SAHM 1/18--1/24



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Keep us updated. We're here for you.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    So here is my laundry detergent recipe.
    okay so here it is :)

    Liquid Laundry Soap
    what you'll need:
    *box of borax natural laundry boost (this can be found in the laundry soap isle)
    *Box of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda ( baking soda will NOT work as a substitute)
    *1 bar Fels-Naptha soap, a stain removing laundry soap (any bar soap like ivory, dove will work but this one has extra stain-fighting)
    *scented oil (I didnt use any, we ended up liking the smell of the fels-naptha soup)
    *Five gallon bucket
    *Empty laundry detergent bottles or milk jugs

    1. Grate your bar of soap with a cheese grater.
    2.Put the grated soap in a sauce pan with 6 cups of water. Heat soap and water until the soap melts
    3. Add 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup borax and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat
    4. Pour 1 gallon hot water into your 5gallon bucket. Add your soap mixture and stir well. Add 3 1/2 more gallons of hot wate to the bucket and stir again. Add your scented oil now if you choose to. Use about 2 tsp essential oil. Just enough until it smells good to you.
    5. Pour the liquid mixture into your empty bottles. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours. It will thicken almost to a gel.
    6. Shake your bottle well before each use. Use 1/2 cup of detergent for large loads.

    The arm & hammer washing soda was about $4, borax was $4. Fels naptha bar was $1.25. so all I have to do is buy more bar soap and I think I can make atleast 10 batches with all the borax and washing soda I have left. You just saved a ton on laundry detergent!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So this rattlesnake penne is surprisingly tame. I was hoping it would be more wiley, especially when I threw the diced jalapenos & fresh baby spinach in the pan with olive oil & got a wicked *HISSS*
    that was fun.
    There's a little heat, but it's no worse that chips and salsa. It's a little dry, but the texture is good, and the overall taste is mild.

    3 stars!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I ran a half mile at the rec center, but air is still a problem for me. I've always been a shallow breather, but if I try to take a really deep breath post-workout, my windpipe really stings. It's like alcohol in a wound. That kind of sting. I don't feel constricted, just the urge to start coughing. I don't suppose they make lasix or salix for people like they do for racehorses? LOL

    I also did a half hour on the eliptical. I had a hard time finding my stride, but finally got it about 1/2 way through. I didn't have a problem DURING the workout, just afterwards. What gives?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--it could be that your lung lining is still inflamed. it can take a bit for it to settle. altogether, see a dr or pulmonologist to get listened to. there might be short term med for relief or long term (do your research on long term meds---there are some newer ones that are perhaps controversial).

    also.....could you take over getting the weekly thread started for a while/from now on?? i'd like to pass the baton, so to speak. if you are willing and able, please post up and i will post the EASY instructions.
    **i'm not leaving the thread, just don't want that particular responib (that i inherited from someone else who used to post here)

    and i feel like a hypocrite cuz i can't live what i write lately. you are much more + for everyone--that is not a requirement for the "job" just a nice bonus for all of us! :flowerforyou:

    anyway, lmk...
    OR if anyone else is interested speak up! (not a barky command; just an excited comment)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, I'd be honored. But handing over the baton just means you've got a running buddy-- miss a couple of days & I'll be on you like a pack of dogs chasing a 3 legged cat ;) LOL

    Tomorrow is a light day. Just Wii BL, and morning mile walk. Not too hard. Should be able to give my lungs a day off. We'll see if that helps.
  • curliegirl
    Hey we have a 3 legged cat & he chases my dog. So be careful Trish cause Stacey might turn & bite you! HA HA! JK

    Had a great day yesterday. Walked & drank all my water. Today is the errand day so I am conserving my energy this morning so I will make it through to tonight.

    Hope everyone's day is great!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM ladies!

    Trish- I wouldn't worry about your lungs just yet. You haven't run since you were a kid, and it takes a greater lung capacity than all of the other activities you do. Give yourself some time, lungs are like muscles in that they need to build and adjust as well.:flowerforyou:

    Silver- hang in there, and let us know if you need to talk!:flowerforyou:

    Shera- Thanks for the Laundry recipe! I was in your neck of the woods yesterday with hubby.

    Curlie- 3 legged cat that chases the dog??? TOOO funny!!!!:laugh: I love it! I had a 110 lb dog that was afraid of cats!

    I went OVER on the cals yesterday, so hitting it hard today!
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    Trish you would be proud of me... I chewed gum last night and did not have a thing!!! I did however have an 8 oz alcohol free pina colada; I made a non alcoholic batch for the 3 prego women that were there last night. I looked at all the food at the party last night and even though it all looked good I truly wanted no part in any of it.

    Also, like Nicole said, give your lungs time. I was a competitive swimmer for 8 years even swimming at college level and each time I take time off and then get back to it my lungs burn like I have bronchitis for a while. It also makes my tongue itch while swimming. I get back in the pool march 1st so I am really not looking forward to having to get my lungs back in shape. Nothing I can do right now to prepare my lungs for the anaerobic rhythmic breathing, I am just going to have to suck it up.

    Today is lower body and a jog on the mini trampoline since its raining today. Its like the one week all year that it rains in Arizona.

    Have a great on track day everyone.
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    sorry, had a duplicate post
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to show that food who's boss, Erica!! I bet you felt SO good afterwards.

    I weighed in on my Wii this morning, and it said I was down to 222. Since my scale & my wii scale are only a pound off from eachother, I figured I could do a mid-week check in, since I weigh in on Fridays. My scale said 223.4! WOO! That's 25 lbs lost now. I am officially 1/4 of the way to my goal weight! With AF due this week, I didn't want to take any chances, so I logged the weight loss. It was 2.4 lbs since Friday! I upped the calories I consume on Sunday, and I think it was the right choice.

    Oh, and I figured out why they called it Rattlesnake Penne... I'm pretty sure there was a viper in my belly last night, because I had some serious indigestion, LOL! Luckily some water and acidophilus took the edge off, but I slept lousy because I was really sore from working out.

    Anyway, nothing terribly exciting for dinner tonight. Just Hamburger Helper with lean ground turkey. Tomorrow is stir fry though. One of my faves!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks trish! it just lightens my load--and i will not be disappearing!

    ok. here's how to do it.
    *on mondays, go to "motivation and support" and then click "new topic"
    *title it with SAHM and the date
    *in the body, do your weekly intro to the thread--be sure to mention that we are open/always accepting new people and that we don't do weigh-in's. (if you skip this bit, you'll be asked it a bazillion times :wink: )
    *click "post reply"

    Then highlight the http stuff in your browser and copy.
    Go to the previous week's thread.
    Click "post reply" and paste in the http info in the body of the msg and tell people that's where they can find the ladies for this week's thread.

    It's very fast and easy, but if any parts don't make sense, just post here or pm me.
    and again, THANK YOU! i'm so glad you joined the group and your spirit is AWESOME! :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Grabs baton & runs. Thank you! I figured the procedure was something like that.

    Now if MFP would just update my ticker. C'mon, MFP, I know you've been having issues lately, but REALLY.

    P.S. I'm not awesome. The support of you ladies makes me be awesome! Last night at the gym when I was struggling with the stupid eliptical machine, I told myself that people were looking up to me, and that made me push.
    Thanks to all you AWESOME ladies for making me feel awesome!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    walked 2 mi with leslie and did chest and back. still need to do abripperX--later. puttin the boy down for a nap.
    i caught that rascal RAKING the BUSH! mind you, our bushes are evergreen and still have plenty of leaves! that boy!!:laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, put the boy to work! LOL

    Your new leader is a lazy bum. I was going to do Wii BL today, but decided not to. I didn't really have the right foods to eat my calories back if I did it. So today was just a light 1 mile walk. I think my body needs the break, and it gives me some time to write an article for a friend.
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello Everyone
    I am a homeschooling SAHM of 3. My beautiful children are 8, 6 and 4. I also homeschool two other girls 8 and 9 years old 3 days a week. I have been struggling w/ my weight most of my life but much more so over the past 2 years. I put on a solid 25 lbs 2 years ago when my family and I moved and I just can't shake it no matter what I try! I have had past success w/ South Beach (lost 25 lbs of after baby weight) but that and everything else I have tried just isn't working this time. I have been faithfully going to the gym now for about 2 months and still not a pound. I am hoping that keeping my food journal and having some accountability will help. I have never been a calorie counter and I am amazed at how fast it all adds up...maybe that's part of my problem lol.

    Today is my second day on MFP and I stayed under my I just need to make it through the late night munchie time w/o cheating...maybe I'll just go to bed :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Welcome, Melissa! MFP is a tremendous help! I have been overweight almost all of my life, and MFP is the longest I've ever stuck with a plan. You can see the results in my ticker ;)
    MFP is an awesome tool, and I really think it's a huge key to anyone's success. Now that my friends are noticing my weight loss, I don't hesitate to tell them about MFP. It's also a lot of fun-- at least I think so-- to count one's calories and see how much food you can fit into one day.
    Remember that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, and not a diet. You will find great success if you keep that in mind.
    We have a terrific bunch of ladies here who are very supportive! So, welcome, welcome, welcome!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome melissa! there are other homeschooling moms around here--namely Kim whose oldest child will be off to college soon!

    calorie counting has also been key to my "success" here. i never realized how many cals i was taking in before mfp. i THOUGHT i ate a reasonable amt or somewhat higher. i ACTUALLY ate TONS extra cals. and that's how i came to have 18# to lose. :ohwell:

    mfp is an amazing tool/resource and the women on this thread are espec supportive, imho. so welcome to the gang!

    trish--some days your body does just need you to recover. you've been pushing really hard with adding running to your routine, so a light day is good to work in. even p90x has stretch days and rest days. :)

    alright. time to eat dinner. and then onto homework--which i am dreading. i hate doing homework with oldest.....grumble grumble. the fact is she's actually doing classwork she dsn't have time for. that's first b4 the homework packet.
    if she didn't drive me and the rest of us so bonkers (and benefit from the social pressure at school), i would so homeschool her!

    later chicas--:smooched: (me blowing kisses)
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome Melissa, glad to see some new faces on here! Couldn't have picked a better group if I do say so myself.

    I'm off of here for atleast a week, I have a family get together to go to for my grandmothers 80th b-day. Should be a lot of fun (crosses fingers) family we haven't seen in a long time it should be a good time. Not sure whats in store for food, there will be a lot of us so there's no telling how we are going to organize the chaos for meals??

    We were hoping to take our bikes, but now I think we might skip because of the rain forcast. I hate to get there and regret it so if I can finish packing everything else I will see about squeezing them in between now and tomorrow morning.
    Have a great week everyone! See you next week!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    safe travels, shera! and bring camera to record the new YOU! 10# is GREAT!!