What is with those 400 cal breakfasts?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    During the work week, my breakfast is typically 400-500. On the weekends, it is usually 600 or so.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    You tell me....a little expensive in cals but love them. It seems that unfortunately there is no way to find that dough where you live...
    I do not add the usual cheese, eggs or butter to the mix. I have the grated cheese on top with some butter and perhaps lean jam...
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Avocado could also be great with the arepas and will provide good fat
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    Thanks for reading it Amman.
    I have everything double checked on the database. Those those slices of wholewheat are 45 gr. I WEIGHT EVERYTHING
    I check on food properties on the net and usually I try to but products with Nutritional info.
    It is all checked. Believe me

    For instance, an egg has 70 cals. Boiled is still 70 cals. I love the whole egg. Fried is only 10 cals more on olive oil. I do not have 2 eggs. Ever.

    I eat to lose weight and I am eating less of everything. I ignored how taxing was the lot of bread I ate. Now I do.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    The ham I eat is shaved lean ham and it's 48 calories for 50 grams, just to put that out there. And I believe one whole egg is about 80-90 calories. Love love my eggs for breakfast!
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    The bread I buy is 35 cals a slice, just saying. He also said his juice is natural with no added sugar. That would make less calories
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I can have pumpkin pancakes, two pieces of (soy) bacon and coffee w/ almond milk for 200 calories.
    I'm about to eat that along with an egg white omelet w/ spinach, onions, little bit of cheese (sometimes avocado, but that's a bit much w/ the pancakes today).. So it will probably be about 300 cals.
    Not bad at all.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Teelynn. It is amazing how expensive in cal terms are the bottled juices! They have too much sugar.
    A blackberry juice without sugar is not sweet but it tastes great now.

    Anytime I do not want to cut on food, I still have my 0 cal soda option!. That is usually at lunch
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    Thanks for reading it Amman.
    I have everything double checked on the database. Those those slices of wholewheat are 45 gr. I WEIGHT EVERYTHING
    I check on food properties on the net and usually I try to but products with Nutritional info.
    It is all checked. Believe me

    For instance, an egg has 70 cals. Boiled is still 70 cals. I love the whole egg. Fried is only 10 cals more on olive oil. I do not have 2 eggs. Ever.

    I eat to lose weight and I am eating less of everything. I ignored how taxing was the lot of bread I ate. Now I do.

    would you mind listing your brands and portions or opening up your diary...
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Amman, it is on my dairy, they all usually come from the database. I do not live in the US so I may have some in spanish or local brands. The bread is sliced bread not rolls. Rolls are usually more expensive in cal terms because it is heavier
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    one egg is 70 calories. the oil at most is 20 , thats 100 calories for the egg fried.

    Ham , when lean... can be low calorie. 90-120

    two peices of bread -- might be light. I've seen low calorie bread, doesnt have to be over 150 calories. I know there are some that are 90 calories for two slices.

    OJ... not sure , dont drink juice often... I've seen some that are lower than 100 though... (idk about orange juice , but other fruit juices.)

    I love almond milk, if anyone wants a low calorie thing to add to breakfast... thats a good choice.

    Edit; I looked at his diary... looks reasonable. I would advice him watching how much oil he uses while frying, because it can easily add more. Non stick spray is good to cook with too!

    All that really matters is he has been losing weight so he must be eating the right amount of calories.... =)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Right now I am 7 months pregnant and I am on a 2000-2200 cal diet and I am still losing weight (I had a lot to lose before getting pregnant). Right now if I can keep this up I will walk out of delivery weighing less than when I first became pregnant. Which is exciting for me. I have a tough time at 2000-2200cal I feel that is a lot of food but if you eat the right kinds of food you can find that not only can you eat more but you will stay satisfied longer and it will not feel like a chore to lose the weight.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    store bought OJ... the kind you pay $7 per gallon for and which claims to be fresh... is really just water with flavor packets. it's a scam. they harvest the oranges, juice them (which let's be honest, is mostly water), store them in metal vats for up to a year, heat it, and extract the oxygen during storage which causes the orange taste to disappear. when they are ready to bottle it, they add back "orange flavored flavor packets". ever wonder why EVERY bottle of Tropicana tastes like every other bottle of Tropicana? it's the flavor packet you are tasting. same with the other major brands. it's a huge ripoff of consumers. if you want OJ, juice oranges yourself. that's what real OJ tastes like. i understand why the big brands do what they do in order to make their product available year round and to keep sucha perishable item from actually rotting, and brand name OJ is not bad for you per se, but why pay $7 for flavored water?

  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    Amman, it is on my dairy, they all usually come from the database. I do not live in the US so I may have some in spanish or local brands. The bread issliced bread not rolls. Rolls are usually more expensive in call terms because it is heavier

    your diary is private bro...
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    one egg is 70 calories. the oil at most is 20 , thats 100 calories for the egg fried.

    Ham , when lean... can be low calorie. 90-120

    two peices of bread -- might be light. I've seen low calorie bread, doesnt have to be over 150 calories. I know there are some that are 90 calories for two slices.

    OJ... not sure , dont drink juice often... I've seen some that are lower than 100 though... (idk about orange juice , but other fruit juices.)

    I love almond milk, if anyone wants a low calorie thing to add to breakfast... thats a good choice.

    Edit; I looked at his diary... looks reasonable. I would advice him watching how much oil he uses while frying, because it can easily add more. Non stick spray is good to cook with too!

    All that really matters is he has been losing weight so he must be eating the right amount of calories.... =)

    the forum is suppose to be informative so if he is doing something that others are not doing that would allow him to eat more than some people would like to know what he is doing. i personally dont eat eggs or much ham but am still curious to see how the cals add up.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    just a quick glance at everything you are eating it seems that your calculations are off or you are indulging in some heavily processed foods.

    if you have 1 egg yolk and all that is 100+ calories plus the butter or spray or oil you decide to fry it in will add more calories

    the ham is a 100 plus calories

    2 pieces of any kind of bread is over 150 calories

    the oj for 8 ounces is about 100 calories

    that is 450 calories right there and we have not even added the other things you said you have...

    so what is the secret to your amazing less than 400 calories feast????????

    one egg is 70 calories. the oil at most is 20 , thats 100 calories for the egg fried.

    Ham , when lean... can be low calorie. 90-120

    two peices of bread -- might be light. I've seen low calorie bread, doesnt have to be over 150 calories. I know there are some that are 90 calories for two slices.

    OJ... not sure , dont drink juice often... I've seen some that are lower than 100 though... (idk about orange juice , but other fruit juices.)

    I love almond milk, if anyone wants a low calorie thing to add to breakfast... thats a good choice.

    Edit; I looked at his diary... looks reasonable. I would advice him watching how much oil he uses while frying, because it can easily add more. Non stick spray is good to cook with too!

    All that really matters is he has been losing weight so he must be eating the right amount of calories.... =)

    My ham is 97% lean, my local brand is Pietran and the portion is 2 slices (42 gr) 50 cal per portion... 1,5 gr per portion total fat.
    I have just one slice. I did not need two today.

    You could check it on the net: Pietran jamon 97% libre de grasa 25% Libre en sodio
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    store bought OJ... the kind you pay $7 per gallon for and which claims to be fresh... is really just water with flavor packets. it's a scam. they harvest the oranges, juice them (which let's be honest, is mostly water), store them in metal vats for up to a year, heat it, and extract the oxygen during storage which causes the orange taste to disappear. when they are ready to bottle it, they add back "orange flavored flavor packets". ever wonder why EVERY bottle of Tropicana tastes like every other bottle of Tropicana? it's the flavor packet you are tasting. same with the other major brands. it's a huge ripoff of consumers. if you want OJ, juice oranges yourself. that's what real OJ tastes like. i understand why the big brands do what they do in order to make their product available year round and to keep sucha perishable item from actually rotting, and brand name OJ is not bad for you per se, but why pay $7 for flavored water?


    Tropicana's Pure line of orange juices contains nothing but pure Valencia orange juice, squeezed right from the fruit and pasteurized for safety. This orange juice comes with or without pulp. There are also a few other fruit juice flavors in this line, such as mango and grapefruit. All juices in this line contain nothing but the pure juices of the fruits used and advertised on the label.

    Read more: Tropicana Orange Juice Ingredients | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_5787826_tropicana-orange-juice-ingredients.html#ixzz29wadXKwf
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    It is funny.i am having 400+ cals breakfasts and I am eating very well! I see people starving while I am having my fried eggs, two whole wheat toasts, tomato, juice, fruit, coffee and ham for less than 400!. I even have one arepa for breakfast twice a week or so.
    Feel free to add me and look at my food diary!
    I am not starving, not giving up anything.. I have a food scale. Some people make fun of me, but I would say it is very important since it is difficult to calculate what is that you are eating.
    I had so far 313 cal for breakfast so I will have something extra, say a banana.
    I am into losing one kg per week and I am on a 1350 cals per day. I exercise almost every day and end up eating around 1450 cal which is great for me. I don't actually think I need anything else.
    I have a long way to go but I will be getting there for sure...
    When I was trying to revise for a test, a friend told me to have more protein in the morning for memory retention, and she suggested things like poached eggs, couple of slices of grilled bacon, maybe a few beans... I was aghast! How could I POSSIBLY munch through all that and not be the size of a house!

    And you know what... it works... I am full 'til lunch ... soup fills me up 'til dinny-time... and then I can pretty much eat a decent sized dinner and still be doing ok.

    If it works - love it!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    My breakfast is 535..... 3 eggs with a little bit of milk and some cheese in it, 2 slices of bacon, a glass of milk, and a piece of toast with strawberry jam.