SAHM 1/18--1/24



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I hope everyone has had a great day! We're getting closer on the floor. We're going to patch the nail holes tomorrow afternoon. We were going to patch them tonight, but we were just too tired to deal with it tonight. Our neighbor who has his own carpentry/handyman business is coming in on Friday to help. Between DH & neighbor, they should get it done before the end of the day (I hope!)

    My dinner was pretty boring compared to everyone elses. But for someone who is kitchen challenged, I did pretty well. :wink: We had cube steaks, steamed corn, brown rice, and wild mushroom soup. I cheated. The corn and rice were the steam in the bag type, and the soup was a pre-made soup in a plastic tub. Unfortunately, I don't know how low in calories it was, but I think it was pretty healthy, except for the soup.

    Well, off to bed!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Continuing the adventure in bagel making... Dough eerily became soup-like. It had been a ball of dough moments earlier. I held my breath and hoped it would be okay, reminding myself how tasty the uncooked dough was.
    The machine beeped at me, and I turned out the dough... or tried to. It came out like a giant, ooey-gooey sienna marshmallow! Stringy and partly cooked. Like mozarella clinging to your lips from a slice of za 2 feet away in your hand. I persevered and rolled it into flour. Andy helped me form them into doughnut looking objects. One by one I placed them in a pot of boiling water and waited 30 seconds, then flipped them, watching them float to the top, and waited another 30 seconds. I turned each one on to a pan and put them in the oven.
    They're cooking now. Andy just commented how good they smell.
    It's so hard not to open the oven & check on these bizarre rolly-polies!
    Finally they're done. Andy & I split one.
    I bite in, then cry out "I'M A DOMESTIC GODDESS!!"
    These are better than the store. Gosh, that's another $10/month we'll be saving.

    Andy thinks they're almost as good as the store, but doesn't like the golden raisins I used. Noted.

    Now if I can just remember what I put in them!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    even without chatting much, i love to hear about everyone's lives!

    ruff nt with homework. ok, i forgot to give her the medicine---and ladies and gentlemen, we have meltdown, attn attn meltdown level, this is not a rehearsal (hehe)
    we got it worked out....but not without exhausting energy. argh. altogether, we will need to make some schedule changes and other things to help her. it's just a constant thing. done whining

    i'm off to walk 4mi with leslie--so i don't feel bad about myself. i will still wind up some 300 cals over, but i can live with that.

    sweet dreams to you all! (heart)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tirsh! you ROCK! nice jewish girl here has NEVER attempted bagels! (i can do very yummy challah, tho)

    yay you!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Amy- Yay! on the floor!

    Trish- that's awesome about the bagels!

    Stacey- What kind of meds do you have your daughter on? Kyle has ADD and at first they had put him on Adderall....EEEWWWW!!!! Not good! They actually banned it in Canada because it causes heartattacks in children! Not to mention he was a zombie!

    I didn't sleep really well last night, I was up and down, tossing and turning, and then AF decided to show up a week early?!:grumble: Wasn't prepared needless to say! UGH! But surprisingly, I don't feel too sluggish right now. It may hit me later.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I feel for you. I had a similar problem the other night. I was so sore and wound up from the gym, I tossed & turned all night. Don't think I konked out till 2 or 3.

    Can't decide when to do my Wii BL workout today. Picking up friend for studio work soon, and I feel self conscious if she's working & I'm not. If I had gotten my lazy butt out of bed when hubby went to work this morning, I wouldn't have this conundrum. Maybe after Grace goes to bed tonight.

    New recipe tonight! Pork & Rice A L'Orange. Should be fun.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies! I had to yell at myself this morning. I realize that since the floor isn't in yet, and I have all this extra work at the moment, that I won't be able to exercise for a while. But does that mean that I don't need to watch what I eat or drink my water?! NO! Well, you can guess what I've been doing since not exercising. Yup! I've been slacking on all of it! I know better! So this morning I made a goal for myself to drink 9 cups of water today. Well, I'm off to a great start! (read that last sentence with a sarcastic tone. :smile: ) I've got a whopping 1 cup in so far and it's almost 3 pm!! (:grumble: at myself)

    I'd better get chugging! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    check out this gorgeous presentation of veges--to entice your kids and other reluctant loved ones.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    **amy--((hugs)) just focus on one thing at a time. for now it's your floor and water.
    maybe in 2 weeks you'll add in good bf choice.
    then a cpl weeks later you'll walk again.

    see my point? we can't be all things all the time! i know you want to make this all happen now; i get that. BUT don't beat yrself up. instead readjust your goals and expectations--so you can have that feeling of accomplishment/success.
    ((hugs)) again

    **and you too supermama trish! i'm not at all encouraging everyone to slack off--just to be kinder to ourselves--as we would our children if they were having a tough day/adjustment. kwim? anyway, enjoy your new dinner and hopefully bl will work into your schedule too.

    **nicole, thanks. i try not to get too detailed on her b/c mfp and fb and all those other things are just not private/secure enuf for my liking. i get paranoid abt that kind of info out on the web. in any case, she takes a cpl diff meds at diff times to do diff things for her. just happened that i thought i cd get away with skipping a dose. and obviously i cannot. live and learn.
    sorry to hear that your son was such a wreck on adderall--how scary and frustrating for you all.
    thanks again for your concern--i really count on you all for all kinds of support :heart:

    everyone else--hope your day is going well. i gave in and bought the expensive umbrellas at the mall today (cuz that's where we were and it is pouring here) cuz i just can't find the ones i bought at costco earlier this month. man! anyway, don't mind the rain and now it's off to play duplo castle with the boy. :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Out of boredom, I measured my waist. Looks like I took off another 2 inches since Jan 1. That's a total of 10 inches since joining MFP.

    Guess I should get my rear in gear & do some painting now.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    YAY Trish! That's awesome that you have lost 10 inches so far!

    Amy- I agree with Stacey- take it one thing at a time!

    Stacey- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to pry about your daughter!

    Chuggin away!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    (hug) sheepish grin--nicole, i didn't take it that way at all. unfort posting never conveys emotions accurately. i know you weren't being nosy--just showing some real empathy. which i very much appreciate. thank you--:flowerforyou:

    hope your son has made some progress on his paper--w/o too much added stress on you.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    More adventures in cooking! I'm making Pork A L'Orange tonight for dinner. I didn't realize it takes such a long time. I also accidentally skipped a step & added liquid to the rice too soon. The rice was supposed to brown in the critter drippings, and then you add orange juice & water. After that comes to a boil, you toss in 1/2 a cup of apples & 1/2 a cup of raisins. I used the same golden raisins that went into the bagels. They are a little spicy. Kinda fun!
    When I turned it out into a baking dish, it smelled AMAZING. I wanted to eat it right then and there. I put it in the oven, only to discover you're supposed to cover it first. DOH! Grab dish out of oven. Ask hubby to put tinfoil on it for me, as I tend to be really accident prone around hot things. Put dish back into oven and reset timer. Now we have to wait 40 mins. Yargh. I'm used to eating at 6, and we won't eat until 7.
    I bet it will be worth the wait!

    Still no BL workout, and I really want to go to the rec center. I'm trying to decide whether to hit the track there tomorrow or the treadmill. I guess it will depend on how Grace feels since she's had a bout with the sniffles.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey Nicole... it's the last week before my first 5k, and I was wondering if the following schedule was okay pre-race week

    Friday: Run
    Saturday: Run
    Sunday: Off
    Monday: Run
    Tuesday: Run
    Wednesday: Run
    Thursday: Off
    Friday: Off
    Saturday: Race

    If you have any suggestions on duration, intensity, or a different schedule entirely, I'm completely open to it!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- How did the dinner turn out?

    The schedule sounds great. Here is what I would suggest for each day.

    Fri- do an easy run of 20 minutes. alternate running and walking, I am not sure how far you can go now, but try to go as far as you can without totally blowing yourself out, not going fast, then alternate running and walking, but walk no more than a minute at a time. 30-45 secs would be better, but if you need the full minute to get your breathing under control, then take it.

    Sat- make this a hard run, do an easy run of at least 10 minutes, and then go as long as you can until you hit "the hill". do repeats on the hill, try to do 3 repeats of 30 seconds up, and walk or jog back down to your starting point. do an easy jog back home. Try to get this to take at least 30-35 minutes.

    Mon- do the same as fri., but maybe try to go a little longer on your interval work.

    Tues- Same as Sat.

    Wed- Same as Fri and Mon.

    This is just a suggestion, feel free to adjust according to you. If it's to hard, then back off! The point should be that you are there to enjoy it! I think you are like me in that you are waaaayyyyy hard on yourself! I beat myself up all of the time if I don't do things perfectly in my mind! UGH!:noway: :grumble: You will probably have to do a run/walk pace for the race, but that's ok. I have seen it all, trust me! I have met so many seasoned runners that do a run/walk. I have run/walked plenty of times. There is no shame in it!:flowerforyou: I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about your runs, and the race next week!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey-:flowerforyou: You were right on...I definitely wasn't readingyour emotions right!:tongue:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Dinner was good. Andy was over the moon and had a VERY hard time putting the leftovers away. He wanted to snarf it ALL down, but now he can enjoy the rest for lunch tomorrow!

    I can go about a quarter mile hard before I need to walk and catch my breath. It can take anywhere from 1/2 a mile to a mile to do that. At a light jog, I can go 1/2 a mile.

    I am a perfectionist, but I don't beat myself up. It's more like "C'mon & stick it out, you wuss" lol
    I'd like to think of myself as gritty. Tell myself GET 'ER DONE! There is no gray line. What is it that Master Yoda said in Star Wars? "Do or do not. There is no try."
    That's the type of person I am. Either give it my all, and die trying, or go home. BRING IT!

    I am SO done being obese. There is no other acceptable place to be right now other than my goal weight, which I haven't weighed since I was 10. And I'm determined not to let the same thing happen to my baby that my parents allowed to happen to me.

    Anyway, thanks for the schedule. Will let you know how each day goes. It's going to be an exciting week & a half.
    I say week & a half because the race is on the 30th, and then I see my diabetes doc a few days later for my 3 month checkup. She'll be FLOORED when she sees what I've done!

    And don't worry, I'm well aware that I'll be walking most of the race, but I did tell hubby to push me, because I want to run half of it at least, even if it's not straight through (1/2 mile here, 1/4 mile there, you get the picture).

    Want a giggle? I'm starting an actual couch to 5k program AFTER the race, LOL. Kinda backwards, but Hale Freezes Over is not going to have the first AND last laugh. I'm going to stick it out, get fit enough to do this running thing, know what a racehorse feels like (did I mention I LOVE horse racing?), and maybe even run a marathon next spring. Hoping to be doing 1/2 marathons for my b-day in September. What an amazing gift to myself!

    P.S. Never got around to Wii BL workout. It's going to be a pretty demanding week anyway. KWIM?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM ladies!

    Trish- that is funny about the c25k after your race! LOL :laugh: I have seen alot of people graduate from it on MFP, and continue on. It's cool.

    I slept like a baby last night, yeah! so much better than the night before. An update, Kyle is STILL working on the darn paper! I have to get it postmarked today! UGH! It WILL happen! It WILL happen! (I am sprinkling positive fairy dust all around right now!)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kudos to you trish!! i always love reading your posts. i wish grace was old enuf to comprehend what a determined and adventurous mama she has!

    i never got in my exer (or a shower) yesterday either. oh well. today i can combine them--shoulders and arms/arx/stretch
    just maybe boy will nap today....

    i also have to find a way to clean this house by the end of sunday. i feel cluttered cuz the house is. kwim? dh will be home sat nt and sunday so that should help me be able to do it w/o minding the kids, too.

    today i'm just gonna work on getting thru the day with exercise, water and cooking some dinner. anything else will be bonus.

    erica, amy, silver, nicole, kim--and our new ladies--hope you all have a FAB FRIDAY! :heart:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, yargh. I feel ya! I hate housework. I'm looking forward to when Grace has her own room, and the majority of her chaos can be contained in there. Right now I feel it's pretty much futile to try & pick up toys, when she gets them all out again as soon as I'm done vacuuming!

    Burned 550 cals at the rec center between TM, biking, and eliptical. Tomorrow Andy will go, too, and push Grace around the track in her stroller. I am trying to *ahem* ENCOURAGE him to use the treadmills. He's really nervous about them. I think he thinks he's going to go flying off. But the ones at the RC have safety clips on them that you attach to yourself, so if you get too far away it automatically shuts down.

    Debating now whether or not to nap since there's nothing else to really do. It's been a while since this has happened.

    Making raviolis tonight using won ton wrappers, and also garlic bread from scratch. I'm excited.