Here it is a new thread just for all my favorite gals.Hope we all have a wonderful week!!


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Bump so I can find it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks awestfall, for the new thread. My 16 yo was teaching me some yoga moves the other day. I will have to for yoga for weight loss. (:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I kept typing yoda)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories: :embarassed: :frown: Over by 850
    Water: YEs,
    Exercise: Yes,

    Proud............................hmmm, let me think, maybe it should be that I am 850 over my cals instead of 1850, NO that would not be good. ....... So how about the fact that I exercised today.........:indifferent: and I am still over by 850 cals:cry:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Calories: :embarassed: :frown: Over by 850
    Water: YEs,
    Exercise: Yes,

    Proud............................hmmm, let me think, maybe it should be that I am 850 over my cals instead of 1850, NO that would not be good. ....... So how about the fact that I exercised today.........:indifferent: and I am still over by 850 cals:cry:
    Momma2four - I exercised on Thursday and was over by a 1000 :embarassed: We are doing FAR better than would would if we weren't on here posting our food and making smart choices!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    OK, now that I am through eating for the day! But, I have no clue as to how many calories I ate for Dinner. Do I just skip posting that meal? I had 1 &1/2 Shrimp and Steak shish kabobs and that is not in the database for food. Does anyone know how many calories that is?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK, now that I am through eating for the day! But, I have no clue as to how many calories I ate for Dinner. Do I just skip posting that meal? I had 1 &1/2 Shrimp and Steak shish kabobs and that is not in the database for food. Does anyone know how many calories that is?
    I put in estimates - like if there were about six med shrimp on the Kabobs I'd first look for grilled shrimp - then I would look for the 8oz. (or what every you think it was) of steak (grilled) and so on. Usually you can find something! Maybe you'll find a whole steak kabob and you just use .5 for your portion and same with a shrimp kabob :tongue:

    Good luck!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Calories - Under by about 500 which makes me even after Thursday's binge!
    Water - one more glass to go and I'm working on it now!:ohwell:
    Exercise - :blushing: did I mention (like four hundred times) how proud I am that I did 60 minutes on the elliptical machine this morning???:blushing:

    Proud - uhm... see above! I'm also proud that I held back and made my high calorie jalapeno poppers "snack" my dinner!:bigsmile:
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    Thanks Momma2four and Mstahl! I agree with the calories. I need to work on getting all of my calories in. I read a thread somewhere in here that made a lot of sense. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I will add to my summary from now on. Thanks for the heads up

    Proud: I worked out tonight! 35 min on Elliptical. Yay!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Calories: over @ 100
    Water: yes
    Exercise: yes from cleaning and working at home
    Proud: That I posted everything today. I was feeling lazy tonight and thought I would skip it. I have to stay accountable.

    Thanks ladies. Good Night:yawn:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi gals. Checking in:

    Calories: Under, I'm assuming. I"ve been bad today.
    Water: Need moar.
    Excersice: Walked alot

    Having kind of a depressing day, so hopefully that will go away. See you girls tomorrow.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in -

    My hubby had Fri and Sat off, so since I work from home and he could watch the kids, I have been working at my computer the whole time...and didn't get my exercise in :( but taking 2 days off exercise is ok...I will just have to push the rest of the week!

    calories - ok I think, didn't actually log today, but I ate pretty healthy today.
    water - yes
    exercise - nada
    proud - that even when I don't follow all my new healthy lifestyle rules, I am still making much better decisions.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Good for you, Jenn. Making better decisions is what leads us to a better life! :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    cals: got to 2K again!!! :bigsmile:
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike
    proud: that after my cry I feel much better and am getting my focus and strength back.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I was going in to log my breakfast and my calorie count said I have 1260 calories left and it was 1200. What happened? Can anyone tell me? Thank you
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I was going in to log my breakfast and my calorie count said I have 1260 calories left and it was 1200. What happened? Can anyone tell me? Thank you
    Lisa - did you enter any exercise time in for today? Or did you change any of your goals (like going from 2lbs/week to 1lb a week)?
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I was going in to log my breakfast and my calorie count said I have 1260 calories left and it was 1200. What happened? Can anyone tell me? Thank you
    Lisa - did you enter any exercise time in for today? Or did you change any of your goals (like going from 2lbs/week to 1lb a week)?

    The only thing I changed was excercising from 6 x's a wk to 5. And I haven't logged any excercise for today.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    mstahl, just wanted to say Thanks for all your help and advice.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lisa, I didn't quite understand your question. Do you mean you used to have 1260 calories and now it's only giving you 1200? If that's the case, it's because you've lost weight and when you went in to change your exercise goals, it reassessed your calories based on your new weight.
    I started being allowed 1340 calories before exercise. Now I can only eat 1200 without exercise because I weigh less so that means I burn less just existing (my BMR is lower).

    Calories: 1258
    Exercise: Couch25K week 5 day 2, baby! :happy:
    Water: 64oz
    Proud: Yeah, still insanely excited I completed c25k w5d2.

    I know I've mentioned many times I have several really super awesome skirts I bought when I worked at a no-kill shelter thrift store 3 years ago. They're really unique with lots of beading and other detail. They were way too small for me when I bought them (and this was BEFORE I gained the 40 pounds with my boyfriend because we'd only been dating about 8 months :embarassed: ). I remember talking to the lady who donated them because she had lost so much weight & that was the reason she was donating them. Some of them still had tags. They wouldn't even come close to fitting but I thought *some day* I'd lose weight & be able to wear them. Or maybe I thought they'd motivate me to lose weight, so I bought almost all of them. Last year, I came VERY close to donating them back to that thrift store because I thought there was absolutely no way I'd ever be able to wear them.
    Well, ladies, I had a "Holy S***" experience this morning. I was going to try on my favorite of those skirts, as I've been doing occasionally since September, just to see how much farther I had to go. It's a size 14. I put it on, I zipped it up, I clasped it. And then I screamed "HOLY SH**!!!" It FITS!!! So, I pulled out the next skirt, zip, clasp "HOLY SH**!" and then the next, and the next. ALL OF THEM except 1 fit. Do you know what this means? It means I have to go shoe shopping! :laugh:
    I'll probably lose another 10-15 pounds before I wear them out, but woah, I'm still in shock they fit. I honestly never thought I would be able to wear them.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Well, ladies, I had a "Holy S***" experience this morning. I was going to try on my favorite of those skirts, as I've been doing occasionally since September, just to see how much farther I had to go. It's a size 14. I put it on, I zipped it up, I clasped it. And then I screamed "HOLY SH**!!!" It FITS!!! So, I pulled out the next skirt, zip, clasp "HOLY SH**!" and then the next, and the next. ALL OF THEM except 1 fit. Do you know what this means? It means I have to go shoe shopping! :laugh:
    jlb123 - you made me spit out my tea! That is GREAT!:flowerforyou: And in case I haven't mentioned this enough...:drinker: :drinker: I am so impressed with your doing the couch25k program!:drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    bump for later!