SAHM 1/18--1/24



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Trish - I want to have dinner at your house! You always make such delicious sounding meals! And from scratch! :flowerforyou: My idea of fixing ravioli is getting out the can opener. :laugh: And great job on all your running!

    Nicole - How is the paper coming?

    Stacey - Thank you for reminding me that I need to take things one day at a time. You always seem to help me put things into perspective. And I'm glad your meeting for your oldest went well! :flowerforyou:

    Gotta get back to work. Talk to you all later! :heart:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Amy, c'mon over! We always have leftovers. The raviolis don't sound too difficult. Place stuffing in center of won ton wrapper. Dampen edge. Close won ton wrapper. Toss in pot. Boil. Drain. Add sauce. EAT!
    Sounds like a 30 min job to me!

    Then again, I've been REALLY off on estimating cooking time before. A year ago, I could've cared less if we had dinner at 6 o'clock or 10 PM. Now I freak out if it's 6:15 and dinner's not on the table.

    At least I know I need to start the bread at 4:30 :)
  • curliegirl
    Howdy Ladies--life got busy here for a couple of days. I'd get on and read and then would get called away. I am sewing a flower girl dress for a friend's wedding. That takes my free time until it is done. It is fun--going to be so pretty when it is finished.

    Trish--way to nail the workout! I think you are funny how you are "encouraging" your Andy! I always make my daughter(13) use the safety clip on our TM. She hasn't fallen off yet. :laugh: I find that the first time I make something from scratch it always takes longer(learning curve) and then after that it isn't as long. Ravioli sounds yummy. My goal lately with meals is to teach my kids to make new things. Otherwise they won't know how when they area on their own.

    Nicole--glad you slept better--days go so much better when we do! Why does our cycle have to mess with us so much? AF has been visiting me too & I have felt off all week. Looking forward to next week when I get rid of this water weight.

    However I have done all 3 of my workouts this week--YEAH! I am so happy about that and today's was great. I upped my speed & length just a little & hit 250 calories. So next week I am anticipating great things on that scale!!! I have to be careful tonight though. Hubby & I have a date so I will watch what I choose closely. I have 500 calories to eat though so I am not too worried.

    Gotta run! Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Curlie, way to get that workout done! 250 cals is GREAT! And don't worry about dates. Adult time burns cals too, tee hee.

    Is the place where you're going a national chain? Do they have a website? You can look to see if they have a nutrition guide. That way you can plan it all out, and get more bang for your buck, KWIM?

    What's with all of us getting AF at the same time? Ugh! I wasn't aware those pharamones travelled via internet, too! I get it when I'm around my girlie friends & they all start cycling at the same time I do (and subsequently yell at me for it, cuz I guess I have dominant vibes, and throw off their whole monthly schedule)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't had a chance to catch up in awhile. Been a very hectic week. Started with the 4-day weekend from school, so I struggled to keep DS busy, ended up spending lots of time with family all weekend. Then Tues. my heater/ac unit went out...I mean just completely fried no power to it at all. Then Wed. my husband tried to "fix" our patio door, the look had fallen out and well long-story short power tools plus egomaniacal man =disaster his drill broke the glass into a million tiny shards. So he could have called someone to fix the lock (don't know prices on that but surely no more than $50) and now we are having to get special order glass replaced at AT LEAST $400!!! Thurs I had therapist appt, and was so fraught with stress and exhaustion, ended up being a 90 min session instead of 60. I was exhausted. Then we get home and I played catchup on all the housework that had been neglected all week-6 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes (I'd done alot of baking to keep kiddos busy), 2 baths to clean, and floors to vacuum sweep and mop. Aaah! So today is my relax day. My DD wouldn't sleep for some reason last night so I was up since 1 am. At 8 I decided to lay down with her for a nap, and totally missed the HVAC repair guy. So now he's not going to come back until Mon. What a jerk! Luckily it's been mild weather, but Sun a cold front is supposed to hit, so I pray he FIXES it Mon. and not any special order parts. IDK what the cost will be on that either. And with all of this my eating has gone out the window. I've been eating fried chicken, pizza, pasta, etc. and feeling bad bc of it. I have been working out 1-2 hrs/day to stay within cals and drinking all my water, but so far have maintained wt over the last 2 weeks, so def ready to get back on track and feel better soon. Think I'm holding wt from all the stress. So thought I'd vent for a bit get some of that stress out. Sorry for the ramble.

    Trish-Good luck with the race coming up. You've got serious determination for this running thing. Great Job! I always get a burst of energy from reading your posts and wish I could be a BALL of FIRE instead of a mopey mess. I feel a light burn, I think....
    Stacey-You sound like you've been running a mil/miles/min like me. Hope you're getting some time for you.
    Amy-I'm like you, celebrating at least maintaining, because that's better than a gain. LOL
    Nicole-Hope your son gets his rear in gear on that paper so you can stop feeling the pressure. Isn't it sad how much pressure we put on ourselves as moms to try to get our kids to perform to their potential.
    Silver-Hope you have an update for us on your situation. It sounds like a poss ectopic (ovarian) preg. Hope everything's ok.
    Erica-You are a true inspiration to me. You are bfing and have a BABY at home, and you're still really pushing yourself to exercise and eat right. If I'd had your determination I'm sure I could have lost the 10 lbs I gained from pregnancy in no time. Instead I gained an addtl 15 and am just now down 25lbs to prepregnancy wt. Thanks for posting your struggles and successes to keep us all going.

    TO everyone else out there, good job keep it up, sorry I forgot you, and catch up again soon. Got the 3 kiddos now so gonna be BUSY
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Ohmigosh, curlie, I need a nap just reading your post. LOL. I think you've got more energy & tenacity than I do keeping up with all that activity.
    Here, have a fresh baked bread stick!

    I really admire you ladies who keep up with all that activity.

    EDIT: cuz I'm bored. Started the garlic & herb bread early. Just couldn't contain myself. Randomly threw in some water, butter, flour, rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, garlic, and splenda. Didn't measure much other than the water & flour. It was soupy when I checked it. Threw in another cup of flour, and now it is a beautiful dough ball. VERY aromatic. Perfect. Can't wait to turn it into sticks/loaves, and glaze it with olive oil. MMMMMMM!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    DISASTER AND CHAOS!! The raviolis looked so beautiful going into the pot. They were perfect. I even crimped the edges with a fork. They all fell apart as soon as I started stiring them. ARGH! I'm not even sure there's any left in tact now that the tomatoes and sauce is in.

    Oh, but that's not all.

    My dough was perfect the whole way through. Lovely little ball. Well, I'm obviously doing something wrong with my breads, because this is the 2nd batch that came out like melted MARSHMALLOWS!
    I turned it out on to the counter, and it just came out in a stringy, goopy mess. That's not it, either. I started trying to form balls, and the dough stuck to my hands. I looked like the swamp creature! I couldn't get it off. I didn't know what to do! I had to wash my hands and waste half the batch to get it off. When my hands were clean, I threw a TON of flower on to the counter and took a deep breath. I refused to let this beat me! It finally cooperated and I was able to form 3 small loaves, and several bread sticks.
    I put them in the oven, turned around, and realized I completely forgot to glaze them with olive oil. Quickly, I tried to hunt down the lone hot pad we own that Grace took off with, and grabbed the dough from the oven, glazed them, and put them back in.
    *Big huff*

    Mind you, I'm not beating myself up. I just needed to vent cuz it frustrated me.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish (hugs) you figured it out. it's soupy b/c you need more flour. and it would help to lightly dust your counter and hands with flour as you're working it. it's a bit of a balance to not overwork it and put in too much flour, but from the sound of it you just need more dry material.

    and don't forget--your bagels turned out delish!

    jr--glad you checked in. whew! what a week you had!! at least you're maintaining. that is significant!

    i agree with trish and ppl's energy levels. 4 kids, kim, is a lot right there PLUS all the other things you work into your life. i have a friend in salt lake who was still hiking at 8mon preggo. and nicole, all that work you do on your property. we have ROCK for our yards and slow growing evergreens that only need maintenance once or 2x/year. you obviously have vision, patience and perseverance. and then you homeschool too! (virtual school at home is HOMEschooling!). and erica, i agree with jr. brand new baby and yet rockin' to get back in axn. i put it off for like 2 years....
    sooooo my point is that you all impress and inspire me. thanks for being here!! :flowerforyou:

    tonight was mac and cheese for kids, lean cuisine for me, and we made a pudding/mousse version of s'mores. they're chilling in the fridge. (fat free sugar free pudding and light whipped topping--BUT 11 oz hot fudge topping spread over graham cracker/marg/sugar layer). my kids have been wanting to make it for weeks, so we gave it a try tonight.

    'k. need to eat and DRINK that water! have a good night all! And THANK YOU!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Well hubby was a fan of the bread, but not the raviolis so much. Then again they had gotten cold by the time he got home.

    To end the day on a bright note, the garlic & herb bread will make AMAZING bruschetta. I was putting tomatoes on it from the ravioli, and it tasted just like Olive Garden's when they first came out with it. In the next day or two, I will have to toast some of it, drizzle with olive oil, and devour with fresh chopped tomato & leftover baby spinach. Mmmm!

    Very tired now. Grace going to bed soon. Going to crash & watch Season 2 of Rome. Netflix is great!

    Night, my lovelies :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Stacey! You are so sweet:blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Trish- how did your run go today?

    JR and Amy- it's great to hear from you and thanls for the encouragement about the paper!:flowerforyou:

    Well, he finally got his paper done at 3pm...WHEW! I am so relieved it's in the mail! That was pushing it a little to close for my liking!

    Wish me luck everyone, tomorrow is my first race since a started to run again! I will let you know how it goes!:happy:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Whooo! Go Nicole, Go! I'll be waving pom poms all along the way in spirit :)

    The run yesterday was okay I guess. Walked 1/4 mile, Ran 1/4 mile, walked 1/2 mile, ran 1/4 mile. That was 20 mins. Biked 13 miles in 20 mins after that, and then did elipticals for 10 mins.

    Continuing game plan today, despite AF showing up in all her fury. Will just set TM on hill mode. It will do intervals for me, so I'm not constantly fussing with buttons.
  • curliegirl
    Nicole--thinking of you this morning--good luck on the run--you are AMAZING for doing that! You are going to feel so free today after it is done & knowing the paper is done.

    Trish--you are training your family well now with new healthy foods even when they don't turn out perfect. I know I did this when my kids were little and now they will eat just about anything. So keep trying! Love homemade bread by the way. Funny story--whenever I make soup now and don't think to make homemade bread. My son(the oldest one) will go to the breadmaker and start up a loaf. He LOVES homemade bread.

    Well the date last night had its good & bad points. Hubby's coworker's father died this week so we went to the visitation. Weird thing to do on a date--I know. We did that and then went to Applebee's(had a gift card). I checked on line (thanks Trish!) for nutrition info but didn't see anything I wanted right off. I got the Grilled Shrimp & Island Rice. It is on their under 550 cal menu. It was really good. I couldn't finish it so hubby at 1/3 of the shrimp. I couldn't find the nutrition info on line because it is a newer item :( Oh well. Then we got ice cream from the grocery store and brought it home. I got the breyer's carb smart & added a little peanut butter, bannana & choc syrup(sorry if I am making you hungry). That was so goooood. I also felt better about that than stopping at DQ.

    So today--water water water and maybe a short walk this afternoon or maybe pilates for a change! I am off to sew on the flower girl dress after I clean up the kitchen.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Glad you enjoyed your date and were able to make smart food choices, curlie!

    This morning I chopped up red, yellow, orange, and green bell peppers, an onion, and threw in a can of kidney beans & diced tomato with lime & cilantro into the slow cooker, along with 2 chicken breasts. The plan is to cook it until dinner time, shred/pull the chicken, and serve it over lettuce with chips & salsa. Shredded chicken taco salad. YUM! I feel quite confident this will turn out a lot better than the raviolis last night.

    It's 10 AM, and hubby is still sleeping. I was hoping to be at the gym already, so we could be back in time for Grace's lunch & nap. At this rate, we might need to wait until she gets up from her nap. Which means I'll probably be wound up & unable to sleep. Blah. Oh well, hubby needs the rest. He pulled a Galahad last night and ran out, in the middle of a snow storm, to get me feminine pads. Now THAT'S a husband, right? Right!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Okay so I got a good surprise today. A couple weeks ago I treated myself to clothes shopping since I'd lost this weight and my clothes were FALLING off me. Well, I've been very disappointed because I've had NO weight loss since. (Gosh, I'm SO close to 10 lbs. I think the scale is being ornery and purposely not giving me that 153 I'm hoping for. UGH) BUT today I put on one of the jeans I bought (a size 10 which was down 2 sizes from when I started all this) and they're TOO BIG! :noway: My daughter broke my cloth tape measure, so I've not done measurements in a month. Think I will go buy one today, so next time I get bummed about the scale, I can measure and see some progress hopefully. Woohoo for baby steps. I get to get into my space bag in the attic with all my prepregnancy size 10s now!

    Kim-good luck with the flower girl dress. That level of sewing is intricate and amazing. I just know it will be beautiful and so worth all the time you've been investing in it. Sounds like you did good with the date night(and it was well-deserved with how busy you've been lately with your kids0. And it just shows that this is truly a lifestyle change for you. You got to have your treats, but you found ways to make them a little healthier. This is absolutely my mantra right now I think. And I bet hubby enjoys that you still let loose to have date night.

    Nicole-Hope that race goes well. I guess I need to sign up for one. I've been running 1-2 mi. almost everyday now, so maybe if I find one in a month or two I'll be ready for a full 5k. Glad the stress of the paper is OVER! It's amazing how well guys tend to perform under procrastination, glad he got it done.

    Trish-I love how you make a great dinner and then can find ways to change it up and make it into something else like you did the garlic bread into bruschetta. Sounds so yummy I wish we had smell and taste-o-vision!:tongue: Sounds like yet another YUMMY dinner tonight. I used your supreme pizza recipe today and it was great and so satisfying. Hope you got to fit in the gym time today.

    Stacey-love the smore's pudding idea. I think you can never go wrong with kids and pudding. I'm making a layered banana pudding tonight with Cool Whip free, reduced fat vanilla wafers, and fat free sugar free vanilla pudding.

    Hope ya'll are having a great weekend!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Jr, glad you were able to try my 'Za! We love it so much, we have no desire to ever eat chain pizza again. And way to go on dropping inches! The size 18s I just bought (down from a 24) are already sliding off me, too.
    We're probably going to go to the gym after Grace gets up from her nap. Andy took her outside to play in the snow, so she'll sleep good in about 15 mins here.

    *Anxiously awaiting Nicole's race results*
  • blessdmomof4
    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts and "getting to know" everyone. It seems like this is a great group. I did pretty good all week staying just under my cal. Do you all try to balance everything everyday (cal/fat/carb/protein/sugar). I've just been paying attention to the cals and have found I am often under on my fat and a little under on protein but way over on sugar. I guess I know what i need to pay more attention to. This sight makes all the little games I have always played in my head (honey isn't as bad as sugar so I can have 2 tsp etc.) go right out the window.

    Last night I took my 6yo out for a little date to a chinese buffet. I ate like I would normally eat (before mfp) and then came home and put in the food. I was shocked at how many calories I had consumed!! More than I should have all day. I've been over on exersize all week though so in the end of the week it might balance out.

    Trish- can you tell me more about wii biggest loser? I have wii fit plus but it seems like I would have to be on it for hours to burn a significant amt of calories. How long does it take you to do 500 cal on biggest loser?

    One more question for you all do strength training too or mostly focus on cardio to burn calories? What about circuit training?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Melissa, I try to stay under the most on sodium. I find that if I'm under on sodium, just about everything else falls into place.
    As for Wii BL, I burn 500 cals doing warm up, routine, and cool down. Also, if I set my WF+ to 350, I end up burning well over 500. These days I just limit it to BL & the rec center, and log my activities in WF+ fit credits.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Melissa. I don't think I welcomed you yet,so welcome. I also have a 6yo, so maybe we can swap stories. As far as the "balancing" game, I try to stay under on everything. But it's actually GOOD to go over in protein and fiber I'm told. MFP sets those goals really low, so if I need to get a few extra cals in, I try to go for something with protein over sugary, ya know? Also, something no one mentioned on MFP that I've seen, my mother's diabetic dr. says that fiber cancels out sugar. (The equation goes 36 carb 20 sugar 11g Fiber then she would only count that as 25g carbs, 9g sugar). And I agree with Trish on the sodium. She sets her goal REALLY low at 1500 mg, and I do as well due to high blood pressure. But 1800-2500 is fine for most ppl. Fiber and water help to flush out excess sodium, so be sure to up those during times of bloating. For exercise, the first 2 mos. I was dieting I was doing strictly cardio, but I'd heard a lot of benefits about strength training (i.e. higher metabolism, more strength so less back problems with core strengthening, replaces fat with lean muscle, etc) So I now either do some cardio followed by some strength on my WF+, or just pick up some free weights and do lunges. Lately I've started doing some Tae Bo which is both cardio and strength trng. Circuit training kicks serious butt! It's too hard on my heart right now so I can't do it. It involves accelerating and decelerating of the heartrate, and is supposed to more effectively blast fat and avoid plateaus. Hope I helped you somehow with that ramble.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok...Thanks for all of the well wishes ladies!:flowerforyou: The race was AWESOME! It was beautiful and at the start about 40 degrees and sunny, perfect! the race was on a paved trail around a river. It was strange not having my watch on to look at, but not too bad! I actually was too conservative on my time and I ended up being 5 minutes faster. But that's ok, I am still happy with my time! I am almost back to the times I was at before my injury, and to quote Trish "Pumps fists in to air!":bigsmile: :drinker: :laugh:

    Trish- I am making pizza tonight! YUM! we never buy chain pizza, because I can't have the gluten and Kyle can't have the dairy, so it always homemade pizza at our house! Let me know how your hill intervals go on the TM.

    JR- FABULOUS! that is so cool that you are losing inches!

    Kim- Way to go on the smart choices at Applebees. I think I had eaten the chicken breast of the weight watchers area of the menu the last time we went there. I envy you with sewing the dress! I can barely sew the kids pj bottoms that I tried to make them for Christmas!:laugh:

    Melissa- I try to balance out my meals as much as I can. It's hard. I also recommend doind strength training(circuit) as well as cardio. It builds muscle which burn more calories, and it also builds bone density, which is really good, so that we don't have Osteoporosis etc. later in life.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, glad you had a fantabulous race. It dumped snow on us last night, so I can only hope the weather will be half as nice next Saturday as yours was today.
    When we got to the gym, half the TMs were out of order, and the other half were occupado. Soooo... I did the next best thing. Interval training on the eliptical, 20 mins, high resistance. Then down to the bikes, hill training, 25 mins. Finally there were some TMs open, but by then my legs were done, so I didn't even make it 1/2 a mile (doing hills, TYVM), before deciding to call it a day. I've been feeling kinda sniffly all day, maybe caught what Grace has, on top of AF in town, so I didn't want to push it & make myself sick for the race.
    Did I make the right decision, Nicole?

    Positive side: The bike area has windows down to the track. I saw Andy flying by with Grace in her stroller several times. He said he did 20 laps (just over 3 miles!) , and at least 1/4 of the distance was running. I can't say enough how impressed I am with this guy. Whiny "Yoga makes me sweaty & tired" guy no more! Wowzers.

    P.S. When we walked in to our home after the gym, the house smelled divine. Just finished shredding chicken in crock pot. It felt apart when I touched it. Just let it steep in all the yummy veggies & stuff a little longer. Off to have hot shower with Princess Fu, then enjoy dinner, and off to grocery store to pick up ingredients for tomorrow's pizza!