Paleo diet, crazy or worth it?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How about a challenge? Try it for 30 days and then report any criticisms you may have. :)

    Nobody is arguing that Paelo isn't better than eating crap all day like most people do. The point the critics are making is that my diet isn't any less healthy because I ate some corn and had a glass of milk.

    ^^ This. Exactly.

    Really? You knocked Paleo without anything to back it up. I dont recall anyone knocking anyone elses diet. I read people pointing out the attributes of of Paleo.

    Saying that it doesn't make sense to me is "knocking it?" If I offended you, then I apologize. Like I said in the beginning, I have some friends of mine (I mean real life friends, not MFP friends) who choose paleo. That's fine with me. All I ask is that people don't make false claims.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hard to give up toxic food (imo)?

    This is the kind of comment that really makes me roll my eyes. The idea that grains, legumes, and dairy are "toxic" to humans is simply absurd. Eat what you want, but don't make false claims. It is only "toxic" if you have some sort of medical condition.

    No disrespect intended, but this is where you are completely wrong.

    Grains (especially gluten containing grains) and legumes have anti-nutrients that keep vitamins and minerals from being absorbed when eating other foods with nutritional value.

    Why would you want to keep eating foods that keep your body from absorbing the nutrients?

    And most people that are Paleo DO eat dairy. We just opt for RAW dairy and not the homogenized and pasteurized stuff.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't think it's crazy for some people. Crazy for me, because I'm not giving up cheese or booze.

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hard to give up toxic food (imo)?

    This is the kind of comment that really makes me roll my eyes. The idea that grains, legumes, and dairy are "toxic" to humans is simply absurd. Eat what you want, but don't make false claims. It is only "toxic" if you have some sort of medical condition.

    Beans can indeed be 'toxic'. They contain a toxin which can be harmful if they're not prepared properly
    Wow. You really honed in on his point...

    Her point, and I was'nt being a ****, just pointing out that actually some 'healthy' foods can be toxic, and are not something that, in their natural state, we can eat.

    there are a lot of foods that if not prepared properly can make you sick and carry disease, including meats. Just as preparing meats properly helps to make them safer, preparing beans properly does the same. To me this isn't a great argument to not eat them, just as the fear of food related illness isn't enough to keep me from eating seafood and meat. Hell, I've gotten food poisoning from devouring shrimp, and I still go back for more.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't do Paleo, but I'm pretty sure it's not a "fad diet".
    My sister in law and her husband started on this diet. She has lost a lot of weight in the month she has been on it. I personally don’t think it’s good to go on a diet. I believe diets are to short term. I believe it’s better to change your outlook on food and listen to your body. I don’t think fad diets work in the long run.

    I pretty sure that the term "fad" describes it appropriately. It's the latest thing in dieting and will not stand the test of time. It's much better than some of these silly single-food diets and such, but indeed, it is a fad.

    A natural diet based on animals and plants "didn't stand the test of time". Really? You win the award for the most brilliant comment ever. :noway:

    You are not exactly describing "paleo" when you say a natural diet based on plants and animals. Don't peanuts come from plants? Does cheese and milk come from animals?
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Personally, I would stay away from any sort of diet/lifestyle that cuts out a food completely (unless, of course there is some sort of intolerance). The likelihood of never eating dairy or grains again is pretty slim. Why not just clean up your diet (not OP you, just general) and eat in moderation or eat whole grains?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I've been strict paleo for a good 6+ months now. The beginning was the toughest. Learning how to cook foods differently, read labels like crazy and meal plans that I could actually stick to. It took me about a month to finally get the hang of it and I could NOT be happier. I've lost over 40 pounds, never felt healthier, happier or more, for lack of a better description, alive.

    I have epilepsy and have not had a seizure since the beginning of this lifestyle change. I can't say with absolute certainty that there is a direct correlation between going paleo and my seizures, but I'm fairly certain that there is something to be said with it. My fiance has rheumatoid arthritis (and he's only 24) and no longer feels the extreme pain associated with it.

    I wouldn't call this a "fad diet", it's a lifestyle change. I couldn't be happier with the decision we made to have our household strict paleo.


    Do your research. Read the science. The greatest proof is personal testimony.

    I have had atopic allergies my whole life, not to mention a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disorders (which several relatives have died from) and this way of fueling has completely changed my health, from the inside out.

    For centuries humans lived without the domestication of cows, or industrialization of grains. This isn't a "new" way of eating -- that's just pure marketing. It's a return to the original form of ergogenic eating. It's seasonal by nature, whole foods based, and completely healthier than the SAD (Standard American Diet).

    Proof is in the pudding. Pudding being hormonal balance, weight loss, deeper sleep, increased energy, healthier skin, better performance, stable moods -- need I say more?).

    I *do* like chocolate pudding made with real cream, but it's better as a pie with tender, flaky crust. I haven't had chocolate pie in a very long time.
  • kjjbean
    kjjbean Posts: 23 Member
    How about a challenge? Try it for 30 days and then report any criticisms you may have. :)

    Nobody is arguing that Paelo isn't better than eating crap all day like most people do. The point the critics are making is that my diet isn't any less healthy because I ate some corn and had a glass of milk.

    ^^ This. Exactly.

    Really? You knocked Paleo without anything to back it up. I dont recall anyone knocking anyone elses diet. I read people pointing out the attributes of of Paleo.

    Saying that it doesn't make sense to me is "knocking it?" If I offended you, then I apologize. Like I said in the beginning, I have some friends of mine (I mean real life friends, not MFP friends) who choose paleo. That's fine with me. All I ask is that people don't make false claims.

    You didn't say "it doesn't make sense", you called it a fad. I'm not offended in the least, I'm not a fan of blanket criticism without fact.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    That may be true, but it still makes no sense to me, all that "grains causes cancer" business that they tout.

    you have made up your mind ( or actually you keep it closed)

    I have never heard the paleo crowd "tout" grains cause cancer.

    I have read that some paleo followers believe that grains are not required and can cause more problems than they are worth regarding nuitritional benefit..

    I dont think I am intolerant to grains but I cut them out as an experiment for my own curiosity and have found that I feel better, sleep better and maintain my fitness goals better without them. It also gives me more calories for foods I enjoy better than grains.

    Its obvious you have never tried it but you sure enjoy bashing it. Thats fine but dont make stuff up to justify your closed mind.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Hard to give up toxic food (imo)?

    This is the kind of comment that really makes me roll my eyes. The idea that grains, legumes, and dairy are "toxic" to humans is simply absurd. Eat what you want, but don't make false claims. It is only "toxic" if you have some sort of medical condition.

    Did you miss the IMO in the brackets? Those foods ARE toxic for me and that's exactly what I said by saying "imo" (IN MY OPINION).

    People like you make me roll my eyes. I wouldn't make a claim like that if my diet hadn't resolved a huge, long list of "medical conditions". Some of the minor health problems are things that most people live with every day and think of as "normal" because we've never been without it (gas and bloating for instance-no, not normal!). Some of the major health problems that were resolved were life-threatening. So, am I passionate about this topic? Damn right I am.

    (Instead of being so dead-set against the "idea" that we have been misinformed about what is healthy and not, why don't you just TRY it for two weeks, then at least you can speak from experience.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, I would stay away from any sort of diet/lifestyle that cuts out a food completely (unless, of course there is some sort of intolerance). The likelihood of never eating dairy or grains again is pretty slim. Why not just clean up your diet (not OP you, just general) and eat in moderation or eat whole grains?

    You ask "why not?"

    I guess my question for you is, "why?"

    Why do people insist that just because we *can* eat certain types of food that it is inevitable that we *should* eat them?
  • FaizValensi
    Paleo diet? NO! xD
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Why do people insist that just because we *can* eat certain types of food that it is inevitable that we *should* eat them?

    I think that preference/desire play a very big role in answering that question.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    ETA - All diets exclude certain foods :/

    False. Every "diet" does not exclude certain foods. I don't exclude any foods. I eat everything in moderation. I happen to know and am friends with many people here on MFP who do this as well.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Personally, I would stay away from any sort of diet/lifestyle that cuts out a food completely (unless, of course there is some sort of intolerance). The likelihood of never eating dairy or grains again is pretty slim. Why not just clean up your diet (not OP you, just general) and eat in moderation or eat whole grains?

    You ask "why not?"

    I guess my question for you is, "why?"

    Why do people insist that just because we *can* eat certain types of food that it is inevitable that we *should* eat them?

    I was just genuinely curious. I'm not paleo, and never will be. It's fine if others are, I wouldn't knock it, but the OP asked about it so that was my answer.

    Just because we can use cars, should we? They're dangerous and life threatening, yet not using them isn't really an option for most people. Same sort of situation. Not all change is bad. I'm not disagreeing that processed foods aren't healthy, but why cut out unprocessed foods (beans etc.) by that logic? That's all I'm saying. If paleo works for you, then that's awesome, but cutting out foods completely isn't for everyone.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    How about a challenge? Try it for 30 days and then report any criticisms you may have. :)

    Nobody is arguing that Paelo isn't better than eating crap all day like most people do. The point the critics are making is that my diet isn't any less healthy because I ate some corn and had a glass of milk.

    ^^ This. Exactly.

    Really? You knocked Paleo without anything to back it up. I dont recall anyone knocking anyone elses diet. I read people pointing out the attributes of of Paleo.

    Paleo excludes certain foods, which little other justification other than our ancestors didn't eat these foods.

    The burden of proof lies with the individual making the claim. I don't have to justify eating a nutrient dense, non-processed, satiating, starchy vegetable like white potatoes as a carb source. But if you're going to assert that eating potatoes is harming me in some fashion, you're going to need to point to evidence stronger than a cartoon named "Grok."

    Every Paleo person I know eats white potatoes, except for me. I merely don't like them.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why do people insist that just because we *can* eat certain types of food that it is inevitable that we *should* eat them?

    I think that preference/desire play a very big role in answering that question.

    My preference/desire is to eat a box of poptarts every day....(mmmm, frosted brown sugar cinnamon)...but I found by not eating *any* poptarts at all, I feel noticeably better. I didn't realize it until after I cut out all of the poptarts (and other similar foods). The insistence from others that it would be better for me if I ate at least *some* poptarts is mind-boggling. Perhaps it is that some people have strong emotional attachment to certain foods and perhaps would like validation of their habits by encouraging others to see food similarly.

    And to be clear, I am not insisting that my approach to food is the One True Way. I am, however, insisting that an attitude of "I can't imagine a life without [____]" *may* be an indication of a deeper issue and it *may* be beneficial to break free of the control that certain foods have over people.
  • kjjbean
    kjjbean Posts: 23 Member

    ETA - All diets exclude certain foods :/

    False. Every "diet" does not exclude certain foods. I don't exclude any foods. I eat everything in moderation. I happen to know and am friends with many people here on MFP who do this as well.

    yeah I guess. I'm sure there is a twinkie diet out there somewhere :/
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't do Paleo, but I'm pretty sure it's not a "fad diet".
    My sister in law and her husband started on this diet. She has lost a lot of weight in the month she has been on it. I personally don’t think it’s good to go on a diet. I believe diets are to short term. I believe it’s better to change your outlook on food and listen to your body. I don’t think fad diets work in the long run.

    I pretty sure that the term "fad" describes it appropriately. It's the latest thing in dieting and will not stand the test of time. It's much better than some of these silly single-food diets and such, but indeed, it is a fad.

    A natural diet based on animals and plants "didn't stand the test of time". Really? You win the award for the most brilliant comment ever. :noway:

    You are not exactly describing "paleo" when you say a natural diet based on plants and animals. Don't peanuts come from plants? Does cheese and milk come from animals?

    You are completely looking over the point.

    Peanuts can not be consumed in their natural state. You can not dig up a peanut and pop it in your mouth and eat it like you can say almonds. You can eat RAW almonds.

    Also, many Paleo people eat RAW dairy. This means they consume raw cheese, raw milk, butter made from raw cream, etc. Like milk a cow raw dairy.

    That is what Paleo is. Eating for health and nutrition and eating foods that can be eaten in their natural state as well as cooked.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, I would stay away from any sort of diet/lifestyle that cuts out a food completely (unless, of course there is some sort of intolerance). The likelihood of never eating dairy or grains again is pretty slim. Why not just clean up your diet (not OP you, just general) and eat in moderation or eat whole grains?

    You ask "why not?"

    I guess my question for you is, "why?"

    Why do people insist that just because we *can* eat certain types of food that it is inevitable that we *should* eat them?

    I was just genuinely curious. I'm not paleo, and never will be. It's fine if others are, I wouldn't knock it, but the OP asked about it so that was my answer.

    Just because we can use cars, should we? They're dangerous and life threatening, yet not using them isn't really an option for most people. Same sort of situation. Not all change is bad. I'm not disagreeing that processed foods aren't healthy, but why cut out unprocessed foods (beans etc.) by that logic? That's all I'm saying. If paleo works for you, then that's awesome, but cutting out foods completely isn't for everyone.

    My CBA for using a car is decidedly B>C. For eating beans *for me personally*, B=C at best and perhaps B<C. (For eating wheat *for me personally*, definitely B<C.)