MFP Drama that makes me lol....



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ..... Well, I am a guy who don't often post on the forums and on a typical week get about 10 Friend Requests. ...

    Joined Feb 2012

    Posts: 2,342

    You call that not posting often?

    Compared to many others in the community, not really. But I can see your point that it is higher number than many
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    It amazes me that people can be so full of themselves that they set rules for having friends. What kind of conceited *kitten* does that?

    <---- this conceited *kitten*. And IDGAF.


    Well ya do GAF cuz you had to reply to tell us that YDGAF :)

    Just out of curiosity you write "Friend requests: I DO NOT ACCEPT FRs WITHOUT A NOTE INDICATING WHY YOU WANT TO ADD ME." What reasons do you fear people adding you that you have to know why they want to add you?
  • Starbreezeunicorn
    Starbreezeunicorn Posts: 20 Member
    It amazes me that people can be so full of themselves that they set rules for having friends. What kind of conceited *kitten* does that?

    <---- this conceited *kitten*. And IDGAF.


    OHHHH so many thing I want to say but shant for fear of my grandmother reaching out of her grave and slapping me:)

    The meer fact you posted on this thread means you do GAF .

    You don't belong in this happy post thread go hang out with the cool kids on your friends list (if this is against forum rules to say im sorry and I will erase it :)
  • ohmelgosh79
    ohmelgosh79 Posts: 118 Member
    I accept everyone, I don't care what you eat or don't eat...I don't care if you send me a message with your request or not...the more people, the bigger the party :smile:

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    It amazes me that people can be so full of themselves that they set rules for having friends. What kind of conceited *kitten* does that?

    <---- this conceited *kitten*. And IDGAF.


    OHHHH so many thing I want to say but shant for fear of my grandmother reaching out of her grave and slapping me:)

    The meer fact you posted on this thread means you do GAF .

    You don't belong in this happy post thread go hang out with the cool kids on your friends list (if this is against forum rules to say im sorry and I will erase it :)

  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member


    you're trying too hard to let us know you don't care with each post letting us know you don't care.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    Don't forget the "I am no longer accepting friend requests at this point in time" people. The "populars"

    haha...really??? How many FR's are these people getting and what are they doing that they have to announce they are no longer accepting friend requests??

    It's like those people on facebook that have to let you know every move they make all day.

    How is that the same thing? They just don't want to be friend collectors. The purpose of this is to be supportive of their current friends when their lists get overly large.

    You can't win. Accept everyone, and you're a "collector." Don't accept, and you're a snob.

    I accept everyone who doesn't give off creeper or spammer vibes. But having been here a long-*kitten* time and being a blabbering big mouth, I've ended up with a lot of friends and get a lot of requests. I don't know why the hell so many people want to add me. Sometimes, I have to purge inactive members to make room for new friends. And that makes me a bad person, too.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member


    you're trying too hard to let us know you don't care with each post letting us know you don't care.

  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    When people "threaten" to deactivate their account in a "Poooooor me....good bye cruel world" type of way...Frucking Drama Queens....

    Yepp see ya!

    In response to the "no message, no accept" (which I have)..I just think its plain lazy and rude not to introduce your self. It takes but a second!
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    There was 1 recently where some1 produced this diatribe about a MFP friend deleting her.....can't imagine why some1 would delete a person w such passion :P
    inb4 "Yeah the 'people who care enough to make a post on MFP people'"
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    When people "threaten" to deactivate their account in a "Poooooor me....good bye cruel world" type of way...Frucking Drama Queens....

    Yepp see ya!

    In response to the "no message, no accept" (which I have)..I just think its plain lazy and rude not to introduce your self. It takes but a second!

    Threatening to leave MFP is like threatenign to leave home when you were a kid. Everybody knows you're doing it for attention and will be coming back soon and nobody really cares
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It amazes me that people can be so full of themselves that they set rules for having friends. What kind of conceited *kitten* does that?

    <---- this conceited *kitten*. And IDGAF.


    OHHHH so many thing I want to say but shant for fear of my grandmother reaching out of her grave and slapping me:)

    The meer fact you posted on this thread means you do GAF .

    You don't belong in this happy post thread go hang out with the cool kids on your friends list (if this is against forum rules to say im sorry and I will erase it :)

    lolz - I actually find it amusing to post gifs thats all dear.

    And if you did not realize I can post where I want....images17.jpg

    I find your comment about a happy thread very ironic considering your posts btw. It makes me lol.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Well, I only have friends who I actually know face to face. That takes care of that...if I see their news feed reporting success and I want to know their good ideas, I just call them or email them and ask them personally. Problem solved.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    troublemaker lol
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    g too hard to let us know you don't care with each post letting us know you don't care.


    I like the other one better before you edited and changed it.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

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    MyFitnessPal Staff
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