Should insurance companies charge smokers?



  • dsmboy1991
    dsmboy1991 Posts: 194 Member
    My two cents, as a recently quit smoker. I don't think people should be penalized for having a habit, because where do you draw the line. If that is the case then drinking should be deemed the same.
    I do agree with the smokers taking a zillion breaks, when i smoked i had my elevensies and my 3ish break and only ate lunch on the run while working, so those were my only breaks, but i have had part timers work for me who were ducking out every 20 minutes and their work would suffer, so i do agree with having to clock in and out for smoke breaks. As well i think smokers should make sure they don't reek of cigarette smoke since that also reflects on the company and who wants to deal with someone who completely smells.

    Although as far as work banning it, I don't see how they can fire someone for smoking, it's not their business really, but my boss asked me to quit cause he is a health nut and when i finally did, he gave me incentive by giving me a raise for quitting and staying quit which I thought was really cool. I think if a company has a problem with a smoker like that other bosses should do the same type of incentive.

    Soooo..were the non-smokers getting paid more than you? Did they also recieve a raise for no longer having to suffer from second hand smoke? Sorry I just don't understand the sense of entitlement for kicking a habit.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member

    they already have the warrant. you have not responded to their letters asking for you to turn it in. or you have told them that you will they are coming to search your home.

    i just want to know if you really would shoot it out over something like that. to do so would seem insane to me.

    Why is it insane? Where is the line? At what point do we say enough to the tyranny? I don't live in Europe, Afghanistan, China, etc because I don't want to. It might very well be worth fighting and dying for.

    Did you know we in America are the only country in the WORLD that has the freedom of speech. Most other countries are worried about hurting someone feelings and speech is limited as such. We are more worried about our rights than others feelings.

    Our rights are worth fighting for.
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    I understand why people feel that smokers should be charged more. But what concerns me is where does it stop? Should you be charged more because your spouse is a smoker...we all know about second hand smoke. What if you were raised in a home with a parent who smoked? Also how many people are completely honest when they answer the questions asked by insurance companies. Unless you are required to have a physical which includes testing to show you are drug, alcohol and smoke free how does anyone know for sure? Look how many people lie about their weight on their drivers liscence. Personally i know plenty of people who appear to be in a normal weight range but who have terrible eating habits. My mother in law wasnt fat by any means but she died from a heart attack that resulted from multiple blockages which no doubt came from her high fat, starchy sodium laden diet.

    What about alcohol?? So many people bash smokers but have no problem knocking back alcoholic beverages on a frequent basis. Just because they don't perceive themselves as having a drinking problem then they assume they aren't adding to their health risk!! I have a few friends who fall into this catergory....once again they appear to be of normal weight and healthy but i'd wager that their livers arent doing so good.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    they already have the warrant. you have not responded to their letters asking for you to turn it in. or you have told them that you will they are coming to search your home.

    i just want to know if you really would shoot it out over something like that. to do so would seem insane to me.

    Why is it insane? Where is the line? At what point do we say enough to the tyranny? I don't live in Europe, Afghanistan, China, etc because I don't want to. It might very well be worth fighting and dying for.

    Did you know we in America are the only country in the WORLD that has the freedom of speech. Most other countries are worried about hurting someone feelings and speech is limited as such. We are more worried about our rights than others feelings.

    Our rights are worth fighting for.

    to me its insane to die for a gun...and there are plenty of countries that have freedom of speech. stop getting all your info from Fox News.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member

    to me its insane to die for a gun...and there are plenty of countries that have freedom of speech. stop getting all your info from Fox News.

    Actually got that from your liberal public media. And just because you don't think personal rights are worth fighting for and are willing to bend over and let the gov't stick it to you doesn't mean the rest of us are so willing.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    to me its insane to die for a gun...and there are plenty of countries that have freedom of speech. stop getting all your info from Fox News.

    Actually got that from your liberal public media. And just because you don't think personal rights are worth fighting for and are willing to bend over and let the gov't stick it to you doesn't mean the rest of us are so willing.

    lol im no liberal. the sad thing is no matter where you heard it you believed it.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Should insurance companies charge people who smoke MORE money? Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?

    I think smokers should be charged extra, as their choice in doing something harmful to their body can and most likely will result in major health problems. I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense). OR if they are allowed to smoke, they should have to clock in and out for their breaks. It's stupid how they can take several 10-15 minute breaks/day, while the rest of us have a 30 min break at lunch.

    Let's start rewarding people who make healthy decisions, and start making people who choose to damage their own bodies pay up.

    How Judgemental. I love when people punish an ENTIRE group of people for something SOME people in a group do. I am a smoker. I don't take extra breaks. Half the time, I don't even clock out to eat lunch. You think I should be fired from my job, because I participate in a LEGAL activity, work the same amount of hours as my coworkers, and take the breaks that I am legally entitled to? No - it's not right to treat tobacco the same as marijuana. Would you like to know why? Because in this country, tobacco is legal. Marijuana is NOT. Don't like it? Write a letter to your congressman. Change the laws. Until then, please keep your judgmental ideas to yourself.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    My company already does these things...Smoking is banned on all property, new hires are tested for nicotine along with the standard drug test, and smokers are charged more for their there ya go.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    This is why we need a socialist based health system! You can't charge people more based on freedom based life choices! Smoking is not illegal folks don't act like it is! Our insurance companies are in a bad enough state! I was DENIED independent health care while I was still a full time student but too old for my parents plans...WHY? Because I was seeking treatment from a nuerologist for disabeling migraines. Can you just imagine the $h!t storm that would have happened if they found out I was a smoker at that time too? They would probably have tried to have me locked up! Until smoking is against the law, we can't penalize people for making a perfectly legal choice. Its unconstitutional. Much like my HIGHER costs than the men in my job because I am at the baby making age...BS, unconstitutional!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    This is why we need a socialist based health system! You can't charge people more based on freedom based life choices! Smoking is not illegal folks don't act like it is! Our insurance companies are in a bad enough state! I was DENIED independent health care while I was still a full time student but too old for my parents plans...WHY? Because I was seeking treatment from a nuerologist for disabeling migraines. Can you just imagine the $h!t storm that would have happened if they found out I was a smoker at that time too? They would probably have tried to have me locked up! Until smoking is against the law, we can't penalize people for making a perfectly legal choice. Its unconstitutional. Much like my HIGHER costs than the men in my job because I am at the baby making age...BS, unconstitutional!

    dramatic much?

    why do we penalize a 16 year old on his car insurance? is that unconstituional too? LOL if you willingly take on extra risk in your life you have to pay.

    it amazes me how few people understand how insurance works and that insurance companies are for profit.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    This is why we need a socialist based health system! You can't charge people more based on freedom based life choices! Smoking is not illegal folks don't act like it is! Our insurance companies are in a bad enough state! I was DENIED independent health care while I was still a full time student but too old for my parents plans...WHY? Because I was seeking treatment from a nuerologist for disabeling migraines. Can you just imagine the $h!t storm that would have happened if they found out I was a smoker at that time too? They would probably have tried to have me locked up! Until smoking is against the law, we can't penalize people for making a perfectly legal choice. Its unconstitutional. Much like my HIGHER costs than the men in my job because I am at the baby making age...BS, unconstitutional!

    dramatic much?

    why do we penalize a 16 year old on his car insurance? is that unconstituional too? LOL if you willingly take on extra risk in your life you have to pay.

    it amazes me how few people understand how insurance works and that insurance companies are for profit.
    Seriously? Dramatic....or just honest? We penalize 16 year olds because driving is a CHOICE, yet human life is a right. Did you seriously just put those two in the same category? An extra risk, that is deemed legal and supported by our government...nope shouldn't get an extra cost...
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    This is why we need a socialist based health system! You can't charge people more based on freedom based life choices! Smoking is not illegal folks don't act like it is! Our insurance companies are in a bad enough state! I was DENIED independent health care while I was still a full time student but too old for my parents plans...WHY? Because I was seeking treatment from a nuerologist for disabeling migraines. Can you just imagine the $h!t storm that would have happened if they found out I was a smoker at that time too? They would probably have tried to have me locked up! Until smoking is against the law, we can't penalize people for making a perfectly legal choice. Its unconstitutional. Much like my HIGHER costs than the men in my job because I am at the baby making age...BS, unconstitutional!

    dramatic much?

    why do we penalize a 16 year old on his car insurance? is that unconstituional too? LOL if you willingly take on extra risk in your life you have to pay.

    it amazes me how few people understand how insurance works and that insurance companies are for profit.
    Seriously? Dramatic....or just honest? We penalize 16 year olds because driving is a CHOICE, yet human life is a right. Did you seriously just put those two in the same category? An extra risk, that is deemed legal and supported by our government...nope shouldn't get an extra cost...

    Can you just imagine the $h!t storm that would have happened if they found out I was a smoker at that time too? They would probably have tried to have me locked up!

    you dont think thats dramatic? or do you actually believe they'd lock you up? talk about paranoid if so.

    driving is a choice but smoking is not? what world are you living in?

    and the point is moot this will become more and more common thankfully. all the people who like to engage in dangerous and stupid activities(smoking has to be one of the dumbest things you can do) will continue to pay more for it. :)
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?


    I I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense).

    So, are you saying that people should be fired for smoking in the work place, or for smoking period?

    People have been fired for smoking

    They take too many breaks and smell bad in meetings.

    It's certainly with in a company's power to have rules against smoking at work, and to fire violators accordingly. However I'm wondering if the OP is suggesting that people should be fired for smoking on their own time, away from the work place.

    Maybe, but your lunch breaks and time before you start work are also your own time. Even when you smoke at those times you'll still stink when you come back to the office. A lot of people tend to be repulsed by that.

    Then we should also ban all perfumes and colognes because folks can be repulsed by that too. See how it works, one thing is taken away for the good of the people and the next thing that will be taken away will be something you hold dear and then what will you say then.
    people are asked to not wear cologne if the smell is offensive. Same goes for bad hygine and body odor. I'd put smokers in the same catagory as offensive body odor if anything
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    You know obesity costs more and kills more, right?

    How about changing extra to - everyone - who doesn't fit into healthy parameters.

    The problem is there are in fact some legitimate genetic and health variables that can cause obesity. Smoking is just easy because it is an active bad choice.

    Probably 99% of overweight people eat too much and move too little. its pretty much a choice
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    Here we go again.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    This is why we need a socialist based health system!

    I wonder how many people who are actually in healthcare think socialized medicine is a good idea. It is amazing how people who aren't in the know seem to have the answers.

    More "give me more Mr. Gov't" mentality.
  • carneson3
    Not only do insurance companies charge MORE for being overweight....they will also DENY you coverage for it. All of the above happened to me. At my heaviest I was 215lb at 5'1"...DENIED! Because of this I applied to another company and at that time I had already lost 10lbs, but they said even at 205 at my height I would be denied so I lied and said I weighed 195lb. Even though I was accepted they still charged me I believe somewhere around 40 dollars more a month due to being over weight. When I get down a bit more so that freaking BMI no longer says i'm obese (because that is ALL they go off of) i'll request a rate change.

    Long story short...If I have to pay more smokers should pay more because they choose to smoke.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I was injured while officiating a football game. My employer's insurance company paid the claim, but when the policy renewed there was an added exclusion --- injury sustained while refereeing. No extra premium, just the exclusion.
    Made me mad, but I had to laugh at the same time. Technically, I wouldn't be covered while working as the referee, but WOULD have coverage if I were the Linesman, the Umpire, the Back Judge, etc.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I guess it's up to the insurance company, but if we go there, does that mean we should charge more for people who have other medical conditions, like myself, who has asthma? I don't know, I think there should be things offered to help people who are over weight and struggling with drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other destructive behavior. The company I work for offers free seminars, has a free employee resource center for counseling, have a wellness group as well as competitions for weight loss and you can big cash prices, $1000. They also have a room reserved for massages to help with stress. I love my company for that. They also include free preventative appointments and things like that.
  • carneson3
    I guess it's up to the insurance company, but if we go there, does that mean we should charge more for people who have other medical conditions, like myself, who has asthma? I don't know, I think there should be things offered to help people who are over weight and struggling with drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other destructive behavior. The company I work for offers free seminars, has a free employee resource center for counseling, have a wellness group as well as competitions for weight loss and you can big cash prices, $1000. They also have a room reserved for massages to help with stress. I love my company for that. They also include free preventative appointments and things like that.

    You could be denied by insurance companies for your asthma because it would be considered a pre-existing condition. Insurance companies are *kitten*....I don't think they actually give two ****s about people's health. It's ALL money.