Raspberry Ketones



  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    My opinion if Dr. Oz says it work than why is Ophra still heavy??????????????????????????????
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Has anyone found any scientific articles saying that they don't work?

    I want to write about raspberry ketones for a school essay. I know that the articles saying they have an effect on weight loss can be unreliable, but I really need some that conclude that they don't work, or that are inconclusive.

    Here's an old blog post of mine. I haven't seen any stories that they do work. At best, the studies out there are inconclusive, at worst, it could be argued that these studies actually show that they do not work. Unless the RN on this thread has seen a study using humans, which would be awesome.

    "These are the two studies cited by those marketing raspberry ketones. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to read all of them, since I’m logged into them through my university, but the abstracts should be there:


    First of all, neither study was controlled for bias and both examined the effect of raspberry ketones on weight GAIN over time on a very high fat diet rather than on weight loss. There’s a problem right there- those looking to LOSE weight are not going to be consuming these very high fat diets which alters how the body processes fats.

    Another problem is that only the rats were fed EXTREMELY high doses of the raspberry ketones did have lower levels of weight gain and less fatty livers than those that were not. These doses were over 200x higher than what humans consume in their supplements! And that’s for a tiny rat! Those that were fed doses any lower showed NO change in weight gain.

    Also, a rats metabolism is far different than that of a humans. Rats consume and rapidly use large amounts of carbohydrates to survive. Humans are fat burners, meaning we don’t need as many carbs as constantly since our body can easily store energy in the form of fat. Therefore, something that prevents obesity and activates lipid metabolism in rodents will have different effects in humans, unless those rodents’ metabolisms have been altered to mimic those of humans.

    Finally, there are no studies on humans and no detailed safety data. The manufacturers are the ones that are responsible for making their product safe, so supplements don’t need to be approved by the FDA before they go on the market. Probably not a good idea to take something for which there have been zero studies on humans."
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I took Raspberry Ketones for a month along with MFP, eating at a colorie reduction and exercise. I can't say I lost more than average weight on it but did feel really good. Every person has a different experience on it as with any thing I am sure. I took it because of the help metabolizing carbs feature. I did feel like my spikes in blood sugar were diminished but I havn't purchased it again due to financial reasons.

    Don't let anyone change your mind if you are inclined to try it. It could help or you could find yourself disapointed in it.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Has anyone found any scientific articles saying that they don't work?

    I want to write about raspberry ketones for a school essay. I know that the articles saying they have an effect on weight loss can be unreliable, but I really need some that conclude that they don't work, or that are inconclusive.

    Here's an old blog post of mine. I haven't seen any stories that they do work. At best, the studies out there are inconclusive, at worst, it could be argued that these studies actually show that they do not work. Unless the RN on this thread has seen a study using humans, which would be awesome.

    "These are the two studies cited by those marketing raspberry ketones. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to read all of them, since I’m logged into them through my university, but the abstracts should be there:


    First of all, neither study was controlled for bias and both examined the effect of raspberry ketones on weight GAIN over time on a very high fat diet rather than on weight loss. There’s a problem right there- those looking to LOSE weight are not going to be consuming these very high fat diets which alters how the body processes fats.

    Another problem is that only the rats were fed EXTREMELY high doses of the raspberry ketones did have lower levels of weight gain and less fatty livers than those that were not. These doses were over 200x higher than what humans consume in their supplements! And that’s for a tiny rat! Those that were fed doses any lower showed NO change in weight gain.

    Also, a rats metabolism is far different than that of a humans. Rats consume and rapidly use large amounts of carbohydrates to survive. Humans are fat burners, meaning we don’t need as many carbs as constantly since our body can easily store energy in the form of fat. Therefore, something that prevents obesity and activates lipid metabolism in rodents will have different effects in humans, unless those rodents’ metabolisms have been altered to mimic those of humans.

    Finally, there are no studies on humans and no detailed safety data. The manufacturers are the ones that are responsible for making their product safe, so supplements don’t need to be approved by the FDA before they go on the market. Probably not a good idea to take something for which there have been zero studies on humans."

    ^ This is a very good write up.
  • Kkleo2102
    I've been taking them for 3 months two times a day, and nothing has changed. I workout a lot, and I eat right. If anything I think it's slowed down my weight loss. I ordered mine from Puritan's Pride, it was buy two get one free, or buy one get two free. I'm down to a half a bottle.

    As for Dr. Oz, I don't care for him. I honestly believe he is a waste of a time slot on TV.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    This is another thread in which really helpful, smart, accomplished, kind people have been attacked as "rude" because they offered a different (and in this case educated and experienced) view than the what's-the-new-fad-so-weight-loss-isn't-so-hard crowd. Unfortunately that is an increasingly large crowd around here with the departure of so many other smart, helpful people that got sick of this ridiculousness.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
    I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...

    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I would also disregard Dr. Oz's dietary information for the most part. He typically gives more bad information than good, despite how entertaining and smart-sounding he may be. (He also pushes several useless supplements).

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.

    I would rather take my advice for someone who has degree's and certifications rather then someone who doesn't? Correct me if I"m wrong but I am assuming that you don't have any? This is a place of opinions advice and there is a nice way to express your opinions but in my opinion yours was really rude!

    In other words I haven't myself taken them but I too have heard they are realy great for you! I read a lot of great user reviews about them.

    So because you have heard good things, his opinion is rude? Interesting.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I would also disregard Dr. Oz's dietary information for the most part. He typically gives more bad information than good, despite how entertaining and smart-sounding he may be. (He also pushes several useless supplements).

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.

    I would rather take my advice for someone who has degree's and certifications rather then someone who doesn't? Correct me if I"m wrong but I am assuming that you don't have any? This is a place of opinions advice and there is a nice way to express your opinions but in my opinion yours was really rude!

    In other words I haven't myself taken them but I too have heard they are realy great for you! I read a lot of great user reviews about them.

    But Dr. Oz does NOT have credentials that qualify him to give recommendations about raspberry ketones. He is a cardiac surgeon. Nutrition is not his specialty; in fact, med school spends remarkably little time addressing nutrition, considering how it's role in the top causes of death in the US these days.

    "User reviews" are not qualified either. How will people really know what is causing the weight loss? You need to look for reviews from unbiased sources that actually use scientific journal articles.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    There is NO magic pill, no magic herb. NOTHING.
    NOTHING is ever going to work, other than exercise and a balanced diet. Much like what MFP leads you to.

    Dr Oz and any other "doctor" that endorses these POS products which give hope to lazy, desperate people should be ASHAMED of themselves and stripped of medical licenses.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    perhaps the "20 bite diet" might be more for you :laugh:

    Hey this is proven. Someone did it once.
  • JanalyneR
    JanalyneR Posts: 3 Member
    I have been using Rasberry Ketone for about 1 month. I really like it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
    I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...

    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.
    :heart: I heart how you were the first one to reply...So many of these threads...
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    My boyfriend's mother went out and bought them as soon as she heard Dr.Oz say those words lol I think they were working while she actually used them, but she's a weird yo-yo dieter. She never eats normal meals and she has this weird thing where she never eats bread, yet she eats all the other carbs. She also eats a lot of fatty foods. So, basically I think if you're adding them to a healthy diet and exercise, they'll help. If not, they are definitely not a quick fix or anything.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Well I lost another 2 lbs. since yesterday. I'm still not dieting or exercising, so it shouldn't be water weight.

    not sure why you don't think it can be water weight but let us know in a week.

    Well I would say that it is not likely water weight because water weight loss usually occurs when a person lowers their carbohydrate intake, which I have not done. Also, this can occur when you increase your activity levels, again which I have not done, Aside from not changing my diet (i.e. lowering carbs), I actually live off of carbs, they are my real addiction!

    Water weight also changes due to your monthly cycle and general hydration levels.
    and It can also change from exercise when your body is trying to repair your body. Holy mother do I ever take on water for a couple days after a long hike and then it all drops off over night

    It can also happen with a change in diet (I gained a little when I upped calories...kept it there and it started dropping off again) etc etc. Most people who go on low calorie diets for example lose a ton of weight to begin with because they're losing all their energy stores not because every ounce of fat is just dropping off of them...

    Or if you eat a ton of salt....

    Or if you drink a lot of water....

  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm just curious here, but how does adding something to your diet equate to taking pounds away? I prefer to rely on 2nd grade math over a magic fruit pill. I'm gonna go ahead and say anyone who has taken them and also seen success at the same time, were also working out 3/4/5/6 times a week as well as having a reduction in their calories..
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Has anyone tried the Raspberry Ketones? I ordered a bottle from GNC and Dr Oz says it is awesome to lose weight. Would like to know if has really worked for anything.
    I read with diet and exercise....Well anything happens with diet and exercise...

    I would not re-order any more of this supplement. See if they will take a return or exchange and consider getting whey protein or vitamins or something else marginally useful.

    I would also disregard Dr. Oz's dietary information for the most part. He typically gives more bad information than good, despite how entertaining and smart-sounding he may be. (He also pushes several useless supplements).

    I'm only posting this to help, not to judge your decisions, just to be clear on that.

    I would rather take my advice for someone who has degree's and certifications rather then someone who doesn't? Correct me if I"m wrong but I am assuming that you don't have any? This is a place of opinions advice and there is a nice way to express your opinions but in my opinion yours was really rude!

    In other words I haven't myself taken them but I too have heard they are realy great for you! I read a lot of great user reviews about them.

    How on EARTH did you derive rudeness from his response?
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    So my sister in law is taking these and said she lost 23 pounds in a month...
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    When will people realise there is no magic pill, supplement, potion, cream, liquid etc to make you lose weight...
    Never. There will always be people looking for shortcuts and magic rather than all that icky "self-discipline and hard work" stuff. The snake oil salesmen know it and prey upon it, which is why the diet industry is a multi-billion dollar marketing machine. All it takes is a continuous flow of desperate people listening to the frauds and saying "What the heck, I'll try it - if it doesn't work I'm only out $19.99".

    As for SideSteel's comment, it was right on the mark. Telling somebody the truth in a neutral/helpful, matter-of-fact manner is not "rude" just because they don't want to believe what he's saying. I'm pretty sure it's been scientifically proven that people plugging their ears and shouting "lalalalalalala!" doesn't make the truth go away...and the truth is that raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract and all the other "weight loss miracles" are a big load of BS. The only effect they have is to make the snake oil salesmen richer.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I tried them for a short time, I didn't notice any difference, I was still losing the same amount of weight I was losing before taking and am losing the same amount of weight since I've stop taking it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So my sister in law is taking these and said she lost 23 pounds in a month...

    well alrighty then...they really are magic...case closed