Why do people.......



  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    I think for me I left mine open because it was requested so many times. But honestly I'm doing what's working for me and it won't work for everybody. So I always get a little nervous when somebody has a comment about it. I don't want to try to tell people how to eat. I don't know myself most days. Have gotten some great comments and some very negative ones. Like I said I leave it open because I've had so many for requests. I just hope they get bored of looking at it and stop soon after we become friends :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I totally agree however i think you can get a good idea of the people that do have an idea regarding nutrition by profile pictures etc. People should be smart enough to realise who is speaking sense

    ^ I disagree on this. I can point to people with good physiques and a head full of bro-science, and I can also point out several people that don't look like bodybuilders and have a great understanding of nutrition.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    It's open to my friends. I have closed it in the past because of arugments I have gotten in with people about my dieting habits. It's not 100% good clean all the time. Plus I work nights and my sleep is important. I sometimes eat all of my calories for the day in 1 meal if I know I will have a busy day and not have time to eat. With going to the gym, errands etc etc I don't have the time to eat 4-6x small meals., my metabolism will go to hell! OH NOEZ!!!!! - _- I've gotten crticism for eating "dinner foods" at 3am. I shouldn't eat past a certain time, etc. etc. The typical dieting guidelines that work for most people, doesn't for a graveyarder.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    I'm not sure. I like having mine open, and I like seeing what other people eat as well. I like the accountability of an open diary. But then again, I've never minded sharing my weight either, and other people shy away from that as well. Everyone works in different ways.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Back to the original topic, I think it's really an individual decision.

    I can think of some reasons why someone would not want an open diary:

    1) Recovering from an eating disorder. I have friends who would CONSTANTLY get somewhat ugly comments about their food intake.
    2) Opinionated about nutritional philosophy and doesn't want others criticising their methods.
    3) Some people are quite comfortable with their understanding of nutrition or their dieting method and don't want feedback from others.
    4) Some people will also just ask for help when they need it.

    This isn't to say at all, that I think everyone should have a closed diary. Many people could benefit from an open diary just as you suggest.

    But I understand why not everyone should.
  • Tenster
    Tenster Posts: 278 Member
    Well after some of the reply's i have received in this thread I can totally understand why people have theirs open or closed. I am enlightened. Each to their own
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    Mine is open, but I can honestly say I really dont care what anyone has to say about what I eat and also I have never, not even once, looked at someone elses diary.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I kinda wish the few friends I have would give a tiny bit more feed back. I've had a few rough days and one day I went out for mexican with the parents and pizza for dinner I had two great jobs /: Really great job for mexican and pizza???. Not one person said something about eating more veggies, or getting more protein in.

    But I agree with having it open and tapping into some people that obviously have a lot of knowledge along with the practical application to help keep or get you on track.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Sidesteel: Yep, I absolutely agree with you. Very valid points.

  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I opened mine to public recently and haven't really had a lot of comments or criticisms on it. For me personally, I want to show what I'm eating and how much I'm eating to make sure I stick to what I've done since I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes back in January. In addition, I sometimes wonder if I'm not eating enough of something. I welcome being able to know if there's something I need to help compensate for lack of anything (my one big issue right now is not having enough potassium). Oh, and for those who don't know, I shouldn't have more than 155 grams of carbohydrates every day and 1500 mg of sodium (yup, I have the diabetes/high blood pressure combo). The one thing I do know is this is what's been working for me. To each his/her own, and go with whatever method works best. If someone isn't so sure what to do, go to the real expert: the doctor.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member

    I totally agree however i think you can get a good idea of the people that do have an idea regarding nutrition by profile pictures etc. People should be smart enough to realise who is speaking sense

    My diary s completely public, and I eat what I love, I have made changes as I go along but I won't eat stuff I don't enjoy, it doesn't matter how healthy it is if I dislike it. There are also certain things I refuse to give up because I love them.

    That being said I disagree with your thought that you can tell who health experts are based on their profile pictures. I have seen people with seemingly healthy looking pictures give horrible advice and people with not the best pictures give great advice. Not to mention we really have no idea who's picture is really them. Every piece of advice on this site should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ....Not have their food diary available for friends to see, the amount of knowledge on this site will be vast and by scrutinising your diary's people will be able to give you some great advice.

    basically.....get your diarys out!
    Who says I want anyone's advice?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Because I don't need or want congratulations on eating, I don't need or want a critique of what I'm eating, and I don't need or want advice on how to eat better. I know where I am going wrong, if I'm going wrong, and what I can change. For the most part I'm pretty happy with my diet, although there's always room for improvement. There are masses of different opinions on this site of what constitutes a "healthy" diet (paleo? atkins? veggie? "clean"? IIFYM? low fat? low carb? raw vegan?); if someone decides to give me advice on my diet, chances are they'll either be telling me something I already know, or they'll have a completely different outlook on how to eat than I do.

    I do have mine open sometimes, because I know people like to get ideas. After a while though, I usually get put off by people thinking they're being helpful, but really being judgemental. If at some point I want advice from people on my list, or on the boards, obviously I would open it up. Equally, although I occasionally look in other people's diaries (curiosity/nosiness) I'm not going to start giving advice or making suggestions unless someone specifically asks. None of my business. I notice people commenting on my friends' diaries and the comments can sometimes be a little patronising, in my opinion. If that works for some people, great, but I don't need a parental figure on here, keeping me on track.

    The comments you've made on this thread are fine, but there are some seriously judgemental people around. I noticed on one of LorinaLynn's success story threads, for example, multitudes of congratulations (quite rightly so) and then one person turning up to say something like "OMG why are you all congratulating her? Have you seen what a disgrace her diary is? She eats all kinds of crap like pizza! Why are you congratulating someone who has lost weight eating crap?" etc etc. I guess some people don't mind that kind of criticism, but maybe I'm more of a sensitive flower. :ohwell:

    I guess it also comes down to how you use the site. I'm here primarily to log my food and count calories. I also like reading the message boards. The whole diary sharing feature is just not of much interest to me.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I would like to know why ppl friend you if they cannot "handle" you. Why ask to be my friend then get upset about what I post?

    And I'm not even a mean person! I'm not even a super blunt person.

    I say if you can't handle me, delete me. Or don't friend strangers if you can't handle the potential that that might be honest, open, or like sharing their own thoughts. That they might want to talk to you, and it might not always be peachy keen kiss butt proper etiquette type bs.

    rant done. :grumble:
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    My diary is closed so that I can stay honest with ME! For me, if it was open I might omit things or quick add calories on an off day. I don't like getting scolded.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Mine is open to my friends

    (*To add, I'm not looking for feedback when I submit every night. And I also almost never look at any of my friends foods and would only provide feedback if they asked)
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    The reason I don't is because last time I was on this site about 18 months ago a "friend" looked at my diary on a very low calorie day (which was not a typical day) and just blasted me for it. She wouldn't stop. I did not ask for her advice, I did not ask her to look at my diary, i was just fine. When I asked her to just drop it she started slamming me to her other friends.

    I'm here to lose weight and logging helps me to do that but I don't need that kind of hassle. As long as I'm under my calories I'm fine. If I want advice I'll come to the boards and ask for it.

  • ElleM0
    ElleM0 Posts: 105 Member
    Let me just say that I have NOT read every response on here so if I repeat something, forgive me.

    I personally find it frustrating when I get the alert that a friend has logged in and was under their caloric goal and I don't see what they ate ESPECIALLY when this friend is dropping weight like hot cakes!!

    Do I want to see the diary to be nosy, NO. Would I like a general idea of what to do differently or ways to change up my meal, YES!

    I log everything from the bite of this, to the lick of that... I post it and if my friends comment, I respond. If they don't I move on. I think the whole point of MFP is to get HEALTHY. Well, at least for me it is! No judging.. no time to be petty. If you SEE me doing something wrong, as a friend - correct me!

    Let me add that I'm sorry to hear all the stories of people who have been blasted by "friends" and have become soured.
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    I kinda wish the few friends I have would give a tiny bit more feed back. I've had a few rough days and one day I went out for mexican with the parents and pizza for dinner I had two great jobs /: Really great job for mexican and pizza???. Not one person said something about eating more veggies, or getting more protein in.
    Here is where the different ways different people see things pops up.

    I will say "good job" regardless of what you ate if you came in under goal. For me that is the deciding factor between a 'good' or 'bad' day. For people I know well...maybe having mexican and pizza but skipping the farm breakfast *is* a good job.
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    I'm here to lose weight and logging helps me to do that but I don't need that kind of hassle. As long as I'm under my calories I'm fine. If I want advice I'll come to the boards and ask for it.