May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Lisa - Assuming that they make it to the crockpot early in the morning before I head to the high school to work at the music contest, dinner will be Taste of Home Chicken Spareribs. (In the database). No clue yet on sides - been too busy. Love, Aunt Mary
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Lisa, hopefully the fact that you're only 4 lbs away from your goal weight for this challenge and you have 5 weeks to achieve it will be the motivation you need to get back on track. April 30th is 5 weeks away and you're sooooo close to being 165 lbs so stay focused/determined and do what you need to to win at this challenge.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I hope everyone's weekend has gotten off to a great start. Last night a girlfriend and I went to see Dionne Farris in concert. If anyone has ever seen the movie "Love Jones" she has a track on the cd called "Hopeless". She had taken a 13 year hiatus to raise her daughter and now she's back w/a cd dropping in October. Now I loved the song "Hopeless" but never really heard any of her other songs until last night and I must say she has a lovely voice and I will be looking to purchase her previous body of work as well as her new cd. I'm so glad my friend asked me to go b/c I was pleasantly surprised. She was on stage a full 2 hours and sang her heart out. For anyone who's still not familar w/her she's like a neo-soul artist, along the lines of Jill Scott.

    Enough about my Friday night and onto my workout. Another friend of mine is currently participating in an exercise boot camp and her trainer offered a free session this morning so I decided to check it out. I must say that Tony Horton's P90X and Shaun T's Insanity really prepared me for boot camp. My endurance was through the roof and I was outshining some of the men who were there. He began the session w/a five minute jog, knocked it out w/o a problem. Then he began our workout w/4 30 second drill stations (they reminded me of football drills). Every 30 seconds you moved to another station until he blew the whistle. I'm telling you my endurance was so crazy that when the 30 seconds were over I was looking around like "that's it, it's over already). I'm still nowhere near mastering the Insanity program but it's good to know that something is working b/c I was looking like a pro out there today. Nonetheless, I did get a good workout in so I'm satisfied AND IT WAS FREE, so it doesn't get much better.

    Well I'm off to complete the rest of my errands for today and then chill out. Have a great day all!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 4 day 7 of the Insanity program which means its suppose to be a rest day, so, as always I decided to keep the workout light. I completed the Cardio Abs and Cardio Recovery dvds for a total of 47 minutes. I can't believe I was able to stick w/the Insanity program for an entire month and I'm sort of looking forward to week 5 b/c a new dvd is introduced. I watched the Core and Balance dvd last night and it seems doable so I'm going to give it my all.

    Hope everyone has a great day and I'll check in a bit later.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi guys!
    Sorry, I had a 4 hour Neuro final exam on Friday,... however I did weigh in! I have done punches and crunches since tearing my hamstring, and have even gotten in some very short gentle walks this weekend. I have been out of town and out of internet access so I didn't log food, but will start again tomorrow! : ) I really hope I reach my goal! I am going swimming tomorrow, (arms only), and then probably do some crunches as well... just have to be patient with this stupid hammy! UGH!
    But that's ok, b/c now I am on spring break! No more Neuro and I can relax and breathe! YAY!

    Starting weight 195 June 2009
    Goal weight: 125
    Jan. 1: 189
    Jan. 8: 184
    Jan. 15: 178
    Jan. 22: 174
    Jan. 29: 173
    Feb. 5: 174
    Feb. 12: 169
    Feb. 19: 168
    Feb. 26: 169
    March 5: 170
    March 12: 169
    March 19: 167
    March 26: 166, .... please, oh, please, keep going down....
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 162

    : )
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Good afternoon all! I hope everyone's weekend has gotten off to a great start. Last night a girlfriend and I went to see Dionne Farris in concert. If anyone has ever seen the movie "Love Jones" she has a track on the cd called "Hopeless". She had taken a 13 year hiatus to raise her daughter and now she's back w/a cd dropping in October. Now I loved the song "Hopeless" but never really heard any of her other songs until last night and I must say she has a lovely voice and I will be looking to purchase her previous body of work as well as her new cd. I'm so glad my friend asked me to go b/c I was pleasantly surprised. She was on stage a full 2 hours and sang her heart out. For anyone who's still not familar w/her she's like a neo-soul artist, along the lines of Jill Scott.

    Enough about my Friday night and onto my workout. Another friend of mine is currently participating in an exercise boot camp and her trainer offered a free session this morning so I decided to check it out. I must say that Tony Horton's P90X and Shaun T's Insanity really prepared me for boot camp. My endurance was through the roof and I was outshining some of the men who were there. He began the session w/a five minute jog, knocked it out w/o a problem. Then he began our workout w/4 30 second drill stations (they reminded me of football drills). Every 30 seconds you moved to another station until he blew the whistle. I'm telling you my endurance was so crazy that when the 30 seconds were over I was looking around like "that's it, it's over already). I'm still nowhere near mastering the Insanity program but it's good to know that something is working b/c I was looking like a pro out there today. Nonetheless, I did get a good workout in so I'm satisfied AND IT WAS FREE, so it doesn't get much better.

    Well I'm off to complete the rest of my errands for today and then chill out. Have a great day all!

    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Happy Monday all! This week it's suppose to get progressively warmer in GA so I'm so looking forward to being outside and enjoying the sunshine. Today is week 5 day 1 of the Insanity program which means I have been going strong on this program for over a month and I couldn't be prouder especially since I was begnning to get a bit bored. However, Shaun T introduced a new dvd called Core Cardio and Balance and I really like it. I think I like it b/c you're still able to get a great workout but the intensity/pace of the dvd is a bit more relaxed which allows me to actually complete every move. I was really impressed w/my ability to complete every level 1 drill (jump into plank, 4 push ups, 4 mountain climbers) b/c this is not something that I was able to do previously.

    I hope everyone's day gets off to a great start and I look forward to checking in later to see how everyone is doing.

    Sphinctress: Congrats on the continued weight loss. It looks like you have 5 weeks to lose 4 more pounds to reach your in of April goal and I believe you can accomplish this. I know you cant' work out as intensely but I love how you're finding ways to stay active. Keep your eating under control and you should be alright. Good luck.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks Lady!
    : )

    Everyone have a great week!
    : )
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    My goal for this week is to log everyday and to plan out my meals for the whole week Sunday afternoon BEFORE I go shopping (makes it MUCH easier!). I will check in everyday to let you know how I am progressing on these goals. Next week I will add back in the situp challenge.

    Ok, step one to reaching my goals for the week- I have logged all of my food for the day today. I finished with about 100 cals left. I'll be having one of my Skinny Cow ice cream bars in a few minutes to help lower that deficit.

    Step two- tomorrow for breakfast I will have 2 chocolate rice cakes with White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter and a banana (sliced on top of the rice cakes is DELICIOUS!), I will probably have some fruits and veggies for snack (I will be at a music festival, so it will be whatever f&v they have in the hospitality room). For lunch it will be Subway, either a 6" roast beef, or chicken sub with no chips, and water to drink. I don't know what the dinner plans are just yet because I will be at my cousin's house. However, I know that whatever we decide will be pretty good calorie-wise. The tough part of tomorrow will be the party I am going to tomorrow evening. I don't know what all my little sis will be serving, but I will be very careful to watch that I stick to veggies and fruits.

    Sunday will be breakfast at my cousin's house, lunch with my in-laws, and dinner at snack at home. I will post tomorrow sometime the details of those meals (I have to talk with MIL first to see what is on the menu for lunch:laugh: ).

    I WILL get back to the habits that worked so well for me to begin with! I will NOT have to pull the jeans I just packed up back out! I REFUSE TO!!!!!!:angry: (that's not really an "angry" face, more like DETERMINED!!!)

    Well, I stuck with the plan Saturday. At the party I had a few chips with queso dip.

    Yesterday was pancakes for breakfast, McDonald's for lunch:ohwell:, and then dinner at the in-laws' house. I haven't logged all of that just yet because I didn't have a chance to get online. I probably won't get it all enterred.:grumble: Just to busy this week. (Really I shouldn't even be on here, I should be working, but a girl's gotta have a break!)

    Meals for this week are:
    Monday- breakfast- white chocolate wonderful and chocolate rice cakes
    lunch- 6" roast beef sub from Subway, carrots, orange
    dinner-chicken nuggets, mac&cheese and corn (kids' night to pick:laugh: )
    snacks- skinny cow caramel truffle bar, and ???
    Tuesday- breakfast- Honey Bunches of Oats (generic version) with milk, with banana
    lunch- ????
    dinner- lean beef tacos, with fresh salsa, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, flour tortillas and corn
    snack- carrots, ?????
    Wednesday- breakfast- muffins/breads
    lunch- smoked pork shoulder, bbq sauce, side dishes of some sort (pot luck:tongue: ), and dessert of some sort
    dinner- steak, baked sweet potato, grean beans
    snacks- cookies, maragrita?
    Thursday- breakfast- Honey Oats cereal with milk, and fruit
    lunch- probably left over shoulder, and salad
    dinner- spaghetti with green beans
    snacks- ???
    Friday- breakfasts- Honey Oats cereal with milk, and banana
    lunch- probably left over shoulder
    dinner- salsa chicken with corn, sour cream, and rice
    snacks- skinny cow caramel truffle, ???
    Saturday- breakfast- cereal with milk and fruit
    lunch- pb&j, pudding cup, carrots, fruit
    dinner- Easter dinner at in-laws' house, NO idea!
    snacks- fruit snacks, cookies, ???
    Sunday- breakfast- scrambled eggs with fresh salsa and toast
    lunch- probably go out to eat
    dinner- not planned yet
    snacks- Easter candy, carrots, fruit, ????

    So far Monday has gone as planned. I decided to skip the mac&cheese. If I'm gonna have that many carbs, I decided I wanted them in form or REAL ice cream:laugh: To get that treat though, the kids and I will walk the 1/2 mile to the store, eat the treat, and then walk the 1/2 mile back. That'll burn off SOME of those calories. I didn't eat my whole orange at lunch (it was NOT very good), and I didn't eat the carrots (they were dried out, I grabbed the old bag instead of the new bag:grumble: ). I don't know what I'm going to do about lunch tomorrow. Nothing in my fridge is looking tempting. I may just grill up a chicken breast, fix some rice, and add some fresh salsa. Pair that with Jello and a salad, and that should work. Maybe.:wink:

    Wednesday is the day I've been stressing over for a couple months now. This week is DEFINATELY not going as smoothly as I'd hoped! I had to put out 4 fires before the first bell rang this morning. C'est la vie! It will soon be over.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Finished my swim, got dinner (spinach lasagna) into the oven, now I need to start the house cleaning portion of my workout. Yuk! Wish me luck - it will be going on all week as Mom and sister are coming for Easter.
    Here's to smart choices!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my May Day Challenge buddies! Do you realize that we only have one more month til the end of this challenge which means anyone that has been slacking now is the time to get your booty into gear and rock it out these last 4 months. I know life has a way of getting in our way and make attaining our goals difficult but you ladies are strong and have what it takes to meet your goal.

    Today is week 5 day 2 of the Insanity program and I will be completing the Core Cardio and balance dvd all week in hopes of giving my body the recovery needed to take on month 2 of Insanity. I'm not sure I want to know what month 2 will be like b/c I couldn't master month 1 and now we'll be exercising longer. I guess I'll worry about month 2 next week and just continue to enjoy the recovery dvd.

    Have a great day all and i"ll check in a bit later.

    Msh0530: Glad you got that workout in and are making healthier/smarter food choices. My hat goes off to you. Keep up the great work.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Meals for this week are:
    Tuesday- breakfast- Honey Bunches of Oats (generic version) with milk, with banana
    lunch- ????
    dinner- lean beef tacos, with fresh salsa, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, flour tortillas and corn
    snack- carrots, ?????

    Well, so far the day has lasted about 40 hours it seems.:ohwell: For breakfast I ended up with banana, and whole grain toast with margarine. Lunch was NOT a shining moment. I pulled an OLD (but strangely NOT outdated:noway: ) frozen dinner out. My choices were chicken nuggets, mac & cheese and corn, or chicken fingers, mac & cheese and a brownie. I took the corn. I added sugar free jello as my dessert. I have NO idea what dinner will end up being. I forgot about Kindergarten Round Up tonight for my daughter, so my husband is picking up something on his way to the school. Subway? Wendy's? McD's? I have no idea. Oh well. I was really kinda looking forward to the tacos. Maybe I'll fix up the meat tonight and have those for lunch the rest of the week. Mmmmmm.

    Well, back to the grind stone. I'll check back in later!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Well, I got the ok from my dr. to start back slowly with my hamstring... heat, stretching, exercise, ice.... : )
    So excited!
    Ended up going to Chili's for dinner.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! But that's ok, b/c of exercising today and what I will do in about half an hour, it will be ok and I'll be under my caloric intake... however, the SALT in the food was amazing! I'm pretty sure I'll be bloated for the next couple of days! HA!

    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday all! Today is week 5 day 3 of the Insanity program and I'm still in recovery. I decided to switch things up a bit today so instead of completing the Core Cardio and Balance dvd I chose Jillian Michael'sBlast Fat/Boost Metabolism dvd. I rocked it out for 43 minutes and once again I can tell the difference in my endurance level b/c I was able to complete the dvd w/o breaks and it felt great. I also decided to try one of the Beach Body Shakeology meal replacements and it was pretty tasty. I chose the chocolate flavor and mixed it with 8 oz of 1% milk. I may very well consider purchasing some of it.

    Well I hope everyone has a great day and I'll check in later.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hi everyone
    Well I didn't do very good this month I only lost 3 lbs not sure why I am losing so slow but I guess some is better than none. I work out 3 days for at least an hour walk on a tred mill for about 30 min. at 3.3 then do another 30 min. on different machines. On 2 days I have line dance classes and that is over an hour. Then on weekends I go to the ranch and clean stalls and brush horses and sometimes go riding if there is time. I try to stay under my calories most of the time. When I log everything It says I should be at a sertain weight in 5 weeks but in 5 weeks I'm not at that weight. I guess they are right when you get older it is harder to lose the weight. I will try again next month. I am NOT giving up.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Wednesday- breakfast- muffins/breads
    lunch- smoked pork shoulder, bbq sauce, side dishes of some sort (pot luck:tongue: ), and dessert of some sort
    dinner- steak, baked sweet potato, grean beans
    snacks- cookies, maragrita?

    It is OVER!!! Yea!!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :love: My brain is SO fried, I can't tell you exactly what the ratings were of my solos and ensembles. I CAN tell you that my choir got an "Outstanding" and 2 "Excellent" ratings (3 judges), and my band got 2 "Excellent" and 1 "Average" rating from their 3 judges. For those of you who are used to the typical fine art ratings, Outstanding is a I, Excellent is a II, and Average is a III. I am very happy with their performances for the most part.:wink:

    Ok, as for food. I had bread, water, and a banana for breakfast. Once I got to school, I had 2 chocolate chip cookies (breakfast of champions?:huh: ). Lunch was pretty much as planned. I had the pork, a little bbq sauce, green beans, corn dip with chips, strawberries and bananas (off a fresh fruit tray), 1 brownie, and a piece of apple crisp. I snacked on 2 more brownies. I TOTALLY did NOT drink enough water, and I am SO thirsty! I haven't put in the approximate information, but I probably went over my calorie alotment. Good news is that I did a TON more walking than usual throughout the day. I don't know exactly how to quantify the walking, so I probably won't enter that. For dinner, my husband (who spent the last two evenings smoking all the meat for today, after the kids were in bed) has decided that we should do pizza. Sounds easy to me. Once in a while won't kill me! So I'll probably be over for the days, but I doubt it will be enough to gain a pound of fat (water retention from sodium, yes:laugh: ).

    I hope everyone's week is going well!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday and for all who may be off work tomorrow (like myself) let the weekend and the fun begin. It is going to be an absolutely beautiful day/weekend here in GA and I plan to get out and enjoy it. Today is week 5 day 5 of the Insanity program and I completed the Core Cardio and Balance dvd (like I'm suppose to). I am extremely sore today. I mean my shoulders, upper back, hip flexors and quads are aching something awful. Despite the sore feeling I'm feeling really good my accomplishment w/this dvd.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi guys!

    I started back on the C25K program with clearance from my Dr.! I'm so excited! Also, I am going to be out of town tomorrow, so I went ahead and weighed myself this morning...

    Forgot to copy and paste, so

    164.5 ~ down 1.5 lbs this week! YAY!

    Good luck all!
    : )
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I only lost 3 lbs last month so I am changing things I am no longer going to eat my workout calories and see if that helps. I went to the gym and worked out for a hour and a half.
    I weighed in today because this is the first but after this week I will weigh in on Fridays because that is my usual weigh in day. One day isn't going to make a difference I don't think.
    Are we going to go to May Day Challenge take 3 or stay on this site?

    April 1 166 lbs
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I only lost 3 lbs last month so I am changing things I am no longer going to eat my workout calories and see if that helps. I went to the gym and worked out for a hour and a half.
    I weighed in today because this is the first but after this week I will weigh in on Fridays because that is my usual weigh in day. One day isn't going to make a difference I don't think.
    Are we going to go to May Day Challenge take 3 or stay on this site?

    April 1 166 lbs

    Good job on the 3 lbs! I know it's not as much as you'd hoped, but it is better than what could have been!

    I've thought about moving to a "Take 3!" but figured that we still have about 119 more posts (after mine:wink: ) before they lock this one. If everyone would "weigh in" on this when they weigh in tomorrow, I would appreciate it.

    FYI- When this thread reaches 500 posts, they will lock this thread and immediately begin a new thread for us. A link would be posted on both threads linking to the other thread. It gets confusing either way, so I just want everyone to weigh in on which would work better for them!