
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    amarek - congrats on week 1 day 1! When I first started I found out that I couldn't even do week 1 day 1 -- I had to build up to it! Isn't that sad? Now I can run 1.5 miles (and building :wink:) at once without walking! Unbelievable.
    mstahl - congrats on your job offers/interviews! That's great!
    ColoradoGirl - So sorry to read about your mom but I'm really glad it sounds like she's doing well
    Bluenote - I'm proud of you for gettin' in those calories!
    Momma - glad you're feeling better!
    Awestfall - I'm so glad you're going to try c25k! It's tough, but I think it's worth it.

    Calories: 1240
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: 80+ ounces
    Proud: I guess I'm proud about how much people are noticing my weight loss. It's a little embarrassing but I'm starting to get used to it. The lady who first noticed (almost 30 pounds ago) saw me today from WAAAAYYYY down the hall and she screamed (literally screamed) "Woah! How much have you lost now?!" And after my face turned bright red, I held my hand up & gestured "5-0." And that's when it hit me that I really have lost almost (or more realistically, probably more like "at least" than "almost") 50 pounds. Then I walked into a department meeting and a woman said "Here she comes, with her baggy little pants on." :laugh: Then when I was walking out of work tonight some random shameless man complimented my posterior in a very (not) classy way. :indifferent: Oh how I didn't miss the uninvited attention. :ohwell:

    A guy I was friends with in school for years lost his battle with leukemia today. He had 3 children 6, 4, and 11 months. It's... so tragic. Too young.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sorry i haven't been around much here this week. This week has been hectic.

    NOw it seems my 3 yr old is still sick with head stuff, not the same as last week no running nose, but coughing alot..i think it was draining..and now since about 8 she has been throwing up...Every time i go to sleep i get awoken by crying 3 yr old and puking over everything...I wish she would stop throwing up so i can go to sleep.

    I am not sure if she can go to school tomorrow or not...i have my gyn appt that i have scheduled for 4 months, takes a long time to get in to see her...i can't exactly take her with me, especially if she is puking...sorry for the details :(

    if she is sick I can't take her to her speech therapy evaluation on friday either...uggg...why can't she just be well.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lildebbie - :flowerforyou: I'm so sorry you're having a rough week! I hope your little one bounces back today like only little kids can!

    ColoradoGirl - That's right BREATH! :wink: You've done good - you got yourself and your family through it, your mom is in good hands and you didn't lose focus on taking care of yourself along the way (did I read 85 minutes of exercise??:noway: ??)

    jlb123 - I'm the ugly duckling in my family so even cat calls from gross inebriated people make me smile (at least on the inside!) I love that people are seeing what you're doing for yourself!

    I was stretching this morning (thanks to our challenge- because I hadn't been until this week!) and I kept thinking "Dang - that's smaller... OH LOOK that might be a muscle! I'll be - haven't seen that bone in a few years" and so on:laugh:

    Solandra - way to say NO to sausage (yum).

    I've had my new favorite food for breakfast - :heart: 1/2 cup pumpkin & 1/2 cup cottage cheese, mixed with a packet of sweetener and cinnamon - LOVE:love::love: :love:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    amarek - congrats on week 1 day 1! When I first started I found out that I couldn't even do week 1 day 1 -- I had to build up to it! Isn't that sad? Now I can run 1.5 miles (and building :wink:) at once without walking! Unbelievable.
    mstahl - congrats on your job offers/interviews! That's great!
    ColoradoGirl - So sorry to read about your mom but I'm really glad it sounds like she's doing well
    Bluenote - I'm proud of you for gettin' in those calories!
    Momma - glad you're feeling better!
    Awestfall - I'm so glad you're going to try c25k! It's tough, but I think it's worth it.

    Calories: 1240
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: 80+ ounces
    Proud: I guess I'm proud about how much people are noticing my weight loss. It's a little embarrassing but I'm starting to get used to it. The lady who first noticed (almost 30 pounds ago) saw me today from WAAAAYYYY down the hall and she screamed (literally screamed) "Woah! How much have you lost now?!" And after my face turned bright red, I held my hand up & gestured "5-0." And that's when it hit me that I really have lost almost (or more realistically, probably more like "at least" than "almost") 50 pounds. Then I walked into a department meeting and a woman said "Here she comes, with her baggy little pants on." :laugh: Then when I was walking out of work tonight some random shameless man complimented my posterior in a very (not) classy way. :indifferent: Oh how I didn't miss the uninvited attention. :ohwell:

    A guy I was friends with in school for years lost his battle with leukemia today. He had 3 children 6, 4, and 11 months. It's... so tragic. Too young.
    Thanks for all the information Jbl !! I tried my first day of Couch25K and boy did it whip my butt!!! I did complete the full 20 minutes though and was sweating profusely.I am going to keep at it though I think its a wonderful program to get into.I will probably have to do week one twice though before I move on to week 2.THanks again Jbl!! Also JBL how do you log your exercise with the couch25k?Its considered circuit training so is that how you log it?
    Mstahl-Congrats on the job offers
    Colorado Girl- So glad your mother is doing better and that she has decided to take better care of herself.I knew God was with you and her.
    Amarek-I know the feeling of the couch25k being hard but I pushed through it today and will continue doing it.Keep it up!!!We can cheer each other on.
    Momma-So glad to hear you are feeling much better.I :heart: you because you are so AWESOME!!!
    Bluenote-So proud to hear you are getting those calories in.If I had to eat them I know I couldn't get anywhere near 2000.So GREAT JOB!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, it is circuit training so you could log it that way. I just log the total minutes running and the total minutes walking. I know I burn way more than that (according to my HRM), but I leave it at the MFP estimates to be conservative. When I weighed 250, I was burning 500+ calories in 25 minutes of C25K according to my HRM. Can't beat that with a stick! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am sooo hungry...I am going to the doctor today and having blood work so i had to fast ....i can't wait till after my appt to eat...may have a bigger lunch since had to skip breakfast (against my will :mad: :mad: )

    I have got to get back on track, i ate good yesterday a little over my cals but still did relatively good.

    Tonight i am going to get back on doing my ea active, haven't done it in a week...ouch.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lildebbie - chuck an :heart: apple:heart: in your bag and eat it AS SOON as your done with the test -even if it means eating it in the exam room:embarassed: ! By the time you get to your car you'll have some sugar and bulk in your gut and you won't feel so hungry. Then MAKE yourself order something decent like a grilled chicken salad with the promise that AFTER you eat it you can still get fries if you're really:huh: hungry!

    This has bee working for me. I leave in 45 minutes for lunch and I have my apple sitting beside me on the desk!

    (and if it doesn't work then TODAY is a GREAT day to start back up on the ea active!:bigsmile: )
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    My lil man went back to daycare today, thank goodness! He is feeling a little better so hopefully the stomach virus (that is apparently going around) is out of his system. HOWEVER, now my bf and step-son both have it and both are puking...nice huh? You know how men are when they are sick, and Ive got a household full of them **sigh**

    Anyways, just wanted to do some personals really quick-
    Solandra- I am obsessed with McD's bacon egg and cheese sand and was really craving it the other day. I found out that Weight Watchers Smart Ones have a muffin, canadian bacon, egg whites, and cheese sandwich that is pretty delish and killed my craving for it. Its about 210 calories, so not too bad! I really recommend it if you are still having cravings.
    Lildebbie- I hear ya with the sick kiddos, good luck hope your lil one gets better soon!
    Bluenote- Thank you so much for the encouragement, it really means a lot!

    Hugs to all,

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Checking in for yesterday 1/20/2010:
    Calories: 228 left over
    Water: 40 oz. (wasn't thirsty)
    Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba, burned 703 calories.
    Proud: That I tried something new (zumba)

    Not too much else to report. I'm up a bit on the scale because of the sodium intake, as I had Chinese for dinner last night. I'm working on flushing it out with extra water today.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Check in for yesterday:


    Calories: under..was going ot eat more but got sidetracked
    Water: Over yayyy
    Exercise: made an extra gym day...30 minutes treadmill and eliptical, and 30 minutes strength training

    Proud: I'm going to the gym TWICE this week! Woo!

    So..I'm still stuck at 249.4. i have been for the past few days, havent gone under it..really starting to get irritated, but I'm loosing inches. I guess its just my muscles retaining water..I just wish the water would get the heck out of my body if that's what it is!

    I also found out my body fat percentage is 43%...so that means my lean weight is 147..wow! I'm a heavy girl! My goal is still realistic, it seems
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    MariSama: Stick to it and you'll lose it! I had a three week plateau in which I lost no weight, but a TON of inches. I think the body needs to readjust sometimes, but once that happens, you will start seeing the weight come off again. Keep up the awesome work!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    ^^ What she said.
    Mari, if it makes you feel better (misery loves company) I'm having a plateau week, too. Saturday I was down to 223.2 and on Sunday I jumped up to 225 for some reason and stayed there until 224.0 yesterday and finally back to 223.8 today (last Friday's weigh-in weight). So, I'm not expecting to lose much, if anything, this week, either. :wink:

    I just take this as a sign it's time to have a meal to SHOCK my metabolism!!! :laugh: So, if I'm still the same Saturday, mexican food, here I come!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- Thats funny that you have a 'shock your body' meal. I almost look forward to a plateau so that I can have one, lol
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking for yesterday 1/20/2010

    Calories - went waaay over!! :angry:
    excercise - none
    water - 48oz
    proud - that I'm still logging my calories

    My husband bought me a wii for my birthday and then gave me the money for the wii fit plus.:love::love: Do you know I can't find one anywhere!!!:grumble: I don't what to order it online, but if I have to I guess I will. I want it now though!!!:sad:

    Hope you all have a really good day!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb- Thats funny that you have a 'shock your body' meal. I almost look forward to a plateau so that I can have one, lol

    That's totally beginning to be how I think, too. Do you know how long it's been since I've had some greasy cheesy tex mex?! MONTHS, because I haven't really hit a wall since November! I've been almost wishing for one lately. Careful what you wish for, though. :tongue:

    I was thinking mexican, but boy, I could eat the crap out of some good old artery clogging fried okra and mac & cheese right now. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Check in for yesterday:


    Calories: under..was going ot eat more but got sidetracked
    Water: Over yayyy
    Exercise: made an extra gym day...30 minutes treadmill and eliptical, and 30 minutes strength training

    Proud: I'm going to the gym TWICE this week! Woo!

    So..I'm still stuck at 249.4. i have been for the past few days, havent gone under it..really starting to get irritated, but I'm loosing inches. I guess its just my muscles retaining water..I just wish the water would get the heck out of my body if that's what it is!

    I also found out my body fat percentage is 43%...so that means my lean weight is 147..wow! I'm a heavy girl! My goal is still realistic, it seems
    I can totally relate to this post!! I haven't lost anything since Christmas and my body keeps tossing 4 pounds up and then 4 pounds down so I am just going to continue doing what I have been doing,you know eating right and exercising and hopefully the scale will start moving again.I feel your frustration on this but keep at it you will see results soon.We both have similar goals though I noticed,I want to be 50 pounds lighter by my birthday in July and I noticed you wanted the sme for your birthday.So lets keep each other on track so we can reach our goals.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ^^ What she said.
    Mari, if it makes you feel better (misery loves company) I'm having a plateau week, too. Saturday I was down to 223.2 and on Sunday I jumped up to 225 for some reason and stayed there until 224.0 yesterday and finally back to 223.8 today (last Friday's weigh-in weight). So, I'm not expecting to lose much, if anything, this week, either. :wink:

    I just take this as a sign it's time to have a meal to SHOCK my metabolism!!! :laugh: So, if I'm still the same Saturday, mexican food, here I come!
    Jbl- you have the right idea!!! This really does work "shocking the body with some bad food">Thanks for reminding me of this!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im trying to plan my meals for the rest of the day so that I get as close to 1200 calories as possible but anything I choose make me go 32 pts over in carbs...is that really bad?

    What I have planned right now puts me at 64 calories under 1200 and -32 in carbs
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. so another EMOTIONAL Day .. My mom was released from the hospital today and guess what was the first thing she did.. Yep.. went to BK and had a Whopper Junior with Cheese, Large fry and 2 cigarettes. REALLY.. angry023.gif I am so disapointed, mad, sad, and frustrated! My husband pointed out to me, that it is HER choice and that I really need to accept it and not make her angry by voicing my opinion. I should just enjoy what time I have left with her. sad0142.gif UGH.. not what I wanted to hear but, he is right. Until I decided to start my weight loss journey, it did not matter what anyone else said, thought or did.. I had to do it for myself. So, I guess if she wants to as she calls it, "enjoy what time she has" I should let her. indifferent0005.gif

    My sister, brother and mothers brother (uncle) have all called me and asked me to talk some sense into her. I am at a loss, as I feel like nothing I say or do with change anything with my mom. At the same time, if I don't say something I feel like I am not being true to how I feel. Ugh.. Any advice? confused019.gif
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I admit I went way over my calories this is evening.I did great all day long and then this evening the taco slad in my fridge was calling my name so I caved and ate half of it.Oh well I have already logged the food I am going to eat for tomorrow so I am promising to stick to the plan for tomorrow.With that said I feel pretty good today and am hoping I start seeing the scale move again.
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