
  • Checking in for 1/18/10 -

    Calories - under by ~200
    Water - over (9 cups recorded, but I don't remember how many times my glass was refilled at the restaurant)
    Exercise - none; Thursday night's meeting was rescheduled for last night, derailing the plans to walk with MDH

    Proud of: the dinner meeting was at a chinese buffet. Not only was I frugal on the first pass, but I didn't go back for seconds, and only had a couple of cookies for dessert.

    I'm thrilled that my distinctly anti-exercise beloved is showing so much interest in walking with me occasionally.

    The last time I lost in a big way (the wrong way, living on eggos and cheese toast doesn't do the job in the long run - I can only plea stress and depression because that happened just after my divorce), I walked every day a couple of times and eventually started jogging. Jogging in cheap shoes with flat feet was my personal recipe for plantar fascitis - these days I'm just glad I can get out and walk. I envy my Couch to 5 K sisters. This time when I hit 220 and start running again it will be with my orthotics.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I was having problems with my Heart Rate Monitor (which is new) and I was getting really frustrated! It kept losing my heart beat but I felt like I had it wet, when I finally got super sweaty it would work fine!

    I realized the problem this morning - I have to tighten the band because I've gotten smaller :bigsmile:

    (Guys may want to stop reading here)

    I am also having challenges with bras. :huh: The girls have shrunk (:frown: ) and my chest has shrunk so I only have two bras that fit. If I wore one to work out, I had to wash it and hope it dried in time to wear the next day... I realized this week that while I'm doing low impact (elliptical) I don't really NEED to wear a bra:noway: :laugh: :noway: First time I've been able to say that in about 25 years!!!! (that sure I'm happy but it is a sign of weight loss!):tongue:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I am also having challenges with bras. The girls have shrunk ( ) and my chest has shrunk so I only have two bras that fit. If I wore one to work out, I had to wash it and hope it dried in time to wear the next day... I realized this week that while I'm doing low impact (elliptical) I don't really NEED to wear a bra First time I've been able to say that in about 25 years!!!! (that sure I'm happy but it is a sign of weight loss!)

    That is SOOOO! funny!:laugh: :laugh: Congratulations!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls, I think I am getting what my kids had yesterday. Feel kinda sick to the stomache. I have NO desire to eat, which is a sure sign I am getting it. Hope you all have a wonderful Tues. It is rainy here again today and will be everyday this week. I can't complain we are having a drought here in CA and really need the rain. Just 6-7 days in a row with no real breaks. I am only on day 2 and getting the rainy day blues. Back to bed I go if my son will come to bed with me, he is feeling better today.:ohwell:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    mstahl - I know, I try to get as close as I can, but I really wasnt hungry at all yesterday.

    jlb - Oh my gosh, way to go! I kind of want to start couch 2 5k but I have little hope in being able to run like that with all this weight..I notice the more I lose the more energy I have but still. Maybe I'll start when i lose a bit more. I've never been able to run for more than a couple minutes.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb - Oh my gosh, way to go! I kind of want to start couch 2 5k but I have little hope in being able to run like that with all this weight..I notice the more I lose the more energy I have but still. Maybe I'll start when i lose a bit more. I've never been able to run for more than a couple minutes.

    I started trying to run around 250 and it was definitely hard being that out of shape and that overweight at the same time. I can't even begin to explain how much easier it is for me now that I have a couple more months of exercise under my belt at 223#. I wouldn't go so far as to call it comfortable, but it does feel a lot less like death now. :laugh:
    Imagine how easy running must be for someone at a healthy weight (I'll let you know when I get there :wink:)!

    And, I can run for 20 minutes straight but I STILL get winded climing the 2 mega-flights of stairs to my office (it's 60-something stairs). What gives?! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    jlb: Great job on completing W5D3! That was a challenging one for me and I'm supposed to do W6D3 tonight, so we'll see if I get that accomplished. Yikes! I've also found that I enjoy running and almost look forward to it now. Weird!

    mstahl: That's great that you're shrinking and therefore had to tighten your HRM band. I've had to do the same thing, but also need to go bra shopping. Good times!

    Today is starting off as a hungry day but I think it's more because my body needs energy to wake up after a terrible night. My poor boyfriend seems to have the stomach bug that his son had over the weekend, so he was up on and off all night with "flu-like symptoms." I sure hope I don't get it! I've had my protein shake for breakfast, a mint hot chocolate and a mini kit-kat bar. Darn co-workers who fill candy dishes! Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to focus soon and find some energy!

    I'm glad that it's Biggest Loser night because I always have an easier time finding motivation to exercise!

    Have a great day,
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I disappeared over the weekend again ... so checking in for the weekend:
    calories: bad - still having motivation problems with my eating
    exercise: great! 60 minutes of turbokick on Friday, 60 minutes of step on Saturday plus 30 minutes of body pump, nothing Sunday but I was pretty worn out
    water: ok - but I'm sure I was low
    proud: of all my exercise ... but need to get my eating under control - the scale is creeping up!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under - but ate all my exercise calories and shouldn't have ... wasn't even hungry at dinner but ate 2 helpings and dessert
    exercise: great again! made time for me to do 60 minutes of turbo kick and 30 minutes of body pump
    water: low
    proud: that I went to the Y and did 90 minutes

    lildebbie: congrats on the HRM ... I love my polar F11 ... if there is one thing I've gotten a good handle on now it is exercise, and it all started last year in March when I got my HRM for my birthday - I've been dedicated to getting in enough exercise weekly ever since. Now if I could just get my eating under control!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I am very sorry i have not been on in a couple of days. My mother in-law came to visit and well lots of people and her kids come by..so more work for me.

    i have been watching everything that goes in my mouth and i did manage to get 30 minutes of running on the treadmill. But the hard part is coming to the website and logging everything and chatting with you gals..i miss everyone.

    Bluenote, hang in there - it will get better. Jib, congrates on wearing a size 14...i recently fit into a 12...i can't remember when was the last time i fit into anything smaller than 14...it feels good...keep it up girl.

    the rest of the group...you girls are amazing...keep doing what you are doing...l love and miss you girls.

    check in: 1/18/10
    calories: yup..
    water: nope! :(
    exercise: yup!
    proud: that i am still tugging along...

    I will try to get back on later..when things calm down alittle.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hey girls,

    Ive been home with my 1 year old son for the past two days. He has a fever and was puking everywhere sunday night, it was lovely let me tell you. I havent had as much time to log on and if I do log on I tried to read the posts really quick just to keep up with everyone's progress.

    Here is my update for yesterday:
    check in: 1/18/10
    calories: under by 130 (but I over ate Sunday by 800 cals..so yea)
    water: I think so, lost track
    exercise: nope...its been awhile
    proud: that i havent quit

    Well better get back to my lil man- i hope hes better tomorrow so I can get back on track with excercise, right now im just tired of being up all night and trying to keep him comfortable.

    Talk to you all soon,

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm about to rip my coworker's head off. I get so annoyed with his ignorance about this job he's had for longer than I've been alive. *deep breath*
    I'm to the point I'm actually applying for other jobs because I can't stand working with him and having to go behind him to correct his mistakes only for him to be annoyed with me for pointing out that I've had to correct him (and I only point it out to him.... and only very occasionally. Perhaps I'll begin pointing it out to my supervisor). Stop making mistakes and I'll stop correcting them, jerkface. UGH. It's so bad, my supervisor has literally added a job duty to my position description that is essentially correcting all the mistakes he's made! And lately I've noticed when payroll has a question, even if it's about something he's done, they come to ME to ask about it because they know I'm the one who will actually correct it and in a timely manner. It's nice for people to have confidence in my ability to do my job, however, he's creating so much more work for me it's unbelievable. I honestly think my job would be SO MUCH easier if he wasn't here to "help."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    (:laugh: )
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Way to go on 20 mins straight jlb!! I can`t wait to get there. I have been slacking on the couch25k program...I think you might be motivating me to get back on it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    WTG Jib on the running..I am hoping one day i can do it, but i got lots of weight to loose first :( I do the running on my wii fit, and it is like 3 minutes and I think i am going to die. My knee hurts too though, i am hoping my knee gets better the more i loose.

    BTW - i love your picture with your pants that couldn't fit you in september...WTG!!!!

    I am slowly getting rid of this water weight...Sunday I was up 7 lbs, this morning up 3 1/2 lbs and just a few minutes ago less than a lb...so hopefully by friday i will at least be back to where i was last week, and hopefully at least a lb or soo more.

    I am getting impatient about my hrm...it says won't be here till next wednesday ...boooo
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks awestfall, for the new thread. My 16 yo was teaching me some yoga moves the other day. I will have to for yoga for weight loss. (:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I kept typing yoda)
    Momma I just started doing yoga and I thought I was going to cry after 20 minutes of it.But today was a bit better and I even ran on my elliptical for 30 minutes(my doc told me to take it easy with the exercise right now since I have a strained muscle in my leg)Glad to see everyone is doing so well.This is a great week.I haven't weighed myself since Friday and I am trying to hold out on doing so until this Friday.Wish me luck!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Lisa, I didn't quite understand your question. Do you mean you used to have 1260 calories and now it's only giving you 1200? If that's the case, it's because you've lost weight and when you went in to change your exercise goals, it reassessed your calories based on your new weight.
    I started being allowed 1340 calories before exercise. Now I can only eat 1200 without exercise because I weigh less so that means I burn less just existing (my BMR is lower).

    Calories: 1258
    Exercise: Couch25K week 5 day 2, baby! :happy:
    Water: 64oz
    Proud: Yeah, still insanely excited I completed c25k w5d2.

    I know I've mentioned many times I have several really super awesome skirts I bought when I worked at a no-kill shelter thrift store 3 years ago. They're really unique with lots of beading and other detail. They were way too small for me when I bought them (and this was BEFORE I gained the 40 pounds with my boyfriend because we'd only been dating about 8 months :embarassed: ). I remember talking to the lady who donated them because she had lost so much weight & that was the reason she was donating them. Some of them still had tags. They wouldn't even come close to fitting but I thought *some day* I'd lose weight & be able to wear them. Or maybe I thought they'd motivate me to lose weight, so I bought almost all of them. Last year, I came VERY close to donating them back to that thrift store because I thought there was absolutely no way I'd ever be able to wear them.
    Well, ladies, I had a "Holy S***" experience this morning. I was going to try on my favorite of those skirts, as I've been doing occasionally since September, just to see how much farther I had to go. It's a size 14. I put it on, I zipped it up, I clasped it. And then I screamed "HOLY SH**!!!" It FITS!!! So, I pulled out the next skirt, zip, clasp "HOLY SH**!" and then the next, and the next. ALL OF THEM except 1 fit. Do you know what this means? It means I have to go shoe shopping! :laugh:
    I'll probably lose another 10-15 pounds before I wear them out, but woah, I'm still in shock they fit. I honestly never thought I would be able to wear them.

    I use to have 1200 and now I have 1260 and I don't know why. By the way, I am SOOOO proud for you! Congratulations, I know that must feel really good!!
    Its because you changed your exercise I did the same thing and it bumped mine up a bit.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I think I am getting what my kids had yesterday. Feel kinda sick to the stomache. I have NO desire to eat, which is a sure sign I am getting it. Hope you all have a wonderful Tues. It is rainy here again today and will be everyday this week. I can't complain we are having a drought here in CA and really need the rain. Just 6-7 days in a row with no real breaks. I am only on day 2 and getting the rainy day blues. Back to bed I go if my son will come to bed with me, he is feeling better today.:ohwell:
    I am so sorry to hear you are feeling bad.Take care of yourself and feel better soon!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Moma, so sorry to hear you're sick. I hope you get plenty of rest and fluids and feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    mstahl - you crack me UP! The walker story was PRICELESS and the bra dilemma too funny! :laugh: I sure wish these ta tas would shrink! I don't EVEN want to go there with sizes!!!
    jlb - You go girl on that running! And that PIC, I could not believe my eyes when I saw how many inches you've lost! I guess when I finally get out of stretch pants I'll be able to tell! :laugh:
    awestfall - I am proud of you for not weighing yet. Pretty soon you'll start feeling less anxiety. :flowerforyou:

    I know we don't weigh until Friday, and I broke my own rule (awestfall do NOT read this!), but I lost FINALLY!!! Two pounds down. I am so relieved. I was really getting stressed!!!
  • Water - 9 cups as usual, probably more (there's a point where I just stop counting)
    Calories - Under by 34 after exercise calories
    Exercise - lovely walk with my beloved, tomorrow I'm going to go for a more serious walk in the morning before work.

    Proud of: Today was a learning day at work. I learned that a lot of the PC Support (hardware and programming) duties that I"ll be taking on isn't a lot different than the ordinary Help Desk support I do already. Being able to help out the technical guys is huge (they're as swamped as we are) and it's a good skill to have in any economy.

    To those who aren't feeling well, or who are recovering from being ill - feel better! I'm very glad I took the plunge and joined this group; just seeing that I"m not alone has been a tremendous comfort, and you are all inspirational.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I know we don't weigh until Friday, and I broke my own rule (awestfall do NOT read this!), but I lost FINALLY!!! Two pounds down. I am so relieved. I was really getting stressed!!!
    BlueNote - you know why you lost right? :bigsmile: EAT THOSE CALORIES!!!!:bigsmile:

    I'm eating backwards tonight. I had a glass of wine, now we're roasting marshmallows over the fire (yeah - we're like 12 year olds) and THEN we'll have dinner when the venison provencal stew is ready around 8:30 (love crock-pot nights!):wink:

    omg - Beth (our boarder) can roast a marshmallow like nobody else! And only about 25 calories! Wonderful little dessert!
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