Single Mom leaves no tip



  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    When I was working as a waitress, I once had a family come in and they spent about $70. They left $.15 on the table for tip. The service wasn't bad at all (in fact they were the only ones in the restaurant at the time). I think lots of people don't realize that waiters essentially live off tips and not the $2.00 hourly wage.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I always tip no matter if it is poor service or exceptional service.

    why the hell would you tip for poor service? a tip expresses your gratitude, why would you have gratitude for poor service? Tipping for poor service is just condoning their bad behavior! Tips are for excellent or exceptional service.
  • AaronG190991
    Tipping, not even once,

    Dont want to go to America cause of this

    really? something like that would hold you back?

    Its' stupid, even if i ran a $1000 bill up i still wouldn't tip, they're getting paid to do their job, its not like they're doing it for free
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I always tip no matter if it is poor service or exceptional service.

    why the hell would you tip for poor service? a tip expresses your gratitude, why would you have gratitude for poor service? Tipping for poor service is just condoning their bad behavior! Tips are for excellent or exceptional service.

    Well I have never experienced "poor" service. All the waiter has to do is bring out your food and drink and refill on drinks. If they are rude to me or are drunk or something like that I would speak to the manager about it, and request a new waiter, but I would still leave a tip. A lot of restaurants I go to they split the tips amongst each other.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    In Oregon everyone makes at least minimum wage and that's over $8.00 an hour. Which states are waitstaff only making $1 an hour?

    In Texas, waitstaff is paid like $2.14 an hour. I saw someone in this thread mention Massachusetts was at $2.63.
  • coastie_wife07
    My husband always tip, sometimes the correct amount and sometimes a little less, but never nothing.

    I do know that in same places in N.Y. if you don't tip they will come looking for you to pay (police involved and all)
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    After spending $138 on a meal. Let me have $138 dollars! But seriously wouldn't the waiter be fired for sharing this online?

    wow rude - she can spend 138.00 on a meal...she must be bringing in some nice coin for being a single mom... Being a single mom doesnt give you a right to use as an excuse... she could have bought a lot of groceries for 138.00 if times were bad that she couldnt afford a tip....
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Tipping, not even once,

    Dont want to go to America cause of this

    really? something like that would hold you back?

    Its' stupid, even if i ran a $1000 bill up i still wouldn't tip, they're getting paid to do their job, its not like they're doing it for free

    i understand you dont like the system but that shouldnt be a reason to not travel to a country.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    You are incredibly rude to imply that I am old and out of touch. That is a current website. by the way.
    No tip for you.

    you are rude because you tip too low. and no need to tip me i am not a server but i make sure to treat those that wait on me with respect by tipping 20% and more if they go above and beyond. you probably tip on the the before tax amount and on the discounted rate after a coupon as well. am i right?

    Screw you, *kitten*.

    its obvious you cant discuss this without getting upset so ill just say good day. :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Tipping, not even once,

    Dont want to go to America cause of this

    really? something like that would hold you back?

    Its' stupid, even if i ran a $1000 bill up i still wouldn't tip, they're getting paid to do their job, its not like they're doing it for free
    The point is these staff make a pittance and rely on tips to live. It's very backwards to me, coming from Europe where it's entirely discretionary. If something costs £45 I'll probably leave £50 but thats about as involved as it is.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    b s
  • lynnacuff
    single mom sorry looks like it was written by a different person, maybe the waitress was the single mom?
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Looking at the receipt a little closer, I don't even think this is real..
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    B!&@^ .... Leave at minimum of 15%. I leave at least 20% unless they are really bad. I waitressed my way through college. My hourly rate was $1.85 PLUS TIPS. I'd have never been able to survive if it weren't for the tips, and there were still far too many ramen noodle meals in there!

    Here's my new question: Why do people take such low paying jobs, I just don't get.

    I understand times are hard right now, and have been for a few yrs, but I hear a lot of people speaking in past tense, why take a job for $1,85 an hour, just boggles my mind.

    you have to start somewhere...I married at 16 and had an abusive husband..after 2 years, he ran off with his GF, and left me with a child...I knew nothing of the Welfare system...I HAD TO FIND A JOB in order to be able to pay the rent and buy food, I had no car so I found a job waitressing near my home...It paid $1.00 hr (I found out later that they actually paid .75 hr to inexperienced)... it was very hard, and I was allowed tips, but one of the other girls always took them (I actually observed this) tips for a day usually came to $2.00 total...I complained to the owner who fired her... After that, I did move on.from that restaurant in particular..but for years, I didn't have any other skill, so had to continue in this last waitress job was in banquets, at the Hilton, and tips were written into the bill, it releived me of the mental stress of tipping, so that I could concentrate on service... I actuelly was able to give better service with this....everything was paid to me on my paycheck each time...

    I did, however, later in life...go to college, and now gainfully employed...I now have an office job, and make a decent wage...I eat out frequently, and ALWAYS leave a tip...I am still single and remember the days when I did this......when the servers see me coming, at my fave restaurant, they automaticcaly bring me my drink and sit me at my FAVE table...and alot of times, I get my meal BEFORE those that have already been seated...
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I hardly ever eat out, but when I went to New York on vacation this year I read about tipping and it changed my outlook. Basically the system is flawed by forcing you to give tips, but if you do not give tips you abuse the waiting staff. e.g. in many places, the restaurant assumes that all will get a tip, and it has to be shared in some way with other staff. Failure to give any tip at all, forces that water/waitress to give out of their own pocket to for the tip you failed to leave.

    I gave around 18% on all the meals I ate out in NYC, and budgeted it by not eating out at breakfast. If the service had been sub-standard i would have tipped less, but not zero.

    Also, give the top in cash, not on your credit card
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am a server and I am a mom. Let me break this down for you people who don't understand. I make 2.13 an hour. My paychecks are zero. ZERO DOLLARS. Because we get taxed on 15 percent of our food sales... Yes, the government assumes we make atleast 15 percent. We also have to tip out an expo, food runners, bussers and bartenders which is roughly 5 percent of the meal. So, in this scenario I'd be PAYING for that woman to eat out of my own pocket. That's right. I'd be paying the restaurant roughly 7 bucks for her tab. PLUS the government will be taxing me on the "assumed" 18 bucks. So, yeah. That lady can suck it.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I always tip no matter if it is poor service or exceptional service.

    why the hell would you tip for poor service? a tip expresses your gratitude, why would you have gratitude for poor service? Tipping for poor service is just condoning their bad behavior! Tips are for excellent or exceptional service.

    Because you have to remember that even servers have bad days and off days. There are times when I KNOW I can do better and I feel so horrible but have to work to scrap by. I won't be on my game all the time, and I try to always remember that. I may not tip my server the 20% I'd tip excellent service but I know how much that server makes and I know that douchbag customers can put me in a funk to make my night really bad as well.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I always tip no matter if it is poor service or exceptional service.

    why the hell would you tip for poor service? a tip expresses your gratitude, why would you have gratitude for poor service? Tipping for poor service is just condoning their bad behavior! Tips are for excellent or exceptional service.

    Because you have to remember that even servers have bad days and off days. There are times when I KNOW I can do better and I feel so horrible but have to work to scrap by. I won't be on my game all the time, and I try to always remember that. I may not tip my server the 20% I'd tip excellent service but I know how much that server makes and I know that douchbag customers can put me in a funk to make my night really bad as well.
    I'm sorry no.
    I realize that servers make crap money at work.
    With me you get what you give. Give me great service and me like most will tip likewise.
    Wear a chip on your shoulder and I won't.
    I don't leave my house and pay to eat out to deal with somebody else's attitude and then have them expect a good tip.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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