Class Reunions: To go or not to go?



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    What do you guys think? Would you go if this were the case for you? Do you plan to go to your H.S. Reunion?

    I was so invisible, I wasn't even *invited*. Saw some pictures through Facebook - everyone who showed up is exactly the same.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I probaly won't go since recently one of my "BEST FRIENDS" stabbed me in the back but really we didn't have cliques. We were a mixed school black and white so basically everyone got along with everyone. I am unsure if i want to go its like3-4 yrs till my ten yr. I guess i will decide when it comes too
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    I was a pretty quiet guy in H.S. but still popular by virtue of my involvement in sports and other groups. I missed my 10 year H.S. reunion and made a promise not to miss the 20th next year. Understanding that everyone has to make their own decision concerning to go or not to go, I would encourage you to go. The last thing you would want to do is regret not going and wish you had. Besides, you and all of your classmates are adults and while you may get there and realize some folks have not changed since high school you can find comfort knowing you have risen above some of the immaturity some folks continue to demonstrate. So go man! Have a good time -- even if you become the butt of some jokes. You never know, you may get there and realize while you have moved forward in your life, many of your classmates may be stuff in the rut of theirs.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Id be murdered if I had the indecency to show up at my high school reunion. They would tar and feather me in that sick little village in the Bible Belt.

    how dare I refuse to marry my prom date the weekend after graduation (he dropped out a year earlier of course to start working and get a trailer of our own) and instead decide to move to Phoenix and never be heard from again until I appeared in NYC all over the place?

    how dare I not turn 30 put on 100 pounds after 4 children and stop sleeping with my husband.

    how dare I live elsewhere, indulge all my creative endeavors and actually pursue a career.

    how dare I come home, show up at the reunion with nothing to show for my life and absolutely no stains on my clothes, no church membership card, no grandbabies for my parents and most importantly... who the F do I think I am - better than them cause Im different?


    yeah there's no way Im going to my 20 year reunion in 5 years.

    Holy ****! You rock and you should totally go!!! :wink:
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I say go, but it sounds like we had different high school experiences...

    I was responsible for organizing my ten year reunion two years ago and it was fun. We had it in a local bar and the turnout as pretty good (50 people out of a 100 or so in my graduating class). Very informal event with a band in the back room etc. Most people were folks that I was either still friends with or had run into over the years while back home. There were a few people that I hadn't seen in 10 years which was cool too. No awkwardness to report, especially after a few drinks :drinker:

    I went to a small private school - a few small cliques but no real bullies. There were always kids who weren't as sociable as others, and most of those kids didn't come to the reunion.

    Only downside was that I was at my heaviest weight at that time, but I sucked it up and organized/went anyway. Now I can't wait for the next one so everyone can see the changes I have made. :smile:
  • lrtoland
    Thank you SO much everyone!! I really appreciate all of your feedback and thanks for listening to a bit of my H.S. story. I see many of you have had similar experiences and I empathize with you:) Some of those wounds can take a long time to heal. I wish I could quote everyone because you ALL have a story to tell; if I did that, though, I'd be here for a;) Some of you have had good High School experiences...that is awesome:) I'm glad you have good memories!

    There are a few people I would like to quote in subsequent posts because they really stood out to me, but I just want all of you to know that I am grateful for your responses. It kinda feels good to get some of this of your chest, huh? If any of you need some encouragment or would like a new friend, please feel free to add me!!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    I have my ten year coming up. I am not going. I am still friends and still see the people who I was friends with in high schooj. Why the f do I need to see people who I don't care about?
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I just skipped a couple reunions recently. I planned to go until I started seeing photos of people I couldn't remember in the slightest. My conclusion, based on stories from friends who did attend, both of the reunions were predominantly attended by single people and out of towners. I've kept in touch with the people I want to keep in my life. That's good enough for me.
  • lrtoland
    What do you guys think? Would you go if this were the case for you? Do you plan to go to your H.S. Reunion?

    I was so invisible, I wasn't even *invited*. Saw some pictures through Facebook - everyone who showed up is exactly the same.

    I am so sorry. That hurts. I was often invisible in H.S. as well, that is, until some bully felt like being a jerk:S Anyway, it's all good...our experiences shape us into the people we are, for better or worse. Rejection sucks, but we can become stronger from it and choose to reach out to others going through similar experiences;) Thanks for sharing.
  • lrtoland
    My advice would be go with your gut instinct. Don't go to show anyone anything or to prove anything.

    That's very good advice:) You're right! We don't need their approval. If I go, it will be because I don't want to regret not going:) Thanks for your post!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just recently missed my 20 year reunion. I was honestly considering going until I found out they wanted to charge $60 a piece and have an open bar! UGH! I can't stand open bars because people get WAY too drunk. I'm thinking, why not just charge for the cost of the space then have a cash bar? It's not surprising though because they were a bunch of drunks back in high school too. :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Well if you reunions are like mine...go.

    Mine have been held in a bar thus far. So it is casual dress, sharing appetizers, and playing pool. No division of popularity. Just a big mix and everyone having a nice relaxing time. Every time I hear about reunion where you have to dress up, wear a name tag, and play 'games' I CRINGE.

    Yours definitely sounds like more fun than mine!
  • lrtoland
    I just went to my 10 year reunion a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure I wanted to go, but a former classmate that I see regularly now talked me into it. I haven't kept in touch with my group of friends from school (except casually through facebook).

    I am so glad I went! I had a great time - we had about 40 people show up (out of 200+) and everyone talked, mingled, laughed and told stories. I spent a little time with several groups of people. We all went to a local bar after the event. It was seriously great and I'm glad I went. If it's awful, you can leave. But you might regret not going.

    Thanks, Lora:) I like that..."If it's awful, you can leave. But you might regret not going." If there's a bad vibe, I can always make a beeline for the door!! Amen, sista:)
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I went to my 10 year reunion, and was ignored by almost everyone (just as I was in high school). Needless to say, I stayed 45 minutes and left to go hang out with my real friends! My advice? DON'T GO!!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Would I go if that were the case for me? No. Why take the risk especially when it was a difficult time for you.

    Did I go to my reunions? No. And not because I was unpopular or picked on. Waste of time and money and not much fun. (I've talked to classmates who DID go to the reunions.) Also, I never received an invitation for my 20 or 25 year reunion. I guess because I'm not on Facebook I don't exist. I mean come on, my parents still live in my hometown. It wouldn't that difficult to track me down! No invitation = guess you don't want me there, so F you!

    You are correct, people are not much different than H.S. days. I've run into some classmates over the years and the mean ones are still mean. (substitue "mean" with any other adjective)

    On the other hand, if you're wildly successful you might want to go just to rub it in their mean faces!
  • lrtoland
    I was a pretty quiet guy in H.S. but still popular by virtue of my involvement in sports and other groups. I missed my 10 year H.S. reunion and made a promise not to miss the 20th next year. Understanding that everyone has to make their own decision concerning to go or not to go, I would encourage you to go. The last thing you would want to do is regret not going and wish you had. Besides, you and all of your classmates are adults and while you may get there and realize some folks have not changed since high school you can find comfort knowing you have risen above some of the immaturity some folks continue to demonstrate. So go man! Have a good time -- even if you become the butt of some jokes. You never know, you may get there and realize while you have moved forward in your life, many of your classmates may be stuff in the rut of theirs.

    I love this!! ^^ I believe I will go:) Someone else said that if it sucked, I could always leave!! Thanks so much for your input:)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Nope. I will never go, absolutely no desire.
    I also didn't go to my prom, or my graduation. I can't stand cliques, and I'd just rather not be amongst the "popular people" again, if I don't have to be :)
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I went to the 10 year, and people were still d!cks. I spent $100 to walk into a stuffy ballroom filled with sh!tty appetizers, overpriced beer, and a room full of one uppers who were still competing with everyone just like in high school. I spent 45 minutes too long and finally my best friend and our significant others decided to get drunk in the hotel bar. A few hours later after everyone from the reunion was drunk, they decided to come to the bar too and started talking to us then. I guess we weren't cool enough to talk to when they were sober.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I went to my HS reunion a couple of years ago. It was fantastic, and I got to reconnect with people I care about. The one Nazi-*kitten* didn't show up but had a party at his mansion the week before and this was much talked about. I just grinned (or grinded my teeth, the ninth time I heard it.) and danced the evening away...

    The hot chick is still hot and finally getting together (since married) with her senior year love after a hurtful life. Loved that.
    My best friend got to come out to everyone, finally.
    My ex-gf and friend is now dating a woman and is trying to deal with the closed community she lives in.
    Kids, deaths, life. It's all good.

    Next April is my college reunion 25! - already booked a room! And will fly across an ocean to see the people I care about in one place.

    Good motivation too to get my butt in gear.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I avoided both my 5 and 10 year reunions like the plague. Everyone from my HS class is friends on Facebook and I made the mistake of adding them all at one point (because somehow that seemed like a good idea). I found out very quickly that I still had nothing in common with the people that didn't continue to be my friends after high school and decided that reunions are just not meant for people like me who never saw the point of trying to get everyone else to like you in the first place.