Scale does lie!



  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    This is my scale. Dead accurate. Even matches my doctors digital scale's measurements. Good price too.
  • CanadianChic
    CanadianChic Posts: 141
    Well now I know that I am not alone!!! I have a ww scale and it drives me nuts!! I always go by the number that i get twice. First one is always the lowest for some reason, then it goes up and down every time i step on. Maybe it IS time for a new one!
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    This is my scale. Dead accurate. Even matches my doctors digital scale's measurements. Good price too.

    Since my post said the EXACT same thing, and it was ignored.. lol ^^^^^ This scale works very well.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    The last time my scale did that, I chucked it and got a new one.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I have a WW digital scale too. I step on, count to 5 or 6, step off, and record the weight. I've never tried getting on and off of it. I guess I'd probably just average them if the same weight didn't come up though.
  • tarynchatfield
    tarynchatfield Posts: 43 Member
    This is the same scale I have! I can go from weighing 129 to 135 in ten minutes. Since becoming really dedicated to losing weight, I figure it's worth it to invest thirty dollars in a scale that will illustrate any and all progress I've made so I bought a Taylor scale off Amazon a couple days ago :) Only heard good things!
  • tarynchatfield
    tarynchatfield Posts: 43 Member
    I have a digital scale with a big readout, and the name on the scale is THINNER (positive thinking, perhaps?)
    I have to weigh myself several times, every time, because it's never the same three times in a row. So I take the number that is repeated most often. I have made the mistake of not doing that, just taking the first number, then excitedly logging it into my checkin, then discoved just a few minutes later, no additional water, food or clothing, that I really weighed five pounds more! The moral to that is, don't go back the same day!

    I believe I have this same scale and no matter how many times I step on it it always weighs the same.

    I've learned if you step off and step back on again within the first couple minutes, it will regurgitate the same number. This was just a theory I had, so I asked my friend if he could step on it right after me (he weighs about 190), and sure enough it told him he was 130. Complete garbage.
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    yes, and its really annoying! i had to step on an off of the scale like 5 times this morning.. first it said 104.. then 102.. then 103.5?.. then 102.5.. then 103. i have no idea how much i weigh and i just bought that scale because the old one i had was a heavy doctors scale with the little needle that points to how much you weigh, it was big and older but always accurate.. i miss it : (
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    mine is the THINNER scale too!!
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    I have had this problem with every digital scale I have bought. So I went old school! It stay the same as long as I do not move it to another room. So I have it in the room were I weigh the least!
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Mine does this as well and it is so annoying. I get it on and it says 144, then 146, then 147. I never know when I can believe it, it's so frustrating. Might just have to start weighing at the gym, sigh~
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    You know the saying "the scale doesn't lie"... well mine does.. Apparently it doesn't know which lie to tell me. I have a weight watchers digital scale and have stepped on the darn thing 10 times in a row and got 10 different weights. Though I would love to take the lowest weight it gave me.. I know it's not correct..

    Anyone out there with digital scales? Do you always take the first weight you get or do you step on and off a bunch of times to see if it's consisent?. I want credit for every darn ounce I lose but I don't think my scales giving it to me. :sad:

    I am doing the Wii Fit plus and that scale seems to be the only thing that has been near consistent.

    I have the same scale and it does the same thing, no matter what. And it is not like it is 1 pound or 2 pounds difference, it can be up to 10 pounds different and i do not move it and step on the exact same way. Very frustrating. I have posted nice weight losses only to find out the scale was just lying to me. I would love to throw the stupid thing in the trash.


    This is the one i have and it SUCKS. DO NOT EVER BUY
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    I rely on my WiiFit reading, it has been the only one that will stay consistent, plus it cracks me up when it says, thats obese,, and i am all like,,"well you are out-dated electronics who had there butt kicked by Sega and XBox,, so shut up and tell me how much i weigh"
  • Streamlinedforlife
    yea this happens sometimes, either buy a new scale or average all the weights.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I always, always, always calibrate my digital scale before I get on it. I set on the tile floor in the bathroom but if I am not weighing I set it upright between the toilet and the cabinet. Moving it around can throw it off so sometimes a calibration is necessary. It may vary by brand but I just put weight on it with my foot until it starts the "calculating" (which is 0s across the display) then it will display 0.0, I do nothing, and then it will say C. THEN, I weigh. If I don't do this first it can be off.

  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    I have the same scale too lol. Weight watches digital, weight, body fat, bmI, h2o ect...

    Wanna get even more confused? Measure at different spots in your house.

    Im 201 in the hallway, 205 in the kitchen and 207. In the dining room lol
  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    I got tired of the variations with my digital scale and bought one of those doctors scales with weights. It is consistently accurate.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    It sound like Weight Watchers scale is not good at all. Avoid at all cost, not even as a gift. It is a dog.

    I have a we scale and it works great.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I have the same scale too lol. Weight watches digital, weight, body fat, bmI, h2o ect...

    Wanna get even more confused? Measure at different spots in your house.

    Im 201 in the hallway, 205 in the kitchen and 207. In the dining room lol

    Your floors are uneven!
    By the way, not a good idea to keep moving scale around. Keep it at same place all the time.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I weigh in on the Wii, and it gives me the same reading consistently :)

    same for me.