Drop bread to lose weight



  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    Assuming you have no food intolerances, it's calories in vs calories out. Yes the quality of the calories determines your energy and health levels, but if you're getting half your daily calories from bread, and are still in a deficit, you will still lose weight.

    you make me happy. you also have a nice face <3
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member

    Assuming you have no food intolerances, it's calories in vs calories out. Yes the quality of the calories determines your energy and health levels, but if you're getting half your daily calories from bread, and are still in a deficit, you will still lose weight.

    Big assumption, a lot of undiagnosed problems with grains out there.

    Yeh, it comes down to calories in the end to drop weight in the end but what about overall health? Inflammation? Gut health? Auto-immune?

    But hey, let's all focus on getting slim, that's got to be the main thing, right?
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I eat 2 slices of bread for lunch each day and have pasta for dinner on wednesdays, and I've been losing just fine :) (1-2 lbs per week)
    I think that, like with everything, moderation is key.

    (all this assuming you have no food intolerances or allergies)
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member

    Assuming you have no food intolerances, it's calories in vs calories out. Yes the quality of the calories determines your energy and health levels, but if you're getting half your daily calories from bread, and are still in a deficit, you will still lose weight.

    you make me happy. you also have a nice face <3

    Bahahaha why thank you! As do you!