

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    One of those inspiring people who had an impact on my life, just passed away at age 86: Zig Ziglar. Here are some of his quotes:

    samples: "Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street" and "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

    ...just say'n to myself

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    good evening to the knowing November ladies,

    Well, its official, almost 80 percent of you all love Gordon Lightfoot, and he brings back great memories! Just in case you missed the reference, his complete works were remastered last year...Meg has put the new recordings on her Christmas List.......so be good Meg! Santa always knows..... I must admit, I did not realize that he was so popular, or so widely known.....OR that Sasha can sing every line of the Railroad Trilogy! and others can sing the Edmund Fitzgerald...somehow I thought he remained a old Canadian folksinger, not an international star.

    Any feelings about Leonard Cohen? Suzanne took me away when I was 12, first poem I ever really loved! Then he sang it!

    I am very inspired by the pals here who continue to motivate with their success, insight, and just plain "get back on the horse sensibility". It seems to me that almost everyone has busy lives taking care of their dear somethings, their animals, friends and extended family. Each one of you has a reason, a trial, a visit, a tough day when you could have given up....but you don't. so I won't. I have had two friends who told me about MFP, and both are gone already.....

    Today is DAY 49, that is seven weeks of seven days! Tomorrow is day 50. And I am still here, and you are all still here!

    Hooray for us, we are almost at the end of the month, and we are all still here!

    I started yawning at 9, I think the wheat does that to me...but eating brown rice EVERY day does get boooorrrrrrinnnnnnggggggg. But pasta, twice in one week, for me is a no no....its not chocolate, its bread I crave, and damn, I am allergic to it....just not enough to stop completely.

    Cleared my slightly old fashioned, if unorthodox teaching and marking strategies with Head, tomorrow, clear more info on my masters with the powers that be. And, funny, I already have a grad degree and don't need it to do my job! Wish me luck...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: I stayed up too late last night watching Melissa and Tony win the Mirror Ball Trophy on DWTS and then got up at 3:45 AM to have enough time for dog walking before line dance so I'm wiped out now and won't even try to post anything.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I wanted to remind everyone that there will be a new thread for December.....i will start it at bedtime (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday and let you know the link to the new thread....

    :flowerforyou: We usually begin the month by sharing how we've done with our goals for November and then listing some goals for December

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: my new recumbent bike is making funny noises so no riding tonight....Jake will call about it tomorrow and see what we can do to fix it.

    :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington where it was cold enough in the morning to put "hotties" in my pockets while walking the dogs.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello to all of you, glad to read all the posts and hear the sharing. I really love checking in here every day and miss it when I can’t make it.
    Today was busy, tried to get as much done in the morning as I could because whole afternoon was spent with a non-profit group “Getting to Home” planning how to address homelessness and hard to house people in our area. I suspect I will be on the funding and grant writing committee. Tomorrow I have to interview applicants to back fill a position in our office, do sessions with a risk management consultant to update and fill the gaps in the RM policies, then off to a Skills Centre board meeting, Friday Xmas dinner party (and I haven’t bought the gift yet – ackkk). So tonight I plan on getting to bed early to get enough rest to keep on top of things.

    DD2 will get extra $$ (I guess that should be €€€) put in her account so she can pick out the bike she wants. Good thing her office at the university has a good security area and she also has a large balcony to keep it secure at home too. The video chat is the first time Jenneka has seen me since I’ve been on the weight loss program. She knew I was losing, but it was really funny to see her reaction to the difference in me (and she only saw the face really). That was my best NSV for the month.

    DD2 got good news from the Dr – her back is healing well so won’t need grafting (which was a possibility if the skin didn’t re-connect – glad I didn’t know about that actually). Enough about me……

    Momara – please don’t give up ever, just come visit, accept the small victories because they add up quickly and if you fall, pick yourself up and keep going. We all have been there and are in here with you.

    Katla - men! You gotta love ‘em. Silver tongued devil indeed!

    LinC – great loss!!! You are kind to give your son’s labs some company and loving while he’s away.

    Nancy – your kids probably went to sleep to the cadence, not the lyrics thank heavens or they would have had nightmares. I never really thought about how macabre that GL song really is. I used to have a map of all the shipwrecks on the Great Lakes and the loss of life was amazing.

    Laura – your boss actually found a use for road kill – amazing! But when you think of it, probably better than just leaving it (although the scavengers probably would have appreciated it). I still love Lightfoot and also prefer to remember his great years and talent (however how come Leonard Cohen seems to be getting more popular as he gets older?) The pulled venison/elk recipe sounds good. If my neighbor/dog walker gives me some of her venison when she gets her deer, I’ll have an idea of what to do with it.

    JaneM – glad to hear you’re feeling better, maybe the Violet time did it! I’m knitting a sweater for DD2 for Christmas. Somehow knitting just relaxes me – what types of projects does your ladies’ knitting/crocheting group do? And how did the return to work out go for you?

    Linda Sundance – great that your ergonomic evaluation is set, I think that should make a difference.

    DeeDee – hey we have a Dee and a DeeDee now !

    Meg – how sad about your student’s finance, but how kind of the group to pull together to help. I know it’s kind of black humour but your comments about the KGB and Kremlin really were funny. Hope the old man kitty is doing okay.

    Liz – hope your day with the difficult group went well and I’m sure you get that group because you deal with them well – take it as a vote of confidence in your abilities.

    Lin – thanks for the good thoughts and DD1 is on the mend (see beginning of post).

    Jen – I know that change is challenging, roll with it as much as you can and make your plans. It’s good that you have two years of stability in front of you while you assess your situation.

    Janie – great on the 2# loss! I’m glad I read your post before I go to my first Xmas event, I’m going to avoid the grazing table.

    Michele – no, won’t ship a bike – just a small 12x18” package cost $43 to ship so I can’t even imagine what a bike would be. This way she can just pick out what she likes and pick up some panniers or a basket for it too.

    MaryC and Cheryl – looks like the gremlins are little thieves! Both of you losing things and your posts are right beside each other – weird.

    BJ – yup, Leonard Cohen fan here too, mostly his poetry more than his voice though. My grade 10 English teacher introduced us to Suzanne and I was hooked from then on. But Alleluia is my all time favourite.

    Anyway, going to go and make a cup of tea and do some knitting. Have a couple of good books on the go (Even Silence has an End, and City of Women) and it’s going to be an early night.

    Have a good one ladies, and I’ll try to check in on the posts tomorrow, oh and it’s almost December and I haven’t thought about the December goals yet.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    Just chiming in on the Gordon Lightfoot thing. My husband and I are also fans. I guess we were to 5 or 6 of his concerts over the years. Since we hadn't seen him lately, I didn't realize he was frail. We have a lot of tapes and also cds of his, but I like the thought of having remastered ones. Maybe that will be on my Christmas list:love:

    I made it through Thanksgiving well. My nieces made a lot of the food. One of them has to eat dairy free and gluton free so the mashed potatoes, dressing, sweet potato casserole, and some pies were made that way. They were good...except the crust on the pies. We just didn't eat that. My husband made the turkey on the grill. We do every year. I gained a pound but lost it within two days...YAY!

    Now it's back to zumba and I started doing the exercises from "Strong Women Stay Slim." I've had the book for years but never really used it. I'm pretty weak I think, but I hope to change that.

    Time for bed.
    Everyone, have a good week. (I'm over 60 and have lost about 60 pounds in the last two years...Just so you never give up. If I can, you can.)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. A cold and frosty one in London today.

    DH and I are back to the middle of the bed, he's getting over my hair and I'm getting over his rude comments about it!

    I need to accomplish lots today as I'm off to Germany bright and early tomorrow. Can't wait to see my baby girl!

    Will try to pop back later.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Kathy - I'm really glad Melissa and Tony won, too. What kind of windows did you get? I'm sure they'll help with the heating.

    Dee - this is the hard part of the year, so many holiday parties, etc. But you CAN do it. Log in here and you'll get lots of good ideas for strategies ---I know that I do

    Mary - yesterday I left my water mug at the gym. When I realized that I must have left it there, I called their front desk. Someone went and, sure enough, it was where I thought I'd left it so they'll hold it until I get back there. Is there someone manning your gym or does it close at a certain time (like 6 or 7). Do they have a cleaning person? Do they have a lost-and-found, the cleaning person might find it and turn it in there.

    wessecg - What a bummer you lost your scale. Then again, remember that a new one might weigh you lower. I'm thinking that I'd like to get a new one, the one I have right now just seems to measure to the nearest .5 of a pound so it's really not that accurate for a weigh in. Then again, I don't seem to be losing (just maintaining) anyway, so what is the difference? At least it does tell me whaen I'm going up too much.

    Renny - loved thoase quotes

    bjmcg - congrats on the 50 days! Great tracking. You're so right, so many of us have trials. One of the great things I find about this place is that we all share different strategies for dealing with those trials. We may not have them right at the moment, but when we do, then we know how to handle them.

    barbie - thanks for the reminder of the December thread. You are so great to keep this going

    lila - at one time I was secy' of a nonprofit, and one of the things that I didn't like was the grant writing. Some people can do it, others can't. Great that you can. Wonderful NSV! That's an inspiration to continue if I ever heard one. I like to do xstitch, crocheting, plastic canvas. Most crafts. I'd like to try my hand at stained glass if I ever find the time and also ceramics. But I'm not a good painter, which is why I've avoided the ceramics up until now.

    Oh, have a question for you ladies who use a protein suppliment. Last night I had some hot chocolate with a bit of protein suppliment in it (helped get the protein up, also got it on sale). I did find that it didn't mix up all that easily, after I finished the cup of hot chocolate I did find little lunps on the bottom. What do people do to avoid these lumps?

    Well, off to start the day.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Michelle, when I mix my protein shake up I use a little hand whisk (tiny thing that I got with some hot chocolate) - seems to work well.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Liz:smile: Hope your day went well!!

    Lila:smile: Glad you got to see DD#2 via video chat, isn`t it great what we can do these days! Hope DD#1 is doing better, no matter how old they are we want to make everything better for them:love: !

    Katla49:smile: Love your NSV...baggy pants noticed by hubby:smooched: :love: !

    DebA:smile: Good to see you again!

    LinC:smile: Love your "maids", mine need to get busy too! I like the idea of giving the weight away, I think from now on I`ll donate mine!!!

    Nancy:smile: Glad your back is feeling better! I enjoy wrapping gifts too, I just need to find the time to do it:ohwell: .

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats on getting .2 more off...total of 3.2 to play with over the holidays...yay you!!!!

    Teri:smile: The clock sure does fly faster these days:angry: !!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Glad you`re feeling better!!!

    Linda:smile: Hope DD#2 is feeling better:flowerforyou: ! I don`t miss those teenage years at all!!!

    Meg:smile: Congrats for you and Ginny, 1st and 2nd place...awesome!!!! Those nasty weight gremlins:angry: , they are alive and well at my house:grumble: , I think they weigh about a pound each and I`ve got 4 of them jumping on my back right now. I`ve tried smacking them off, walking them off, drowing them in water and hot tea and they seem to be multiplying:explode: :sad: !!! Oh my, your dad thought your precious girls were little KGB agents:noway: , he doesn`t feel that way now does he? Cat hanging on your boobs for dear life:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! Hope the Old Man (cat) is doing well. I just LOL at tuna flavored antibiotics:laugh:!

    Lin:smile: Glad your new coat fits!!! I bet you look good in it!

    Janehadji:smile: Have a wonderful visit and trip!!!

    Jen:smile: At least you are guarenteed 2 more years, maybe it will be better than before!!!

    Janie:smile: Good to see your smiling face! Congrats on those 2 pounds gone!!!!!! What an eye opener on those calories in appetizers:noway: !

    Kathy:smile: Yay for new windows!!! My doggie would not have been happy either, she`s very picky about who she wants in the house:laugh: !

    I have more replys, however I have no more time to spend on the computer:angry: ! I`ve been up since 4:45 this morning and I did get some of the things I needed to do done, however not enough:mad: ! Hopefully today won`t be as busy as yesterday and I can pop back in and finish!!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies –

    Almost December – gah! We were all marveling last night over how quickly the year has flown by. I can’t believe I was in France in May and can barely remember being there for all the other events since then! I don’t think next year’s going to be any better, but it will all be good.

    I’ve read all the posts but won’t respond to all of them (as promised lol). I will just chime in that I too am a GL fan, and thanks, Meg, I’m going to be downloading the newly mastered recordings asap!

    Congratulations to everyone on their wonderful eating control and weight loss over the past week – that’s a big accomplishment! I personally think the weight loss gods were watching out for us – but whatever it is I’m truly grateful for the loss too.

    Been having a tough time getting back into the exercise mode (ha!) after the ski trip, but yesterday I made myself do my next workout, and today I popped up and put in yoga without thinking about it, so I guess I’m back. I still want to catch up with the plyo workout I skipped on Tuesday, but that may have to wait until Sunday. I find I have a lot less motivation when it’s cold out – but I know once I get going I’m fine, it’s just the getting started part that’s hard. Today I plan on getting out for my walk – it’s supposed to be warming up again, so there’s really no reason not to, and I need to get myself into the mindset that it’s OK to be outside since I’m FORCING DH to help put up the lights this weekend :laugh:.

    Yes, Christmas decorations go up this weekend. I’m always a little mixed about it, particularly if we’re going away for Christmas, but we have some entertaining this year, and it’s a long season so I’m putting them up and will be happy about it. I remember one year I decided to skip it because we were going to be gone for quite a while during December, and boy did I regret it! My mom’s decorations were destroyed in the fire last year, so she told me she’s not planning on putting up anything. I’m pretty sure it’s going to make her sad – she always does up her house wonderfully. I’m also worried about her because she’ll be alone for the week – I may have to see if she wants to come over to Tahoe with us.

    Well, as you can see I’m just pondering life today lol. I have a ton of work to do, so I better get after it. Have a wonderful day everyone, and be sure you keep logging your food and water!


  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    So, for fun, a few pictures from Colorado. This is also a test :smile:.

    DH and I - down 30lbs each!


    DS and I - he didn't need to lose weight lol.


    And our Thanksgiving dinner - yes, that's a giant piece of cake on my plate, but I only had a few bites, seriously. I was stuffed!


    OK, I'm working on resizing - so far, no luck, but I'll figure it out!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Thursday morning, everyone

    It's "Pajama and stuffies" day at school today. That means we can all go to school in our PJ's carrying our favourite stuffed toys. Since I only have one pair of winter pajama pants, and I don't really want to wear them for a night and a day straight, :noway: I'll borrow DH's housecoat and go in that. Old Kermit the Frog (an original from the 1970's) will come with me.

    This afternoon we are doing some experiments testing the PH of various household products with red cabbage juice. I must get pictures of my young scientists with their test tubes and stuffed animals! :laugh:

    Laura80111, Congratulations on the .2 down even after your long weekend. :drinker: Well done.

    Jane, I hope your workout went well and you had fun with the knitting group.

    Linda – Sundance, I know you made it to the gym because I saw your update - well done. I grew up in a family of 4 sisters, I’ll bet my mum did her share of early morning PMS counseling. Bless you for being there when your DD#2 needed you :flowerforyou: . Mine always confided best in the early am too.

    Meg, Great NSV with the watch. Go you! Speaking of your DD#2 – good job you busted her at school. I used to do that with mine now and then, not say anything, just let her know that I knew, and I knew that she knew that I knew…:ohwell: Let her guilty conscience do the rest. Bubblegum flavoured medicine for a cat?

    Lin, You’ll have that really great winter coat on in no time! I am determined to buy a new ski jacket when we are in the city for Christmas. For the last eight years I’ve been wearing the one my DH left behind when she went of to university. It’s a size extra-large snow boarding coat. Another old lady wearing a marshmallow. :wink: Time for a change.

    Jen, oh dear. Change is tough, it really, really is. Hang in there, keep your stick on the ice. We’re all in this together (as Red Green would say)

    Janie, 12 calories in ONE tortilla chip? :noway: And used to think a whole wheat chip was a good option. Oh dear. Thanks for the description of your virtual buffet. I think I will adapt it for a classroom activity about making good food choices.

    Wessecg – Lost your scale? As I read your first sentence I was wondering how on earth that could happen. Now it makes sense. Oh dear. Maybe it’s in the barn with the hay???

    Bjmcq – What’s your master’s topic? I keep going back to school too, it’s just kind of fun to stay on top of the new stuff.

    Lila, we could have a book club! I usually read non-fiction, but I’m always on the look out for good stories.

    Oh, Amanda, have a super, super time in Germany with your dear girl.

    Gotta go wash my hair and mix up something nutritious and green for breakfast.

    Hasta pronto,


    PS: I will have regular clothes on under the housecoat!

    Watch this space for December goals to be posted on Saturday.
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Thursday to all!

    I am finally getting back into the swing of things after my Thanksgiving travels. I figured out I spent a total of 26 hours in the car with DH...and we didn't kill each other!!! LOL:laugh: Spending the holiday on the road was challenging however it was priceless and well worth the travel time to spend it with my daughters. DD#1 was spectacular at the Grand Ole Opry. The show always puts me in the Christmas spirit, although I am always late with decorating! We went onstage after the show and had our pics taken. She had on her rag doll costume, that is the only one I don't have her in a close up shot. Too cute! DD#2 flew in and was there. We found the downtown area with the honky tonk clubs entertaining. It is fun to do that with adult children!!! Especially ones that tolerate their parental units in small doses!!!:laugh: DH and I took a side trip to Shiloh, TN to the civil war battlefield. My G-G Grandfather died there fighting with the 13th Iowa Infantry in the Union. It was a moving experience and I got a LOT of walking in! The last stop to find was the initial burial place for the men and it was deep in the woods. Good thing DH has great map skills and after 35 minutes of searching we found the marker! It was rusted out and not painted for a long time making it very difficult to find. I spoke to the Park Ranger afterwards and he said he would have it painted to make it easier to find. All in all I am very happy I went, even though DH and I drove almost the entire state of Tennessee!!!

    Today I am at work avoiding the paper work pile on my desk. I am a school nurse at an elementary school. This morning a student was obviously sick and I phoned the parent for pick up. The response was, "I am on my way to work! Can you just give him a ginger ale and send him back to class?":explode: After explaining school policy she came and picked him up, probably dropping him at home to fend for himself while she went to work. My rant: OK I get you have to work. So do I. Kids are your priority. They are going to get sick. Times are tough it is true but do your J-O-B as a parent!!! School is not the place if they are sick!!!:explode: End of rant....

    I tried to catch up on posts but am replying to yesterday's only since I missed so much.

    Linda- Hope that PT is approved soon! Hope your DD transitions soon but good luck if you decide to home school
    DeeDee-Up since 0445? Wowser! Sometimes that time in the morning is very productive.
    Meg-Yay for your NSV and 2nd place in the challenge. Your kitty story had me rolling!
    Lin-Retirement suits you! Keepin busy!
    Jen-Good luck with your job transition. At least you have 2 years to make some plans.
    Janie-Congrats on losing 2 pounds!! Thanks for the holiday party calorie tips!
    LinCharpentie-Yay for 2 lbs!
    Kathy-Love the energy you have for cleaning your house. It is my least favorite chore....
    Michele-Great time management skills getting your coaster and planning to complete your cards!
    Mary C-Hope you find your Fitbit! I am asking Santa for one!!
    Wessecg- Hope you find or get a good replacement scale.
    Bjmcq-Day 50! WTG!!
    Barbie-Brrrrr! Glad you have the hotties for your pockets!! I know I would need them!
    Lila-Yay for your NSV and glad DD#2 back is getting better. You are a busy lady with your non profit! Lucky they have you!
    Edraper70-Congrats on your Thanksgiving victories and your Zumba class
    Amanda- Have fun in Germany with your baby girl!

    To all I have missed and everyone else-make it real folks! Perserverance is the key!

    Take care,
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Things have been hectic to say the least. I haven't had time to read and catch up with you all much less post myself. Just wanted to pop in for a sec and let you know I am still alive and kicking, lol.

    Need everyone to pray and think good thoughts. My interview for the job I would like to move up to is today, YIKES!! I hate interviews. I never feel like I make a good impression and always doubt my performance after they are over. At least I am familiar with the people doing the interview. I think it will help counteract anything I do to shoot myself in the foot since they have worked with me on other projects.

    Wish me luck. I will let you know what happens as soon as I know.

    Hope you are all well and I will try to block out some time to catch up tonight.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hi Nancy,
    i should have typed the whole thing out last night, but i was too tired. :yawn:

    Kellie set out a bunch of paper plates on a table, and each plate was labeled with the name of a common appetizer. She even

    had little cut-out pictures of each item on the plate~ it would work just as easily with the name..... we all "filled our plates",returned

    to our seats, and marked on the list she gave us, which ones we took, and how many. Then she went through the list with calorie

    counts, and we did the math to tally it all up. A REAL eye-opener! :noway:

    Hummus, 1 T.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    whoops! it DISAPPEARED! i'll try again:

    Hummus, 1 T. 23 cal.
    Cheese Dip, 1 oz. (1/8 cup) 50 cal.
    Spinach Dip, 1 T. 50 cal.
    Buffalo Chicken Dip, 1 T. 20 cal.
    1 Cheese Cube 17-34 cal.
    1 Wing Drumette 50 cal.
    1 Tortilla Chip 12 cal.
    1 Wheat Thin (original) 9 cal.
    1 Pita Chip 9 cal.
    1 Meatball 50 cal.
    1 slice of deli turkey 22 cal.
    1 slice of deli roast beef 32 cal.
    1 slice of deli ham 32 cal.
    1 oz. summer sausage 100 cal.
    1 melon cube 7 cal.
    1 Tortilla Roll-Up 50 cal.
    1 carrot stick 3 cal.
    1 celery stick 1 cal.
    1/4 cup Chex Mix 60 cal.
    1 shrimp 7 cal.
    1 mini cheesecake bite 78 cal.
    1 Christmas cookie 90-370 cal.
    1 small piece of fudge 70 cal.
    1 cup Eggnog (no alcohol) 340 cal.
    12 oz. regular beer 150 cal.
    5 oz. wine 135 cal.
    1 shot hard liquor 100 cal.
    5 oz. Margarita 232 cal.

    To quote Scrooge: BAH, HUMBUG! :wink:

    DO enjoy your holidays, but try to take it easy on the mindless calories! Try to BURN some cals on a regular basis, spend your

    party time visiting instead of eating, and drink that blasted water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hope this helps!

    Janie :flowerforyou:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning November gals,

    I can only reply to some, will check in later this evening…

    I hope everyone is having a great start to the day! Day 50 for me, I am tempted to weigh in, but that breaks my rule about not getting too attached to scale values….however had a great NCV….was heading to the washroom and the pants came down without undoing the button or zipper! Haa haa! Strange, but gotta collect them where you can! :laugh:

    Sasha- Lila, sounds like the famous homeless issues of BC are part of your responsibilites, that is one tough project. and while exermom hated grant writing, I always loved that part of fundraising, it gives you a direct connection from the need to the donor ! Yup, loved his early poetry more than his music, but you are right, Hallelujah is so amazing, and I love all the covers of it….

    And ….Are you reading Christine de Pizan’s City of Women? I have only read parts of it, and found it such an interesting defense of women’s intelligence and ‘being’. I should put it on my Christmas list! Hubby is getting Lightfoot, right?

    wessecgI keep wondering what kind of scale can measure hay bales and humans??? And fits in a car?

    Barbie and Exermom/Michele - So many of you are involved in two or three activities per day, Barbie does long walks and line dancing! I am just not there yet, but I hope to catch up to all the fun you are all having one day! Thanks for my 50 day celebration, you have made it a party!

    As for extra protein question, I notice that the men buy the powder and mix it because they use it for regular meals, I only use it as a supplement for snacks, so I spend the money to buy a good tasting one in liquid form, that way I do not need to worry about the lumps…..Oh Yeah is universally thought to be the best tasting….and I use part of it and put it back in the fridge for the next use, so it is not wasted.

    Amanda- I just saw a weather notice that said England is going to have the coldest winter ever experienced in last 100 years, and I thought last year was bad. Our English friends compared snowfalls with us all last winter, and they won! And we live in a famous snowbelt! Have a good time in Germany!

    :drinker: Cold but dry here in SWO, so I need to get out and get my exercise done, or I will never, ever catch up to Barbie !
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    We just did the "How much do you weigh without the bale," then "How much do you weigh holding the bale?". One bale was 60 pounds so I had a real hard time holding it long enough to see my weight while holding it. I sure hope I find the darn thing tonight.

    BTW - Mazaron - I just noticed that you're almost at your goal!!!! Yay to you. Hope I just you in the next few months.

    Exermom - you're right - maybe I can pick one that shows me every ounce. Mine only does .2, .4., .6 and .8.

    mwheat - I wish I could go skiing. I'm lousing at it, but I can't wait to see how it goes now that I have less weight and less pain in my feet. Who would have thought that just 23 pounds would make a ton of difference on how much pain I had in my feet??!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I cannot beleive that Olivia is walking already. she is only 10 months. Time is flying by.

    I have truly fallen off the wagon. I am eating badly and indulging to much. and not working out. I hate it when I get like this. I know I am slightly depressed and this behaviour only exaperates my depression. I need a swift kick in the behind please. The scale is creeping back up again.

    Bodi and Ritter have adapted well to being out in there wonderful kennel everyday. (Even in the cold and rain) I still can't beleive how much they truly love each other. It warms my heart to just watch them play and then cuddle. I have never had two animals so attached to each other.

    I hope I can try to get back into the swing of things and start contributing more to the posting here. It is just so hard with a stressful job and a bit of depression.

    Amanda, sometimes I wish the middle of the bed were empty. My DH wants to cuddle all the time and there are times I just need him to back off so I can sleep and that doesn't work very well.

    Have a thrilling Thursday ladies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad for Thursday,

    Meg- congrats on you and your workout partner at work in placing 1st & 2nd last week:drinker: Great NSV, I love it when my jewelry is fitting properly too.

    Lin-being busy and retired is my goal...or maybe it's just a dream of someday:ohwell: Love your description of you in your new coat:laugh:

    janehadji- I'm sure that with your list in hand you will get it all done in time....will be watching for your return after your visit with your daughter and your trip to Mexico...Enjoy:happy:

    Jen- sorry you got blindsided:cry: Hoping that the change will be for the better. Sorry to hear you hurt your back, but remember when there are things that are totally out of your control the one thing you can control is your eating...this is what I have been living by for the last year when all around me everything else has been out of my control...you can do it:flowerforyou:

    LincC- congrats on being high loser at your TOPS meeting:drinker:

    Janie- congrats on your "pound give away" and your lower inches:drinker: That's a great way to get into the holiday season. Your leader playing the game with the foods is a great idea for helping you see what the calories are that you could be eating at a holiday party. I really didn't like reading that list with the calories...I could feel the pounds just attacking my thighs and stomach...gotta do a workout just to feel better:blushing:

    Kathy- there is nothing like clean windows and knowing they are new and will help with the heating bill is a plus:flowerforyou:

    maryC-hoping your fitbit is there for you when you return:huh: Hoping someone honest found it.

    Cheryl- a missing scale? That would really cause me to panic:noway:

    Renny-yes he did have some great quotes:happy:

    bj-congrats on your 50 days:flowerforyou: It's becoming a habit.

    Barbie-hoping that it's nothing serious with your bike, I know you waited so long to get it:huh:

    Lila- sounds like you are really busy this holiday season. Congrats on your daughter noticing your loss...it's always encouraging when our kids give us the compliment:flowerforyou:

    edraper- congrats on losing that little extra from the holiday. I too did a bump and have lost it and a bit more...it just goes to show that if you keep at it you can succeed at this:drinker:

    Amanda- have a good trip and enjoy your visit...glad that the middle of the bed is being used again:wink:

    Michele- I eat eggs, egg beaters and fish and chicken and I'm usually over on my protein for the day...so I can't help you with the protein mixing...but am sure someone on here will know:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-sorry to hear the weight gremlins have attacked...hoping you find a way to get rid of them soom:wink:

    M- enjoy getting those decoration up. For years after the boys moved out hubby said he'd never do lights again because the boys were gone, but two years ago he came home with new lights and put them up...have no idea what changed his mind...maybe it was having grandsons:wink: Love the pictures.

    Nancy- how fun it must be for the kids wearing pj's and carrying their stuffed animals...that wouldn't work with me as I wear things that only my hubby sees:wink:

    Carolyn- glad your Thanksgiving was a success, how wonderful to be able to walk a Civil War Battlefield and then to find your GGGrandfathers grave. I'm sure that not many people do that today:flowerforyou:

    Jolene-sending good thoughts your way for your interview:flowerforyou:

    Robin- here's your swift kick...given with love:flowerforyou: when everything around you is out of your control take control of what you can and that would be what you eat, feed your stress with healthy choices...YOU CAN DO IT:drinker:

    Yesterday the boss was gone for almost the whole day and I got a lot done at the office ...so I'm hoping for another good one today. it would be such a good feeling to feel caught up by the time Christmas comes.

    When i went home yesterday I must have pulled a muscle in my neck as I could hardly move my head by the time I got home so I didn't get in any exercise...I feel like I really missed something by not exercising. Hoping to get something in tonight.

    We spent the evening getting caught up on our favorite shows "Once Upon A Time" and "Survivor" before I headed to bed. Hubbys favorite evening snack is sugar free jello and last night I felt that I should have some too...it was so refreshing and hardly any calories...I may just start making extra:bigsmile:

    Hubby works tonight an I'm going to make my fudge and then hide it...I think if I can do that then what's out of site won't be a temptation to hubby...I'll let you know:huh:

    Everyone have a good day, Remember to log your water (drink plenty it's really important), get some form of exercise in and log your food...let's make this season one of the best for all of us:drinker:
