Raspberry Ketones

yowla Posts: 127 Member
Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
    I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...

    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A friend of mine took them and she lost quite a bit of weight and will tell you it was the ketones that did it.

    What she'll also tell you (and somehow she doesn't seem to think this was the reason behind the loss) is that while taking said ketones, she ate about 500 calories a day and worked out pretty hard.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
    I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...

    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I would also disregard Dr. Oz's dietary information for the most part. He typically gives more bad information than good, despite how entertaining and smart-sounding he may be. (He also pushes several useless supplements).

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.

    ^ What he said....not judging... just helping!
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I stoped reading at Dr. Oz....please leave that man behind his curtain.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    if it sounds like a duck...it's probably Dr. Oz.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Take a look at the physique of your typical Dr. Oz viewer....
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    if it sounds like a duck...it's probably Dr. Oz.
    :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
    To the OP...there is no quick fix.

    Repeat...there is no quick fix.....
  • Jess_1974
    I just finish 2 big bottles of the CLK brand that has all the ketones and more in it that Dr Oz talks about and I will be the first to tell you it do absolutly nothing! Those bottles was not cheap either. I would send them back!
  • W2obx
    W2obx Posts: 17 Member
    I started Raspberry Ketone yesterday and there is a noticeable energy increase with the supplement. I take them on an empty stomach and the energy boost is almost instant. Haven’t had time to notice any weight loss, but the boost in energy is worth the $14 dollars I paid. Reason I started was because I have suffered from a weight lose plateau one that no matter how few calories I eat I can’t lose weight so why not try something new.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hydroxybenzil acetone - Sounds more honest. Those supplements have never seen a raspberry.
    Psychology of marketing is an amazing thing.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    if it sounds like a duck...it's probably Dr. Oz.
    *ponders* (duck? - "quack?")
    Dr. Oz.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the thing about diet supplements or any supplements really is this-

    if something was really effective and really worked the way Dr. Oz or his kind claimed for whatever supplement they are selling that week, you wouldn't need to even ask about it.

    It would be all over these boards and probably all over the general news and in the headlines.

    What is all over these boards (for the most part) and on the legitimate news and in the headlines, is the way to a healthy weight is with a sensible diet and exercise.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    I just came across Dr. Oz's segment regarding Raspberry Ketones. I am usually very skeptical about supplements myself, and I did lots of research before purchasing and try them. I just bought some 3 days ago, and have lost 5 lbs in those 3 days. I decided to do it while not exercising at all or lowering my calories. In fact, I pigged out last night on pasta and dessert, and woke up to a 3lb loss this morning. It has to be the ketones! I fell off my diet last year and am just starting all over again, this is an awesome start!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I just came across Dr. Oz's segment regarding Raspberry Ketones. I am usually very skeptical about supplements myself, and I did lots of research before purchasing and try them. I just bought some 3 days ago, and have lost 5 lbs in those 3 days. I decided to do it while not exercising at all or lowering my calories. In fact, I pigged out last night on pasta and dessert, and woke up to a 3lb loss this morning. It has to be the ketones! I fell off my diet last year and am just starting all over again, this is an awesome start!

    I'm happy for your success, but attributing this to the keytones is very premature.
  • greeneyedKat
    I have started my second bottle of raspberry ketones with white bean ( another one one of Dr. Oz's recommendations for weightloss) and I haven't seen any results yet.....seems like a waste of money!
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Well I lost another 2 lbs. since yesterday. I'm still not dieting or exercising, so it shouldn't be water weight. All my research showed that it is best to take pure Raspberry Ketones and avoid the supplements that contain anything else, such as white bean, green tea, etc. Perhaps that is why some people are not having a positive experience with it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Well I lost another 2 lbs. since yesterday. I'm still not dieting or exercising, so it shouldn't be water weight.

    not sure why you don't think it can be water weight but let us know in a week.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I just came across Dr. Oz's segment regarding Raspberry Ketones. I am usually very skeptical about supplements myself, and I did lots of research before purchasing and try them. I just bought some 3 days ago, and have lost 5 lbs in those 3 days. I decided to do it while not exercising at all or lowering my calories. In fact, I pigged out last night on pasta and dessert, and woke up to a 3lb loss this morning. It has to be the ketones! I fell off my diet last year and am just starting all over again, this is an awesome start!
    If you have just started and weigh a LOT you might see a big loss in WATER WEIGHT but I have serious doubts that this is FAT. I tried raspberry ketones at my husband's insistence (he is a big believer in Dr. Oz--quack, quack) He tried them too. I went along because I was at a plateau and figured "what the heck". Neither of us saw any change in our weight loss (I have been dietng since March 26 and working hard at it) My husband does not diet but walks 5-7 miles per day and gets excited when he sees 1-2 pound change in weight after walk (water loss) and is disappointed when weight has returned in morning. The only weight loss we saw was to our wallet. If there was a "magic pill" to lose weight there would be no fat people. The only way to lose weight is to reduce calories and increase exercise. Genetics might also help. But a pill?? Spend your money on healthy food.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Well I lost another 2 lbs. since yesterday. I'm still not dieting or exercising, so it shouldn't be water weight. All my research showed that it is best to take pure Raspberry Ketones and avoid the supplements that contain anything else, such as white bean, green tea, etc. Perhaps that is why some people are not having a positive experience with it.

    I would be very curious as to what research you've done. Can you share any? Are you looking at peer reviewed studies? Because the only research I'm aware of was done on rats:


    Which would indicate that if you're a rodent eating a high-fat hypercaloric diet, raspberry keytones might be a good idea so that you get "less fat" than you would have.

    This is a far, far cry from causing lipolysis in humans.

    I'm not trying to discourage you. I hope you keep losing weight for your own benefit.

    But I very much doubt the keytones are responsible for this.
  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    Well I lost another 2 lbs. since yesterday. I'm still not dieting or exercising, so it shouldn't be water weight. All my research showed that it is best to take pure Raspberry Ketones and avoid the supplements that contain anything else, such as white bean, green tea, etc. Perhaps that is why some people are not having a positive experience with it.

    I would be very curious as to what research you've done. Can you share any? Are you looking at peer reviewed studies? Because the only research I'm aware of was done on rats:


    Which would indicate that if you're a rodent eating a high-fat hypercaloric diet, raspberry keytones might be a good idea so that you get "less fat" than you would have.

    This is a far, far cry from causing lipolysis in humans.

    I'm not trying to discourage you. I hope you keep losing weight for your own benefit.

    But I very much doubt the keytones are responsible for this.

    Given that I am taking in over 2500 calories a day, and not exercising at all, and consistently losing everyday as opposed to gaining like I have been, I would say that it is the ketones since that is the only change in my routine. Rats and humans are very close in physiology, that is why most, if not all, research begins with rat studies. I researched all that I could find, which was not very much, because you are correct there have been no human studies regarding weight loss. But I did also search endlessly through forums to gauge people's responses and results, and I found conclusive responses that those who try only pure ketones have positive results, and those who try mixed supplements have little to no weight loss.

    Also, those who take supplements that are high in mg's have less weight loss than the brands that are 100 mg, I suspect because the brand might not really be pure like it is supposed to be. Trust me, I never put my faith in supplements, I also tend to be skeptical because I am highly resistant to medications also. But these are working for me, perhaps they only work on some people, much like prescription diet pills like Meridia do. Many people have lost a lot of weight with Meridia, but research showed that around 50% of people who take it won't yield positive results, my being included in those statistics.