First Round P90X-ers



  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks Laura!

    Pk, I will look through your food diary if you'd like. You are welcome to look through mine as well, but you'll have to friend request me, as it's friends only :)

    I sometimes find too that something I had down so solid will slip a bit in performance later. I guess it just has to do with how hard a group of muscles may have already been worked, or how much energy we have!

    I used my chin up bar today for Legs and back and that sure made a difference in how intense the workout was! I had to use the chair more than I had hoped, but that's ok, because it's progress from the bands! I am definitely getting stronger, and I could feel much better work in my core.

    I did a little experiment today with ARX. I had gotten into the habit of pausing between every exercise to recover so that my form would be better. I noticed two things by not pushing pause today.

    #1. My overall calorie burn was LOWER. Normally ARX burns about 170 cals for me with pausing. Today it burned 97. I had expected it to be HIGHER thinking my heart rate would be higher.

    #2. I felt the exercises much more without the pauses, and thought maybe I was getting a better result. But wasn't sure, thinking my form may not be as good.

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I took a look at your diary PK. Overall what you're doing looks pretty good to me! You are making a good number of great choices. If I were to make any suggestions, it would be to try to be a bit more consistent with your intakes as far as calories, as well as your protein to carb ratio. I noticed a day where you only had about 900 cals from food and the rest from alcohol, which your body is not going to be getting the nutrition it needs to benefit from the program. Be careful about days like that. I also saw that your protein intake was about half of your carbs quite a few times. I would work on that a bit, though I certainly am guilty of that sometimes too! I'd also try to increase your fiber a bit. The recommendation of 14 is low. Try to shoot for 25-30 grams a day optimally. I only went back about a week or so, so perhaps I did not get an accurate picture of what you're doing. But it looks like overall it's pretty good!

    BTW, please do share your recipe for carrot cake oatmeal...that sounds yummy!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Meant to say to you Laura in my one post that I laughed at you answering the call of the alcohol. Ugh, that gets you every time doesn't it? You can do this! It's a new week and a fresh start! Curiously, what are you doing that you're walking 20 miles? Sounds awesome :)
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Thanks for the advice and the warm welcome, laurabelle! I've never had greek yogurt before, but I'll definitely look into it =)

    Thanks tattoo! I used to be a really heavy carb eater, easily 60% of my daily intake, I didn't drink too terribly often, but, as you noticed, when I do, I don't do it in moderation =p

    I've completely given up alcohol for at least the first phase of p90x though, and I'm committed to following the nutritional plan as closely as possible. I haven't completely cut all caffeine, (usually a cup of tea or coffee) but I have given up my diet coke habit. I never logged it but I'd easily drink4-5 a day =/

    Carrot Cake Oatmeal IS delicious! And not too bad for cals =p


    7 baby carrots, grated
    1/4c Quaker 1 Minute Oats
    half small box of raisins (about 20-25)
    tsp vanilla extract
    packet of sweetener
    lots of cinnamon!
    1c water or so

    Throw it all in a baking pan and cook until carrots are well done.

    Meanwhile.. nuke 1tbsp fat free cream cheese for about 15 sec, whisk in 1oz Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla, and coarsely chop 3-4 pecans.

    Put the oatmeal in a bowl, drizzle cream cheese mixture on top, sprinkle 2 tsp brown sugar and pecans on top, and ENJOY! =)
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    PS its already on MFP as carrot cake oatmeal or something =)
  • laurabelle25
    Meant to say to you Laura in my one post that I laughed at you answering the call of the alcohol. Ugh, that gets you every time doesn't it? You can do this! It's a new week and a fresh start! Curiously, what are you doing that you're walking 20 miles? Sounds awesome :)

    Thanks for the motivation! Actually, we (my husband and I) went out to some wooded land, that had some nice hills, to look for 'Shed Antlers'. Deer lose their antlers every year, and they typically just fall on the ground in the middle of the woods. Well, my husband is an avid hunter and he collects these antlers to **proudly** hang all over our basement and garage. So every year, about this time, we go trampling through the woods to see if we can find these lovely treasures. (if you haven't noticed, there's a little sarcasm in my voice :wink: ) No really, I love to get out and hike around, and I did find my first antler this year!!! Yeah!!! It was a little one, but still it was fun!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Just curious.. do you guys think it would be reasonable to expect a 5lb weight loss per phase of p90x? I'd really like to be down in the low 130's when I'm done, currently 145, but I don't want to set an unreasonable goal. I know most importantly is the change in inches, but I would still like to lose at least a few more lbs =)
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I love hiking laura, that's great! It's so scenic and relaxing it doesn't even feel like exercise half the time =)
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Just curious.. do you guys think it would be reasonable to expect a 5lb weight loss per phase of p90x? I'd really like to be down in the low 130's when I'm done, currently 145, but I don't want to set an unreasonable goal. I know most importantly is the change in inches, but I would still like to lose at least a few more lbs =)

    I don't know how much you'll lose, but I think 5 pounds in the 1st phase would be reasonable, but you could start to put weight back on in the form of muscle mass.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Ahh that's true, I guess as long as I'm shrinking right? lol. I really would like to get under 140 though =)
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I just signed up for this site and my P90X is on its way! So soon I will be needing all of your encouragement and know exactly what you are talking about. I have been working out and eating as great as I can for about 2 years, but have hit a plateau and need this site and that workout to get me to my goals. Can't wait to start.
    Any advice for equipment and or diet? I am a non-meat non-dairy eating gal! THANKS!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Welcome lizmichelle! And congratulations on your awesome choices! =)

    I think you'll find MFP very helpful, and the people on ehre are great! Super friendly, and there's alot of wisdom floating around on these boards.

    I actually just started p90x a few days ago, so far I love it, although if you decide to follow the nutritional plan I imagine you'll be making A LOT of dairy free protein shakes haha =) I do eat meat (not much, mind you, I generally eat the tofu alternatives instead) but I'm finding it quite a challenge to get in the recommended amounts of protein.

    So I just did yoga x for the first time tonight.. I HATE it. LOL.. time just goes so slow, I get so bored, it's too much effort to actually relax and completely clear my mind, but not enough to feel like a challenge and keep me mentally preoccupied. grrrrrr.
    I did half an hour. Next week I'll do an hour, and week 3 I'll do the full dvd. Anybody else not care for yoga X, at first, at least?
  • laurynbennardo
    I will join too! I have had mine since January but took a break becuase I did a swim team thing. I have decided not to get back on track with it and it would be great to have some accountability. I usually switch out the cardio dvds and do my own (like elliptical/jogging/swimming) for an hour. I know its probably not as great of a calorie burn as the P90X dvds but I am not very fond of the P90X cardio. I do like the yoga though. I couldnt get through it my first couple times, but then I decided I would make it through. For me it can be very relaxing if not super difficult! I just like the fact that I dont feel like my insides are bouncing around like I do when I do the plyo lol
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Welcome lizmichelle! And congratulations on your awesome choices! =)

    I think you'll find MFP very helpful, and the people on ehre are great! Super friendly, and there's alot of wisdom floating around on these boards.

    I actually just started p90x a few days ago, so far I love it, although if you decide to follow the nutritional plan I imagine you'll be making A LOT of dairy free protein shakes haha =) I do eat meat (not much, mind you, I generally eat the tofu alternatives instead) but I'm finding it quite a challenge to get in the recommended amounts of protein.

    So I just did yoga x for the first time tonight.. I HATE it. LOL.. time just goes so slow, I get so bored, it's too much effort to actually relax and completely clear my mind, but not enough to feel like a challenge and keep me mentally preoccupied. grrrrrr.
    I did half an hour. Next week I'll do an hour, and week 3 I'll do the full dvd. Anybody else not care for yoga X, at first, at least?

    Same here on Yoga X. I try to psych myself up for it, but at an hour and a half, it's just too much. I saw the same reaction on the Beachbody forum as well. A lot of people over there suggested doing up until the 43 minute mark one week, and then finishing it the next week.

    Now that I'm training for a half-marathon, I usually run on those days....isn't that convenient how that works out.

    I will say, after you do the whole DVD, I do feel great though. It's like a total mind and body reboot. Another suggestion was to just have candles in the room as light and just try to relax. That worked a little for me.

    Welcome liz and lauryn, I'm new here too but already addicted myself....w00t!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am so excited to get working out. You really hit a wall with workouts after some time and P90X seems to be the perfect solution. Mine should be arriving within the week so for now I am going to enjoy my runs and 30 Day Shred DVD, things are about to heat up for me.

    Dairy free protein shakes here I come!
  • laurabelle25
    So i haven't done very good with my workouts AT ALL this week. it's weird, this whole week i've had the most strange and crazy dreams, so i haven't been sleeping well. (and that makes it really hard to get up @ 4:30am to exercise!) But i've decided to take this opportunity to really work on my eating, and actually, the scale has gone down 2 lbs, but i think a lot of that might be due to eating a lot of sodium last weekend. who knows.

    I think i'm going to start over with Phase 2 this upcoming Mon. and really bring it. (i'm supposed to be in Week 3, but i don't really feel like i've worked at it hard enough.) I've also decided that i'm going to try really, really, really hard not to drink this weekend and see if the scale still moves in the downward direction. Wish me luck, b/c it is going to be incredibly difficult.

    Everyone keep up the good work and have a good weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! All i can say is Thank Goodness It's Friday (TGIF) because my energy level is waning and this cold is not getting any better. Today is week 2 day 5 of the Insanity Program which means I was suppose to complete the Cardio Power Resistance dvd but just did not have the energy to complete it this morning. Since I wanted to do some type of cardio workout I decided to complete the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series. I struggled a little since I was a bit congested but overall did a great job. I probably will not complete an Insanity dvd until Monday when I complete my 2nd fit test. I plan on heading to the gym tomorrow and taking either the kickboxing or spinning class.

    Have a great day!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    My workouts are all messed up to. I've had to start training for a half-marathon, plus I got Insanity as well so I've been sprinkling that in as well. I've decided I'm going to start week 3 of the last month on Saturday though.....just a little bit more!!!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I decided to sleep in and skip the kickboxing class this morning in hopes of rejuvenating this sick and energy-less body of mine and that extra sleep was just what I needed. While I'm clearly not 100% I did feel rejuvenated enough to throw in the Kenpo X dvd of the P90X series and rocked it out for 45 minutes. Now that the workout is complete I'm about to have lunch, do some light house cleaning and RELAX for the remainder of the day.

    I am suppose to have dinner w/friends this evening but I'm really thinking i"m going to bypass this as well. I'm really feeling like this weekend will be all about chocolickkyss getting some much R & R.