Got Teased Today....



  • 51Sissy
    51Sissy Posts: 8 Member
    Wish I had some words of wisdom, sadly I never find myself with a good response either. It is always hurtful when complete strangers are rude enough to make insults. Kudos to you for working through it with exercise.
  • smboston
    Mean people suck. You are beautiful!

    ^^ My vote

    Me too.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Screw them ... nuff said!
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Yeah...I would have stepped up and said excuse me? Would you like to get knocked out by my fat *kitten*? I don't have time for the Mean Girl Bully drama. If you step to me, I'm going to have to sit you down.
  • Licienne
    Licienne Posts: 14 Member
    I would have responded back to them and would not have been have worked hard to where you are and you look one has any right to talk about you that way. Obviously they have a problem with themselves they are trying to hide.


    Congrats on the loss
  • Holly_penguin
    Holly_penguin Posts: 149 Member
    I've also always been heavy and never let bullies get the best of me. My advice is to be direct. With direct eye-contact say "Did you know sound travels and I have excellent hearing? Thanks for the fashion advice. If I need more, i'll ask" they would be so embarrassed they'd leave the store.

    I LOVE that you took your anger and embarrasment and turned it into an extra 2 mile walk! F Them! Right?

    No one knows your journey, especially strangers. You know who you are, where you've been and where you are going. So hold your head high, work what you've got sweetheart and remember...everyone likes a confident woman with a generous rack and rump...if you own it (really OWN it)...there will be people who want to "buy" it.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    loves_squirrels......You've lost 140 lbs.....WOW!....and you're smart enough to go to med look have a great sense of humour...and you're gonna let two skanky teenyboppers ruin your day?? NO WAY!!! Just remember: people who put others down to build themselves up are actually to be pitied. THEY'RE the ones with issues!

    Girl, you have waaay too much going for you to allow yourself to feel diminished by this! Get back on the Self Esteem Train and full speed ahead!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I've heard those kind of things as well. First off you are quite lovely, intelligent as you have to be to get to med school and your profile photo has you wearing a cool hat. My daughter, a medical doctor, has one similar, but a Badger as she did undergrad at UW Madison.

    You are doing the right things to make your life better and you are making changes. Those fools, however, won't change, and you can't fix stupid. Keep rocking and ignore the idiots the best way you can. And when you hang your shingle, smile knowing you did it your way.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    first off, you're gorgeous. secondly, you made an amazing and courageous change to your situation when you might have thought nothing would work. you lost 140#! i hope you told those b*tches to step down and respect. people are mean and you can rise above!!
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    DOUBLE UGH!! Some people just should never, ever be allowed out of their nasty little houses full of meanness. Of course, their comments say a WHOLE lot more about what disgusting human beings they are than about fact, the comments really have not a lot to do with you at all...but it still sucks...look at how far you've come by taking a walk to get your feelings out...just goes to show how far above those twits you are...ROCKSTAR!!
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    While driving to work this morning, my fiance and I just had a conversation about this.

    Ten years ago, I would have been one of those girls. I was barely pushing 105lbs (and not by choice, I ate like a crazy person, I just couldn't gain weight) and judged everyone who wasn't the same size as me. I would always think to myself, "WHY aren't you doing anything about your weight? Why are you shopping for clothes that are clearly not your size? Why are you wearing such tight clothing? Nobody wants to see that." I was cruel, evil and downright mean.

    Then I gained a good 70lbs and received those very same comments and looks I gave to others (more times than I care to admit).

    After losing my first 20lbs, I was proud! I may have put on some clothes that were a little too tight, but hell! I was proud of the work I had done and how far I had come; I wanted to show that off! It took gaining that much weight in a short period of time to finally realize that maybe those people I would say snarky comments about had just lost a bunch of weight and wanted to show off their progress. Maybe they were happy with the way they looked and who the h am I to judge? It makes me sad to admit that it took all that to finally see that I'm no different than anyone else, my comments hurt people and that judging others only shows the type of person I am (and more importantly, the type of person I'm not).

    I hope someday those girls see that their actions are wrong and that those little comments could (and did) hurt someone so much. But even if they don't, you should be DARN proud of how far you've come and how far you'll go! You're doing an amazing job and you look fantastic! Keep up the great work and brush off mean people's comments. Don't waste energy being is far too short and because, well, YOU are rockin' it (:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Perhaps next time, whip out your cell phone, dial voice mail (so no one calls you)
    Hey, at the thrift shop and thought i'd give you a call. O-m-g you'd never believe what these lil biatches said, they commented on my 'fat @ss" but you know, i' m working on it, and sucks to be them you can fix fat but you can't fitx b1tchy!"

    Bahaha. Ppl need to realize people can hear them.

    Never let mean spitited people get you down, girl. You're improving yourself while they're stuck in 10th grade
  • mandilwebb
    mandilwebb Posts: 13 Member
    Three words: Piss On Them

    Catty B's. Karma will fix them for you so just smile and wave ; )
  • fitmamasami
    That sucks. People can be so rude, sometimes. I really hope they feel what it's like to be on the other side of that some day. Don't let it get you down. You have done such outstanding work and you have *amazing* results to show for it already. You are sensational and you look fantastic. They may never know the joy you have, of being able to depend on yourself like you do, to change your self and your life by continual hard work until you reach your goals. Of being unstoppable. Their catty comments mean nothing! Nothing can change your greatness!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Thats when you walk by them and whisper, "I may be fat but who the heck hit you with the ugly stick, girl... At least I can lose weight!"

    This! Hah! Or I would have made a crack along these lines "You're right, I'm kidding myself If I think MY breasts could fit in this dinky thing. Here, yours look flat enough to fit in this." And say it as sweetly and sincerely as possible with a winning smile! You are awesome and always remember that! You were awesome enough to turn something negative in positive energy when you worked out! Not everyone is strong enough to do that! :flowerforyou:
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    You have made major changes to your life and body, whereas they wont be able to change their rather unpleasant personalities. Be thankful for that, you are a far better person than they for having not said anything. They obviously are so insecure that they have to tear someone else to pieces to make themselves feel superior. I doubt they could come anywhere close to achieving what you have, if they had to in some area of their lives.

  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    I get that a lot too because I'm actually fairly athletic for my size. The most recent was on a shuttle to a 25 mile bike ride. A group of skinny heifers had a big laugh at my expense. I didn't handle it as well as you did. Although I enjoyed a quiet celebration when I breezed by them on my bike, I still emotionally ate two bags of chips.

    I'm going to strive to handle it the way you did in the future.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    People suck. If that was me I would have probably gotten arrested.
  • ekalexm
    ekalexm Posts: 73
    The bottom line is, you're a very attractive young lady as has been said numerous times on this thread. These girls on the other hand are rude, insensitive and potentially frustrated with their lot in life. Furthermore, I doubt there's anyone on here who hasn't been the victim of rude behaviour like that, so let it wash right over you.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You are a beautiful person. You have done so good losing weight. Just hold your head high and ignore the idiots. There will always be people who criticize others because they are unhappy with themselves. If need be, continue to let the criticisms inspire you to exercise more... and burn the frustration... but, please don't take it to heart. I know that's easier said than done though.

    Just remember... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: