretty tired today.

    Just a side note, I bought some Sunbelt Granola Cereal. 3 different kinds. It was on sale. Anyways it is freaking delicious.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Morning all.....woke up to rain but it's warm so that is GOOD!

    Didn't do anything this weekend but ready to get back after it this week.....2 miles on the treadmill at lunch then my usual Legs and Back Monday.......Only week 3 and I can already feel the new definition coming out!....Love it!

    Hope everyone has a great day and week!...Keep up the good work!
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    hey everyone! I am finally starting the Lean again. I've taken a two week break and managed not to gain any weight back - so that's good.

    I did measurements and pictures again. I can't believe it, but I've lost 6 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my hips and 16 pounds so far! Just taking the measurements has me geared up to get going again. Core synergistics here I come. (I may even try the dreya roll).
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    So it's been a week and a half since I've been on here. I live in the northeast and we got slammed with a windstorm that caused a power outage of 5 days at my house. I finished one P90X workout in the dark when it first went out but then I had 3 days with no workouts. I couldn't even do modified ones bc I had no shower...none at home and none at the gym because of no power. Eventually we got power back at my gym and I did some elliptical and biking. Overall I missed 4 days of P90X and tried to do doubles to make up for it but wasn't feeling it.

    What did help was that my hip which had been killing me had time to re cooperate. Also my mom was talking to a physical therapist and mentioned that I was doing P90X and she said they see tons of patients who do this program because they over do it. My philosophy now is to do my best but not over do it. I've been able to do the weight workouts and get in some cardio but if I miss a day I haven't been upset. I have one more week on phase 2 before my recovery week and I plan to follow it all and hoping I don't feel my hip again.

    Good news is that I've continued to lose weight this past week without workouts which makes me think I'm not eating enough again when I do workout. Also ARX was killing my hip so I stopped doing it and probably only did it like 4-5 times the entire first phase but I found out that after that it's not so bad. So I'm planning on doing it almost every other day to make up for the lost time.

    Keep up all the great work! For most people here the 45 day mark is coming which is incredible to be at halfway!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Back and biceps today with ARX. B&B went okay but my stomach was feeling especially tight today. Not sure why, but I felt like I regressed a bit because I couldn't do as much on the abs workout as I had done before. Hope it's a one-time thing....
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587

    I just started yesterday, and found this group today =D

    I'm so excited for a new challenge, especially with summer just around the corner, anyone else on here doing the nutrition plan too? I'm having some troubles getting in all the protein, and I'd love to peak at some of your food journals for ideas, if thats okay?

    Also any advice if you feel like looking at mine would be awesome! Thanks guys! Can't wait to BRING IT today with C&S =D

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • laurabelle25

    I just started yesterday, and found this group today =D

    I'm so excited for a new challenge, especially with summer just around the corner, anyone else on here doing the nutrition plan too? I'm having some troubles getting in all the protein, and I'd love to peak at some of your food journals for ideas, if thats okay?

    Also any advice if you feel like looking at mine would be awesome! Thanks guys! Can't wait to BRING IT today with C&S =D

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to our little thread!!!
    Definitely look back at some older posts, because I had, well still am having, trouble getting enough protein. it's tough, but a protein shake, high protein greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, etc all helped me.
    Good luck!
  • laurabelle25
    Well hello everyone! Long time no chat!

    Well, i've finally made up my mind to definitely eliminate alcohol from my diet, at least for a little while. Last weekend i did so good Fri. night and only had 1 glass of wine, then got up on sat. and walked, no kidding, like 20 miles over hilly terrain. I had a decent, yet lite lunch, then kinda of a bad dinner, but kept my portions low. THEN....went to a rock and roll hall of fame induction thing, holy cow, Beers were calling my name, and i was answering like a champ. So, felt pretty bad about that, but got up and walked another 15 miles on sun. morning. hoping that would help. Got on the scale Monday..... went up 2lbs. so now i'm at the weight i started at when i decided to do P90X. Pretty disappointing. But i can only blame myself. (And i didn't exactly eat very well Sun. or Mon., i'm thinking that contributed also). And i'm pretty sure the alcohol is to blame too.

    So this week is a new week, i'm going to work hard, eat right, and when the weekend comes around, i'll definitely need all your support!!!! Talk to you all later!

    BTW: Tattoo, congrats on your 4lbs! Fantastic!