Sixers Valentine Vixens: Week 1



  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Well Ladies,

    No Shred Report today:grumble: The weather had finally got to me and Tony so we went out dancing last night. I wore a new pair of clogs which gave me a blister on the top of my baby toe. Today my toe hurts bad.:noway: :noway: So I am going to take today off since my foot doesn't want any thing to do with shoes or even slippers for that matter. Tomarrow I will be back no matter what...:wink:

    Hey Tamm I really like your idea. I am going to have to keep that in mind and possibly give it a try.:flowerforyou:

  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Amylou - I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I hope things get better for you.

    Cathy - Hope you feel better soon.

    izzypup - Welcome!! I had the same problem last summer - exercising, eating about 1200 calories and not losing weight. Once I bumped it up to about 1500 calories, then my weight started to move. I honestly have not been logging my food the last couple months. But I'm trying to focus on getting the exercise going on a steady basis first.

    Tamm - Wow - great motivation to get yourself out for a 5 mile walk when you weren't feeling well.

    After raining 5 days straight, this was our first sunny and warmer day. I decided to go bike riding instead of the treadmill this morning. Went on a long bike ride with the family. So nice to be outside!! I'll be getting on the treadmill after dinner. Hope you all are having a great day.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone! Newbies WELCOME!!!

    I'm still in the midst of my 9 day straight working streak THEN a test Friday. I switch to working nights tomorrow so I'm just praying that I can keep it all together while I study and work and deliver babies :-) (which by the way IS AMAZING!!!) Um... I'm usually not so Mia but school is running me crazy every second and I have to do well on this test, so give me til Friday and I'll do some personals!! ok!?

    I may try to study while I ride the exercise bike, but mostly at this time I'm just trying to be as prepared as possible so I can keep the anxiety about the test LOW! Miss you all! I'll check in and read as much as I can!

    Oh I made mashed potatoes from scratch for dinner! DELICIOUS! AND I am making a homemade soup that I pray will taste good. No clue. I kinda just mixed up some ingredients... lol. chicken, veggies, potatoes, etc. ok gotta study! bye!

    P.S: Sis the egg cartoon idea is SO cute! can you make me one and give it to me next time I see you!? (maybe this weekend? I'm free!! ) Love ya
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Amylou - I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I hope things get better for you.

    Cathy - Hope you feel better soon.

    izzypup - Welcome!! I had the same problem last summer - exercising, eating about 1200 calories and not losing weight. Once I bumped it up to about 1500 calories, then my weight started to move. I honestly have not been logging my food the last couple months. But I'm trying to focus on getting the exercise going on a steady basis first.

    Tamm - Wow - great motivation to get yourself out for a 5 mile walk when you weren't feeling well.

    After raining 5 days straight, this was our first sunny and warmer day. I decided to go bike riding instead of the treadmill this morning. Went on a long bike ride with the family. So nice to be outside!! I'll be getting on the treadmill after dinner. Hope you all are having a great day.

    After Feb 2nd i hope to be back on the exercise treadmill so to speak... My foot feels a ton better. It has just been crazy rainy and dreary in the STL.... have a great day out there!!!!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope your foot heals quickly!

    by the way team... I hopped back up here to let you know I just ran for 69 mins :-) Burned 600 cals or so! Ok, now back to studying! later! :wink: :bigsmile:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope your foot heals quickly!

    by the way team... I hopped back up here to let you know I just ran for 69 mins :-) Burned 600 cals or so! Ok, now back to studying! later! :wink: :bigsmile:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    I WENT TO THE GYM TODAY.....for the first time since the end of October. Huge victory for me. I also found some iron supplement pills that do not upset my stomach!!!!! They are food based but are the same potency that my doc wanted me on. I went to a local pharmacy that has a naturopath doc on staff. He made the suggestion and said to bring them back if they didnt work out. YAY! For those who are long-timers you know I have struggled with this for over a year.For the newbies....I have borderline severe anemia. I am so very happy to think that in just a few weeks I could get my energy back!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    OMG I am exhausted... I can barely keep my eyes open as I am typing this, So sorry yal but personals are not going to happen today, I will DEFF try and do them tomorrow!

    So last night got home around midnight, slept like crap though, It was all terrible nightmares, and the inability to get comfortable. :grumble: However, I woke up this morning, to a very long hot bath (a very needed one!) and then went to the new gym with my mum! This gym is seriously a palace!! ITS HUGE!!! So I ran a mile on the Elliptical, burned 115 calories, and I did it in eleven minutes and sixteen seconds!!! YAY ME!!! And Then my mom and I decided I would check out this machine that we had never seen before, Its a cross country sking machine! You literally buckle yourself tightly with a waist strap, grab on to what would be the ski poles (REALLY flexible) and plant your feet on what would be the skis, and then do a program. I chose the Walk IN the Park program and thought 15 minutes would be a great work out.... OMG that machine KICKED MY BUTT!!!!!! I burned a 125 calories and man ol man my body felt it! IT worked my arms, my chest, my thighs, my butt! It might just be my new favorite machine, by the way I would have burned more calories but I could never get going very quickly! I thought level 1 was hard, but it would go up to level 2 and 3 on resistance, and when it would do that i really couldnt go very quickly at all! after a couple weeks on that machine my but and theighs are going to be INCREDIBLY toned.

    So then my mum and I went to sams, I got some more frozen blueberries and some Real Fruit Popsicles.We rented Julie & Julia, which was a pretty good movie! Well when my brother and dad got home from their captains classes we all decided to go back up to the gym and play some tennis as a family, Mind you NONE of us really play tennis, my brother and I like to play with some of our friends but that is it. We ended up playing some hardcore tennis (for newbs) for over 2 hours!!!!!!! And my mom and I left my dad and my brother mid game because we were falling asleep while sitting!!! haha. This gym is going to be really good for my family, I can tell!

    So in other news, I am very tired, I am fighting my kitten for the keyboard at the moment, and my bf and i are in a fight...
    But honestly I just want my pillow so that is what I am going to do, I am going to pass out haha.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Tiff - Wow - 69 minutes!! Well - I certainly have no place to complain about not having enough time or energy to exercise. Can I borrow some of your energy?

    So, it was getting late and I was doing a good job of talking myself out of getting on the treadmill tonight. Then I decided to check the board and saw Tiff, Amy, and B all posting about their great workouts tonight and it motivated me to get on my treadmill. Thanks, guys - I really needed the push. I walked 1.5 miles, biked 2 miles, and it feels great to meet my goal for today.
  • amyls8710
    Hooray to everyone over the weekend getting some sort of working out in ..... or some sort of GREAT Goal made !!!!!!

    so proud of EVERYONE !

    B- Wow i dont know how you keep going hahahah I WOULD BE EXHAUSTED ! Are we both on to start the C25K today??? 20 minutes thats all hahah ! IM GONNA DO IT THIS AFTernoon !!!!!! GOOD LUCK ! woohooo for feeling INCREDIBLY TONED hahah !

    emmie-- yay for working out yesterday ! XOXO !

    amy (pdx) YAY for working out ! that is awesome! wow anemia has been in my family so i have SEEN it but not lived it ! ill be praying for you

    gonnabfit-- WOW ! 600 cals ?!!?!? hahah go for it girl !

    Izzypup-- sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD ur foot will be alot better soon !

    Kel- way to go on going dancing ! I WISH there were places to go dancing here ! hahah !

    Tam- love the egg carton idea ! :) definate added motivation ! KEEp IT UP !

    amylou- !! haha another amy hahaha ! :) happy to have you here too ! good luck with school ... and CHURCH was inspiring here yesterday too ! every week they seem to preach on topics I NEED ! its amazing how they touch you for the week ahead!

    cathy-- yay for lots of gym places... and I HOPE THEY DONT TAKE OVER THEM ALL either.... and change them ! otherwise i am glad too that your membership will be up! u will have to find somewhere fantastic !!!

    today im going to try out the C25K program .... !!!!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Once again no time for personals except this one,

    AMY S- YES!!!! We are both still starting today! I just got up just to go to the gym to check out a ZUMBA class! haha, and then after that I am going to do Day 1, Week 1 of C25K! What podcast are you going to use, I think I am going to use Chubby Jones haha.

    So for those of you who wanna know what I am doing right now/ this morning ^^

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    emmie... way to go the getting it done. it feels so good to do that. are doing great.
    tamm...great idea. did a great job at shredding. you can do this.
    b...get some sleep. sounds like a fun day.
    Leah...i am so sorry about you getting lost off the list. i will try to remember tomorrow to add you. how are you doing?
    Kristin...hows the baby weight doing?
    Lauryn...where are you? are you doing?
    ali...hows the job going? you know alot about exercising? if so i may need your help in private messg. hard almost done. by the way....wheres the boy?
    pdx....yea for new drugs that work. are you doing?
    amypyr....nice floors. i didn't like the renos, but the results are the best. are you?
    2bskinny...are you feeling better now? are you? are you too?
    amyls....yes they will be taking over the others. are you?

    ok, my day, cleaning, finish laundry, do a workout dvd. storms kept me up most of the night, so real tired. son went back home yesterday. i need to get my butt in gear.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning...I'm here but busy at work! I'll try and check back at lunch!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    amylou- !! haha another amy hahaha ! :) happy to have you here too ! good luck with school ... and CHURCH was inspiring here yesterday too ! every week they seem to preach on topics I NEED ! its amazing how they touch you for the week ahead!

    It always amazes me how many times the sermon will speak to me. I'll never forget one Sunday many years ago when we were trying to have a baby but weren't successful, I went to church particularly upset about it. The statement that was made several times during church was that everything is in God's time and his time is perfect. I try to say that to myself whenever I'm starting to get impatient about something. And, of course, I got pregnant in God's time BOTH times! It took 1 1/2 yrs w/ my son, and not trying got pregnant w/ my daughter. His timing was perfect with her as well since I had so many problems with my pregnancies and had her before turning 30. I was told the problems increase in severity after 30.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Well, no trim pieces on the floor yet. It was raining all day yesterday, so they couldn't get the trim pieces. They would need to be cut outside since our garage & our neighbor's garage were both too full to do the cutting inside. DH said he's going to see about getting them done tonight after work. I know his track record. It will be this weekend before he can work on them. :cry: So no treadmill or exercise DVD for me. I'm hoping the weather is nice the rest of this week so I can walk Tue, Thu & Fri to pick up the kids from school.
  • moonq8
    moonq8 Posts: 14
    Hello ladies,
    I would love to join this group, you all seem like such a supportive bunch & that is very hard to find. A little about me: I am 27, been married for almost 7 years (Feb. 26th :smile: ) I have a son who is almost 6 & a daughter who will turn 2 in April. I am a SAHM & I love it, it was a decision that my dh & I made together. On my wedding day I weighed an amazing 123.5 lbs, 2 pregnancies later I am at a terrible 200.6 lbs, I gained most of the weight if not all during my pregnancies. My husband & I would love to get pregnant this year, but I want to lose weight first, I NEED to lose weight first.
    I have PCOS & it's really hard to lose the weight alone so I go to a nutritionist every Sunday ( he has a family issue so he hasn't been working for the past 2 weeks) After my first week I lost 6 lbs, but I haven't seen him since so I'm not sure where I am at exactly, I think the same.
    I can't wait to get to know you all better & lose weight with you. I will do my best to stay focused on my goal & I will be as supportive to you as I can be. I will try to help you through your bad days & hope that you will help me through mine :flowerforyou:
    Here we go, roll call................
    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 153.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 203.5 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 225.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 152.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW201 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 158.7 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 168.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 198 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 137 / PROGRESS +/- 0
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 142.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 271 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW 146lbs / GW 136 lbs / CW 146 lbs / PROGRESS
    izzypup.......................................SW 187 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 187 lbs / PROGRESS
    moonq8.....................................SW 200.6 lbs / GW 190 lbs/ CW 200.6 lbs/ PROGRESS

    I wish you all the best of luck & may we all reach our goals :smile:
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    First can I say WELCOME to moonq8, izzypup, Amy S, primalB, and 2Bskinnyagain!!! We are so happy to have you!

    I had a pretty good weekend! Got in a treadmill run on Friday and Saturday, and yesterday I tried an Ab workout from a new video I got! Was pretty good! Hoping to find the abs that I know I have buried in there somewhere!

    ANYways...I'm SO busy at work! Just wanted to say hello! Hope you all have a FABULOUS day!!!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Ladies I hopped on to see how everyone is doing, while I'm at work! LOL. Glad you ladies are doing well! YAY, good monday start. I'm so proud of everyone keeping their goals in mind, exercising and eating healthy.

    Well... I walked for twenty mins for lunch and walked to Quiznos for salad and soup. LOL.... I dodged the cookie this time.

    Well... I have step class later and lots of busy work to catch up on. Have a great day, Ill try to stop back in!

    Take care,
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies!

    Sorry I can't do personals today. So busy. Very crampy (almost two weeks now). Scared about going to GYN tomorrow as I hate being examined while having massive cramps, but maybe it's the perfect time to go so he can tell me what the HECK is going on. (Sorry, feeling a little frustrated and exhausted over here).

    You guys sounds like you are right on target with life. I'll keep peeking in. Hope life is treating you all well.

    Here's to hoping for lots of success for our weigh-in tomorrows (ali I'd bet money you are on target, you've been doing so great. What an awesome dedication and inspiration)

    Have a wonderful rest of the day!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Exhausted, taking a nap, will do personals when i wake up!
