**Warning, whining imminent** 27 lbs, no one is noticing?



  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have refrained from complimenting my wife, at times, about her weight loss. I don't want her to think that I define her by what the scale says.
    She's actually complained that people who compliment her now on her looks and clothing never had anything to say to her before the weight loss and she feels their appreciation of her is superficial.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Totally agree with both the comments that people might feel uncomfortable mentioning it , and that if you're wearing the same clothes, it's not as noticeable.

    But additionally, it could be that the people close to you don't judge and scrutinize you. And if they're people who see you regularly, it's hard to see changes since they happen gradually.

    An example is my Dad. He always had pitch black hair when I was young. I didn't notice at all when he started going grey. In my mind, he always had black hair. One year for Christmas, one of my brothers got him one of those joke baseball hats with a fake ponytail. The tail was grey. In my head, I thought, 'That's not going to match! Dad has black hair!'

    But it did. It matched perfectly. I wasn't aware of his hair color fading over the years, because... he was my Dad. I just looked at him and saw my hero... I wasn't examining him or judging him. He just was.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    It will come... give it some time. We went to a family gathering this past Sunday, and some of my family were commenting on how great both my husband and I looked..... especially him...he's down 45 lbs, and it's VERY noticeable as it's like 4 pant sizes for him... but I'm down 38 and only 1 pant size...and a coupe of my aunts were saying, "you can START to see your weightloss on you, you're looking good!" I was like, START?? I'm down almost 40 lbs!!! Granted I have like 80 more to go, but still.. Lol so I hear ya. definitely give it some time! The more you have to lose, the less noticeable it is. Hang in there and do it for YOU!!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Perhaps they feel that saying you lost weight would be acknowledging that you were fat to begin with and that would be rude, so they wait for you to mention it first thus granting permission to comment. I sure they notice. But I know how you feel. I too would like recognition for my efforts even though they are nothing compared to yours. Keep up the good work.

    I was coming to say EXACTLY this!!

    Congrats on the loss, keep at it and blow everyone away!!
  • tonidominguez
    Hey you noticed! And, you feel it!!!! Some of us it takes a bad toll when no one notices the weight loss...and for others they don't care. It's nice when people notice, but if they don't right away give it time they will. I have a friend that says no one ever notices she's lost weight until she's lost like 30 or 40 lbs......but, hey it's about you not anyone else! :-) so congrats!!!! :-)
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Honestly, on people who weigh 250-300 lbs, 30 lbs really isn't much, neither is it very obvious to people who see you every single day. I've lost 50 lbs, but wear the same size & don't look any thinner. We just have to keep going, no matter how much it sucks sometimes =(
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Those that are around you may not notice right away. I have lost 23 pounds but people didn't start really noticing until I bought smaller clothes because even though my clothes were getting lose it isn't as noticeable until you get the right fitting clothes.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Hopefully you losing weight is about and for you...In the past when I did it for other people it never really lasted.

    And It took me close to 30 lbs before I even lost a size. I bet your next 10 will bring more of a difference.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    I've lost over 40 lbs and only a few people seem to notice.

    I even had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and they didn't see it. When they didn't mention it, I went out of my way to bring it up and ask if I looked different. The person was like "not really, well maybe a little bit? you just look like you." At first, I was like WTF! you can't see 40 lbs!? Then I realized at this person knew me before, when I was skinnier. I think I'm just realigning my actual body with the image of me that they still have in their head from when I was younger and slimmer. So, that's okay with me.

    I don't really want to be remembered as the fat me anyway. If everyone can just erase the images of fat me out of their heads, that is fine with me. Maybe I can go delete those fat pics from Facebook and we can all pretend it never happened! LOL!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I think it might not be as much as they didn't notice but they don't quite know how to say that you lost weight.

    Maybe they don't know you're trying to lose weight so they might offend you by saying you had lost it.

    Additionally you're doing this for you and that is what matters. People will notice and comment but just focus on the most important person here, you. Keep it up, you're doing great.

    Also congrats to your fiancee as well.

    Spot on ^^^^^^^
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Keep going sweetie!! Sometimes people notice, but they don't want to say anything for fear of you thinking badly of them for noticing! Trust me, people HAVE noticed, now it's time to BLOW THEM ALL AWAY!!! Good luck to you dear! :wink:
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I had lost 24 lbs and nobody had noticed. It was not until I started lifting weights that the comments came flying at me. It is so frustrating when you are working so hard to change and nobody sees it. Keep up what you're doing, people will start noticing soon enough :)

    ^^ THIS^^

    I lost 20 or so pounds from 5'5" 168 lbs. . .and not a peep! When I started lifting and training for a half marathon I lost another 15. . . .THEN people started commenting. In fact, I haven't lost a pound since MAY and people STILL talk about me wasting away or shrinking.

    All that to say. . .*eventually* they will notice and you WILL get that "look" of astonishment!! Hang in there. Keep working hard!!
  • tonidominguez
    Hey, I know it's not easy, I have one daughter-in-law that is not too nice to me at all, and I have another daughter-in-law that is just as kind and precious as she could be toward me. So, what can tell you is to keep loving and extending the love and caring to all your family members regardless of how they treat you with your weight loss. It is important for you to keep being you, with or without your weight loss program. :-) People eventually will come around.....................it may take a gizillion years but it will happen where they look at you and say to you "wow! Have you lost weight"? Think how you'll feel when that happends!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    My manager didnt say anything to me until I said something to her because she didnt want to offend me by asking if I have lost weight. Maybe others feel that way about you. Just remember as long as you can see and feel the difference that is all that matters. Dont let other peoples not noticing discourage you. You look great.
  • lisamlc
    lisamlc Posts: 61
    I have lost 42lbs and very few people have noticed! I have noticed though and I feel better so I am taking inspiration from that. Hang on in there x
  • cynthiaterry1234
    cynthiaterry1234 Posts: 5 Member
    My young friend Mike was so worried about how to compliment his girlfriend's weight loss. Its true her *kitten* looks MUCH better. However, I advised him to say you look great, I can see it in your face!. He came back delighted saying she blushed and loved the compliment.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Like others have experienced, my weight loss didn't real become noticeable to the majority of others until I'd lost 45-50 pounds. When I look at my pictures I see a huge difference in the last 20 pounds as apposed to the first 20 pounds. My current avatar picture shows the difference between now and only 17 pounds ago. My pictures from before I started (55 pounds ago) and the one 17 pounds ago don't really look that different unless you are looking for the differences.

    I wasn't getting hardly any comments about my weight loss at church except by the few who knew I was dieting until 2 weeks ago when I walked in wearing a significantly smaller size. Boy, I got a lot of comments that Sunday. LOL!!
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    I've lost the same amount and I can really tell in my body. I can fit into a lot of old clothes now. My face has even gotten thinner. It's nice of course if others notice, but how I feel about what I've done so far makes me feel great and encourages me to keep going. I'm sure others will notice soon like everyone else is commenting, and those comments are great too. Keep punching- you are doing it!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Oh this is so tough! You work so hard to lose the weight and even though you're doing it for yourself, it would be nice if someone else noticed too, right? ;)

    It will come. Sometimes people are hesitant to remark on anyone's weight, positive or negative. Just keep going. By the time you get to your next milestone, it will be very hard to ignore. :) Great job!!!!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I've lost 40 and the only people who really notice are the ones who don't see me often. I don't even see it unless I'm comparing pics side by side, so I can hardly blame them. Don't worry, eventually people will notice.