

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ColoradoGirl - :flowerforyou: I'm sorry about your Mother! 61 is a BABY! I'm glad to hear the outlook is pretty good.

    ***:indifferent: CATION - UNSOLICITED ADVICE - CATION:indifferent: ***
    :heart: GET HER INTO THE CARDO REHAB PROGRAM!!!!! :heart: It might seem like she can do it on her own but the :heart: Cardio Rehab programs:heart: run by medical centers are amazing and there is a HUGE difference in five year survivability rates between people who go to them and those who don't.

    Thanks for the advise.. I will try and sway her in that direction.. in August she just moved back to the south (missouri) so, she is not as close as I would like. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ColoradoGirl, I am so sorry about your mom. I hope it all works out. She is in my prayers
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jbl -Do you only do the couch 25k for exercise and do you only do it 3 days a week or do you do more?If you only do it 3 days a week do you do other exercises on your days off?Sorry so many questions I am just really curiousand you seem to have had some great results with it.Also is this something you can do inside your home.I was thinking about doing it on my elliptical trainer but I wasn't sure if that would be ideal.Right now the weather is cold here and I would love to try this program so I would have to do it inside if I could.Thanks!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Colorado Girl I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.I know God is with you and her right now.So sorry to hear about your mom!!! If you need to talk I am here.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jbl -Do you only do the couch 25k for exercise and do you only do it 3 days a week or do you do more?If you only do it 3 days a week do you do other exercises on your days off?Sorry so many questions I am just really curiousand you seem to have had some great results with it.Also is this something you can do inside your home.I was thinking about doing it on my elliptical trainer but I wasn't sure if that would be ideal.Right now the weather is cold here and I would love to try this program so I would have to do it inside if I could.Thanks!!

    I only do it 3x/week. I thought I'd be smart and do it more when I first started and that's when I started having all the pain in my knees. When you first start to run, you have to build up your joints/bones/muscles, not just your heart & lungs, because it's so high-impact. People just don't bother to tell newbies that and I kind of think that's why there are so many injuries when people first start running.

    On the days I don't do C25K (I'm on a Monday, Thursday, Saturday schedule with C25K because it works with my work schedules better), I do at least 30 minutes of some low-impact exercise. I ride my stationary bike basically every single day for at least 30 minutes. I also incorporate some strength training, some walking, some workout DVDs, etc just to keep it interesting & my body guessing. When I get in better shape (I know it's kind of silly to put it off just because I'm embarrassed, but it is what it is), I want to join a pool or a gym with a pool and start swimming on the days I don't run. I LOVE to swim - I always have - and it's wonderful exercise.
    If I could spare enough money to level part of my back yard even for one of those crappy metal frame pools I'd get one. You can swim outside where I live from April - September easily. Sorry I went off on a tangent there. :laugh:

    You can do it inside. I do it on my treadmill. I've also done some of the workouts on my bike. If you start on your elliptical it'll definitely get your cardiovascular system in condition! Then whenever you could start running outside you could take it slow to build up your joints/bones but you'd definitely have a jump start -- building the stamina of your lungs and heart is the hardest part, I think.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Coloradogirl- I am sorry about your mother, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Check in for today- 1/20/10
    calories- under by 105 (might eat a fruit to make cal)
    water- yes
    excercise- no...might still do it
    proud- That I am trying really hard to eat all my calories. (I have it at 1,100 and am working up to 1200)

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jbl -Do you only do the couch 25k for exercise and do you only do it 3 days a week or do you do more?If you only do it 3 days a week do you do other exercises on your days off?Sorry so many questions I am just really curiousand you seem to have had some great results with it.Also is this something you can do inside your home.I was thinking about doing it on my elliptical trainer but I wasn't sure if that would be ideal.Right now the weather is cold here and I would love to try this program so I would have to do it inside if I could.Thanks!!

    I only do it 3x/week. I thought I'd be smart and do it more when I first started and that's when I started having all the pain in my knees. When you first start to run, you have to build up your joints/bones/muscles, not just your heart & lungs, because it's so high-impact. People just don't bother to tell newbies that and I kind of think that's why there are so many injuries when people first start running.

    On the days I don't do C25K (I'm on a Monday, Thursday, Saturday schedule with C25K because it works with my work schedules better), I do at least 30 minutes of some low-impact exercise. I ride my stationary bike basically every single day for at least 30 minutes. I also incorporate some strength training, some walking, some workout DVDs, etc just to keep it interesting & my body guessing. When I get in better shape (I know it's kind of silly to put it off just because I'm embarrassed, but it is what it is), I want to join a pool or a gym with a pool and start swimming on the days I don't run. I LOVE to swim - I always have - and it's wonderful exercise.
    If I could spare enough money to level part of my back yard even for one of those crappy metal frame pools I'd get one. You can swim outside where I live from April - September easily. Sorry I went off on a tangent there. :laugh:

    You can do it inside. I do it on my treadmill. I've also done some of the workouts on my bike. If you start on your elliptical it'll definitely get your cardiovascular system in condition! Then whenever you could start running outside you could take it slow to build up your joints/bones but you'd definitely have a jump start -- building the stamina of your lungs and heart is the hardest part, I think.
    Thank you so much Jbl.I am going to start the program tomorrow and then next week I am going to do it Monday Wed Friday from there on out.It sounds like an interesting program and it looks like you have had much success so I am hoping I will get some result too.Thanks again I will keep you posted on my progress.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in
    Calories- over by 6 no big deal
    Exercise-yes 20 minutes but for all of you who saw me doing 2 hours before my doc told me I wasn't allowed to do 2 hours any more right now until my muscle heals completely.He said 30 minutes was just as sufficient as 2 hours especially if I do circuit training.Which I am starting the couch25k tomorrow and he said that would be great for me to lose weight
    Water 96 ounces so far
    Proud that I am not relying on the numbers to make me feel good.I haven't weighed myself yet.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member

    Sorry to hear about your Mom hope everything goes well and my prayers are with you, your mom, and your family.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I just did 24 minutes of my Biggest Loser program so I am proud of that :)

    I hope this is the beginning of me starting my 3 times per week workouts again!!:happy:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    ColoradoGirl - I am so sorry about your mom! :flowerforyou:

    check in -
    calories - almost right on
    water - 96 oz
    exercise - 1hr (couch25k week 5 day1, and then Biggest Loser game)
    proud - I exercised for 1 hr straight!
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16

    Can someone explain the c25k thing to me? sounds really cool!

    C25K IS really cool. Couch25K is a somewhat aggressive training program that's designed to get you off the couch (little to no activity) to running 5k (3 miles) in 9 weeks (yeah right)! :smile: Here's the link to the training program: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
    If you scroll down the page you'll see the training schedule.
    I started in November and I'm on week 6 now. I struggled with week 4 and I think I ended up on it for 3 weeks -- No big deal!
    I think running is going to be something I really enjoy doing for exercise. I certainly enjoy it now, to a degree, but it's still so hard sometimes it's difficult to convince myself to get up and do it.

    Thanks for the information! I never heard this before. I went to the website and it looks very doable. Im going to try my first set right now!

    Be back later with my check in!. Enjoy your evening ladies! :happy:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    LOL Sorry to keep posting but I just changed my intake from 1,100 to 1,200 which I am determined to eat all 1200 from now on

    Thanks girls for reminding me that I NEED to eat to lose! I was scared but after doing all my research I am going to try extra hard:flowerforyou:


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Calories - about 200 under my exercise calories
    Water - I'm on one bottle short (but the night is young!)
    Exercise - 50 minutes on the elliptical (my lunch time walks keep getting taken out by life!)

    Proud - I think I had two good job interviews today even though I was blind-sided by them! Time will tell!

    Edited to add that tomorrow I have a double whammy - lunch out with the girls (at least our waitress knows what to bring me!) and our Thursday night dinner party. It's our roommate's birthday so I'm making eggs Maryland (crab cakes, poached egg, english muffin with hollandaise sauce...) and a two people are bringing desserts! YIKES!

    We live near campus so we occationally rent out our downstairs bedroom. We have a Math grad student living with us, Beth, and she's basically become family...
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Calories: yes 1250
    Water: yes 64
    Exercise: yes 3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Proud: To have this group to check in with everyday. Thanks ladies!

    I ate quite a bit of popcorn at the movie theater yesterday and today my stomach didn't appreciate it. One more noticeable change to my eating habits. Popcorn, lots of it was a staple for me for a long time, now, not so much.
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    I did the first C25 tonight. Was not easy for me, but will try to keep it up. I don't think I would know what to do with my self if I could actually run a 5k? A VERY slow jog in one minute intervals was not an easy task.

    Check in 1/20/10

    Calories: 1130 but about heat up a 210 calorie meal.
    Exercise: 20min jog/walk - 60 min elliptical.
    Proud: I got up in time to eat a decent breakfast before work :smile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :heart: :heart: :heart: COGirl - praying for your mother and you! Whereabouts in MO is she living? I am in St. Louis. Maybe I can drop by and check in on her for you. :heart: :heart: :heart:
    mstahl - I have a good feeling about these job interviews... :happy:
    pos_me - WE are proud of you! You're still here! That is something to be proud of! :flowerforyou:
    cris - eat that fruit! The night is young! :drinker: I am going through what you are going through. I know it is hard to trust eating the cals, but it WILL pay off - for both of us! :heart:
    snowflakes - I L O V E popcorn! And those skimpy 100 cal bags don't do it for me! My friend told me to try Healthy Pop - it was like eating cardboard!!! :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: right on! But still over in sodium - yikes
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike plus arm work
    proud: I parked down the hill at work today and walked all the way up to school AND I wasn't that badly out of breath! :bigsmile:
  • Solandra
    Colorado Girl, we've got a candle lit for your mother!

    Check in:
    Water - Yes, but just at.
    Calories - right there
    Exercise - I walked this morning before work

    proud of: I really really wanted to get a sausage biscuit for breakfast this morning, but I was virtuous and had oatmeal instead.

    Love you, my lovelies!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I'm drinking my last bottle of water so I made it!:drinker:

    And I didn't get the venison stew for dinner (It sat out all day - yuck! Dogs are eating well tonight!) so I tried a suggestion - 1/2 cup pumpkin, 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese, sprinkle of cinnamon and a packet of splenda = 140 calories. OMG SO GOOD!!!!!!

    :bigsmile: Amazing bulk and nutrients for so little calories! Guess what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow?:bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    .... Big Breath.. yes.. I am breathing! :smile:
    Thank you all so much for the kind words, thoughts and prayers! I am so blessed to belong to this wonderful group! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! sign0031.gif

    Although today has been a tough day. Many good things have come out of it! My mom is going to be ok! She is going to quit smoking and my step father is going to try to do the same! My brother, sister and I now KNOW we really need to be watching our Cholesterol. And I know have been slapped in the face with reality a little closer to home. happy0169.gif

    Today Calories were good
    Water is good
    Exercise 85 mins
    Proud.. Proud, my mother pulled through and has finally made the decision to take better care of herself and stop smoking!

    With that said.. I am exhausted emotionally, mentally and physically.. heading to bed! Tomorrow is the a new day and I am looking forward to sharing it with my dear family and friends! sleepy003.gif