worst things ever in the world ever.....ever



  • missykm7
    I don't mind spiders....now earwigs....*shudder*
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    SPIDERS...............they are just disgusting.

    I think they should be banned. Discuss.

    Agreed. Im totally freaked out by spiders.

    oh and that new Taylor Swift song...." we will never ever ever ever be together ".....freakin' drives me nuts!!!
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    My hubby was recenlty working in NC where he ran into a Black Widow. I about **** myself when he sent the pic of it. About a week before this, I got into my truck and found a Brown Recluse on the inside of the window. I cried! Luckily, some nice man came and killed it for me.
  • FiestyIrish
    Birds. In a cage, they're pretty and I like looking at them, but if one flies over my head I will scream bloody murder! Also, rodents with the long tails...mice, rats, gerbils...ugh. But hamsters are a-ok in my book!! No nasty tail.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Animal cruelty, and the people who perpetuate it. Every time I hear or read about an animal being killed/abused/neglected by some d*ck who gets a kick out of it, I feel physically ill and incredibly sad.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Let's just all take a moment to thank God that spiders don't fly.


    Oh! Amen!!!! If I have nightmares now I am holding you personally responsible.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My ex-husband. Just kidding.
    The worst thing is having one of those flying roaches flying into your house when you open the door. They are hard to catch. This might be a Florida thing.

    Yes!!! I tried to kill one that was on a wall. Right before the shoe hit it, it flew towards my face. I about had a heart attack. And you're right I think the flying roaches might be a FL thing.