May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Starting weight 244.2
    weigh-in Jan.1- 240.2
    Jan. 8: 237.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2
    Jan. 22: 231
    Jan. 29: 228.2
    Feb. 5: 224.6
    Feb. 12: 222.6 (mini-goal 225)
    Feb. 19: 219
    Feb. 26: 215.8
    March 5: 213.4
    March 12: 211.2
    March 19: 208.8
    March 26: 205.4
    April 2: 201.8 (woo hoo!!!!!!! i made 100 lbs lost, & my May Day goal)
    April 9: 198.8 (welcome back to "onederland" - happy dance)
    April 16: 196.4
    April 23:
    April 30: (205)

    congrats sphinctress on making your goal. keep up the good work.
    whoa- 2 more weeks, looks like i may be able to make 50 lbs lost during this challenge. wouldn't have believed it possible. i am very pleased with myself these days.:bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile: -katie
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 197.0
    Dec. 25: 198.8 (+1.8 – TOM)
    Jan. 01: 196.0 (-2.8)
    Jan. 08: 194.2 (-1.8)
    Jan. 15: 191.0 (-3.2)
    Jan. 22: 190.2 (-0.8 -- TOM)
    Jan. 29: 188.6 (-1.6)
    Feb. 05: 188.0 (-0.6)
    Feb. 12: 185.0 (-3.0)
    Feb. 19: 185.4 (+0.4 -- TOM)
    Feb. 26: 184.4 (-1.0)
    Mar. 05: 182.8 (-1.6)
    Mar. 12: 182.6 (-0.2)
    Mar. 19: 180.8 (-1.8 – TOM)
    Mar. 26: 179.4 (-1.4) (On vacation to San Diego)
    April 02: 178.4 (-1.0)
    April 09: 177.6 (-0.8)
    April 16: 175.8 (-1.8 -- TOM) (0.8 lbs to goal)
    April 23:
    April 30: Goal 175

    I could easily call my goal at this point, but I think I can get it down to a solid 175.0 or below in the next 2 weeks, so I will keep reaching for that little bit more. :smile: If I can get down just ONE more pound I'll be sitting at exactly 30 lbs lost since December. That would be a sweet way to end the challenge.

    Everyone is doing FANTASTIC!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member

    Size 10!
    Rock on!
    I don't think I've fit in a size 10 in 15+years!
    : )

    Good luck all!
    : )

    :laugh: That's how long it's been for me too! (I cringed when I realized that high school graduation REALLY WAS 13 years ago!)
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Start weight: 182
    Dec. 25: 182
    Jan. 1: Didn't weigh in
    Jan. 8: 180
    Jan. 15: 177
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 175
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 174
    Feb. 19: 171
    Feb. 26: 170
    March 5: 170
    March 12: 169
    March 19: Didn't weigh in
    March 26: 169
    April 2: 169
    April 9: 168
    April 16: 166!:noway: :bigsmile:
    April 23:
    April 30: 165!!!

    I have been doing much better about getting in exercise everyday. Since it's been so beautiful recently, I have taken to parking my car when I get back from work and then walking the .75 miles to the babysitter's house and then .75 back. Most days I end up leaving Ruth with the teacher I carpool with while I take this walk. (I always invite Ruth, but somedays it is a DEFINATE no!) Ray really enjoys the walk back home. He talks a mile a minute about all kinds of things! He notices everything and has to point it all out to me. It has been really great bonding time for us. After dinner we usually take another family walk of at least a mile. The last few days it's been walks to the park (almost a mile away, 2 blocks further than the babysitter). There they have a tetherball pole, and DH and I have really been getting into playing each other. My upper arms and shoulders are VERY sore for at least two days after one of these contests!

    Between upping my calories (I'm at a 1/2 lb per week not), upping my exercise, increasing water intake, and reducing stress I think I've really hit a combo that will work. I am officially 2 pounds away from "Healthy" on the BMI scale. I've thought really hard about changing my end goal. I think I am going to change it to 160. I'm leary because I haven't been that "skinny" since middle school! I can do it, though! I will do it! Then I don't have to go to another doctor that will look at me and lecture me about losing weight! Maybe in those 6 lbs I can lose MORE of my "baby bump" that has never left!:laugh:

    Here's to a great weigh in day so far!:drinker: Keep up the good choices! I'm now off to finish inputting grades for the progress reports.

    P.S. 45 post warning!!!:wink:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    This evening we took a family across town (.75 miles) to the park. Once there, DH and I engaged in a game of tetherball. I managed to injure myself. Really? Playing tetherball? :noway: I haven't hurt myself in tetherball since the late '80s or early '90s! Geez. I went to hit the ball and pulled something in my upper arm. It's feeling better right now, but I know it will be sore in the morning! The biggest problem right now is my bruised and battered hand. I hit the know on the ball with that little bone on the outside of the heel of my hand. I think I managed to break a blood vessle there because it has already turned black, and it really hurts! I think I also pulled or bruised a muscle on the outside of my hand because it really hurts to use my pinky while I'm typing. Eeesh. I guess no tetherball for a few days while my injuries heal. How pitiful is that?

    Thanks for listening, just needed to share!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, today I'm considering cleaning the house as exercise b/c I just finished two hours of cleaning and still have more to do. Since I am hosting today's book club I wanted my house to be sparkling clean from top to bottom. I've been up since 7 am and have just decided to take a break to check in on my ladies. Thus far I have swept and mopped all the floors in the house (kitchen and two bathrooms) and vacuumed all the rooms w/carpet (dining, living, master bedroom, guest bedroom and home office). I have also dusted everything and thoroughly cleaned one bathroom. I now have the master bathroom to clean and the front and backyard to mow. Just to ensure I got my heart rate up I jogged in place while I folded two loads of laundry. I'll admit I looked a bit crazy jogging in my laundry room while folding towels and things but I wanted to make sure I could count my house cleaning as a workout.

    Well I'm off to cut the grass. I'll check back later. The book club meeting is not until 5 so I'm hoping to be done early enough to relax before the "Sophisticated Ladies" (name of our club) arrive.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Starting Weight: 137
    Jan. 1: 137
    Jan. 8: 135
    Jan. 15: 134
    Jan. 22: 134
    Jan. 29: 135
    Feb. 5: 135
    Feb. 12: 134
    Feb. 19: 133.5
    Feb. 26: 134 up a little but TOM arggg!!
    March 5: 134
    March 12: 133.5
    March 19: Didn't weigh
    March 26: 133.5
    April 2: 133
    April 9: Didn't weigh
    April 16: 132.5
    April 23:
    April 30: 129

    Still moving down, just soooo slowly!!

    Congrats on all who reached their goals already!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    so chocolickkyss, i have a question. i am still a long way from reaching a maintenance weight, but i am curious and since you have been maintaining well for a few months maybe you can answer the question.

    i wonder how quickly you changed the number of calories you were eating to a maintenance level. did you gradually add them back (slowing weight loss) as you got close to your goal or did you just "turn it all back on" one day? and did you always eat your exercise calories, or do you eat them now?

    i just know after other less effective diets, when i stopped dieting my body seemed eager to add back weight (really fast) when my calorie intake increased, and i am feeling nervous. after enjoying such good success, i do not want to do anything that might mess with the loss i've had.

    thanks- katie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I completed the P90X fit test today. It's not nearly as intense as Insanity so today truly feels like a rest day. The fit test consists of the following components:

    1. Taking your resting heart rate.....that was real easy...LOL

    2. Pull ups - I completed 1 which is the minimum for a female, whew, glad I passed that

    3. Vertical Leap - Not sure I completed this correctly especially since there's no one here to assist but I jumped as high in the air as possible. I got pretty decent height.

    4. Push ups - I completed 10 but I realized afterwards I was suppose to go to failure so I'm sure I could of rocked out a few more (although my shoulders are still sore from the Insanity workouts so not sure how much more)

    5. Toe touches - This was to measure your flexibility. Basically you sit on the floor w/your legs extended in front of you. You bend at the waist (never bending your knees) and try to touch your toes. I was able to get about an inch past my toes so I guess that's pretty good.

    6. Wall squat - You stand against the wall and go into a squat position and hold the position for a minimum of 1 minute. I was able to hold it for 1 minute 10 seconds before my knee started hurting.

    7. Bicep curls - Women needed to use a minimum of 8 lb weights and complete at least 10 reps. Since 8 lb weights are the biggest I currently have in my collection (I'll have to invest in 10 lbs) I use them and was able to complete 40 reps before my arms started to burn.

    8. In and outs - Its an ab test and you needed to complete at least 25 reps and I was able to complete 30 before the lower back started hurting.

    9. Heart rate maximizer: I had to do jumping jacks at a steady pace for 2 minutes and in the last 30 seconds are at a rapid pace. Then I had to immediately record my heart rate and then continue to record it in 1 minute intervals. Not sure why I had to monitor the heart rate. I was able to rock out well over 100 jumping jacks in that timeframe though so I'm happy.

    It looks like I have successfully passed the P90X fit test and I will begin w/chest and back tomorrow. I've also decided that on P90X cardio days I'm going to head to the gym instead (whenever possible) to use the elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster and spin bike.

    Katie: Once I hit my goal weight I simply added 100 calories back into my diet. When I was trying to lose the weight I seldom ate all my exercise points but once I started completing the Insanity program I was so dag on hungry that I began eating as much of them as possible. My problem was that I would usualyy have calories left but was too close to my carb/fat/sodium number so I wouldn't eat anymore. I'm still trying to find the right balance of everything.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready to "Bring It" this week. After 7 weeks of Insanity I decided to give my poor knee a break (I have arthritis in the right knee and lower left back) and head back to the P90X program. While I will incorporate some Insanity workouts in here and there especially on P90X cardio days if I am unable to make it to the gym but my knee just couldn't bare it any more b/c of the constant jumping. Anyway, today is week 1 day 1 of the P90X program and I just completed Chest and Back. This dvd has always been a killer for me b/c my upper body strength just sucks. Today was particularly hard b/c my upper body is still sore from all the Insanity drills but I rocked it out as best I could. I can tell I have gotten stronger b/c I used 8 lb weights for all of the back exercises and they were too light. The 8 lb weights are the biggest I have right now so I'm going to have to invest in some heavier ones or find a way to use my resistance bands.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. My day started at 5 am. I got up and dressed ready to hit the gym to complete my cardio. Today is week 1 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Instead of completing the Plyometrics dvd I headed to the gym to complete a HIIT. I found this 30 minute sprint workout on and decided I want to try it out. Since this was the first time I ever did a HIIT I was a bit nervous and unsure of how fast I really would be able to run on the treadmill especially since I've not been on one since December 2009. Anyway, the workout was broken down like this:

    5 minutes - warm up - moderate pace (my pace: 4.0)
    5 minutes - moderate pace (my pace: 4.8)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    4 minutes - recovery speed (my pace: 5.0-5.4)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    and I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    Once the HIIT was complete I hopped on the Elliptical for 15 minutes and finished the workout with a 20 minute ab circuit.

    I feel absolutely wonderful after this workout and I will try it again on Thursday. I'm now sipping on a yummy banana/strawberry protein shake and about to start my workout week.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I did manage to successfully give blood again yesterday, but it wiped me out so much that I didn't post last night. I went to bed an hour early instead (that's when I usually make time for this.) Anyway, I am fine, well and good, and I think that my challenge for myself for this week is to drink more. I am really bad about not drinking enough - I have never liked to. I don't even serve myself a beverage with a meal.
    I did manage to get a swim in today, and it felt great. Everyone have a good evening! and Here's to smart choices!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Good evening! I hope everyone had a good day. I got in almost 3 miles of walking today. After school, DD got on her bike, and we walked across town to pick up DS from daycare. After dinner, DH and DD got on their bikes while DS and I walked up to the gas station. Tonight was a treat night (it's payday:laugh: ), so everyone got to pick one treat.

    I hope everyone is having a good week!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is hump day, so, happy Wednesday everyone! Today is week 1 day 3 of the P90X program so I rocked it out w/the Shoulders & Arms dvd. I can tell I'm getting stronger b/c the 8 lb weights that I used when I first attempted the program back in February 2010 where light so I'm going to have to really get some heavier weights. My shoulders and arms are still a bit sore from all the push ups from Monday but overall my body is feeling good.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! I only have a few minutes b/c I'm in a training today and the trainer only gave us a 15 minute break. Today is week 1 day 4 of the P90X program. I'm suppose to complete Yoga X but I'm just not feeling yoga so I decided to make it a cardio day. I hit the gym this morning and completed another 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the elliptical. My legs are very sore from Tuesday's workout but I feel great after having completed the HIIT. I pushed myself a little bit more today. My recovery speed was 5.4 on Tuesday and it was 5.6-5.7 today and my sprinting speed was 7.5 on Tuesday and 7.7 today.

    Well training is about to begin shortly. I did not have a chance to read the posts so I hope to catch up a little later. Have a great day.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I did it! I have been working towards this for about 18 months, hoping to get there by late May, and today I swam 1/2 mile, doing the crawl stroke, non stop!
    By the way, Chocolickkyss, I like your new pic.

    Here's to smart choices!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    guess i get to be first today-
    my birthday was tuesday, an exceptional birthday this year with the celebration of 100 lbs lost.
    next week will be 8 mos dieting and the end of this challenge (i'll post a before & current photo to celebrate)

    Starting weight 244.2
    weigh-in Jan.1- 240.2
    Jan. 8: 237.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2
    Jan. 22: 231
    Jan. 29: 228.2
    Feb. 5: 224.6
    Feb. 12: 222.6 (mini-goal 225)
    Feb. 19: 219
    Feb. 26: 215.8
    March 5: 213.4
    March 12: 211.2
    March 19: 208.8
    March 26: 205.4
    April 2: 201.8 (woo hoo!!!!!!! i made 100 lbs lost, & my May Day goal)
    April 9: 198.8 (welcome back to "onederland" - happy dance)
    April 16: 196.4
    April 23: 194.0
    April 30: (205)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Thank Goodness It's Friday! Today is week 1 day 5 of the P90X program so I completed the Leg and Back + Ab Ripper dvd. My legs were already hurting from the HIIT and now they are SCREAMING at me. I am feeling good about my first week back on P90X b/c my body feels strong.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Start weight: 182
    Dec. 25: 182
    Jan. 1: Didn't weigh in
    Jan. 8: 180
    Jan. 15: 177
    Jan. 22: 178
    Jan. 29: 175
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 174
    Feb. 19: 171
    Feb. 26: 170
    March 5: 170
    March 12: 169
    March 19: Didn't weigh in
    March 26: 169
    April 2: 169
    April 9: 168
    April 16: 166
    April 23: 167:ohwell:
    April 30: 165!!!

    I don't have a lot to say about this. I did really well getting in around 3 miles of walking almost every day. I didn't go over TOO bad last weekend, and I've been under (or within 50 cals) the rest of the week. I am going to concentrate on getting all of my water in, and adding in more Wii Fit exercises. I have an unofficial weigh in on Monday for another group I'm in. Last Monday I was at 167, too. Hopefully THIS Monday I will be at 166.

    Next week is our final weigh in! Keep making those great choices! I will be happy to host the next challenge. Any suggestions as to how long it should be? What we should call it? I will post it next Friday when we do our final weigh in.

    Another item, I think we'll probably have to start a new thread before we get all of our final posts done next week. So be sure you look for a link to the new thread. We have 39 more posts until that link will appear. Watch for it!