Does it bother you...



  • conraj74
    conraj74 Posts: 182
    No it doesn't bother me. Everyone has different needs as far as calories go. If it works for them, then thats cool.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    ...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/

    It makes me a little jealous and sometimes a little dubious. I'm fine on 1200 calories a day, not starving or weak, and on days I am hungry, I just eat more. But other than days that I'm sick or something, I can't say it's ever a struggle to reach that number either. :laugh:

    But I don't see how there is any implication about anyone else when people say they get full easily.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I know some people are rude in the way they try to convince people on here to eat more, but I feel like you're exaggerating a little. Many of us aren't telling them to eat 1800-3000 a day -- I cannot eat that much and lose. But 1400-1700 is realistic, and that has been politely suggested by others, including me. And it's not just tall people who advocate this, I'm short (5'3) and I lose eating more than 1200 calories. I hope I've never come off as rude, and I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with people who have.

    But the rudeness goes BOTH ways, because I have seen people who eat at 1200, and sometimes lower, acting like they're better than everyone else because they have the discipline to eat less. There was a thread where someone did this just a few weeks ago and a lot of people were offended. Acting like your side is the ONLY side that has issues on this site is unfair.

    I didn't see the thread in question, and if someone thought she was better than someone else because she can eat less, shame on her. But there is an awful lot of judgment about 1200 calorie eaters: on the first page of this thread, there was some comment about how they are screwing up or something. Your statement about 1400 calories being realistic is realistic *for you*. That's why 1200 eaters get frustrated and annoyed. 1200 calories for me has a projected weight loss of .4 or .2 lbs a week, can't remember which. You may be short, but if you are heavier or are more active, you can eat more than a short person who is very light or isn't as active.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yes! It bugs the crap out of me. I've decided they're all lying.
  • MidgetGidget
    Actually I was going to post something about this, but then felt like people would think I'm weird or lying. I've been tracking my food on here for the last 5 weeks and it was going good. MFP gave me a 1200 cal/day limit and I was living with that. I learned to save a couple of hundred calories for after dinner because I usually get hungry then. But for the last week, I found that I wasn't getting hungry, but I was making myself eat to get close to the 1200 cals. I think this is because I've screwed up my eating... like missing breakfast. I'm trying to get back on track. But still the last few days, and tonight I'm not hungry.
    Anyway, this morning I weighed myself and was UP 1.5 lbs. I'm trying to figure out why because it's not too many calories.

    So, we are all individuals, but if we 're on here to lose weight, we're all just trying to come up with the best way that will work for us. I'm fat, no questions about that, but no because I'm a foodie... more because I'm not that interested in food and eat whatever is available out of boredom mostly. That's not everyone's issue, but it's mine.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Finally got around to rereading this thread and seeing the responses. I find it interesting that many of you assume that I'm getting defensive or that this is a manifestation of a personal issue for's not. There are SOME people on here who eat 1200 or less who are rude and condescending about it. There is an implied moral superiority because they're able to eat far less than everyone else and be "stuffed." I'm not saying EVERY person who eats that amount acts that way, but you can't say you haven't run into people on this board that do.

    I have never encountered anyone acting superior because they eat at 1200 per day. It is way more common to see people who eat 1400 freak out when someone says they eat at 1200 and say that they are ruining their bodies and no one can survive on 1200 a day. Really? 200 calories a day is the difference between life and death? I can understand if someone is eating 500 calories of celery a day, but come on, 200 calories is one donut.

    Life is too short to be bothered by such trivial things. Find something worse to be bothered by. Or look inside yourself to see WHY this bothers you so much. Are you happy with your success? If so, be happy and don't worry about others.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I think some people just like to talk smack.....I am on the 1200 ...and I could easily go over most days..

  • sskitka
    sskitka Posts: 33 Member
    ... When you gain back all you lost and then more on top of that?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Yes! It bugs the crap out of me. I've decided they're all lying.

    I'm not sure if you're joking but I concur! :)
  • sskitka
    sskitka Posts: 33 Member
    I agree and yes I am joking and thought that she was too.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Not really.

    I get to eat a lot of delicious good food that would never fit in a 1200 calorie plan. I did this and lost 20% of my body weight too. :tongue:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    ... When you gain back all you lost and then more on top of that?

    See? This is the attitude and remarks that are more frequently seen on here. Talk about superiority.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Yes! It bugs the crap out of me. I've decided they're all lying.

    I'm not sure if you're joking but I concur! :)

    And 2 more. Anyone keeping score?
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    ... When you gain back all you lost and then more on top of that?

    now why would you say something so mean and spiteful? because someone isn't losing weight doing exactly what you're doing? what an incredibly hateful thing to say.
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    No. MFP put me at 1200 and I can usually fill up on and not quite get to my calorie goal by eating a lot of fruits/veggies, lean meat, yogurt etc. I think activity level plays a big part. In the winter the only real exercise I get is on the deathmill :) so I have an almost sedentary lifestyle in the winter, hence I don't need that many calories. Today for example my calorie goal was 1550 because of exercise bonus points. I am 180 under that and won't eat anything else since I am staying at a hotel and the only food available is vending machine food. Am I hungry? A little, but not enough to fill up on junk or drive to the store for some string cheese. I do try to reach my goal everyday though so my metabolism doesn't slow down. I just think it all varies from person to person, activity level, etc. I personally gained some weight by eating only twice a day but eating things like pizza, fried food etc. Now I am eating every few hours and feel much better! Just do what works for you and don't worry about people that seem to be bragging.
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    I would actually like to be like some of the super in shape people on here who eat way more than 1200 calories and still look incredible! :laugh:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    It doesnt bother me just because i dont know their situation. That being said I think everyone needs to stop being so defensive and have an open mind. It isnt about people preaching to you to eat more, its really that you need to find the RIGHT calories for you, you shouldnt guess. Everyone's bodies burn differently and if you are undereating too much it will cause harm to your body in the long run. It isnt something that will happen tomorrow, but your body can only take so much before it starts fighting back.

    We are all overweight because we have things we obviously need to learn. Keep your mind open to learning new things and understanding this whole process more. Some people are meant to be around 1200 some are not. You dont know unless you check your numbers and find out whats right for you. There is no reason for anyone to have to defend themselves and get nasty to someone because they dont agree. I have learned a lot on here and have taken the advice of many others, after i took the time to research for myself and believe it to be a good step. I have completely changed a lot of the ways i do things because of the knowledgeable people on this site and i wouldnt have been able to do that if i didn't keep an open mind and listen to others that know more then i did. I pretty knowledgeable in some areas but not all and i am grateful for what i am learned.

    To the 1200 cal people, even though some people come off nasty and not helpful in their replies, there are a lot of others that a very helpful and just want to make sure you are in the right calorie range. When u eat too low your metabolism adjusts to the amount of fuel u give it and that is why you have no appetite and get full very quickly. I think its more people trying to help and others feeling attacked so these threads go on and on. Listen to each other and be open to learning new things, especially if you are someone that is new to the whole process.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am still hungry after 1200 calorie meals.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member

    I have never encountered anyone acting superior because they eat at 1200 per day. It is way more common to see people who eat 1400 freak out when someone says they eat at 1200 and say that they are ruining their bodies and no one can survive on 1200 a day. Really? 200 calories a day is the difference between life and death? I can understand if someone is eating 500 calories of celery a day, but come on, 200 calories is one donut.

    Life is too short to be bothered by such trivial things. Find something worse to be bothered by. Or look inside yourself to see WHY this bothers you so much. Are you happy with your success? If so, be happy and don't worry about others.

    What bothers or doesn't bother me is none of your business. And it's not your place to tell me what I need to do to feel better about myself. If anyone seems bothered by this thread, it's you, since you attack my opinion every time I post about this topic. If you disagree, why not keep scrolling and leave me alone? I asked if some people in the 1200 crowd bother MFPers. They don't bother you. You answered the question. Move on.