No More Excuses - Week 11



  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone! Glad to see you are doing well. I went to the doctor today and saw my little one on the monitor and listened to the heartbeat. I am 91/2 weeks now and starting to show already! I have gained about 5 pounds, but am holding steady at 168 for the last 2 weeks. I think my body was shocked going from about 1000 calories a day to 1900 with no exercise!
    Luckily, I feel better and have been napping after work and on weekends. I have been walking again and am trying to the elliptical for 10 minutes at a time at least 3 days per week. I also ordered a prenatal yoga video.
    I hope the energy level comes up soon! Anyway, just wanted to check in...have a great weekend!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello everyone! Glad to see you are doing well. I went to the doctor today and saw my little one on the monitor and listened to the heartbeat. I am 91/2 weeks now and starting to show already! I have gained about 5 pounds, but am holding steady at 168 for the last 2 weeks. I think my body was shocked going from about 1000 calories a day to 1900 with no exercise!
    Luckily, I feel better and have been napping after work and on weekends. I have been walking again and am trying to the elliptical for 10 minutes at a time at least 3 days per week. I also ordered a prenatal yoga video.
    I hope the energy level comes up soon! Anyway, just wanted to check in...have a great weekend!

    Hey...Glad to hear you are doing well. Keep us posted:smile:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I was really really bad eating today. Pizza for lunch, Mexican for Dinner. I did work out, and my back seems to be better, I think the Mexican food totally cured me.

    BTW, appreciate prayers for my father in law, he was taken to the hospital this morning in an ambulance. Still not sure whats going on, but it wasn't a stroke or heart attack, and for that we are thankful. Hopefully we will learn more tomorrow.
  • tigermom79
    Hello everyone! Glad to see you are doing well. I went to the doctor today and saw my little one on the monitor and listened to the heartbeat. I am 91/2 weeks now and starting to show already! I have gained about 5 pounds, but am holding steady at 168 for the last 2 weeks. I think my body was shocked going from about 1000 calories a day to 1900 with no exercise!
    Luckily, I feel better and have been napping after work and on weekends. I have been walking again and am trying to the elliptical for 10 minutes at a time at least 3 days per week. I also ordered a prenatal yoga video.
    I hope the energy level comes up soon! Anyway, just wanted to check in...have a great weekend!

    That is way cool. Modern technology is awesome!!!Glad you feel better and are able to get a liitle walking in. That will really be good!!

    Glad to hear from you.
  • tigermom79
    I was really really bad eating today. Pizza for lunch, Mexican for Dinner. I did work out, and my back seems to be better, I think the Mexican food totally cured me.

    BTW, appreciate prayers for my father in law, he was taken to the hospital this morning in an ambulance. Still not sure whats going on, but it wasn't a stroke or heart attack, and for that we are thankful. Hopefully we will learn more tomorrow.

    Jack....will definately be praying for your family. The not knowing and waiting is the worst. Keep us posted.
  • tigermom79
    Options I ever glad the week is over. Just put in 11 hours at the office. Tammy, I don't know how you do it all the time.

    Consiquently I didn't have a whole lot of time to worry about food. I think I did okay. May be way under but the night is not over yet....

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I was really really bad eating today. Pizza for lunch, Mexican for Dinner. I did work out, and my back seems to be better, I think the Mexican food totally cured me.

    BTW, appreciate prayers for my father in law, he was taken to the hospital this morning in an ambulance. Still not sure whats going on, but it wasn't a stroke or heart attack, and for that we are thankful. Hopefully we will learn more tomorrow.

    Prayers are coming your way now:smile: Keep us posted.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Father in law was discharged, and readmitted. Blood pressure is going up and down, but mostly too low.

    Went out to eat for all my meals today, so way over on everything for the second day straight, pretty sure I am going to give back the 2 pounds I lost earlier in the week. Plus I didnt get to work out today, and to make things worse, my 12 year old son's 1st girlfriend broke up him tonight. I have a very depressed little boy on my hands.

    On a funny note, my mother in law said, "you have lost so much you feel weak all the time now????
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Jack-I sure hope your week gets better. I am so sorry for your little boy...heartbreak is no fun at any age. I am praying for your father in law. Keep your chin up.:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Chirsty, congrats on seeing your baby's heartbeat, how cool is that.

    Jack, sending prayers your way, for FIL and son. Hope things are better for your family soon.

    I woke up this morning happy for the first time in a month. Got on the scale, OMgoodness, but it is okay, I will just continue on. If you want to send me weights, I am up to it. If somebody else has decided to do it, that is cool, let me know and I will send them my horific weight. Have a blessed day!! :flowerforyou:
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all......Sorry was MIA all day yesterday. My brother had a heart attack yesterday morning and so my mom and I made the trip to Denver to be with him. He is doing well now thank the Lord. Had a stent put in and removed a blood clot from the bottom of his heart. EGADS......I love him dearly and he is 15 years older than I am but we have always been close. Please say a quick prayer for patience for him if nothing else......They told him yesterday that he could go home this morning. they told him that he has to stay until tomorrow. Not a happy camper....!!!!! weigh in this morning as I don't have a will send it out in the morning if I make it back home tonight.

    Everyone have a wonderful day.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Sunday morning...I was MIA yesterday too. We had a birthday party for our youngest and I baked 48 cupcakes and ran all day. He had an indoor swimming party and had a great time but I was pooped. I ate 2 of those delicious chocolate chip cupcakes!

    Amanda...Glad you are feeling better. Keep on truckin'.
    Ann...Sending prayers for your family.
    Jack...Sending prayers for your family too.
    Christy...Hello there. Glad to see you.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday. It is rainy here. We promised to take the youngest to a movie today so we are going to our "dollar" movie theater. It has actually gone up to $2.00 now but that is still what we call it. The movies are a little later than the "big" theater but so much cheaper. Have to work this evening so I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. They are still unsure of what is going on with my FIL, but they suspect its issues with his medication.

    I am over on calories today, cause I did not exercise. 3 days in a row going over has been bad for the diet. Planning on getting refocused starting tomorrow.

    In previous weekends I was actually better than during the week, but this weekend was not that at all. There was a whole lot of hungry going on. Other than the Mexican food on Friday, I am still making many good food choices, but recently I have been hungry all the time.

    This week my goal is to get to 203 pounds.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I haven't exercised since Friday because I have not been feeling well and I miss it. I am planning to get back at it tomorrow before I start gaining. I also have about 24 triple chocolate cupcakes sitting on my counter. Tomorrow they are going to work with my hubby so his co-workers can finish them off. I can't seem to stay out of them and I am craving chocolate terribly tonight, not really hungry I just know they are there:devil:
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all. Well.....I can't believe it but the scale gods were kind this week. Weighed in this morning since we finally got home last night. 161.2. HEHAW!!!!!

    Gotta get to work, so will check in a little later!

    Have a great Monday!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...Got a heavy day of typing today but wanted to say hello. One of these days I will type over the weekend so Monday is not so bad, but it hasn't happened yet! Have a great day.
  • yvonneh
    yvonneh Posts: 64
    Happy Monday everyone! I had two really busy weeks at work and company visiting. I was reading the board sporadically, but I still have a lot of catching up on reading to do.

    But I had to post because I'm so excited - FINALLY the scales have moved - I lost two pounds this week and am out of the 180's! It took nearly three months, but I have met my first goal. I had grown so frustrated, I thought about giving up. But I had promised myself this time I was sticking with my plan, no matter what happens. As a compromise, I decided about a week ago to just change my calories to maintenance for a couple of weeks to give myself a break, and wouldn't you know this weekend I weighed in 2 pounds lighter, and half an inch smaller on my waist! And it's right in the middle of my TOM. I even put on a skirt today that's been too tight for months, and it zipped all the way up!

    I've also been really strict about keeping gluten out of my diet. I knew I was sensitive, but it had slowly creaped back in. Now I know to keep it out for good. I had even made some gluten free brownies (used evaporated cane juice instead of processed sugar) and have been snacking on one or two a day the last week, and I still lost.

    Maybe that increase in calories/no gluten was the trick to break the plateau. Honestly, on days I exercise, I find it really hard to eat all the extra calories. I love milk, though, so I've started throwing in a couple of cups of milk, since it has protein and calcium. The only other things I did differently was to make sure I stayed within the MFP sodium limits, and at least 3 times a week I used the HRM to make sure I exercised in the fatburn zone for 25 minutes.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well this weekend was busy and drank and ate crappy. Today is a new day, will get back at it. Going to aerobics tonight, and will start to eat healthy. Nothing really new here, have lots of books to do.
  • tigermom79
    Happy Monday everyone! I had two really busy weeks at work and company visiting. I was reading the board sporadically, but I still have a lot of catching up on reading to do.

    But I had to post because I'm so excited - FINALLY the scales have moved - I lost two pounds this week and am out of the 180's! It took nearly three months, but I have met my first goal. I had grown so frustrated, I thought about giving up. But I had promised myself this time I was sticking with my plan, no matter what happens. As a compromise, I decided about a week ago to just change my calories to maintenance for a couple of weeks to give myself a break, and wouldn't you know this weekend I weighed in 2 pounds lighter, and half an inch smaller on my waist! And it's right in the middle of my TOM. I even put on a skirt today that's been too tight for months, and it zipped all the way up!

    I've also been really strict about keeping gluten out of my diet. I knew I was sensitive, but it had slowly creaped back in. Now I know to keep it out for good. I had even made some gluten free brownies (used evaporated cane juice instead of processed sugar) and have been snacking on one or two a day the last week, and I still lost.

    Maybe that increase in calories/no gluten was the trick to break the plateau. Honestly, on days I exercise, I find it really hard to eat all the extra calories. I love milk, though, so I've started throwing in a couple of cups of milk, since it has protein and calcium. The only other things I did differently was to make sure I stayed within the MFP sodium limits, and at least 3 times a week I used the HRM to make sure I exercised in the fatburn zone for 25 minutes.

    CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I know what you mean......I increased my calories and I lost weight!!! EGADS....sooooo confusing! As long as it works....Go For IT!!!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Just stopping to say hi! :flowerforyou: I am at work so I will be back on later!