You know it's becoming a lifestyle change when...



  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I start weighing myself everyday and counting every calorie I consume...
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I have to remind myself NOT to work out the day after I've done an especially hard weight routine. I still can't believe that happens ... :happy:

    ^^ This! Who knew I was going to love exercise so much!

    When the guys at work are munching biscuits (cookies) every single day and not once have I thought 'ohhhh, I'd like one' - it's as if they have gone completely off my radar.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Went out for chinese with the family for someones birthday and whilst the rest were eating chicken balls, duck, fried chicken etc etc I had boiled rice and some steamed vegatables, how rock 'n' roll hey. Also during my 4hour break at college I make sure I go home and do a workout in between. You don't realise until you stop and look back.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    The week I didn't log on vacation and had no weight gain!
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    the crap foods aren't that appealing anymore. i would never of thought i would ever eat a candybar or ice cream and be like, bleh
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Mine was the other day when my calf was hurting and I thought "Oh no my calf can't be injured now while I'm training for the 5K!" Never would have thought that would have come out of my mouth a year ago.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I don't know if I am there yet but I love topic. Here is a mini one --- I did see someone order a 12" sub in front of me in line today and I thought, "holy, how do they eat all of that." Only months ago, I would have wanted a 12" too!

    I still eat footlongs! It's not about saying no to EVERYTHING, but just making healthy choices. Then again, I am a vegetarian so the veggie sub is very low calories.
    But yes, I always order a foot long. :)
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    You work in a school and you go in on your recess break to discover an amaaaaazing morning tea spread put on for all the staff...

    ....and you eat your small but beautiful banana and decide to spend your hard earned morning tea break relieving others of their yard duty so they can enjoy the morning tea spread instead.
    That was so me today. 3 parties in 3 days at school. Really had to say no and eat nothing

    I hear ya - I reckon half the reason I need to lose some kilos is due to the staff morning teas/catered PD days/birthdays/thank-you teas etc that seem to happen. Aaarggh!!1
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    Mine must be birthday which I am celebrating BUT I am not over indulging with crappy fatty cakes and snacks!!!
    My goal to be healthy is more important!!!!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    When pizza became a super treat I had to earn by moving my butt and doing exercise rather than having it as the lazy dinner option because I couldn't be bothered to move.

    (Although I have since discovered I can make my own low cal versions).

    When I look at menus when eating out and first pick out what would be reasonable for calories and THEN deciding what I fancy out of those options, rather than going for the first thing that sounds appealing.
  • lisab0864
    lisab0864 Posts: 154
    LOVE this topic and enjoyed reading every single posting!!!!

    While I've done alot of the things that were mentioned, I really knew it was a lifestyle change when I transitioned from "dieting" to "maintenance" and the only thing that changed was the number of calories in my day -- eating the same things now as I did then..

    CONGRATS to each and every one of you!!!!
  • When someone bought in a cheap sponge cake filled with mock cream and cheap jam, and I thought "I'm keeping my 'treat' calories for something that tastes better than that!" and despite it being offered to me multiple times with the usual cajoling, I stayed strong. My treat calories are reserved for sharing a bottle of good red with with the hubby over dinner!
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    When you buy a mini set of scales to keep in your bag just in case you have to weigh any food when you are out . comes in handy at work if i have to eat in the restaurant , i will weigh my jacket potato even if people are looking at me as if i have gone mad .x
  • I brought pizza home for the kids dropped on the counter and went right outside to start the grill for my fish. I didn't even want the first bit of pizza!
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    You go into a fast food restaurant and order a salad without dressing cause you have good fat free dressing at home... without batting an eye lash. ~ True story, did it just last night! :) I ate a jr. roast beef with it too because I was way low on calories. :)
  • When you spend the majority of your time at the supermarket in the fruit and vegetable section and the sight of your overflowing fruit-bowl and well-stocked vege crisper gives you a little thrill.
  • popzork
    popzork Posts: 78 Member
    ...I now look at donuts and other "treats" and all I can think of is that nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I don't even taste the good part anymore. Weird but true!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    When I realized sodium is the "devil" for me and started reading how sodium is in alot of food. Also I stopped eating those prepackaged meals like healthy choice, smart ones, or weight watchers. Too much salt for me:)
  • lynn_hickey
    lynn_hickey Posts: 80 Member
    I am LOVING every single post in this thread - i can relate to them all!

    my realizing moment was when my kids (5 and 7) asked if they could do a workout with me each night! So we each take turns picking something - like jumping jacks, or punching the air, and my daughter likes push ups for some reason! lol! It's become a nightly routine to do at least 10 mins with them. And I've started randomly caling out jumping jack challenges for them - they stop whatever they are doing and take a minute to do jumping jacks. I am happy that they are realizing the importance of taking care of their health at a young age, and I haven't had to force them to do anything!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    The biggest one for me was probably when I finally didn't feel the need to clear my plate because I was satisfied.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    When I turned down bacon.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I started to read every-single-label of the stuff I buy/eat
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Hunh? Rely on the Cafetaria for half of your meals? Lord Sandwich created a very famous invention for this not happen!

    (No! Not a bag of chips!)
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    When I actively started trying new foods so I could have better options for snacks (I've just discovered new greek yoghurt, a new brand of hommus and beef jerky!)

    When my old favourites (burgers, fries especially, creamy pastas) no longer even sound appealing because I know they'll leave me feeling bloated and sluggish.

    When I have my scheduled treat day, 'indulge' just enough to not feel deprived, don't feel guilty and STAY COMMITTED afterwards!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    When I went away for a week abroad and stuck to my plan...despite the food on offer being all my favourites . I just viewed them as poison as I know how ill, sluggish and bloated a lot of them make feel me feel afterwards. Oh and I think ahead a lot of the time now. No more impulsively thinking " I'm hungry what can I have "
  • When all of my friends ordered cakes on thursday and I just ate my apple even though they thought I was strange for that.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    When just for kicks n' giggles you look at that giant bag of tostitos and cheese dip that you used to eat in one sitting as a "snack" and say, "ew."
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    It's Saturday morning, I had a few drinks last night but I'm feeling fresh and I am going to the gym.
  • i realised mine was a lifestyle choice when i didnt need to log my food any more to keep my weight steady. And i didnt need to log when i wanted to drop a little bit more weight i just automatically knew what and how much i could eat. I'm glad because im not such a slave to food any more i just automatically make good choices and know my limits
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    When even though I am REALLY hung over today, I still portion-controlled my hangover food.