What kind of eater are you?



  • hellzak
    hellzak Posts: 31 Member
    I do good during the day and then poorly at night. I love salty and sweet and tend to eat when i'm bored.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I just eat too much. Of everything. And I have a strong desire to eat stuff that has no benefit to me nutritionally, whatsoever. If one is good, three are better.

    This new lifestyle I'm trying to put together is a total paradigm shift from all of that. I'm trying hard to weigh (pardon the pun) the benefits of anything I eat, BEFORE I eat it. Is it worth the cost?

    I'm having a a rough afternoon and frankly, I'd love to dive into a package of Oreos and a glass of milk and say screw all of this. I'm not gonna, but I'd love to...
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I have struggled with binge eating in the past as well. Now I consider myself a snacker... I have to snack all throughout the day and spread out my calories to be able to not binge! I also have to make sure I'm eating enough calories—none of this 1200 stuff!

    This totally! I have been doing really well lately, but I have to eat lots of little meals throughout the day to keep it in check. I prefer appetizers to meals any time of the day.
  • Sabrina__26
    I am someone that restricts to the point of starvation for months and then binge eats only junk food for months. Hopefully will change this now!
  • torchyew
    torchyew Posts: 13 Member
    snacker/emotional eater
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I eat when I'm bored , when I'm sad , when I'm drunk ( haha) basically I want to eat at ALLL times . But when I want to eat now I just grab a bottle of water and drinking it makes me full :)
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I used to binge very frequently, like every few days, until I decided to lose weight the slow, steady, positive way & stop restricting myself so much. Now that I'm "allowed" to eat more, AND that I don't make any food "off limits" as long as I limit myself & am wise about it (so for example, I can have one cookie after I've had my grilled chicken and veggies), binging has become a very rare occurrence. In fact, within the past 6 weeks I've been doing this the healthy way, I've only had four days I would consider "binges" (but even still, I was only about 700 calories over my limit those three days, instead of thousands like I've often done in the past), and they were all within the same week, about four weeks ago. I think it's safe to say I won't have another one for a very long time. *knocks on wood*

    Now, my relationship with food is quite healthy. I eat things I like that fill me, & are as nutritionally beneficial as possible. I don't eat my feelings & rarely out of boredom anymore. And I eat 3 times a day pretty much every day.
  • arival
    arival Posts: 25
    evening eater for sure but also before i did I.F i was always craving junk food after training with weights and cardio, really weird, i guess it changed when i started working out earlyer in the day with I.F
  • Sabrina__26
    I used to binge very frequently, like every few days, until I decided to lose weight the slow, steady, positive way & stop restricting myself so much. Now that I'm "allowed" to eat more, AND that I don't make any food "off limits" as long as I limit myself & am wise about it (so for example, I can have one cookie after I've had my grilled chicken and veggies), binging has become a very rare occurrence. In fact, within the past 6 weeks I've been doing this the healthy way, I've only had four days I would consider "binges" (but even still, I was only about 700 calories over my limit those three days, instead of thousands like I've often done in the past), and they were all within the same week, about four weeks ago. I think it's safe to say I won't have another one for a very long time. *knocks on wood*

    Now, my relationship with food is quite healthy. I eat things I like that fill me, & are as nutritionally beneficial as possible. I don't eat my feelings & rarely out of boredom anymore. And I eat 3 times a day pretty much every day.

    This is exactly like me. For years I've been restricting/binge eating. Now, I've decided to lose weight in a much healthier way. I'm still scared that I'll binge though. I've been doing this May but usually I can restrict for months on end without needing to binge even once. Hope this time I just won'e want to binge as I'm not starving like usual. Fingers crossed - for us both!
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I use to binge almost everyday. But now I have slowed it. I still binge somtimes but not as bad as I used to. Nights are when I'm hungry the most. So I try to find something to do. I also do graze around when I'm bored. But I've switched to more healthier options so my calorie intake isnt sky-rocketting.
    Getting over my ED is going pretty well.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Eat more of stuff I DON'T need on the weekends and at night.
  • paigeslims
    I used to be a binge eater ! now I'm a very strict eater and eat natural and clean food :)
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    binge/compulsive over-eater.. trying sooo hard to change this fact about myself. as I college student, i'm stressed a lot. i'm working on finding better ways to re-channel my stress into more productive, less harmful activities. feel free to add me! i'm always looking for support and to help support!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member

    However I eat small meals through out the day. This is better ofr me.

    Yet I am an emontal eater. I am learning to control that.

    However, I eat a lot of salads..So maybe also, a rabbit.
  • walkermom58
    walkermom58 Posts: 86 Member
    For many years, I was a yoyo dieter and eater. I would go through periods of eating good, healthy,low calorie, low fat foods. Then would start eating sweets and get out of control. I mostly ate good foods, but way too much of it and still would have those times of eating one cookie leading to 8 or 10 without even stopping to think of what I was doing. Then the remorse would set in. I was so unhappy with this out of control lifestyle. But since July 2012, MFP has really worked for me! Get to 1200 calories and stop eating, period!

    The website has so many good ways to help me stay on the calorie plan. I'm still having trouble being consistent with the exercise, but I do get about 5000-6000 steps every day which helps!

    Don't give up! Keep working at your goal! You can do it and you'll feel so much better!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I eat all day long.. don't know what I am.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I generally like to eat whole quality food as much as possible, but I do indulge every once in a while. I'm meticulous about hitting my nutrient goals.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'm a routine eater. On weekdays, my eating schedule is spot on. I eat a small snack when I get to work at 7AM, breakfast on my 9AM break, then lunch at 12, then a snack on my 3PM break, then a pre workout snack when I get home at 4:30, then dinner at 7, then a bedtime snack at about 9PM.

    Weekends are a completely different story. Without a routine in place, I often lose track of time and forget to eat (which is stunning because I love food) and don't eat enough, which is the opposite of most people's weekends. After one Saturday a couple of months ago when I was lightheaded, nauseated, and figured that the cause was only having eaten 700 calories by 4PM, I started making an effort to stick to an eating schedule on weekends.

    I do have one food trigger, and that's reading. I have a compulsion to snack when I read, but I try to keep it to under 200 calories. Sometimes I'll eat a serving (or two) of popcorn or chips and sometimes I'll have grapes or raspberries, but I always count out the serving, eat it slowly, and when it's gone, it's gone, even if I still read for a while longer.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    I would call myself an "expert" eater... LOL
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I'm a social eater and do fine until I go out to eat. Which is a lot. I don't eat a lot...but I don't make the best choices.