who eats the same foods every day?



  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    Add me to the list. Breakfast same on the weekdays, lunch about the same for a week then changes. Dinner different nearly daily.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I have two things I switch back and forth between for breakfast, usually a salad (but can be different) for lunch, and dinner is usually one of four or five things...then every now and then I'll get a wild notion and go try a new recipe. But I'm pretty consistent.
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    One stay with what works for you, I eat the same thing pretty much. I do change the caloric intake every 3days to add confusing. We need to have the right relationship with food, meaning eat to live not live to eat. Food is fuel, I know it s cliche but we are what we eat pure and simple...... That was my professional answer cause Lord knows Im a foodie and love to cook. I have had to retrain my brain to not eat for sport. When you eat clean you will find that when you do partake of something orgasmic in your mouth it leaves you a bit sluggish or just not feeling it. This tells you what you need over what you desire.. B.McG.
  • rydersgrammy1
    I usually swithch up breakfast 3 different ways:
    1. bacon & 1 egg.. 2. 1 pancake w/ 1 T peanut butter & 1/8 cup of sugar free syrup 3. lucky charms, 1/2 cup ff milk & a banana.

    Lunch is usually leftovers from the night before & dinner is always different, depending on my mood...
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I do so but not really by choice. See I'm on what you call a tight budget....LOL!! So I make meals out of what I have until I can go shopping again. I haven't gotten bored with my meals yet. I will switch it up but for the most part, it's the same type of foods and meals.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    just curious.. because i eat the same things, day in, day out. some days, i'll change a small thing or two.. but for the most part, its the exact same! i just love to eat this way.. i have my macro's all figured out, and i know pretty much exactly how much my groceries will cost when i shop, which is always a bonus!

    anyone else do this? ^_^

    Mine are pretty much the same too. Whatever works for you!
  • _tasteofink
    I do but, not really in a healthy way...
    I get hooked on certain foods and just don't like others for some reason...
    the last few weeks it was mac n cheese
    and this week is maltomeal and apples
    sometimes I'll eat just vegetables for a month
    but sometimes I'll eat just cheeseburgers for a month
  • RixxyRikaa
    RixxyRikaa Posts: 71 Member
    I usually eat the same things for breakfast, but I make breakfast my biggest meal instead of dinner, so there are a lot of foods and I don't really get bored of them.
    I usually have an egg white omelet with some oatmeal (variation is what I put in it every day) and fresh fruit, and greek yogurt if I have room.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I used to. Until I started developing intolerances and allergies to almost all of them. My big thing was pb & j. Now i'm peanut and gluten intolerant. Everytime I ingest it my reactions get worse.
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    I do the exact same thing.think it is a comforting thing
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Other than weekends, I have the same few breakfasts every day: oatmeal or cream of wheat in the winter, yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit in the summer. Mostly this is because I am a zombie in the morning, and that's about max capacity for self care, in the food department. Even then, I occasionally screw that up, forgetting to put water in the oatmeal before putting it in the microwave, ETC.

    Lunches can be, or not be boring, depending on leftovers.

    Dinner tends to be quite varied.