I think he is cheating...



  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    I don't know, it doesn't sound like you have much on him becuase you haven't been able to find anything to solidify he is cheating.
    But I also agree in gut feelings.

    If you honestly feel something isn't right, I don't see any reason why you can't sit down and talk to him. Don't accuse him of anything, don't tell him what you have done, etc. Just say I have been feeling off lately, and I am wondering if anything is going on that you want to talk about.

    I don't know maybe that is silly, but when something is on my chest I want to say it.

    I just recently got out of a 9 month relationship where from the start it had its ups and downs. I could never really put my finger on the issue, but I never once considered it to be cheating. I always made excuses, he is busy with his kids, he is busy at work, blah blah. But one of his friends outted him last week for having a gambling addiction in his past. DING DING... everything made sense, it all added up. I knew my gut was right telling me something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it was. So that is why I say a women's (or a man) should trust their gut.

    Good luck

    this. trust your instinct.

    regardless of the loss of trust etc, breaking up and moving on is not as easy as some people here suggest. it seems to me like the proof will help you rationalise your reason to end it and therefore make the decision for you.

    But sweety if you could possibly have gotten an STD, well i think you need to look at this with new eyes.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm a fan of these "womans intuition" because they typically mean that somewhere, someplace, a man is being saved from a paranoid, bat$h1t crazy significant other. Do him a favor and leave him
  • banks89202
    To all of you people saying "why would you go through your SO phone" I am married and I have the RIGHT to go through whatever. What's mine is yours sort of thing. If you have nothing to hide why is it a big issue in the first place??? My husband has the passwords to my facebook and on here plus can look at my phone all he wants and I can do the same for him. It's not a TRUST thing it's just a common sense thing....
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    I wish I knew who he was so I could warn him that you're unstable. If you can't trust him, leave him.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    To all of you people saying "why would you go through your SO phone" I am married and I have the RIGHT to go through whatever. What's mine is yours sort of thing. If you have nothing to hide why is it a big issue in the first place??? My husband has the passwords to my facebook and on here plus can look at my phone all he wants and I can do the same for him. It's not a TRUST thing it's just a common sense thing....

    Its only common sense to spy on your significant others.
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    You obviously don't trust him. Regardless if he's cheating or not, you can't have a quality relationship if you don't trust him. Move on.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Before I decided what action to take I would consider any possible outcomes.......if you discovered that he was cheating would you then be prepared to confront him? to leave him and start again? If you would not break up the relationship under any circumstances is it worth sitting tight and seeing if it blows over? Would you then ever be able to trust him? Only you know the answers to these question so just have a think first.

    It certainly doesn't all sound very positive and I feel for you as you worry over all this. Take care x
  • Rogue_Minx
    Rogue_Minx Posts: 71 Member
    If you don't trust him, leave him. Don't put him through your insecurities by going through his things. Chances are, he's just being a guy and you're being crazy because you're insecure about yourself. Before I get my head bitten off because people think I'm being rude or something...

    I was in a similar situation. Turned out that he was cheating and when I found out, it killed me, even though I had suspected it all along. Finding out that he's cheating isn't going to help you; it's just going to hurt. I was also very insecure in myself back then. I should have left him when I stopped trusting him. It would have saved him a year of sneaking around and a year of me worrying that he was unfaithful. I wouldn't have had to check his phone and computer and stayed up all night wondering where he was. I put myself through hell.

    Since that relationship, I've grown a lot. I'm now with a guy that I trust naturally. It isn't forced and I never worry when he goes out. I'm not crazy like I used to be. I feel NO NEED to see what he's doing online or touch his phone unless it's to take a picture of us together. You never know how bad you were stressed out until you're in a relationship where you can truly breathe.

    And lose the insecurities or they'll hurt your next relationship. Lose the man first. If you don't have trust, you have nothing.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    stop *****ing like a teenager .....do you want to live like that the rest of your life????

    the relationship is broke...do yourself a favor.... get out of now and stop bothering people with crap like this that has nothing to do with MY FITNESS PAL>>>>

    cmon now......get with the fitness program and GO TO FACEBOOK OR MY SPACE OR WRITE A LETTER TO ANN LANDERS...

    a time and a place for everything...this is not it...

    this is just my personal opinion....any rebroadcast or transmission of these words without the express written consent of the NFL is strictly prohibited........move on...life is too short...

    This is also the Chit Chat, Fun and Games section of the forum. Where people are allowed to make threads about w.e(within the rules.) Chill.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I hope you break up with him, since no guy deserves to have a girlfriend who goes through personal emails, steals his mobile phone to invade his privacy, and basically creeps all over his fb page. You have serious issues, and I pity anyone who has to live with that.

    For his sake, dump him.

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    stop *****ing like a teenager .....do you want to live like that the rest of your life????

    the relationship is broke...do yourself a favor.... get out of now and stop bothering people with crap like this that has nothing to do with MY FITNESS PAL>>>>

    cmon now......get with the fitness program and GO TO FACEBOOK OR MY SPACE OR WRITE A LETTER TO ANN LANDERS...

    a time and a place for everything...this is not it...

    this is just my personal opinion....any rebroadcast or transmission of these words without the express written consent of the NFL is strictly prohibited........move on...life is too short...

    As much as I would like to agree with you, if the owners of this website aren't limiting these types of posts then neither should you. Please move along if you donot wish to see such posts as they're well under the community guidelines. They're crazy, drama and attention seeking posts but still, well under community guidelines
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm just going to give some old lady's advice:

    Prepare to move on without the drama of an investigation. Life continues and a new person will come your way. Note his behavior in the back of your mind (ultra private about computer/phone) and use your radar for such behavior when meeting new men and let a new man know that that is something you are uncomfortable about since it is a value of yours. As a former public health worker, chlamydia, by federal and state law is reportable and by the same law you must be notified (unless he managed to lie about having sex with a prostitute that he has no memory of identifiers). These public health workers are very good at what they do and at confirming if the partner was in fact notified. A doctor covering it up would be risking not just his integrity but also a potential lawsuit. I recommend that you get a copy of the lab report for your own curiosity (it's your body) but leave the investigation part to paid professionals. Unless you have more at stake, like children or alimony, just move on.

    Make an exit for yourself that when you are my age, you can look back at and not feel embarrassed about; that you can say to yourself, "I had some pretty classy balls when I left that guy. I didn't drag him in the gutter nor myself."

    Love this!
  • Brianna72994
    You should call that Cheaters show haha
    You know, the one where they stalk your boyfriend and catch him cheating
    That way you wont have to do it yourself. Although it kinda looks like you already are...
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    I love how a lot of people make bold decisions like "leave him" with such little evidence to support that decision.

    Keep one thing in mind when getting advice online... most people will give advice that they would never take themselves because if they lead you astray, it doesn't affect them. Since the responders have nothing to lose, they can give bad advice without fear.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    If you think all this ... It's time to cut bait and run!
    Why put yourself through this?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I love how a lot of people make bold decisions like "leave him" with such little evidence to support that decision.

    Keep one thing in mind when getting advice online... most people will give advice that they would never take themselves because if they lead you astray, it doesn't affect them. Since the responders have nothing to lose, they can give bad advice without fear.

    Very well said good sir
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I love how a lot of people make bold decisions like "leave him" with such little evidence to support that decision.

    Keep one thing in mind when getting advice online... most people will give advice that they would never take themselves because if they lead you astray, it doesn't affect them. Since the responders have nothing to lose, they can give bad advice without fear.

    it's not bad advice. she clearly has trust issues and it's bringing out the crazy in her. based on the limited amount of information she has given about her situation, i thinks it's the best advice total strangers could give her. keep in mind, she's talked above about placing a GPS device on her boyfriend's car. that cannot end well. she'd be better off finding somebody who she can trust implicitly.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    You probe wont catch him on a short term fling. But cheaters get lazy even the smart ones stop trying so hard to catch them if months from now they start acting noticeably differed and trigger some more flags maybe snoop once in a great while and you'll probably catch them. How ever if don't have years, kids and a house invested what's the point of staying. Finding out isn't exactly the greatest either ;)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    It sounds to me like you're already set to leave...make your plans and move on. You already don't trust him and you're trying to find things on him so move on to guy you can trust.
  • fitkat_2012
    Just break up...

    Speaking from experience in a similar situation - you just don't trust him. Whether your doubt in him is founded or not, your relationship is broken. If you've tried talking to him & you don't trust his answers (and you're peeping through his personal stuff attempting to catch him in a lie) - the advice above is best: "just break up". If not, you'll just be wasting your time & his by chasing after your suspicions. This will just make you both miserable. If you can't talk it out & trust him - break it off.